There are so many reasons...why post them all.

Posted by
Pestilence [legacy]
03 July 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

It seems the Rangers of Ithilien's aggressive tactics have created a few enemies. Perhaps they should learn to respect their betters.


  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    04 August 2003 20:16:11

    As the british and other colonial powers are infected by an obsession to take lands at any price and any time the Rimsilval were a guild distorted by their sick urge to impose themselves on others. Many friendly players resided in Rimsilval but the organisation as a whole remained the least self conscious and wicked one in Arda. I pray that this spirit is now dead as the mere word Rimsilval makes my blood boil.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    06 July 2003 21:31:58

    Hmm yeah it wasn't the best place. It also isn't the best place for Gazza to be insulting a guild that's sacrificed itself towards him and Rims on numerous occassions. I didn't mean for this to become a 'why is RoI bad' topic - I simply wanted Gazza to learn some respect.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 July 2003 21:02:41

    I'd also like to add that this probably isn't the best place for our collective Guilds to be discussing this matter. I'm pretty sure we run into each other enough in the mud to discuss it fully there.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    06 July 2003 16:12:10


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 July 2003 13:42:49

    Fofester read my mind. :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 July 2003 07:12:18

    The Knights and The Rangers are speaking. What was seen here is just a miscommunication. A couple crossed signals, nothing more. Rest easy Fofy :)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    06 July 2003 00:53:14

    I would think that the Rangers would allow the Knights access to Ithilien (perhaps not the Forbidden Pool though), seeing as Dol Amroth is an ally of the very people who SENT the Rangers into Ithilien. But hey, that's just me.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    06 July 2003 00:08:54

    Strange. Apparently other senior KoDA say otherwise :-)

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 July 2003 21:52:45

    I need to make a correction.

    KoDA did not accept the restrictions suggested by RoI on their entry to the specified area. It's already under -a vigourous- debate, and I really doubt those terms which ban (threaten) us from (not to enter) your area will be adopted.

    You want allies, you'll have to behave allies.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    05 July 2003 20:57:16

    you are all stupid, the CoU got disbanded because they did not have any money to pay for the guild dues. simple as that, i remember gmoney spending the last few gold in the vault to get more armoury time, then the guild did not have any more money left to pay its dues do it went psha!

  • Author
    Pestilence [legacy]
    05 July 2003 19:41:30

    I'm sure they'd be delighted at the warm welcome of anonymous figures attacking them, were they to visit the Ithilien.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    05 July 2003 18:22:26

    Guilds don't get in wars anymore. It's sad... as well are guilds.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 July 2003 17:16:40

    Well Direkein, Gazza started to bring VC into it.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    05 July 2003 16:17:14

    Stryder, my job is to understand and engage in my roleplay. Your job is to understand and engage in yours. I happen to know some of your theme and policies, and you still seem to have no clue about mine. Yet you choose to pontificate and lecture on our failings. We are not perfect. No guild is. My job isn't to defend my them or roleplay to you, only to my guildmates and to Valinor. Your job is similar.

    I never commented on the fact that you guys never defend morals everywhere, your theme. Or that the only dwarf even allowed inside the Naith of Lothlorien since the fall of Khazad-Dum was Gimli, because he accompanied the ring bearer and was given access by the Lord and Lady which amazed the normal Galadhrim. Or that all the Rangers of the North that could be gathered went south with the Grey Company. A base established by them six months ago and known to Elrond and Galadriel would certainly have engaged in that journey and accompanied Elladan, Elrohir, Halbarad and the rest in their desire to aid their Lord Aragorn, right?

    You see failings in our theme. I see failings in yours. No guild is perfect, yet you seem to expect such from us the first week of our existence. Give us some time, and view more than two uptimes of our actions, and then make your judgement. Speak from knowledge as opposed to ignorance. Maybe come down to Ithilien sometime if you lack such respect for us and see how we act. I really don't care.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    05 July 2003 05:13:23

    Date: 03. Jul, 2003, 12:39:53By: Armada

    Heh, you are all so pathetic.

  • Author
    Stryder [legacy]
    05 July 2003 04:56:26

    Gazza, you seem to be the one uninformed about the Valacirca-Rimsilval 'alliance' over the years. The only concession Rimsilval ever made to VC in terms of killing restrictions in Lothlorien was that they *might stop killing there if they were caught, and asked to leave*. This didn't stop your guild's killing there at all. I remember your guildmaster Morpheus regularly taunting members of VC by killing there. Many members killed there as much as they could when there were no or few VC online.

    Valacirca declared war to aid in almost every war Rimsilval was in in the past couple years, and were left hanging when Rimsilval would sign their treaty to end their part in the war. We knew we would be targeted and hurt in the wars but helped anyway. Is it our fault if we're a bit jaded by being abandoned by you any time things stopped going your way? How you can say we've done nothing for you while you so nobly put up with our killing restrictions is laughable.

    I think RoI have a great theme in essence, but there's a reason why people in VC might not be so quick to ally with you. It's not about free access to Ithilien, but the fact that you're not going to be a moral guild. That's right, wouldn't the Rangers of Ithilien seem like they'd be a moral guild? Oh, you're still going to kill moral elves for their uniques? Cirdan's sword will help your cause more than Cirdan will? Various unimportant-to-your-cause morals will still be killed for gold? I don't see how your guild can be in theme and be killing morals all over Arda. Valacirca at least can kill no moral, not that we'd ever want to, and are fined heavily for doing so. You just want the best of both worlds, eh? If you stuck to what your theme should be, then I'm sure it would be respected.

    Doesn't look like your leadership now is Dunedain either. Lucky for you you'll get your race changes if you last. Rimsilval was probably the most unthematic and impartial guild to ever exist, so don't get all hollier than thou now that you have a theme, when you respected no one else's for Rimsilval's entire existence.

    p.s- VC doesn't allow hobbits, Direkein

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    05 July 2003 02:29:15

    It's unfortunate that I no longer possess the VC guild board posts that were made during some of the last wars. From what your leadership was telling them and from how they swooped in to rescue you guys, the denial of a relationship between your two guilds says even more about how much trust in Rimsilval or Rangers of Ithilien should be valued.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    05 July 2003 02:14:24

    Well just keep on wracking.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    05 July 2003 02:02:08

    Fuck that Gazza, the only reason you guys stayed out of Caras and Loth was because the Ainur started charging you money for killing in there and you know it. It wasn't some benevolent gesture of good faith like you're trying to make it sound and you know it. I have wracked my brain for something to say good about you Gazza...but I can't find it, I hope the Valacircans don't back down to you.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    05 July 2003 00:20:50

    Obviously you have absolutely no idea about the relationship between Rimsilval and Valacirca over the past 2-3 years (and the last 3-4 wars), Hectan (i.e. there was none). And a dedication towards doing the right thing? They bitch and moan about us following the books and not giving them free access to Henneth Annun when every other moral guild immediately saw why it was in place. Rimsilval, on the other hand, endured...4,5,6 years? of kill restrictions in the name of the rim-vc alliance. They can't even have the good grace to stay out of a 20-room grid, and an area with a shield, sword and trainer. They don't respect our position of being bound to defend Ithilien, when THEIR reason for being is defending the redhorn pass. Don't talk to me about giving them respect. Materialism over realism, eh.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    04 July 2003 19:49:08

    Gazza - watch your mouth. Show some damn respect to VC for giving you fuckers backup in every war Rims ever got themselves into, because it was always that way and never the other way around. I don't understand

    why VC kept/keeps putting up with your abuse, but to me they seem like a hell of a guild to have an alliance with - due to an _actual_ dedication towards doing the right thing over doing what is easiest.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    04 July 2003 18:59:42

    From Shagrath:

    'I couldn't even clarify my post which got misunderstood, partially by my own fault: I should have make it damn clear that the Rimmies from four years ago (mostly the worst kind of politicians = scum) and the new Rangers of Ithilien don't have much in common. I posted two different things in a single post: bashing the old Rimsilval, and saying I'll enjoy fighting the RoI (something that our guilds' themes oblige me to) (If I'll get some decent connection, dammit).'

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    04 July 2003 00:16:48

    History lessons for Rougan and Shagrath.

    Rougan, VC aren't our new allies. VC were our allies for four years. They have chosen to now not be our allies, but rather 'friends' who taunt our theme at Alexa. In fact, I doubt we'll have any new allies. We were usually rather close with the moral guilds as Rimsilval, for a variety of reasons, and I figure we will continue such.

    Shagrath: Say what you will about political manuevering to get CoU removed- the unprovable accusations are always the easiest to make. But don't say it was a political campaign. It was a military campaign (with mighty aid by the pre-guild BkD and a few others) which reduced the Corsairs to one or two brave members who would leave their hall (go Keats) at all. Rimsilval was counting on your plummeting bank account to remove the guild for them. Valinor stepped in, and gave a month to shape up. Stop killing in Mordor (a favorite pasttime) and get more humans. That failed, and the Corsairs were removed. Fortuitous timing does not a conspiracy prove.

    As for our theme and the Rimsilval. Give us so goddamn time. We've been the Rangers for less than a week, and are testing our waters and the way we should fit into the game. As for people being angry about our 'agressive' roleplay. Bah. We're one of the few groups whose existence is pulled directly from Tolkien, and we play as the books guide us... if you disagree, join us and work on our RP. If you're not in the guild, and you read Tolkien and think we're getting one or two things wrong, I'm sure you'll broadcast those opinions, as you are free and welcome to do. So far, we're doing pretty damn good, in my opnion. Give us some time, see how it develops, and then make your judgements; we haven't even passed review, and for all we know we won't exist in a month.


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 July 2003 00:11:22

    Umm, didn't CoU get disbanded cuz Rimsilval beat their ass bad? I dunno, I'm stupid or something.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    03 July 2003 22:47:38

    I believe another reason for CoU being disbanded was once Catalamir left, the guild was intrusted to an incompetant Guildmaster with little or no leadership skills and was passed down that way again and again until they were removed.

  • Author
    Shagrath [legacy]
    03 July 2003 22:44:34

    Direkein, the old CoU was not disbanded because of having non-mannish members (even though that was the excuse given), as at the time no one but KoDA and BkD gave any shit about having members belonging to some race, that's a newer concept. The real reason was a political campaign led by the Rimsilval. THIS WAS A CASE OF A GUILD USING THEIR CONNECTIONS TO GET RID OF THEIR ENEMIES IN AN OOC WAY. Let's hope than won't happen anymore.

    Wasach, I don't remember of any cases of FRA massively reporting people for RP attacks, and even neither did Megs; even though there were some exceptions. OTOH, the Rimsilval were a main pain in the rear for all role-players, both moral and evil.

    I'm back at home, and will probably get some decent connection in a few days. If that happens, let me know, let's screw the Rimmies together.

  • Author
    Blood [legacy]
    03 July 2003 21:53:11

    damn its always nice to see gazza die

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    03 July 2003 21:06:03

    Yes it is, Borkaz.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 July 2003 19:56:47

    You know what's unthematic? Guilds. So fuck off!

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    03 July 2003 16:34:36

    RoI isnt completely moral, Wasach.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    03 July 2003 15:43:51

    Here's a crazy notion...

    How about we all put our hands together an applaud The RoI's decision to take a theme that is virtually spelled out vertbatum in the books (all praise this holy trinity) and ACTUALLY PLAY IT.

    Pardon me but don't you all whine and cry, bitch and moan about how unrealistic RP fighting is in this game? They are now one of the most thematical guilds in the game. Hell, they got more print in the books than the Knights did. Every moral guild should be clapping their hands and giving best wishes to the RoI and supporting them completely and without hesitation (except BkD but I understand the dwarven temper *mgrin*). Every evil/impartial Guild should be happy as shit that there is a moral guild willing to step up the aggression factor.

    Honestly, you people are ridiculous someytimes. Also, give them a a damn break, evertyone gave DH the benefit of the doubt when FRA turned into them and megs when the became udungul...Rimmies were (imho)never as bad as either of those groups and you are all ready to just screw them over after, what 1 rl week of existence? Jeesh.

    Me? I'm just waiting for Umbar to open, that's my cake, everything else is icing :)

    Wasach Pathor

    Knight of the Swan

    Captain of the Silver Company of the Knights of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 July 2003 14:15:54

    Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    03 July 2003 12:39:53

    Heh, you are all so pathetic.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 July 2003 11:52:57

    Easy there, Tiger.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    03 July 2003 11:13:17

    Why do you feel the need to point fingers to Valacirca, Gazza? Don't like your new 'allies'? On the other hand, Valacirca still is much more thematical than Rimsilval was, so... sort off, man.

  • Author
    Bethor [legacy]
    03 July 2003 10:18:41

    Actually, you can lightning an unconscious person. It just is harder to do.

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    03 July 2003 09:33:25

    If the world revolve around you... face it. your fat

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    03 July 2003 08:11:15

    I know the world doesn't revolve around me, and I'm not dead, Pestilence.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 July 2003 07:06:07

    In response to what Bakal said.


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:58:23

    Fuck ya'll niggas.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:40:13

    Hey Kujo shut it , nough said.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:17:17

    I'm bored.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:17:03

    Bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:04:42

    You shouldn't assume anything, especially when you don't have a brain.

    - Idle Killar

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:04:40

    and of course, you can't lightning an unconscious person. that's why it didn't hit me.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    03 July 2003 06:03:45

    Im assuming he was killed cause he dared RP with you guys? not sure...

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 July 2003 05:34:54

    So hmm, why was Gazza killed?

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    03 July 2003 05:27:32

    Gazza, you don't seem to know our theme. Also, we have a requirement for 65% dunedain, and 65% ranger. We are close but not over those borders. Very hard to match that, too, when we had to modify our theme without race changes. I wish you people the best of luck.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    03 July 2003 04:53:57

    AND leadership of the guild will only be dunedain, with VERY few exceptions on total-dunedain-ness. That way we don't end up with that weak 'the dwarf Ranger (GM of the Valacirca)' business, which is just a total joke.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    03 July 2003 04:52:43

    Calm down Direkein, unlike DH, we don't get our race changes until after we're through our trial period :-)

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    03 July 2003 04:48:17

    Gazza, the Hobbit Ranger of Ithilien....? For fuck sakes people. I hope that the members of the newly founded Rangers are granted race changes. Otherwise they'll be just like the Valacirca (The supposed 'Dunedain/Hobbit/Sindar/Silvan of the North') or Amruin who have a surprising number of hobbits, elves, and other 'mutts'.

    The Ainu aren't gonna do shit about it apparently, so I propose that the guilds take this on themselves and follow the example of BkD and KoDA. Both of these guilds have shown in the past that they can at least self-monitor and stick to Theme.

    And if you are in, oh, lets say, Amruin and you are asking yourself 'Wy can't I be an elf and be in this guild'? Please contact Stephen Jackson for some script re-writes on his upcoming 'Return of the Duke' film that is soon to be released...

    The people that deserve an apology are the old CoU, who were given the excuse of race restriction violations when they were removed from the game. Come on people, show some damned consistency.

  • Author
    Pestilence [legacy]
    03 July 2003 04:06:52

    I'd rather have a big head than be dead, Crion. :)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    03 July 2003 04:02:32

    There are alot of people with big heads. Too bad most of them don't realize it.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    03 July 2003 03:49:54

    I'm betting that Pestilence's head is at least 6 feet round by now. How do you balance that huge thing, damn you must have skillz!

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    03 July 2003 02:35:00

    Where did the whip go.

  • Author
    Veonwe [legacy]
    03 July 2003 01:53:34

    Gazza starts to look sad as you begin to cry.


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    03 July 2003 01:44:22

    in response to bakal, a disabled client backstab trigger to wimpy off. which caused a misalias.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 July 2003 01:28:28

    Misalias? Or just a weak sauce attempt to break?

  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    03 July 2003 01:22:12

    Thanks Tanar.

    I'll be sure to like what you like in the future.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    03 July 2003 00:56:25

    I just can't argue with Gazza dying.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    03 July 2003 00:28:49

    Konj you got it all wrong .. the rating is if you like the log.. not if you like the peope in the log

    impressive piece of work

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    03 July 2003 00:25:49

    Still, Nicely executed!

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    03 July 2003 00:25:31

    hmms, Weird that first lightning didn't hit home..