
Posted by
Ruiniel [legacy]
08 July 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Draimon gets killed and nuked. There is color, just scroll down a bit.:)


  • Author
    Veonwe [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:50:54


  • Author
    Veonwe [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:50:44

    The only difference between powers and us is that hey that huge big read nuke button. Come to think of it, what would they be without us players?

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:34:23

    It would've been more rauko-like too...him and that blasted wheel *mutters*

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:32:11

    Would have been much more suitable then a nuke I would say

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:30:41

    Why didn't Rauko let draimon spin the wheel? :)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:30:20

    If gods ever respected me then i respected them. Melkor used to always help clean up Aule's messes for me and i really respect melkor alot. But then he took PoL position for a while and man he just went straight asshole. PoL fucks with your head its dangerous. Respect me or DIE!!!

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:04:22

    If you would come forward and set some new standards, then fine, I'd recognise your skill and talent then...but fuck man, you haven't...noone has in friggin ages...it's all the same old crap, over and over again. Some can do the old stuff better then others tho...like Julius/Draimon, etc. I usually don't give much people nowadays props...since it's the same old routine, but those two (and others) has been doing some nice kills...so my respect goes where its due.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 10:01:20

    You wouldn't know what it's like anyways, Wasach. You are a nobody.

    Respect? Dude...who gives a shit about respect, you? Theowanker wanted to know who I was, since he obviously hasn't played for a long time. So I told him. This is who I was and this is who I am...I'm not liked by the administration so I'm keeping it cool and going under this name.

    All you <insert wasach styled player here> ever do is cheer lamers on...'Oh man, a solo kill, amazing..oh man, this guy like..broke hunt and killed 2 people, amazing...best player ever style'.

    But you are forgetting that people like Nogothrim and co. set the standards... so your 'Oh..log in color, plz..' 'ZMUD with all these uber triggers do all the work for me' 'I vote a 6 on this newbiekill' shit doesn't impress me at all.

    Nowadays guilded faggits seems to be the hottest thing to date...so coming back and owning some serious face doesn't seem like a hard task, you could crown me right here and right now.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 July 2003 08:12:12

    You know, claiming you were the hottest thing since the Prancing Pony opened it's doors doesn't mean jackshit to me. You want respect, earn it. I care a very small bit about what you did 'back in the day' if you ain't the shizzle nizzle now. If you do have an active char that's a badass mofo, comment with him. Otherwise take your whole 'you ain't shit because you ain't been around since the game was first coded' attitude and shove right up your gaping wide anus.

    No one HAS to respect you. No HAS to give a rats shit about your fucking opinion. You expect that because you've been 'playing since blahblahblahblah' you automatically matter, even though you ain't done shit in so long no one remembers you except the other 2 or 3 bastards just like you. Get over yourself, everyone else either did or ain't impressed.

    This is for everyone that tries to shove the 'I was the shiznit back in *insert time from many years ago* and therefore you will respect and fear me because I played this game for years and years before you and it doesn't matter if I aint done nothing recently because I WAS THE FUCKING SHIT way back in the day before the mud went downhill and started sucking ass but I still hang around it even though I think the mud is a piece of shit game ran by people with small dicks and I need to remind you all of how good I am or was because well I was and you will respect it because damnit I WAS THE SHIZZLE NIZZLE *however longago* and thus I do not have to prove I am good IN THE PRESENT because I was good IN THE PAST' attitude down my throat.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    09 July 2003 08:08:31

    Nogothrim, your opinion that being visible gives people the right to insult you is exactly why you are unwelcome at T2T.

    Bakal, Sigmund, and whoever else wants to defend you can say whatever they like - but if thats their opinion, they're unwelcome too.

    Having dealt with both of them, that doesn't seem to be the case.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    09 July 2003 07:03:03

    ahhhh,dont take things too seriously Jules, this is just part of the game. Your right about one thing though, I am much too busy to be playing for over 2 hours a day. *shrug* Tough shit I guess...

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    09 July 2003 05:32:39

    Sigmund pwns all Theodrek you fucking newbie.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:46:42

    Good luck with your gaming.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:46:29

    Ahh, okay. Just wondering, off to UT2003

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:45:46

    He never said that a 150 days old character got nuked.

    He used it as an example.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:40:16

    And I wanted to ask, who was Nogothrim talking about when he said a 150d old character got nuked?

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:39:54

    Yeah, you have nothing important to say on this forum anyways...go back to owning babies in tookland.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:39:19

    You replied...so yeah, you gave a damn.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:39:14

    I'm going to go play UT2003 now, so don't expect any more comments from me

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:37:09

    Aren't you special. Do you want a biscuit? Because I couldn't really give a damn about what you just said. :)

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:35:06

    Haha, dude, I was owning this place when you weren't even born, mr. please.watch.me.im.wearing.my.friggin.pyjamas.right.now...and oh yeah, so was Nogothrim and a bunch of other great people..so keep that porridge-hole-shut, ok?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 04:29:00

    And who are you, Sigmund? Who's dick have you been sucking that gives you permission to talk shit?

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    09 July 2003 03:55:17

    And you aren't Theofag? :>

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 July 2003 03:54:03

    Nogothrim, you're lame.

  • Author
    Blood [legacy]
    09 July 2003 02:17:46

    And the standings are: Nogothrim- 54, Rauko- 32, Julius- 17, Draimon 12.3, Stupid whiney beornings- 3.57, Ruiniel- negative one billion

  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    09 July 2003 01:42:42

    Date: 05. Jul, 2003, 5:13:23 By: Kujo

    Date: 03. Jul, 2003, 12:39:53By: Armada

    Heh, you are all so pathetic.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 July 2003 01:20:59

    Canther knew everything about the past. He informed me that you were no one to be feared. I'll stand by my statement. Coding Thranduils gives you the right to be a dickhead?

    You really handled the situation horribly. But, you gotta save face right? 'The more beligerant and public a person gets towards me, the less I am inclined to use quiet and merciful containment tools.' God, that says it all. Thats disgusting, at least you should try to act like a immortal instead of a fifth grader on the playground. Also, nuking him with the knowledge that he could always be 'restored' is an awful way to opperate. When you make yourself visible on the 'who list' and through tells you should expect to be insulted. The same goes for making yourself visible on this logpage.

  • Author
    Rauko [legacy]
    09 July 2003 00:32:02

    Nogothrim says:

    'Geez i mean i knew Rauko when he was a mortal and man he sucked ass and damn he was even worse as an immortal.'

    Now you say you just saw me around. 'Most' of your information comes from Canther then? Well it's never wise to take someone else's opinion as your own, especially when you might not know what baggage it carries (not that I know, either). Canther was a great player from a different time. I have tremendous respect for him, and for a long time I called him a friend. Why he would say I sucked ass to you, I don't know. He never new Rauko as a mortal, though. I was immortal and spending the majority of my time working on Thranduil's when I knew Canther, through my seldom played mortal alt.

    Is this helping your recall at all? Maybe you should get your opinions from more people who were _actually_ around then...or make up some good ones. ;)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 July 2003 00:13:21

    Back to the log - Yes Draimon did 'Tool' us :p

    He attempted me solo in linhir - i broke him and had the guys set trap. Draimon was smart, had huge heals, and got the better of me. He won - no complaints from me.

    As for when we killed him - it was and is not a matter of 'We needed 4 people' - Was a case of we had 4 people - 3 of whom were already in combat - so unlike other who split up and get soloed one by one (Julius is a good example) we stuck togther and eventualy over powerd him.

    Nothing wrong there.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 23:40:02

    'The fact that he's spending more time continuing to be a dick instead of ever appealing his deletion reads like an admission of guilt and stupidity to me.'

    Wherever he is acting like a dick it certainly isnt on this logpage. Its me, in particular, thats being a dick and thats no reason to punish him.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 23:36:21

    What i think Draimon was trying to say is that Skyman, or whichever char he commed about, is the one who disclosed information about his chars when he logged one off and the other one on almost simutaneously. Due to Skyman's obvious MultiPlaying the information was available to everyone. Draimon just pointed it out. In any case a silence was a suitable response.

    Yes i was around back then. I saw you around but most of my information comes from Canther. Whom i believe.

  • Author
    Rauko [legacy]
    08 July 2003 23:17:43

    As ever, I am the force of chaos. ;)

    Thanks for all your comments about me, good and bad. It's fun reading, especially from Nogothrim.

    Clearly, I often have less patience for jackasses than it seems some would like. Not that you have any more patience for me. The more beligerant and public a person gets towards me, the less I am inclined to use quiet and merciful containment tools. That's my nature and it has served me well. If ever I go too far, there is always a restore command. Although, the likelyhood of THAT getting used gets less and less the longer the extra-curricular tantrums last.

    I like the point about a no legend-2-people rule. No, it doesn't say anywhere that asking people to legend two people is illegal, specifically. However, the multiplaying rule says: '...disclosure of any other player's characters will result in the default punishment.' Anyone with half a brain can see that Draimon's intentions were to expose someone's characters, argument to the contrary is a waste of everyone's time. The default punishment is a warning, which he recieved.

    Upon his objection to his warning, I calmly informed him that he can appeal it through Draugluin, the power of law. Even after his nuke I informed him that he should contact the power of law to discuss it. As I was providing him with calm answers in tells, he was doing what you see in the log on the comm. The fact that he's spending more time continuing to be a dick instead of ever appealing his deletion reads like an admission of guilt and stupidity to me.


    P.S. Nogothrim, however unlikely it is that you knew me then, thanks for insulting me as a mortal. Good to know where my skills stand...8 years later!

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    08 July 2003 22:52:02

    Tarith, wtf man. You haven't left your guildhall in 6 months, what right have you to say anything to anyone?

    You're so noob, it makes my eyes hurt.

    And Ruiniel...I really think its funny how you keep saying I have no skill...especially after all the times I've killed you. If I suck, what the hell does that make you? :P

    I guess I've just been 'lucky' over 1000 times, right?

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    08 July 2003 20:38:47


  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    08 July 2003 20:33:12

    erm...$150. Not using my regular keyboard. This one is a lot smaller.

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    08 July 2003 20:32:37

    I for one was told that with my $250 donation I would get a place on the wall of honour. It hasn't happened yet. But thats my only qualm.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    08 July 2003 19:24:40

    I'll stop blabbing incoherently.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    08 July 2003 19:24:10

    It's at their own leisure, Lathen. Yes, money was donated to the MUD, and what we all got back for donating the money was clearly stated when we donated it. Maybe you could tell Draugluin directly - or idea report what you just made a post about. I'm going to say this. You didn't HAVE to donate to the MUD. You never HAVE to. This is a free MUD. The donations were needed and gladly accepted, yes, but no one had to.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    08 July 2003 18:56:38

    it's nice to see so many people sticking up for me, seems the only ones that didnt are people that i killed, i said do legend skyman,legend the char he was on right before

    i never said anything about mp, but if you ran the legend, you would see that one was on 5 seconds after the other, and you could conclude from that what you wanted, i never came out and said skyman is alt1, i brought up the point in lotraz's log where the title is Tua... ehm, Fuingul dies, where he states half of his alts name without getting in any trouble and was ignored

    oh well, as long as we have public nukings, and the noobs can cheer when i'm gone, and rauko can feel popular again, i guess that's all that matters, good bye

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    08 July 2003 18:13:51

    a free mud unto which thousands of dollars were donated to assist the ainur in the upkeep of the mud. mortals should at least have some kind of representative 'say' as to what goes on here, without having to immort just to 'earn' the right to be heard. there was once a representative body that was half way taken seriously....then it was setup to fail by the PoL and stripped of any power so that it became totally pointless.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 July 2003 18:00:33

    Right, Theodrek:P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:53:33

    ^ And Lastly

    The Valar and Powers, as the founders, creators, operators,

    and administrators of this system, reserve the right to delete

    any character and ban any site for any reason whatsoever.

    That's from help nuke...and I know there's another ting like that around there. And remember, this is a free MUD, you play because they let you play...if you don't like it, don't ask for a refund because you tink some horrible injustice has been done to you, just stop playing.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:40:08

    Ruiniel, i like you, but i could point to about 10 log comments on here where you name Spartan's alts, it's just hypocracy.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:38:41

    the meaning of MP info even

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:38:35

    lol at Tarith........ovbiously you are still a fucking noob man shut the fuck up with your stupid ass comments. Julius said it best man. *cheers to the stud that was nuked*

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:37:25

    Of course the names were changed. I don't want to give out info like some people did:P

    And Julius, yes, Draimon is as good as you, i.e. he sucks as much as you:P

    Armada, chill out, I've changed the names, the first one was Skyman and the second one isnt.

    Now, I'm still a law student, let me explain where it is said that you shouldn't comm that.

    It is clearly said that giving out MP info is illegal. The meaning term 'MP info' is to be decided by the ainur. Don't you think comming two alts is giving out MP info?

    Or I should just comm Julius is Therigion and this won't be MP info cause, well, duh, I can comm whatever I want to and he should hide better the fact that he actually is Therigion.

    Hell, the very fact that I know Julius is Therigion and I don't intend to give out MP info with such comms makes me innocent!

    Doesn't it sound ridiculous?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    08 July 2003 17:23:46

    one of the best players on the game? Now that is fucking hilarious. I like your play julie, but please get his dick out of your mouth so you can make a coherent thought.

  • Author
    Blood [legacy]
    08 July 2003 16:41:23

    wait, so were the names actually changed in the comm or was draimon nuked for nothing

    oh and nice typical tactics, draimon solos you so you 4 man him with mels and whip.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    08 July 2003 15:43:23

    Geez Nogo, Julius and everyone else screaming bloody murder.

    Lighten up and look at it from this point of view:

    Rauko doesn't have the time to play a mortal anymore (or as some would claim, the skills). So, he cannot PK anymore... whats the second best thing instead of PK'ing?

    You got that right! Nuke the bastards! Let him have his perverted little fun, let him lure angry teens or use the smallest excuse to get his kick in.

    God knows the rest of us do that when we PK, right?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    08 July 2003 15:37:46

    I would agree that instead of nuking him, Rauko should just have silenced him. The guy was just pissed off after a death, if he had had time to calm down he would have been back to normal and not doing anything to harm the MUD.

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    08 July 2003 13:25:20

    First off, I have to say that Draimon is one of Arda's better players....as good as me, I am sure, if not better.

    Secondly, this is fucked. Why the hell does Rauko still have power to nuke? He's never been able to control his emotions and act like a responsible Admin.

    Thirdly, Delgaur, Ruiniel, Skyman - You all got TOOLED. Draimon is four times as good as you - thats why it took four of you and two uniques to kill him.

    Draimon, come back soon man. You rock the house.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    08 July 2003 13:17:11

    Nogothrim, lie down, have something to drink, relax. Keyword is: relax

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    08 July 2003 12:51:57

    Nogothrim, you're nearly cute when you're on the verge of apoplexy ;)

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    08 July 2003 12:27:04

    I thought Pechni was the worst RPer ever.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 12:13:54

    Deboraha takes the cake for being the mortal who acts least like a mortal. No wonder she likes Rauko. Why dont you just immort!??!?! You could climb up the ranks fast as hell!!! You fucking think you can have your cake and eat it to???? Deboraha is you IRL there is no difference. God it makes me puke. Worst Rper in history.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    08 July 2003 11:31:28

    I'm happy that Rauko is back. Welcome back, old chap ;)

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:46:17

    Haha, back in Gaytown eh? I was never fucking Pechni! Pechni is GONE!

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:30:28

    My computer exploded...and i'm fucking sorry but pechni doesnt freaking exist. Who are you????? 'I'm batman'

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:26:12

    Nogo, you cheap arse faggit..I doubledare you to turn ICQ on.

    Why haven't you returned my e-mails? Is it because I sent you those

    nude pictures of me and Timothy?! Is it?! Bastard!

    /Gay-u-star Warrior

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:17:06

    Fuck you Gazza, losing your cool for 2 mins on the comm is no reason to delete days upon days of work. Rauko could have easily done something else to stop Draimon (if this is really why he was nuked). But, Rauko is lazy and doesnt give a shit...so he took the easy way out.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:15:21

    Hey guys, Draugluin already told us that the nuking of Draimon was an act of pure justice. We shouldnt even ask about it anymore. It takes alot of skill/wisdom to rise to the position of power of law. If he says its true....IT HAS TO BE. Geez i mean i knew Rauko when he was a mortal and man he sucked ass and damn he was even worse as an immortal. But come on, they wouldnt let any homo off the 'who list' become power of law would they? hahah wrong, they would. They dont give a crap they just want people with free time!!!!

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:09:19

    Come back soon Draimon, you make me laugh :-)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    08 July 2003 10:07:53

    Draimon goaded Rauko into nuking him. If he hadn't carried on giving cheek after his warning, instead dealing with it in a responsible way, he'd still exist, methinks.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    08 July 2003 08:16:12

    Why was the exact same log posted twice, and what was the point in showing the comms at the end?

    What a silly nuke.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    08 July 2003 07:49:22

    Hey armada, instead of making yourself look bad, maybe think the log was changed because delgaur didn't want what draimon really said to be in the log? Maybe it was a different pair of names? Aside from that, draimon had a bad day, but as in real life, when you do things you know you normally woudln't sometimes you get shafted and are held accountable for those days. Draimon was a decent guy at least in my opinion although he was a little bit contract happy. :)

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    08 July 2003 07:36:48

    How the hell is 'legend julius, legend skyman' MP info? It's not like they're the same goddamn person. Ruiniel, you're pathetic. Kill your enemies, don't persuade ainur to nuke them for no reason.

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    08 July 2003 07:13:38

    Word, history repeats itself...and the new age jackasses rejoice.


  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    08 July 2003 06:38:38

    as much as i like to see draimon nuked, this was just wrong...

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    08 July 2003 06:10:32

    This would go great in the 'Ainu and other power-trippers?!' discussion in the //forum//.

    Things said there are preserved, and don't just drift off in the endless list of logs.


  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 05:37:14

    When i say 'cheating' i mean bug abuse.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    08 July 2003 05:32:51

    I think he has a pretty fucking valid point when he said the following:

    ^ Draimon if you can provide me with a help file that says you cannot say on the comm to legend 2 people, i will be quiet

    But like Nogo said, Rauko handled this horribly, but that's his style.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 04:52:47

    If he got caught cheating then he got what he deserved. If he got nuked for something other than cheating then he got screwed. But, he mighta gotten nuked for cheating. The log kinda throws you off though.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    08 July 2003 02:19:04

    Draimon really got what he deserved. Trust me, Nogothrim, Rauko is sooooo popular:P

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 02:07:06

    Bottom line...God's dont give a shit. There's nothing worse than watching someone get deleted for going banannas on a mud's global communication lines. Its always the IMMs fault in my opinion.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    08 July 2003 02:04:42

    this isnt fucking oprah, I'm guessing the powers dont want to deal with his shit every other month. But does seem rather harsh, but who knows what else(if anything) provoked the nuking.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    08 July 2003 02:01:38

    Again: Draimon got what he deserved.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 02:01:12

    When you possess the power to nuke someone's 150d old char. You should hold yourself to higher standards of restraint and clearness of thought.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:59:20

    Yea, but, it would be nice to have people in control who are more understanding. I mean, why not just silence him and let him cool down? You know tomorrow he wont be going all psycho. Why cant you be more forgiving?

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:56:05

    Draimon got what he deserved.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:53:58

    Rauko handled that situation horribly. But, i guess thats his style *shrug*

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:49:02

    That should have definitely been fixed with a silence...not a nuke. Power's are shameless.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:30:43

    Go Rauko!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:30:30

    dam it - seems i duplicated this log - sorry.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    08 July 2003 01:30:01

    Would have been nice if Rauko nuked two of Draimon's chars, and then commed 'do legend draimon, legend othernukedchar'. :P