Dont ever use the word F+ckup

Posted by
Waste [legacy]
05 November 2003 00:00:00

Well, bye I guess?


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 23:10:51

    I must say, I agree with Barad with that guild boards shouldn't be moderated. A guild is a private group, and people are in it by their own free will. If I flame someone on my guild board nothing happens, but if I say 'I don't know why the fuck ...' then I get punished. Ridiculous rules in my oppinion.

  • Author
    Thrfak [legacy]
    07 November 2003 05:00:30

    I wonder if maybe the ainur could code something that would censor out all 'offensive' words for says tells emotes and anything else that another player may see and take offense too. Not just like on the comm with the 'You don't wanna use profanity on here? (or whatever it is) but just maybe make the word appear as ***

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 November 2003 21:02:45

    *shrug* It's no secret I'm Alkath.

    No, Beyaz, I'm not going to spell out every goddamnforsaken thing for you, yeah?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:00:01

    I think it's funny that Grady got a warning for the joke I told him. :P Hence, 'Other peoples jokes.'

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:44:37

    *oh my*

    I'm always surprised by alt info...

    I was joking with him Beyaz, all people know I almost never get angry (*thinks about Namarik... bah!*)

    Question: if an alt is nuked for profanity rest of alts are also nuked?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:23:57

    Hmm, giving out your own alt info?


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:19:21

    Duh! Alkath = Sarys = Duncan haven't figure that out yet ???

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:18:33

    That is not an explaination...and i asked Sarys

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:16:25

    cuz srys said so ok ???

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:14:04

    Cool it Betus, Sir...

    And explain why he is sad Sarys?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 13:23:24

    Please nuke Sarys for calling me 'sad bastard' :P

    (Yeah! I managed to skip the proxy/firewall I've hidden skills ;-)

  • Author
    Dobromir [legacy]
    06 November 2003 13:17:50

    I am sory for Waste, though I don't know this char much -we met a few times in the mud, the last time, I think, was when he ang Kozlodoev whacked me in Mordor(completely my fault- Don't stay at the well and send tells if you don't use your mud client:)

    I will miss this char alway staying inside Mordor when i happen to go there.

    But, well, your destiny, Waste, was obviously to get wasted. For whatever reason(though I have few theories in mind).

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 November 2003 12:50:23

    And Betus wins the sad bastard award :P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 November 2003 12:47:09

    I love Ehtyar.

    And thank you, Mathel! It *was* Tantor!

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 11:38:04

    Westar's wasn't exactly what I'd call 'profane'

  • Author
    Usul [legacy]
    06 November 2003 11:22:16

    Heh...this warning thing reminds me a bit of the nuking of Westar and the discussion that followed upon it...

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 11:20:27


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 11:12:30

    Squire Betus asked me to post this...

    Betus: for writing 'fucking' in my last comment, now the proxy/firewall in my work doesn't allow me to see this comment thread *rotfl*

    you see why profanity is bad? ;-)

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:51:56

    Well, it's only you and me talking, really

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:49:32

    I can write 'fucking' here? ohh, Rhoads? can I? ;-)

    They lose their meaning Ehtyar, be sure that if you read me saying 'you're a MORON' I'm talking very seriously, why? cos I never say it to anybody, so the time I use it it'll be very serious, see the point?

    Don't want my signs? I use a lot '' and () and *, it's to supply my carences in english and to clarify what I want to say really.

    I don't think it's off-topic, the log is about using bad words at MUD...

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:36:35

    But since I suppose the discussion drifted on to swearing and censoring it, and that, I agree, is off-topic.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:35:54

    I disagree, when the log is about someone getting nuked for something many people find to not be a good reason, and we discuss that in the comments, I don't see how it's off-topic... But I guess we should take it to the forums. Much like we could take any other log here and make a forum thread out of it, but then I don't see the point of doing that.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:33:15

    I thought we could say fuck here? One of the best things about this wonderful log page! But from the way some of you are talking... :P

    Anyway, that argument about words losing their meaning if you use them too much is so lame. You just lose your fear of them (*looks at Betus and his damn little asterisks*). The most annoying thing ever is when people BLANK OUT PART OF THE WORD, isn't that right?

    By the way, I think Grady is the expert on lending weight to his arguments with 'slang' (isn't that cute?). Such intelligence, coherence and vulgarity at the same time was truly amazing to witness. ;)

    Hey, this is so off-topic.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:29:15

    I've mentioned things like this that don't please me to Draugluin before, and when I do, I get warnings. There's not a lot I can do about it. Afterall I should be happy he lets me play.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:24:56

    Oif! I've searched it, 'emphasize', and I still wrote it wrong *bonk*

    I don't have vocabulary as you can see, but I don't use them (well, not usually) I usually swear (to myself) in my language, but not in MUD.

    No, no, Vega! don't stop whinning, if you don't like it, whine! a lot and loud! but whine trying to give solutions ;-) in this case I don't think there's an easy solution to control the 'profanity' (don't like this word, It sounds very related to religion to me *shrug*)

    I only try to make clear both side positions to try to 'approach' them and find a better way to handle this situations, we all want to 'improve' our MUD experience right?

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:14:16

    Conclusion: Some of the rules are very strict and maybe taking it a bit too far, but we can't change that, so let's stop whining on the logpage when we get nuked for not following rules we know are there?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:13:37

    Betus, whether they be slang or not, they are still part of the English language, and most of them in the English dictionary.

    Also...Emphasize would be the correct spelling of the word.

    And i also agree that there are ways to make your point without using profanity, but not everyone has the intelligence/vocabulary to do so...i know i dont.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:13:09

    And no, I don't suppose they'll nuke you for doing it ONCE, but that shouldn't be an excuse to not follow the rules. They are there for a reason, we all no doubt know very well that the rules exist for us to play by them. It's been made clear several times we are here because Draugluin lets us, right?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:12:19

    And again, yes, I enjoy those jokings on comm, and I'm not defending Ainur, but there're **rules** and we have to follow them, or request them to be changed, but till Ainur change the rules (if they want to) we have to **follow** them.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:10:27

    I was under the impression that in tells, says, emotes and such we could use whatever we wanted, thank god, without having ainur policing our language. Thought they only did that on comms and boards?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:09:07

    Yes Vega, but it's also true that if you use a word a lot it looses it's meaning and it's only annoying to hear, it's not the same someone all day saying 'f***ing' in each sentence, that someone who only says 'F***ing!!' when he's really 'f***ed' ;-)

    I don't think Ainur will nuke someone for saying ONCE one of that words, and if so.. maybe they didn't know if you use them continuously or not, so the only way tho make follow rules is to apply them strictly, we're a lot of players, if they have to track each word a player says/writes on boards/emote... we'll need hundreds of Ainur (and we don't want that right? *heh*)

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 10:03:59

    I think Grady's warnings are unfair when he brings fun and life to the mud!

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:58:47

    Even with good arguments, you must admit it kind of helps get the point through, though.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:56:07

    As I said I personally don't care (I'm not 10 years old! and when I was young I also hear that words, but I didn't use them ;-), I've to notice I've learn a lot of that kind of 'english' (it's called 'slang' right?) in the year and a half I've been playing!!

    My point is that in a discussion/dispute or in habitual talking you really don't need to use that words, you can say the same without using it and there're other ways to 'empathasize' (damm word! ;-) what do you want to express, I think using 'bad' words is the way people whithout arguments tend to try to give 'weight' to their discourse.

    And for Ainur applying those rules, well... it's hard to have 'power' and it's harder to administrate 'power' with equity, personally I think some of those warnings are unfair, *very* unfair :((

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:54:54

    Now that's true.

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:53:19

    Cheers to Grady, he always makes me laugh

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:51:01

    Well, nobody likes you either.

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:49:19

    piss off Sarys, its Tantor nobody likes, not me

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:48:32

    Beyaz makes a valid point.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:47:56

    I agree fully with Trempk's comment about protecting people from words.

    I mean, they are only words, and i had this very arguement with many teachers when i was at school(a few years ago now, but its still a valid arguement).

    The English language is there to be used to the fullest. A word, even something as vulgar as cunt, is after all still only a word. And this is a word based game.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:38:53

    Actually, Betus, you're right, I played here when I was 10. But then I already heard words like this enough from friends, or tv, or whatever, to care if it said 'gay', 'fuck' or 'asshole' on my screen. Didn't mean to offend you by using these words, you-know-who-you-are.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:38:43

    What bad timing.

    Hardly got to know you, but you seemed cool.

    I think the word archaic describes the profanity rules quite aptly, and the word draconian describes their application by certain individuals. Would be interesting to see what numbers a poll on the subject would throw up, especially an age-weighted poll versus a not-age-weighted poll.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:32:25

    I'm sorry for you Waste :((

    Guys, just a side note, you know this game can be played by young people? I mean, a 10 years old child can play here, I'm not an American Christian or something like that, I don't care about your way of speaking but... it's not too hard to express yourself without using that kind of words IMHO.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 09:03:41

    I do agree with many here that the profanity rules are too uptight

    but then again if you are a member of those selfcentered American

    Christians you might see some reason to them...

    Happy things doesn?t come alone, with Kubar as their master, who

    want to argue that Udungul isn?t dead,.

    A utter Waste of time from char Creation to the nuke including

    mine and others comments upon it.

  • Author
    Kamath [legacy]
    06 November 2003 06:09:00

    I got nuked for something I didn't do, unfair nukes. I got over it

  • Author
    Iazrul [legacy]
    06 November 2003 04:39:59

    *sighs* all for you too.

    YOU n00b!! Where were your 133tskills! You should of dodged that Nuke!

    Now my ring is gone!!!

    Sorry bro

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 04:25:19

    Waste was a r0x0r, yes but come on? Non PK logs rated high? Only Fimbu's tidbits and a very few others (like Peesho's fake log) deserve that:)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    06 November 2003 03:36:43

    yep and my vote of 6 is for you being an uber good gm.. =)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    06 November 2003 03:35:45

    sorry to see you go...

    thought the guild was finally going in the direction where it should be heading

    well please come back, we'll all welcome you back to Ud any time.. =)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 02:07:20

    Of course he was cool, nuking him was just sad..

  • Author
    Thrfak [legacy]
    06 November 2003 02:05:24

    I remember the many times Baklen left saying how fucked up this mud was becoming, I guess it's almost reached it's peak. Waste you are a cool dude, even though I wanst in UD long you where always the bestest!!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 01:55:50

    *grin* I'll soon be back spamming you with that 'legend blah blah' thing on the comm:)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 November 2003 01:47:57

    Uh, yeah, like, whatever. Perhaps warning for profanity on guildboards is a bit silly.

    But hey, guess what, it's easily to avoid these warnings: just don't use profanity, yo.

    As far as Waste is concerned, I don't know the guy, I'm sure he was great and all. As far as I know, he was just an annoying guy on the comm (like really annoying, as annoying as... that CoU guy, dunno who... Mathel? Hmm, not sure. Blah, he sucks though.)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2003 01:15:12

    This log title reminded me of the words 'It's a deal, it's a steal... It's sale of the fuckin' century!'

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    06 November 2003 01:14:29

    Hmm. I don't like where this comment thread is going. Try to hold back on the acusations. I would hate to close wastes goodbye thread.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    06 November 2003 00:51:13

    grady Jun 15 2003 (by tilion) : Grady: Thieves guild is about as useless as tits on Deboraha these days.

    grady Aug 12 2003 (by teak) : ^ Bakal: What's the difference between a pizza and a jew? ^ Grady: Pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven

    grady Sep 12 2003 (by aule) : comm: Real sex will make you think shoving golf balls in your ass hole is a good idea.

    hahahahaha - did not know he was so funny :)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 00:40:22 Dune:)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2003 00:29:10

    Lotraz: I'll bet he'd warn me if I said anything bad :P

    Waste: You were cool when you were a Rimmie, it was good to be in a guild with you.... For a while, before you started going skitzo over the smallest things.

  • Author
    Vinyari [legacy]
    06 November 2003 00:18:54

    I dont know to rate this log as a 1 or a 6. So i wont rate. Anyways, sad to see you go, Waste. I'll think of you the next time i get to kill Galadriel.

  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:58:03

    Ps: None of us 'hate' any of you. None of us have the time nor inclination to get that involved when you break the rules.

    right draug, this is why you accuse me of shit i didnt do, and then don't bother to apologize when you know you're wrong? bull.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:42:21

    Meh, as for Draugluin. Talk to me on Yahoo, I'm not airing out dirty laundry.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:40:10

    On the subject of Rhoads earlier:

    Yun: He's like the kid who wrote down your name in class for the teacher while she was out of the room

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:37:06

    I wonder how many Rimsilval members or old Meglivornth members Scatha has ever warned...

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:27:11

    If you have actual proof of someone 'cheating for those they like', feel free to bring it to my attention.


    The fact that you don't have proof, but say such things anyway, is a -great- example of why you're banned.

    Remember that the next time you ask me if it's been a year yet.

    Ps: None of us 'hate' any of you. None of us have the time nor inclination to get that involved when you break the rules.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:24:13

    grady Apr 6 2003 (by smaug) : violation of comm_policy #2, calling someone a 'homo' on comm after being warned not to use 'fag'

    This is as sad as it's funny..and it made me almost fall off my chair:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:22:19

    Trempk, what's wrong with you dude? You've just said something smart:) Something must be wrong here:)

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:13:47

    And I very seriously doubt that Draugluin 'likes' me. We got along at some point and probably still would now. But he has a job which causes him to be an asshole and he's really grown into the part. I mean, the people that I like... I just can't see myself putting them on siteban for a year because of some stupid Israeli who cheats for people she likes.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 23:11:04

    Whatever dude, the point was that even if you have the dumbest warnings ever, that after being accumulated you're nuke-bait. Only 2 of those Warnings were arguably warranted. Feck, homo and finishing someone else's jokes are ridiculous warnings however, the suck my dick and the last one basically were real warnings and sealed the deal.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:39:27

    Some people just have no real sense of humor and are offended way too easily. I can't comprehend the stupidity of protecting people, even kids from mere words.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:37:32

    Thank you Grady. Thats proves my theory that Draugluin nukes people based on if he likes them or not.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:23:55

    Not sure exactly why I posted that, but there you go.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:23:11

    =HP:230 EP:220= warnings

    These are Grady's current warnings, when they were given, by whom, and why:

    grady Apr 6 2003 (by smaug) : violation of comm_policy #2, calling someone a 'homo' on comm after being warned not to use 'fag'

    grady May 15 2003 (by osse) : 'but why don't you go suck a dick?' in a mudwide gossiper post.

    grady May 16 2003 (by osse) : continuing to use 'feck' on the main comm after I directly told him it was not OK.

    grady May 21 2003 (by draugluin) : Action taken: No board posts until 10d of age.

    grady Jun 15 2003 (by tilion) : Grady: Thieves guild is about as useless as tits on Deboraha these days.

    grady Jun 16 2003 (by draugluin) : Action taken: Leprosy until 16d21h of age.

    grady Aug 12 2003 (by teak) : ^ Bakal: What's the difference between a pizza and a jew? ^ Grady: Pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven

    grady Sep 12 2003 (by aule) : comm: Real sex will make you think shoving golf balls in your ass hole is a good idea.

    =HP:230 EP:221= ^ Falkun: six feet under rocked.

    ^ Falkun: I don't have time to watch it anymore though



    Grady the Grenadey, the dunedain Crime Lord (Demonic)

    HP: 230/230 END: 227/230 Exp: 904359 Avg. Stats: 100

    Strength: 100 Agility: 100 Charisma: 100

    Constitution: 100 Coordination: 100 Intelligence: 100

    Level 19 thief, 18d 11h 8m 6s old.

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:08:42

    Extremely sad to see Waste go.

    He tought me a lot in this MUD.

    I learnt from both his mistakes and his greatness.

    About profanity, check out my warning a couple of days ago!

    kubar Oct 31 2003 (by draugluin) : Sexually graphic/inappropriate board post: 'please rape that skank'

    Oh and whoever was thinking. I was saying that about Galadriel :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2003 22:06:43

    They post their nukes and talk here because they got nuked and cant talk on the mud I think. Plus unjust things on the mud have always seem to be swept under the rug as much as possible. Here they can put it out in the open without being censored like they would be on the mud.

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    05 November 2003 21:56:16

    Feels bad when worthy people leave..

    Be well, Waste.

    ps. Where was Scatha when I was told to f--k up (without the censor), and he even didn't answer my tells??..

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    05 November 2003 21:51:26

    Holy shit dood. I got two characters nuked in the last two weeks for profanity and I didn't get to spin. You suck.

    I see you suffer from the same problem as me, Waste. The powertripping ainu just love to go out and nuke people for stupid reasons. Cheating, gold transfers, and other ways to manipulate how you play the game with an advantage I can understand... but nuked for words? Thats BULLSHIT. I'd be worried about getting nuked for this, but I'm already nuked so fuck it :)

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    05 November 2003 21:39:20

    Scatha does seem to be going on a profanity hunt, and does seem to take things a litte to far sometimes. But, to his credit, for comms etc he always does give you multiple verbal warnings (even when i say bastard - the simple truth when talking about Sarys) when others would have just said 'screw it' and gave an official one.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:49:01

    Now as a comment related to the nuke of Waste, that last warning might have been kinda off, but that dosen't invalidate the other 3.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:47:55

    Nothing particular related to Waste, but, why do you people always like to post here when you got nuked to complain? It is not like it is going todo anything good I think. And btw Waste, your account is supposed to be unblocked if you are reading this. It was a bug.


  • Author
    Baradgul [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:42:16

    It's not only Udungul getting hit for guild board profanity. I got a warning about 3 days ago for using f**k (in that exact spelling) in a post on the board. So admin must be having a MUD-wide crackdown.

    It'll be a shame to see you go, Waste. For Baradgul, you were always 'the enemy,' but ive yarned to you with other chars and you were pretty relaxed. Have fun in the outside world.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:29:59

    You're such a nice person :)

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:28:21

    I think I did not really make it clear through the log that I actually got warned finally for using the word: Fu+ked up in that exact wording. I did recognize the profanity in it, but I also thought it would be alright to use it if i censor it since the Gods do so as well on the public comm. And just to add to the flavor of this nuke, Scatha told me that Udungul's board has been known to include profanity. The thing is, I never did not even see a word: shit, bitch, or any of those allowed words on it. But, I dunno, I guess they just want to get me nuked for anything. So there, I even got site banned:)

    As a side note, Draugluin likes to use: You got nuked, life goes on. As if he controls what kind of life you have on the mud. I aint that upset or mad about the character 'Waste', because really, I got nuked enough number of times in the last 8 years to really care about a character. People who know me, know that I can make a character and level him up back to 19 in less than a week. But, I wont, I wont come back to a place where someone is constantly seeking to get you nuked for any apparent reason. I am really sorry however for Udungul, because I have been taking the guild on a transition to become a better place. Thats the only thing I am sorry about.

    Incase I get blocked on this Name as well, thank you guys and especially Udungul for the best time of my MUD life through this character. The name says it all, Waste!

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    05 November 2003 20:22:22

    Everybody that voted a 6 is it because you are happy he is gone or happy he was nuked? I for once are tired of people that post when they hibernate/suicide/nuked/banned it is getting old.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:57:19

    *cough* nuke *cough*

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:32:36

    The few times I talked to Waste, he was an arrogant fuck, to me at least, so I put him on ignore :)

  • Author
    Sartak [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:32:31

    As for this being a wrong nuke, I'd just like to point out why I was nuked. I was nuked because when Draugluin told me he'd give me a warning, I told him I didn't care.

    I had no warnings at all, so why would I care about a warning? Boom, gone.. Waste's nuke wasn't unfair. He should have known since he had a past history of these warnings.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:30:43

    I didnt like Waste much, but I didnt like him getting nuked as such either.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:09:49

    I can't say Waste was ever a friend of mine, but I'm sorry to see him go. I think he was turning out to be a pretty good GM, and that last warning was pathetic.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:08:55

    Yes Ignorance, it only takes a moron like me to get a character nuked....right. It only takes someone with 3 warnings already under their belt to post profanity on their guild board, to get themself a 4th warning. And Bared seems to think joining a guild somehow invalidates the PG-13 rule we have for the whole MUD. Good thinking there.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:08:01

    You can say it's Scatha's fault, blah blah blah, but he did have 3 other warnings. Perhaps you should all blame Aule for giving him 2 warnings of the four?

  • Author
    Gordo [legacy]
    05 November 2003 19:04:09

    It's quite apparent to me that you do use profanity often. In fact, I am suprised they didn't just nuke you when you cussed out an Ainur. Rules are rules, and although its unfair to get nuked over one curse word on your message board, you didn't get nuked for it, you spun a wheel and based on your own luck you got nuked. Learn from it, move on, and when/if you come back dont use profanity. I too have seen Draugluin use the word 'fuck' on the global comm, maybe he should spin the wheel himself...

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:57:34

    It's not hard to avoid warnings, but it's still frustrating to see people get nuked for stupid reasons. It only takes a moron like Scatha, he seems to have established himself as such, a minute or so to issue a warning that wipes out days of playtime.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:56:40

    I mean people probely wounder why i haven't been nuked yet. And well i do to. But if i can avoid being nuked everyone else should. Kind of lame that you can get nuked on the wheel. I mean i thought spin was less of a punisment then nuke.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:43:21

    I wonder what was in the mail!

    How ironic if he had just won the lottery or something...

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:41:23

    Well.. it basically boils down to this. The admin like to warn and/or nuke people for redicilous reasons. Why I dont know... probably some childhood trauma or some powertrip deal.

    But not getting warnings isn't hard! It cant be news to a character over 1 days old that if you use a naughty word some hypocrite might find out and warn you for it.

    Until things change.. and they havent the 7.5 years i've been here just avoid it.. unless you have a severe case of tourettes its really not that difficult.. personally I have 0 warnings.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:36:25

    Cya Bared!

    As for Waste, you get 4 warnings in a few months, you're overdue.

  • Author
    Gnark [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:22:05

    Sad to see you go Waste.

    You were always kind of an enemy to me, heck, you even got me once.

    I must say I kinda liked hating you. Yet you proved to me that you were true to your word, and I must say I respect you for that.

    I can't say I like the muds profanity rules, but since they are there, you've got to follow them. Ol' D did his job, that's how it goes.

    I hope I will see you around, should I ever return.

    Take care!

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:16:43

    i aggree with trempk

  • Author
    Bared [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:12:25

    Waste IS one of the best guys in this game. He rps, and he treats his members with the highest respect. I shall miss you my friend. And I can honestly say that this hurt me. I'd see you all nuked before I'd see Waste nuked. Unfailry it was. What, you cannot express your anger? WHO is draugluin? IT is WASTE's BOARD! It's HIS guild. Not allowed to say Fucked up!? Why?! Does it hurt? Who cries?

    That's so fucking Bullshit, I do not think that Waste should be nuked. I aint playing the game no more cause I am really tired of all those unfailry nukes. As for me, I got nuked as well. why?! Becuase of a 'gold transfer' of 23 gold coins. WOOO! And btw, I did not gold transfering. Anyways. Waste, your my man. You're the one I admire the most in this game. *Respect to you my dear friend*

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    05 November 2003 18:00:32

    cant say i cry over this...

    Thanks mr D.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    05 November 2003 17:41:01

    oh yeah, you cant comment...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    05 November 2003 17:40:34

    teaches me not to make any more F+ckups:(

    got icq?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2003 17:32:43

    There's a lot of unfair nukes, at least you got to spin the wheel. :p

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    05 November 2003 17:02:21

    I never really knew you Waste, but we met once or twice.

    I can honestly say that I'll probably miss you, you seemed to be turning Udungul in a good direction and improving their role.

    I hope you do come back, and maybe send me a tell :) (not a kill :P)