
Posted by
Duncan [legacy]
28 October 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

He almost made it...:)


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 October 2003 10:51:20

    This discussion dosen`t belong to this log I believe.


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    29 October 2003 10:25:12

    Trempk, this is a limited PK mud where RP is optional... Don't like it? Hit the road Jack!

    Theme is only here to make it seem a little less Quake, the buttomline is, that PK is what it was created for and what the administration prefers.

    So, I don't give a rats ass why anyone killed anyone. Those 'thematic' reasons are only there to keep people like you Trempk occupied with finding holes in it. :)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    29 October 2003 08:58:08


  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    29 October 2003 08:58:02

    Ohh! Hehe.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    29 October 2003 08:57:51

    Why Caber?

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    29 October 2003 08:12:11

    Trempk, man. When you make a comment, you need to stop and think for approximately 2 minutes before clicking 'Add it!' just in case you think of something else you want to say. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 07:21:06

    Btw, you forgot to rank my last log as a 1, Nilreg.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 07:19:43

    Oh, who did i kill for pointless reasons?

  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    29 October 2003 07:05:08

    complaining about killing someone for trivial reasons when you do the same lame shit yourself is rather pointless.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 06:25:56

    Then again you could just keep reporting them when they attack you and then they'll stop. Then again, I dont think your guildmates would appreciate that.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 06:23:16

    Just tell them you don't RP and they'll leave you alone Ultilh.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    29 October 2003 06:05:21

    Well, if I'm killing in Edoras, say, I'd want the amruin to come in, see me, and leave because they're scared of me. If I keep on bandaging my opponents they'll just get in my way of making gold, and it's their duty to defend Edoras, so it's their complete right to attack me and mess up my day. But, I would want to hunt them down, kill them, and teach them a lesson not to mess my gold-making again. :P

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:30:10

    That being said...

    The problem with pkilling as RP is that the people most likely to be targets will find the idea of RPing far less appealing than they would if the idea is to have fun rather than get a swordfull of pure theme. This is why, though I am thoroughly contemptuous of traditional 'RP Treaty' stipulations, such as no SRS strikes, poisons, fireballs at ND, etc., I have always retained my aversion to hunting as RP. For one, the exact degree of hunting provided in this game is rather unthematic in itself. Secondly, I suddenly stop having fun when someone hunts me. And finally, I don't see the fun in hunting down someone who has done nothing but give me the chance of killing them conventionally without the added frills of the hunt.

  • Author
    Mikula [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:27:54

    Holy shit, Erwin left his GH... -AND- lost his 10k C?! HOLY SHIT! THATS BIG NEWS

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:24:53

    I agree that the motivation behind this likely has nothing to do with RP, but that doesn't make it any less thematic.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:21:13

    God damnit, 4 posts in a row i feel stupid. And killing a random amruin in some far off place in arda just because you're bored is also just using RP as an excuse to pk.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:19:49

    Maybe its more exciting and fun when your life is on the line. Killing all the edoras NPCs with the 4 people and the best weapons in the game fighting an equal number of amruin is fine. But then when all the NPCs are dead, hunting the amruin and then trying to provoke them to hunt you so you can lock them in the ladies room is beyond trying to kill your enemies in RP. Its trying to get free pks any way you can, amruin members or not.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:16:18

    I remember back when people complained when the prevailing idea of RP was defending NPCs against players. The only thing you DH has done different is added is killing the guy if you could. I don't see what the point is. If you kill him, he isnt dead. He's just one level lower. You defeat him even if you show mercy and bandage him, its the same result. Except there's more of a challenge the next time he comes back, and neither of you have to waste time getting gold and experience that you could spend doing more important things.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 05:12:00

    I just feel that you guys just want to kill people. I don't think you want to kill us because we're your sworn enemies and out of RP reasons. Saying you do is just you kidding yourself. Maybe some of you do, but people like Duncan, Iago, etc. people who have no real idea or vision of RP other than pking people, and never had; people I wouldn't want in my guild, just don't. They kill people whenever they can. They would just as well kill some guy in the shire who has a contract as they would an amruin in rohan. Well, maybe not Iago since he's always harassed amruin members.

    I think that you want to kill us because you want to kill anybody you can. And our being your sworn enemies just gives you a reason to, just like defending elrond gave them a reason to kill that guy. Of course you guys have always valued ability to pk in RP over ability to RP. Which is probably why you let in those kind of members in the first place.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    29 October 2003 03:51:23

    I'm of the opinion that 'I roleplay!' should not be a security blanket. When you type 'kill so-and-so,' you damn well better be prepared to deal with the consequences. If your roleplay consists of shielding your elf lord, that's all well and good, but you'd better be on the lookout for people whose roleplay is to beat the shit out of people who get in their way. That's what we like to call 'real' roleplay, where you don't pat your enemies on the back and help them back up after you bandage them. I don't care if you think it's nice or not, Trempk. You seem to like standing up for people's right to play how they want to play, and you think we should be forced to roleplay...until our choice of roleplay involves pkilling our sworn enemies. Then you're suddenly all annoyed with us!

    I support your decision to roleplay however the hell you want. If you don't want to kill me, I can accept that. I think the problem is that you can't accept that I _do_ want to kill you. 'Oh my, that's too bloodthirsty! You're wrong because you don't accept my definition of pansified roleplay!' is not really the best argument to make.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    29 October 2003 03:28:46

    I really do agree with Trempk.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    29 October 2003 03:22:52

    I concur!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2003 02:38:13

    Whining is what I do, accept it. I did a long time ago. Its not that I don't like Duncan, its just that I don't like Duncan. I don't like anyone that pks people for stupid trivial reasons or people that in general are only here to make other player's experience worse in a way. People play this game for fun, when you force them to not have fun so that you can have fun, I just don't think that you belong here. There are better games out there for that. If that person is also into the pk game then i wouldnt have a problem with it because you deserve what you give out. People who just want to kill tenzek for some armour, or defend an NPC without pkilling on the other hand don't deserve that, im(nsh)o. If someone comes in to attack edoras and I go to fight them, they can tell me that they aren't there to roleplay and to back off. And I will, because I respect their right to play the game the way they want to and have fun doing it. People like Duncan don't respect that. Duncan and Daywalker could have told that guy that they didn't want to RP. He might not have respected their decision and still defended Elrond though, but being in a guild, Duncan should be expected to deal with that kind of thing because being in a guild, he should be forced to RP, even in combat situations. But even so, killing someone for not getting a fang? Come on, be realistic, you killed him because he gave you a reason to kill him. Its not because it was a fang, it could have been an ess and you would have still killed him. And about whining on MELS, I just do it because I think its unbalanced. You all complain about sapphies, I'm allowed to complain about MELS(and the whip :P

    And I really hope that DH rp hasnt turned into just pking just any amruin and calling them strawheads, like it has looked to me over the past few days. Maybe its just been a surge of bloodthirstiness when you guys have nothing better to do.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:58:30

    But seeing Duncan killing someone with a woden sword might be interesting :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:57:04

    It does get pretty old seeing Duncan get these quick kills with the same sword though.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:47:12

    How come it seems like i never see duncan pking anyone without trempk whining about it anymore?

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:30:53

    Trempk, I think the answer is 'Because we generally have the MELS a lot these days.' If we didn't have it, maybe Duncan would be forced to pkill with something else...but until then, I don't see him dropping MELS and picking up a wooden sword before a pkill just so he can impress you. ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:22:57

    Good kill.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 October 2003 00:21:34

    That was brutal, the killing that is, damage, colors flying everywhere.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    28 October 2003 23:41:34

    Trempk, shut up, will you please? I have never done anything to you. Or that's when you are actually good to strawheads. Well..whatever, I guess all Amruin are like that.

    When I gangbang someone I suddenly start doing only gangbagns and I've never soloed people. When I use mels I can't PK without anything else...Shut up please?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    28 October 2003 23:34:10

    How come it seems like i never see duncan pking anyone without the mels anymore?