
Posted by
Therina [legacy]
06 November 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

RoI wanted his corpse, he is SoU, we were killing him, but he was gonna push his attackers so that they'd die, so I faded and left the party to lure him out of there, seems like he didn't meet the party (two people), and seems like it wasn't needed anyways. Oh, and I had a grudge towards him as well. No color, sorry.


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 November 2003 22:59:30

    I am getting tired of this, Beyaz, Betus, Hobbe and even throw in Aron for the kicks, STOP THIS GOD DAMN CRAP. It is very annoying, every god damn log you guys have to argue about the same god damn crap. This log, ironically, has nothing todo with KoDA or BkD, why do you guys insist? This thread is going down and soon you people if this crap dosen't stop.


  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:14:50

    i dont know who you were before, nor do i care. what i know is that right now you're an annoying twit, and if i got the opportunity to kill you, i would.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 18:33:10

    Rather... if all your chars do the same things with to piss off them off as the intention, how is it mp from their side?

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 18:29:41

    What makes you think, Beyaz, that if someone dislikes you for the same stuff as your alt, obviously, did to make them dislike you, it's mp?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:55:50

    Thats cool Hobbe, im not your biggest fan ever.

    *Beyaz, over and out* :P

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:48:40

    Beyaz your stupid. I don't hate you for whom you where i hated him for his fucking whinning and shit and i hate you for same reason. I hated you last week before i knew who you where back then. If you look at my logs it woulden't be hard figuring out who he is. But that dosen't matter Beyaz because i hate you for being beyaz not your previous alt.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:42:30

    I'm leaving and... same for me!! *rotfl*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:31:48

    Aye Betus...i should do some work anyway.

    Almost time to leave for the day, and i've done fuck all all day :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:30:45

    Uh, oh! I see this thread closed...

    Come'on guys, move it to the forums and let people here to say how much they all HATE Namarik ;-)

    I want to know why he was almost naked there and why he didn't break at Lendin (maybe he doesn't know, *heh*)

    I think we talk too much here, so we catch enemies attention, personally I don't care, the more I die the more I learn.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:29:17

    Hobbe doesnt hate me because i whine, he hates me because of who i was in a previous life.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:27:54

    I never harrassed anyone, ever....ok, maybe Waste and Gleam in the last week or so...but nobody else.

    As for whining, like i said, its what im good at. :)

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:27:38

    Uhm... right... Well, I don't, and I'd still kill you for all your whining if I wasn't hibernated, does that make me a mp'er too?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:26:07

    My previous life Aron, not Hobbe's...he knows to what i refer.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:25:44

    Or did you mean that since you were whining and harassing people about the same shit on your last char, you should be allowed to now without people getting upset, even when they don't know who you are?

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:24:56

    I think Hobbe is his first char

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:24:07

    People hate me, Hobbe does anyway, because of a previous life(correct me if im wrong Hobbe)...and because i want to join KoDA. People dont seem to want me to join, for whatever reason.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:22:45

    Yes and if you stop commenting here about how bad everyone is against you and so on and keep comm off and ignore everyone that ever hated you. People will forget all about you. but if you keep on complaning and shit people will still hate you.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:22:10

    Do you seriously wonder why people start disliking you, wanting you, and making you dead, Beyaz?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:21:32

    I didnt accuse you Hobbe, i said people like you...who have clearly stated that you hate me...and there are plenty of you out there :P

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:19:09

    LOL me contracting you? I have better things todo man. Hobbe have never ever in his hole life put a contract on someone because i find it wrong. You can ask anyone that know me good enough like Oracle and Darkbeat if i contract people. You can belive me or not off course.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:17:38

    Possibly Hobbe, but it wont stop people like yourself hating me, and probably getting your evil alts, or evil friends from killing/contracting me :P

    And what would i do all day at work, if i dont comment on the days events in Arda?

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:14:35

    Beyaz a idea is to delete you account on log o mania and put everyone on ignore keep all comm's closed and so on.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:11:05

    And yes, i know i whine...its what im good at :P

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:09:39

    I dont want to use lawseys system....i get nothing out of it...because i get killed, lose stats, exp and skills, get reimbursements...get contracted, killed again, report, get gold from reporting, get contracted again, killed again, report again, gold again, contracted again...etc.

    I am now lvl 15, less than half the exp i had 1 week ago, 4 lvls down compared to 1 week ago, alot of skills and stats less than i had 1 week ago....i see that i am not making anything from reporting, i am losing.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:09:11

    Didn't see that, Hobbe (thanks!)

    So he has with only 2 crystals and a phial...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:01:15

    Yes Betus, if you listen to the main comm...which i never did until yesterday, when Debs and a few others were having an interesting discussion about beer :P

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 17:00:32

    a phial of Roderick's Dream Potion : Your hands are full!

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:59:55

    *shrug again*

    I love reports, money, money $$

    Contracts? ok! more reports!! (if I know who killed you)

    If there's a lawsys system, why don't use it??

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:48:19

    I am, from now on, refusing to report anyone for has earned me numerous contracts so far(reporting in non-RP kills that is)

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:47:11

    Seems so Beyaz, let them do it, it allows you to avoid to ask for investigations... if they don't care about fines.. *shrug*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:46:19

    But i guess its an ego thing...not something us KoDA suffer from ;)

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:45:27

    I do have a problem with it Theodrek, it isnt enough to kill your enemy? You have to gloat over it too?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:43:59

    I'll whine if i want to Galandrin....sorry to if it bothers you though :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:31:22

    Hey, uhm. That's pretty standard routine. Comming when someone gets killed. I did it when I arrested people. Is it to gloat? Yes, Beyaz, it is. Do you really have that big of a problem with it?

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:23:12

    Yeah. People have been doing 'legend whoever' since playerkilling started happening, and it's not going to change 8 or 10 years later because some KoDA who dies a lot has a problem with it. It's tradition as much as anything else.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:14:46

    Gonna stop whining about that soon Beyaz? Kinda annoying that you complain all the time, let people comm it if they want.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:03:19

    I wouldve rated it 4 or maybe 5, if the last two lines of the log were not there.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 November 2003 16:01:58're a funny man, sir :P

    And there it is again, ^ Legend such and such.

    How sad is it that you have to gloat over the fact that someone is dead.

    Its not enough that you have just killed them, you have to advertise the fact?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    06 November 2003 15:51:57

    ok, now, thanks to Therina I can say :

    Excellent HB skills!!