Filil dies

Posted by
Talan [legacy]
14 June 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Two things... Filil lost 3 stats and 1 skill from this kill. What the hell is the point of a kill now? My fines will almost make it a profit for him. Saph sword. What the fuck? he had 190 hp when i backstabbed, straight to dlsg. Someone balance that this piece of shit.


  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    21 June 2003 12:29:33

    If someone can truly roleplay then sooner or later he will earn respect from the playerbase. Wasach is not a true Rper. He lets the situations other people put him in determine how he plays his role. I can never respect Wasach until he can see the truth and see beyond his noob tendencies.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    21 June 2003 12:13:50

    Awww fuck i'm a loser i'll explain myself. Wasach says that he is able to expand and delve into his character through the sparring that he calls RP. He says that his opponents and his friends have the time and ability to show thier true RP prowress when they are engaged in thier sparring.

    However, if Wasach was hunted down and gang banged...he would not try to RP his character. He would not be able to delve into who Wasach really is.... He would report them to the lawsystem, which is his god-given right, and hope it never happened again.

    True Rpers, always RP, they dont need friendly surroundings to RP. They always show thier character no matter what happens. If something as fucking gay as getting PKed changes how you Rp your char then you have absolutely no right to even act like you are an Rper.

    I am better than you....and i'm sure as fuck better than your pal too.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    21 June 2003 12:03:19

    When i read Wasach's posts I lose all faith in mankind. Also, Rougan is gay, streak is gay, Wasach's son is gay, and Rhoads is gay. TYVM!!

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    19 June 2003 18:20:50

    Nicu's off topic! block him! :P

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    18 June 2003 16:38:51

    Wasach, Streak, Intulor and Derekein got temporary blocks. I strongly encourage moving topics like this to the **forums** where the rules are less strict. Otherwise I'll have to close it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 June 2003 16:06:49

    And by block, I mean the block that comes with the warning, and that depends on how many you have, in your case Streak (wasach and direkein as well) no warnings so far.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 June 2003 16:05:01

    When I tell you something, it counts as a verbal warning so hold your tongue, you were already blocked in the past and should hold a little bit that you are here with this account by the grace of someone.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    18 June 2003 15:17:24

    *never //received// any

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    18 June 2003 15:14:42

    I've never any 'verbal warning', and you have -no- reason whatsoever to block me, dork.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 June 2003 13:47:08

    Wasach, Direkein and also Streak, last verbal warning, next will come with a block.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 June 2003 09:02:49

    Streak, never mess with or talk shit about a man's family...cause then it don't matter what got, cause it ain't enough.

    Direkein, maybe I misread your posts...sure sounded to me like you suicided over the change. Funny how alot of people told me in the mud that's why also...I mean how would you interpret this:

    'I apologize to the Ainur who will once again be disappointed in me and my big mouth, but what the fuck?! If you want to shut me up all you have to do is tell us what you're planning so I can either understand the reasons behind this rather extreme change in direction or suicide if this is the way you want the Two Towers.'

    As for doing something in the mud...been trying, kind of hard with no hunters and it's not like DH is immune to hanging out in their GuildHall for hours on end. If you want some hardcore proof...ask Balder about the run he got the other day.

    oh and yes, this is're a bitch, no you're a bitch, no YOU'RE a is rather funny ain't it.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    18 June 2003 06:56:48

    Leave the comments alone, they're funny as hell

  • Author
    Horuss [legacy]
    18 June 2003 05:53:38

    I think the comments are out of control here finally and they need to stop. Whoever is in charge of this section needs to stop em. Way to much whinng from both sides. Man it started at one thing and now its way off in a different direction. I would personally wipe this off if I could and erase it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 June 2003 05:52:42

    Now you are offending each other irl? Gosh you are all pathetic.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    18 June 2003 05:31:37

    let's see you use those blackbelts when you're clawing desperately at your eyes trying to get rid of the painful burning from the can of mace i just let loose on you.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    18 June 2003 05:26:56

    I bet they love Streak at airports.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    18 June 2003 05:09:45

    I have 57000 black belts!

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    18 June 2003 04:47:59

    //Maybe he was right?//

    I'm always right Direkein. ; )

    Wasach, I have three black belts, and always carry a pair of nunchaku and a set of throwing knives on my person. So bring it, clown. :-P

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    18 June 2003 04:08:21

    Wasach, before you start making assumptions as to why I suicided you might want to do your research. It had nothing to do with the change, dumb fuck. Strange that you think I sound like a bitch, you ARE a little bitch. So how about this, instead of talking big on the log page, how about you and your manly knights do something for a change, rather than just talk shit? Lets see if you can do something other than run your mouth.

    Btw, sounds like Streak hit a sensitive spot. Maybe he was right?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 June 2003 03:29:50 ever say a word about my son again and I'll find you irl and if you are under 18, I'll beat the crap out of your dad and older brother(s) but if you are 18 or older, I'll lay the biggest ass whooping you've ever seen or heard of right on your head.

    As for in the game, every character you have that I uncover is going to become my personal bitch. Everytime I log on, I'll be looking to put them in a grave until I feel satisfied.

    oh and don't think I will forget...ever, I've got a great memory when it comes to things like this.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 June 2003 03:25:45

    1)am I the GM of my Guild? no. Kash and Ellsy were given passes and there was nothing I could or can do about it (recall I was in hibernation when all this began). Do I agree with it, no I don't and I've said exactly that to the Knights Council already.

    2)If we were hiding inside our GH and none of us ever left than I guess you guys have scored zero kills on any KoDA members and you guys haven't been attempting me every time I log on...oh wait, you have!! Guess we haven't been hiding inside our GH now have we?

    3)I've only set triggers to bandage my fellow Knights and Wyngel...because I respect him and he would fight me at the drop of a hat, no matter what his condition or mine (as I'd fight him at the drop of a hat too). I did bandage Tantor the other day because I attacked him and he had all of 30 hp and that just wasn't I bandaged him out of mercy. Which is one of my 'rights' as a Knight, the power to grant mercy to ones enemies. However, it is painfully obvious yo do not know anything about Knights so I'll let that one pass.

    4)I don't know shit about the change because it hasn't affected me negatively? oh boo hoo, I never took you for a cry baby. So what if it hasn't affected me badly, perhaps it affects me in a good way and that's how I know what I know about the change. Maybe if you weren't such a pussy and suicided without letting the change take it's full affect you'd might have a different opinion.

    I guess I answered your 4 and not just your 2. You suicided like a bitch, and now you just sound like one. I'm still playing the mud, you gotta role with the punches and play the cards dealt by the Gods. So I guess all your talk about what great players you are and how wicked good you are at the game is bullshit...because when the first thing that comes along that you can't handle, you bitch out.

    Hugs and Kisses


  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    18 June 2003 00:05:39

    And Streak adding things 100 levels below the already low level of chatter.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 June 2003 23:14:42

    I can resume this thread of discussion to this:

    Evil people whining about a lot of things

    Moral people whining about a lot of things

    Some random comments from some random people here and there

    Rhoads whining about everyone else whining

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    17 June 2003 22:12:01

    **This** //is// /__ a __/ **///__test__///**.

    Sorry for the spam. :-P

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    17 June 2003 22:07:26

    You and many others are using the term 'role-play' in too narrow a meaning, Nagash. But on that particular aspect, if you ask my personal opinion, I think a reconsideration of our recruitment policy is/will be needed given the drastic change going on in the mud.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    17 June 2003 22:06:18

    the log = /__the log__/

    Damned styles not working.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    17 June 2003 22:03:26

    Someone started a forum discussion on this. Why don't some of you head over there, hmm? Comemnts on logs are supposed to be in reference to /__the log__/ ya know. ; )

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    17 June 2003 21:56:57

    You have a child Wasach? I pity him. You're hardly mature enough to be a father.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    17 June 2003 21:31:59

    Will you manually follow ERs, bandaging them and whatnot, Rougan? It's finally a chance for you to get your roleplay more real.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    17 June 2003 20:34:25

    Let me answer your questions, Direkein.

    1. No, it did not start there, and it really startles me you are bringing such lies up here as if they were true; I think ya started to believe in your self-created alibis. In Cliffton's case, Jonny was not in RP combat with Cliffton's pk party, and Im not sure whether Jonny was in RP combat at that instant with anyone else in the castle. That's nothing different from you pkilling Blizzard, and attempting me right after as we left your Tenzek camp clean.

    2. Although this is none of your business, I'll give a brief explanation as you are attacking our thematical fit. We gave them partial entrance (that is entrance to a couple of cosmetic rooms) because in our RP fights, especially with DH, attackers had the habbit of following them to their deaths as they helped us.

    And a corrections. The RP treaty in use among the major guilds of Arda has no bandaging constraint. It even permits manual hunting. Your ignorance is due to your refusal to see any 'RP treaties'.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 June 2003 20:33:42

    Haha, Intulor :)

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    17 June 2003 19:01:02

    Wasach, if you're gonna whine, tell the whole story.

    you said 'What are the two rules that every guild abides by in RP combat? No hunting and no reporting' True, but you forgot to mention when a mortal enemy falls in combat, bandage them. <-- Great RP.

    In your rants you seem to be making such an effort to express to DH how you have such wonderful character development, while nobody in DH has any personality. You point out that in solo 'RP' battles, you talk alot. Well, wow.

    When you were in conflict with us, the only attempts at defining your characters further was you all logging in and hiding in your guildhall for hours at a time. So unless you were trying to Roleplay cowards in a bar, you didn't do shit. CoDA.

    But as you'll defend: We wanted to RP in the future so we didn't go outside so we could be slaughtered by you guys. I'll give you that as a good argument, cause we would slaughter you.

    But since you're so big on 'we follow a real Theme and Roleplay' while 'You guys just powerplay and do whatever you want', answer me these questions? 1. Did this conflict start when Korath, and Cliffton (obviously two noble Knights who stick to these RP rules you blather so much about) hunted Jonny out of RP combat? or some other way? 2. Why do you invite or give passes to Ellsabiea and Kashmirny for weeks at a time when they are not Dunedain, and one of them is an assassin? Does them technically not being 'actual' members allow you to depart from that roleplay and Theme you claim to hold so dear? Yet you invite an assassin of a different race into your guild. Why? To further your roleplay somehow, no doubt.

    You don't know shit about this change cause it hasn't impacted you negatively in the slightest. You also don't know shit about RP, cuase other than that pussy foot-shit you and the rest of your CoDA play. If you want to call it RP, fine.

    But answer those two questions for me, since they seem to be in conflict with the very things you are arguing? Try and validate the pure bullshit coming out of your mouth by answering those two, will you? Cause I'm interested in how you'll try to twist those into a rational answer.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 June 2003 17:54:10

    Intulor are you really an idgit or do you just play one in the mud?

    What I was saying was this...

    You want to cause damage to your enemy, so you WANT to pk him/her, right?

    Well, you don't want to pK him because he reports you and you pay fines. The more you get reported, the more you pay in fines. It still works out since the guys loses more in stats/skills than he'll get from you in fines.

    Along comes this change to death and now people might actually reap a profit when you kill them.

    EXCEPT that if someone dies in RP combat (without hunting) he/she cannot report...because it was RP combat.

    Jeez, I didn't think I'd have to spell it out for you guys...

    Look at it like this, the less you lose in stats, the quicker you relevel, the quicker you enemy relevels, the quicker you can kill a maxed level 19. I mean how much boost does your ego get from killing level 14s? Or are you all just that pathetic?

    Hugs and kisses


  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    17 June 2003 16:12:33

    someone translate that long (the newest one) post from wasach for me.

    this part was really perplexing /

    bunchajackoffs. You die in RP combat, you dead and you get no gold from the person/people that did it. morons.

    *gasps in astonishment* Did the Ainurs just bend to the small percentages need to try and pK every player that crosses their alias? I think so!! But did they also manage to enhance the RP flavor of the game? I think so!! buncha mealy-mouthed cry-babies.

    oh yeah, did your dumbass call me a pacifist? wtf! You don't know thing one about me, so don't try acting or speaking like you do, lame ass Streak wannabe.

    reminds me of that cheerleader in 'not another teen movie' who's always yelling that random shit

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    17 June 2003 15:42:27

    Well now the assassins should be allowed to hunt in RP ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 June 2003 15:26:00

    Btw, the main topic of this log (I think) was the change of the death thing, try to avoid going out of the subject or we will have yet another discussion about RP and DH.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 June 2003 15:00:10

    oh and to answer Rhoads' question...

    As long as people can leave the room during combat and there is the desire to pK each other and as long as there are assassins with the stalking skill...assassins will have to play a visibily important role in the MUD.

    ain't that about a ...female dog...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 June 2003 14:58:15

    Thank you Nagash, I've got to remember not to do that kind of thing anymore...

    Which just goes to show that just because you see a log of me (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't mean that, that is the only time we've been attacked by an assassin and that we never survived times before that...isn't that right Howler & Caber :) Just last weekend someone (or some persons) thought to attempt me multiple times. Azura got me, he had the time to set it up *shrug* props to him, first time I've ever been brought into that set of rooms so shame on him, next time I die from it, shame on me. :) still a nice move Azura.

    As for SoU, they levelbashed me, period, end of story and it was so long ago I don't know why you brought it up. If you want the details, go read the MC case, in short...

    After 1 RL week, I was brought from level 20 to level 14 with less than 100K exp and avg stats in the low 70's. Don't say oh that's not bad, because I had also been releveling while I was getting wasted. I made 20 once and 19 two or three times.

    I've never claimed to be a skillfull player, I get pretty silent in RP fights just trying to decypher the spam. Duels, as Wyngel can tell you I'm pretty vocal. Sadly I have read your logs and they all seem pretty much the same to me, same people, same triggers, same aliases, same schmegma. And if you think no one ever dies by accident or intent in our RP fights, you are one deluded little boy.

    What you guys are missing here is that you should just drop the whole fricken contract system altogether. What are the two rules that every Guild (with the exception of DH and certain members of th Durms) abides by in RP combat?

    No hunting and No reporting.

    bunchajackoffs. You die in RP combat, you dead and you get no gold from the person/people that did it. morons.

    *gasps in astonishment* Did the Ainurs just bend to the small percentages need to try and pK every player that crosses their alias? I think so!! But did they also manage to enhance the RP flavor of the game? I think so!! buncha mealy-mouthed cry-babies.

    oh yeah, did your dumbass call me a pacifist? wtf! You don't know thing one about me, so don't try acting or speaking like you do, lame ass Streak wannabe.

    oh wait, before I forget again...

    How good does a Guild have to be when their primary method of killing people is to use a precoded lock up in their Guild 'area'. Try defending something the size of Gondor that actually has things of value to the entire mud...then come talk to me about being hotshit. Especially when your GM is registered in the DA community...

    Let's here it for Daen Hecil RP!!

    *is not surprised at the ensuing silence*

    oh, my personal favorite is when people try taunting us Knights by killing the First Knight...any idgit with clue knows that we are forbidden by valinor from defending the First Knight but that's just me.

    Thank you and I'll be here until...who knows.

    Wasach Pathor

    Swan Knight of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    17 June 2003 14:44:15

    they aren't really, but this is mainly a pk log site so guess what kind of point of view you're getting

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 June 2003 14:30:05

    Just one question, someone please do tell my why assassins appear to be the top most important thing in this game that all needs to be based around them and how they kill people? :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 June 2003 13:26:47

    Haha, poor Draugluin, laboring under the yoke of an unyielding sexual desire to watch people die. :)

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    17 June 2003 12:57:01

    smek: draugluin has a death fetish :P if you ever see him talking about the subject on the comm or whatever, watch how he drools as he talks about the contract system and how more contracts should be placed/filled and how more people should be dying :P that's why the assassin profession is still here

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    17 June 2003 12:54:30

    im not saying that pkills should be or ever have been profitable, the point was that it does _absolutely_ nothing to the victim now once they've received their fine gold.

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    17 June 2003 12:36:08

    Once again, what's the point of keeping the ASSASSIN proffesion..?

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    17 June 2003 11:43:45

    We can just ignore Wasach here -- things he is trying to push as RP are not RP, they are some --pacifist-- kids playing in a sandbox.

    If you want real RP, recall the times when SoU used to defend Mordor. Or, as an example of somewhat tainted RP, look at Daen Hecil defending their areas -- and, the tainting is not really their fault, it's because of the way Tenzek's camp is coded, they _have_ to fight their own flag guard if they want their defense to have any effect.

    But, the ERs are nearby. The FR game went to hell, but I really hope the ERs will make the game what it is indended to be -- the War of the Rings. _War_, not peace. If you want some short-lived peace, hide in a dark hobbit hole, and cover in fear before your enemies!

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    17 June 2003 11:36:12

    Intulor, you forgot that that 5k contract can cover the fine only if it's a solo kill that succeeds on the first try. Solo kills against decent players hardly ever happen -- even with impeccable timing. When fighting a skilled player, a successful 2-man kill is still quite a big feat.

    Unless the victim helps the assassin somehow, the pkill can't really happen. Once, I attacked nd Wasach at Harlond's docks -- he didn't even have any healing, try to break or anything, just ran to his guild -- and I had no chances of killing him. Or, I tried Delgaur at the Last Bridge, he was nd as well. He was on his way to Thrands, got lost (misaliased?), ate a few pastries then returned safely to his guildhall, without a sweat.

    You don't need to know your nearest huntbreak, all it takes to survive is to not stay there like an idiot. Do you remember when I whacked Rogar and Syphon? Read the comments in that log, someone wrote a good analysis. I would have no chances of a kill had they made even a half-assed effort of trying anything.

    5k contract being enough for your fines? If you include the time and EP doing finds, fines for all the attempts, cost of the equipment, etc, you'll realise that pkills, expect perhaps a fat contract on a newbie, can _never_ be profitable. The question is, will the killer's expenses have any effect?

  • Author
    Grady [legacy]
    17 June 2003 11:04:32

    Wasach, aren't you the one that accused SoU of levelbashing you in RP combat? Explain to me how they level bashed you and you're so noble as to take it to the Gods (which is grossly unthematic)

    Then also explain to me what kind've Knight speaks like a 17 year old tourrets patient with a conspiracy theory attitude? Are you so pretentious now that you have to use personal attacks at us to prove you're 'the man?'

    If we have no skill as you say, then whats the point in telling us that other then to explain that you, yourself are the one with the skill? As I recall, the only person you've attacked out of this killed you and your hunter outright last week.

    Anyways, if we play the game as other people play the game then why are we the ones that attempted to spice it up? Oh that's right, you're the mundane one that bemoans any little change that could affecthow you idle in your guild. I'm not omniscient, but I believe your entire argument was baseless and unnecessarily derrogatory, grow up.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    17 June 2003 10:59:05

    You guys run when you get low on HP too. :P Anything else would be pretty self destructive.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    17 June 2003 10:21:12

    ya know wasach, ever take a look at our logs? they are mostly pretty damn different in their appearance, except for occassional .....(miss) trigger. you know what that means, it means most of us programmed that shit into our clients ourselves. furthermore, that shows at least some knowledge of what the hell is going on around us, and how to best use what we have to our advantage. your accusations about not knowing anything about the game come from what? were you there with us, every step of the way, as we learned how to play this game, as we learned different quests? sure, there are a lot of quests that we were told about, but we still had to figure out things for ourself once we got there.

    dont talk about dh not being able to have separate characters. i've had chars in mirdain, bkd, amruin, and dh. now, tell me that you can play one single type of character and fit in all those guilds.

    >>You play the game according to what everyone else does.

    oh, really? well, see, we tried to introduce a new form of RP, one that was a little more realistic and resource consuming, but all you did was bitch at us because you couldn't see past us using the hunt command. now we're just doing what everyone else does? make up your mind.

    about the changes. these changes don't affect you one bit. why? because you're in a guild that thinks running away when you get below 100 hp is ok. you're in a guild that thinks the only trigger that should ever be set during fighting is to bandage. no one ever died in your little RP battles until we came along. these changes affect US, because we are the ones who are taking it all the way, taking lives when we defend or involve ourselves in pk. if everyone rp'd like you want to rp, death wouldnt be a factor. pk would be the only time death and the consequences of death should be brought into the issue.

    so, along your own lines of whatever the fuck you think arda should be like, if death only occurred in pk's...the point of a pk is to deal damage to someone. of course if you want to deal damage, you have to take a little yourself, hence fines. but when it gets to the point that no damage is done, because the target is fully compensated by fines, and the attacker is the only one losing anything, it becomes pointless to pk. anyone who has killed a lot usally has high fines, so they are usually only going to go after contracts that can help with those fines. the only thing that might cover them is a 5k contract. well, for that 5k, a person can have a friend fullfill the contract and relevel, no problem. so people start putting up low gold contracts, for 1 and 2k. assassins who have been here a while arent about to chase those, unless they feel they'll be able to intimidate the victim afterwards into not reporting. ok, i've typed too much. i think i made my point tho

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    17 June 2003 10:05:22

    Wasach, you're the king of the rant man

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 June 2003 07:55:18

    Sorry Rhoads, I'll try and keep it toned down...

    Now Jaren, we keep ourselves strong so that we can't fight often and long. There is no satisfaction of me attacking balforth, paraiko comes in and attacks me and I've got to run 1 round later because I've only got 150 hp becauase I've been getting slaughtered in other RP fights. I get no satisfaction because I had absolutely no chance to standing up against Paraiko and Paraiko gets (ok maybe a little, cause he's twisted *grin*) no satisfaction from beating up a level 10 for one round.

    I know that every time I fight a CoU (when it's just CoU and not them and a bunch of people that like to jerk themselves off to a textbased game, yes you know who you are...), it's more than just kill 'whomever', we put alot of time into how we actually play our characters. We give our characters depth and personality, we stand out as individuals and not just as 'another powerplaying playerkiller' I know who is in CoU because they stand out as individuals. People know who is DH or a DH alt because none of you can create seperate distinct characters.

    It takes much more skill to RP a thematic character than you or anyone like you knows. It takes absolutely no skill to kill whatever you like and do whatever you like because 'I am RPing an asshole', my 7 year old son could day that. What mad skills do you guys have? You set up all these fancy dancy client variables and triggers and aliases and all you do is wait till someone (no one in particular because we all know how random you guys are) is low on hp, looks at you funny (even though you look at the other 99% of the mud funny), enters the wrong room at the wrong time. You could say that you've learned every quest in the game. It's not hard to do when you just sit back and watch other people do it and then loot them as they finish or pK them as the leave. You guys have no skill whatsoever, you're just bots nothing more, nothing less. You characters could (and probably are for all we know) be run on autopilot.


    timer set

    time up


    Wasach the Dunedain Warlord (Angelic)


    do find wasach, set this trigger to backstab, backstab variable to switch trigger to hunt,

    Wasach is in a quiet bar in the KoDA GH



    or some such variation.

    Personally, in my opinion you guys are just boring. Valinor gave you a chance to make yourselves into a distinct and unique part of the MUD and you blew it. For the record, I can't wait for ER's to get released so that everyone can see you guys play ER's and know it's you before you get the damned ER maxed and how is that possible?...BECAUSE YOU CAN'T PLAY, you can only bot. You play the game according to what everyone else does. You don't play it how you want because you can't do anything unless someone else does something first.

    and when there is change, you whine bitch and moan like a cousin dudley who got 2 less presents for his birthday. You guys are so lame I can't figure out WHY you still bother playing the game...oh wait you don't, you idle the game.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 June 2003 05:19:49

    Fimbu, me?

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    17 June 2003 01:12:08

    If you're not trying to kill eachother during an Rp fight then what the fuck does it matter how strong you are, I could get a level 1 char and play like that if I wanted :P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 June 2003 01:11:29

    What he said was BS. Name me 10 people who are unable to RP because of too many RP related deaths, then I'll say 'Ok, you have a point.'

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 June 2003 00:59:13

    Wasach deserves a warning for what he said like Michael Jackson deserves to be a babysitter

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    17 June 2003 00:44:21

    wasach, i think you have something there in your teeth *cough* looks like a pube

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 June 2003 23:39:37

    You people whine too much about every god damn thing, hell.

    Anyway Wasach, stay low on your heated discussions or you will be warned.

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    16 June 2003 23:31:35

    The thing is, that every player against the change are the skilled and old ones, and the players that think the change is good is the so called 'RPers' (like Koda etc...). They very often get's pkilled because they're not skilled enough to frigging try a huntbreak or to pkill back, that's why they like the change... because now no one will even spend hard earned gold to kill some newbs...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 June 2003 23:21:00

    You guys are about ignorant. It's not that either side isn't perfectly willing to kill or die for their cause. It's that we are smart enough to know that if we kill the shit out of each other till we are all level 1's...THEN WE WILL BE TOO BUSY TRYING TO LEVEL TO RP YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! Goddamn, Miz, how fucking stupid can one shithead be?

    Next time you gonna quote me like Streak...think again and keep what I say in context you goat humping savage village subhuman (aka Dunlending) trying to disguise your idiot ways by claiming to be an eorling.

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    16 June 2003 23:01:56

    Miz u're so right...

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    16 June 2003 22:08:28

    Better quality rp fights would be with the combatants willing to die for their cause.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    16 June 2003 20:23:21

    Maybe if we did:

    1. Remove assassins,

    2. Give everyone-else a degraded hunt ability,

    3. Limit this ability by factors like race,level & profession,

    4. Fight PvP battles as hard as possible.

    We could have better quality rp-combats.

    And maybe not.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 June 2003 19:32:12

    We should all give hands to each other and be friends.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    16 June 2003 19:21:47

    Give war a chance?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    16 June 2003 19:12:24

    Heh.. 'RPers have always tried to control how hard they fight so that there aren't needless deaths to either side'

    Theoden and Imrahil are rolling in their graves. Sauron's eye is just rolling.

    RP in this mud is such a fucking joke, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that. What nerve do some have distinguishing 'RPers' from 'PKers' here I will never understand. Atleast a 'PKer' Amruin would have the minimal required desire to actually KILL a fucking orc, instead of thinking about 'Needless deaths to either side'.

    Needless deaths to either side. Hahaha. Oh god. *sob*

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    16 June 2003 18:41:00

    I guess he's already back... or, won't be away for longer than a week.

    Direkein, we need you back! The Big Wolf is not bad, he just needs our guidance :p

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    16 June 2003 17:23:54

    bah...Direkein will be back i am sure he just suicided to get rid of his fines.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    16 June 2003 13:09:12

    hout Direkien and DH - lve on the mud would be boreing im sure - So as much as we do moan and groan about them - we also appricate that fact (least i do) that they provide that in, you are always looking over your shoulder for them.

  • Author
    Duk [legacy]
    16 June 2003 12:48:33

    I find it kind of ironic that moral people, who were enemies of Direkein, are sad to see him go. Wasn't that the exact opposite of what Direkein stood for? Nothing personal meant here, just an amusing observation...

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    16 June 2003 12:37:09

    I can't see why the assassin proffession even EXIST with this change?......

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 June 2003 07:46:45

    hmm, I'm not trying to delve into the psyche of our ainur and discern why they made this change. However, I would like to see where it goes and how the mud adapts to it. As an RPer and not a PKer, I'm not concerned with my fines at all. What I have always been concerned with was dying during an RP fight and then having to waste time releveling so that I could have the strength and power to stay in an RP fight for more than 1 or 2 rounds.

    RPers have always tried to control how hard they fight so that there aren't needless deaths to either side, so they could fight more battles. Now with the cost of dying lower, we can be more vigorous in our encounters. This is just my personal take on it and I welcome it with open arms...until it breaks both of them.


  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    16 June 2003 05:42:14

    haha, draugluin said democracy. right.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    16 June 2003 00:14:10

    Later Dirk.

    /The Berserker.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 June 2003 23:03:52


    This is definately a self-serving point I would like to make. How do clans such as KOR and others try to defend against people that try to kill, do kill, loot, claim jump and harass in other forms their members? They are without a warvault of any sort and to kill someone would be generally pointless as direkein said, its hardly any of a loss anymore. From my impression currently, the largest pk loss of now is roughly equal to the old smallest loss. Now fines and other things will pay this persons revival alot besides exp and a small pile of gold. I am not saying make the mud pk fines but like everyone said there is no apparent reason or balance to this change. If its for ER/FR interaction I am fairly sure it can coded so it regards ER/FR or FR+ER vs FR interactions. So again i think its just an issue of the ainur feeling they have no obligation to give a reasonable answer to why the change was made. And honestly, even though i wasn't here during some of the events, exactly why did i just donate 50$ to the mud?


  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    15 June 2003 23:02:56

    Why do you talk to your own alts here, Mizrahi=Rhoads=Mykloid?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 June 2003 20:09:41

    Well, you can, but it would be more of a waste. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 June 2003 20:09:15

    Im sad because a lot of you guys can't pk someone for saying you or your guild sucks on the comm anymore, or for equally stupid reasons.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    15 June 2003 19:40:46

    Stop revealing your alts you dumb man, that will blow my cover as spy in Amruin, duh.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    15 June 2003 18:32:04

    I am Rhoads.

    Remove that, you feathery-tailed harpy.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    15 June 2003 18:26:10

    Yet, the very process of equipping yourself for any activity that doesn't involve thieving naked, running freebie scripts and chatting in your GH requires you to slay powerful NPCs -- so, you're forced to gain exp even as a by-product of getting eq.

    Of course, the above doesn't apply if you're purchasing your eq from Alexa (low quality eq, usually) or relying on your guildmates/friends.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    15 June 2003 17:46:18

    I was requested to remove a few comments due to possible MP info, removed them + a few more that were only direct replies to the original comment, sorry if some comments lost a part of it's sense, but there is no way to fix that.

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    15 June 2003 17:29:45

    There is lot of ways to make gold without being a thief and without having to butcher npc's for it. Lot's of quests there gives cash/item reward without you having to slay, also there are many if not way to many freebie items

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    15 June 2003 14:28:13

    Ash, for non-thieves gold IS the only problem, exp is nothing. Unless all the healers are down, it's pretty trivial to make 100k exp in a hour == and on the other hand, the last time I knew how to make 5k gold/h in a _sustained_ period of time was when the horse trains were still working (yeah, I know I suck).

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    15 June 2003 13:29:25

    Why do you care if Direkein left or not? He left because of his own egoistic cause.

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    15 June 2003 12:45:13

    Boo fuckin' hoo

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    15 June 2003 11:27:17

    Thank you Ignorance, i thought maybe i should rethink ignoring you, but now you have made it well worth it. Direkien is right, this is way too big a change with too little explaination. It really needs building on. Cheers the Rhoads for keeping the comments real and entertaining, and being one of the only players not to swear at someone else. Arda will miss you Direkein, obviously not for long. See you all soon

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    15 June 2003 10:07:13

    I would rather lose 5 avg stats. then lose exp.. Stats you can buy up in seconds.. Exp takes just a little longer

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    15 June 2003 04:50:28

    Isn't it lovely how I can't even compose my own thoughts coherently? Too much medication :)

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    15 June 2003 04:48:42

    So much emotion, over a thing so small a this. To Draugluin, you've handled yourself extremely well. To most others, just relax. If you constructive criticism, why waste it in forums known mainly for flame wars? Compile your thoughts coherently, and mail them directly the ainur.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    15 June 2003 04:05:20

    Btw, in no way was this intended as a personal attack. Just what I wanted to say.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    15 June 2003 04:04:47

    Draugluin...if there is or was more to come, why didn't you post something about it? Or even SAY there was more to come? Rather then just ignore any questions with a *yawn* or a 'I'm disappointed.'? If you cared so much about the players, for example Direkein (who I'm sad to see go as well) you would at least field a question or to as to why. I mean, I have to agree this is a very big change and the only explanation in the news is...a paragraph long? Maybe? There was and still -is- a helpfile about why Sheriffs were removed. Why? Because it affected the game. Well, hey, death is a part of this game too! And don't say 'Well what would you do then, Mr. Theodrek?' because I don't know and I'd admit it. Well, I know one thing I'd do. I'd at least answer questions, within reason, when someone asks them of me.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    15 June 2003 02:35:32

    Direkein, take care old friend.

    And Sime.. you're just embarrasing..

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    15 June 2003 02:06:53

    I would never stand for someone trying to make a change to get rid of a man like Direkein, Sime. Your assumption couldn't be more off base. In fact, if he's reading:

    1) Farewell. Enjoy life.

    2) If someone tried to change something to get rid of you or players like you, I'd suicide.

    Regardless, I still like the change and think there is more to come that will be even better :)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    15 June 2003 00:37:55

    Even if you lost 6-24 stats or on average 8 stats, the best way to destroy an enemy is to offend him enough to kill you.

    That kinda makes you wonder doesn't it? Geez, I just got killed by Mr. Enemy... one point in the scoreboard for me! Ya!

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 June 2003 23:40:08

    Gawd i mis mimak

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 June 2003 23:39:41

    *burp* wine is good, nbeer is beter, but boooze is ebest! I loved mudding for the yeaRs i waas heere, thank younall fora good time! </burp

  • Author
    Yan [legacy]
    14 June 2003 23:22:10

    I guess it is time to stop mudding then.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 June 2003 23:17:39

    Thank you Tarith!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:53:26

    WHo cares...the game changes, shit happens. If i wanted to bitch and moan, I would say bring back the nymphs!

  • Author
    Horuss [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:38:34

    Alright I am new here at least to making comments so I am gonna give it a try. The way I see it from reading early in the log a person said they lost skills and stats. Meaning if you a level 18,19,20 yeah it is still gonna be expensive. Maybe just not as expensive as some of you want. I do myself like to roleplay on here and I hope it brings more of it out because there are deaths in roleplay we all know that. From the point of being an assassian you say your fines are costly. Well we know why they are too. But the way I would like to look at that if your in guild cant you have a war chest for your kills maybe I am wrong. I dont know something you guys could all draw off of as a war chest for kills. Some of you are really good at what you do I have seen it myself and exeprienced it. Its like everytime some sorta of change comes out I do notice people wheter they are the moral or evil complain. Its like arda cant make everyone happy. Maybe this is something that they are trying to see what happeneds I dont honestly know. But man if you read through the post on here a lot of you are saying it stinks and what not. I say just give it a little time and see what happends you do need to test stuff to see what happens. I hope I wasnt out of line anywhere. If I was I am sorry.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:25:48

    Oh, then I must appologise??? Is that the way of spelling it? Well, I wont say anything more then. if it is a 8+, then Im on it.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:24:43

    You don't always lose 3 stats.


    In fact, its more likely for you to lose 8 stats+skills than it is for you to lose 3 stats+skills.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:17:09

    You all sound like a bunch of morals!

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:13:44

    Well, I can understand both sides of this discussion. I can understand why this is made, though I maybe think there are extreme that you only loose like 3 stats.

    But... Im no one to decide.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 June 2003 22:13:13

    Nobody is saying that the sky is falling. God, how much time is spent avoiding questions for no particular reason.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:44:34


  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:31:56

    Nah. I care about what you think.

    Several people have made comments or suggestions about the changes to death (after having -read- my news post, which answers questions I see asked here repeatedly), which were welcome. A lot of the whining or accusations or 'the sky is falling' (after a few days) just seems funny. And a waste of time. Contrary to what Orlandu may say, it is not up to 'me', which is why 'I' can't and won't promise anything.

    This is how it goes. Welcome to democracy, welcome to a volunteer environment. Someone mentioned I was Power of Law, which reminds me that many of YOU are not without faults just as tiresome :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:29:50

    I still believe you people complain too much :)

  • Author
    Jackal [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:28:29

    Why pk fines are still high?Fines shouldn't hurts If being Player killed dont hurt.

  • Author
    Wulfgar [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:22:42

    Conciderin The comments of bot Direkein and Orlandu, Direkein's i can understand pkillin has become too costy and completely ruined. Why we dont know, Since we are for some wierd as reason kept in the dark. are the er's beein released next uptime, or in 3 weeks or in 3 years ?? we still dont know, And Orlandu I sincerly hope that any power in this game keeps focus on who actually plays it and makes it more fun for them. *Sends the speaker to Draugluin*

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    14 June 2003 21:07:25

    Draugluin is the power of law. This is his way of trying to make gangbangs pointless. He can do what he wants, and unfortunately I don't think he really cares about what we think.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    14 June 2003 20:54:20

    I expected a more responsible answer, but I guess thats what I get.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    14 June 2003 20:48:30


  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    14 June 2003 20:48:05

    Well said, Direkein!

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    14 June 2003 19:45:09

    I can understand alot of people thinking pk'ing is an ego thing. For some it IS just about 'my dick is bigger than your dick' (speaking metaphorically). But PK'ing is so much more. I've always used it as a punitive political process. Something very useful as a GM if you ever want to get shit done. In war (Thats what this game IS about, its not about being a chat room or about learning moral lessons you fucking Carebears) pk can be used to the point of completely immobilizing your enemy and doing them HARM. At used to be that way until the change. I read on the gossiper some candy ass saying he felt so good about the change cause now he could spar in safety. <--- I'm not even gonna take the time to delve into whats wrong with this fucking retard. The change wasn't made for pussies who play fight.

    But I have yet to hear a good reason why the change WAS made. I don't buy improving RP battles, because it hasn't...and it won't. If anyone wants to know why, send me a tell and I'll explain it to you.

    It will, however, improve ER-FR conflicts slightly by encouraging ER's when they get slaughtered, and newbies when they die. It has harmed evilFR-FR pk'ing interactions immensely. What you have accomplished is completely shutting down the kill/pk/war aspect of this game for experienced players with high fines. Hell, even for players with low fines. I feel sorry Talan, but you are absolutely did nothing here but help your enemy. Even having a contract (which just rips off contract placers now) you still won't balance the harm you will be doing to your own character's longevity.

    Perhaps they are planning on lowering fines in an attempt to balance this change. I would warn them off of that as a quick fix. It will encourage gangbanging and a characters EXP points will quickly be the greatest 'threat' in dying, where in the old system it was gold.

    Perhaps no change is in the works. If this is the case then I would ask the Ainur to tell us now, so that CoU, Udungul, SoU, and Daen Hecil can disband now and save themselves the life that playing will cost them. I refuse to play a game that is a chat room for ninnies, or a text-based NPC-PC conflict in a land filled with ER's or good guilds sheltering the Carebears that hide in them. I'll either be an ER or ask Amruin to take me, cause life as an Evil Free Race guild is done. Because I don't want to FUCKING SPAR.

    I apologize to the Ainur who will once again be disappointed in me and my big mouth, but what the fuck?! If you want to shut me up all you have to do is tell us what you're planning so I can either understand the reasons behind this rather extreme change in direction or suicide if this is the way you want the Two Towers.

    Almost without exception the pk'ers of this game don't kill random newbies out of the blue. We target and kill for a reason, whether they belong to a guild we are trying to destroy, or because they have stepped on our toes and we're teaching them a lesson. You have taken that away from every player who uses pk as a tool and not as an ego badge. Why?

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    14 June 2003 19:12:44

    I was PKilled after the change. I lost 7 stats and just over 100 Thousand XP (around 25% of what I had). In fines, I got back just shy of 2K, which doesn't cover the stats (7@478 is about 3300) so, I guess the PKill cost me 1300 in stats. I lost 5 Professional skills at about 300 a pop, so that's another 1500. Total cost of dying, 2800.

    I've heard though, that the victim gets anywhere between 1/3 and 1/5 of the the fine money that the killer pays. So if I got 2K, my killer paid somewhere between 6 and 10K.

    I don't know, though, why there has to be any relationship at all between Fines Paid and Reimbursements Claimed. Let's say a Level 20 Kills a Level 6. That's pretty heinous, so mebbe fine ought to be something outrageous like 28K. On the flip side, the victim didn't lose more than 2K in stats and skills... so mebbe court awares the victim 1500. [numbers pulled out of my ass as examples only]

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    14 June 2003 17:39:48

    Well, a level 17 shadowspawn thief with no eq is bound to take a lot of damage on a double massacre sapphy backstab. If you want to be shadowspawn just so you can use the immoral uniques to their best ability and to get into mordor/bd, then you have to pay a price. :P

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    14 June 2003 16:12:41

    How many experience points did you lose?

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    14 June 2003 15:40:42

    finaly can i sleep peacefully

  • Author
    Filil [legacy]
    14 June 2003 15:00:13

    I was at 188 when he attacked. And I wasn't too concerned with dying, as it apparently doesn't matter a whole lot anymore ;) Actually, it doesn't matter at all.. 3 stats? Comon... That's a joke.

    I don't - however - see how anyone can vote this a 6.. I mean.. Nothing fancy, and he wasn't even triggered if I had made the carrock break.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    14 June 2003 14:40:42

    And anyway, nice kill.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    14 June 2003 14:38:17

    Well, Talan, I think when you massacre someone twice in a row it would do a fuckload of damage. :) And massacres -can- do more damage then crits. So...add in that he's SoM and that the Sapphire sword is that much more powerful against deep immorals, and //then// add in the fact that he could have been low average, which would have been...140 or so, since he's level 17? And went only to high dlsg, which would be...somewhere around...I don't know offhand. 70? So each hit would have been doing about 35 damage? Eh. I'm not completely sure at what time you go from good to average to dlsg and so on, though.

    Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is deal with it. But you apparently are because if you really didn't like how unbalanced it was, you wouldn't use it to your advantage in a PK, now would you? Hypocritical bastard. :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 June 2003 14:25:27

    Good kill.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    14 June 2003 14:19:01

    It's good to see filil die :)

  • Author
    Nroeb [legacy]
    14 June 2003 14:00:20

    Hell, yeah! It hurts.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    14 June 2003 13:55:03

    Well, sapp makes a good balalnce for whip if you ask me.

    With whip i make made more gold from NPC killing that i ever can with a sapp.

    Granted Sapp is not unique though.

    As for death - untill they re-balance fines - death is nothing more than ego hurt. - but thats what it is really about anyway - right? :)

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    14 June 2003 13:50:04

    Nice kill.

  • Author
    Borgrath [legacy]
    14 June 2003 13:49:39

    You should have let the spider take the kill ;)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    14 June 2003 13:33:09

    Got really lucky...he kicked pebble 20 times and didnt fall. *shrug* dumb luck really, and a really unbalanced sword+headbutts.