Bada Bing Bada Bang

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
06 November 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Azmar, Jerf, Rami, Bakal, and Grimscar show off their fancy weaponry, and taunt their enemies.


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 23:03:06

    And Karvid, chill out.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 23:02:49

    This thread is long enough now.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 21:41:53

    Azmar, no, you're an idiot. She heals way too fast for that.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 20:58:25

    karvid, get a few kegs, run in hb/whip, leave

    repeat a whole bunch

    get the vials

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 20:48:02

    By the way, this bullshit about that spear being harder to reset. Whatever man, eat a dick. I'd like to see anyone here kill Galadriel solo after they removed all the shit we used to exploit.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 20:47:18

    The force is strong in Otoron.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    07 November 2003 20:22:16


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    07 November 2003 19:31:12


    Saritalr, no one has the right to not be offended. And don't give me this quasi-fascist rhetoric of discourse socially constructing reality, and as such we have to keep 'bad' discourse away. You do realize the implications of your intellectual position? Social constructivist ideas are fine, and I am quite a fan. But if you say language is so powerful, and yet want to regulate it, then you are in fact regulating what social reality can exist. And that, my friend, is the definition of intolerance, control, and counter to everything you yourself are trying to acheive.

    I'm not a fan of bigoted rhetoric either, but on the other hand, I do know that if someone is -hurt- or -offended- by someone saying women are only good to be used for sex, they themselves have -way- skewed priorities. Maybe I'm too much of a vulgar Marxist, but jesus christ, if you wanna do your best to defend women and the oppressed everywhere, take your crusade off of the MUD logpage boards and go try to change the structures that maintain the inequalities you dislike. Whining about it here to a handful of people, half of who use the phrases tongue-in-cheek, does utterly -nothing- to help make things better.


  • Author
    Kharash [legacy]
    07 November 2003 19:07:28

    There is absolutely no doubt about this: the whip is a lot easier to reset than aiglos. Just let a warrior reset it. I sometimes drink a phial, especially if laggy, sometimes not. I nearly never drink from a flask on resetting the whip (ok, I do have good gear generally). In most cases, the owners don't even have to run the lair to reset it.

    Aiglos, on the other side, is an utter pain. I'm not going to say how to do it, but believe me, solo is more or less suicidal (done, but it was totally crazy). Even if you have three warriors, bad things are forced to happen to you, due to the way it was made. The first few times we did just the two of us, Natmir and I, and it was not pretty at all.

    About the bow, yes, it's really powerful. But the quest is quite mean (npcs are ok, but lots of bad things can happen to you - if you are laggy, go d/c or whatnot, it's death), and the bow got a huge drawback, those who have used it know about it. It also is the one and only unique for archers.

    This is nothing to complain about, compared for example to those damned strikes who keep us all with maxxed RM, can be done only by wizzies, but by any wizzy, are regular weaps etc.

    Kharash the Noegyth, against nerfing of things.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    07 November 2003 17:19:20

    Hey, Karvid, Hobbe does have his own opinion, you're right. But when he opens his dick-trap and lets his opinion be known, it's basically inviting us all to voice our opinions about his opinion. And my opinion is that Hobbe is a sexist, and a stupid fuck to boot.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    07 November 2003 14:58:55

    Everything in the game is unbalanced then, if you are going to change one thing change them all. Stop bitching, switch to archer and use some dark arrows if you care that much. Turn moral and learn Aiglos quest if its so damn good that it shouldnt be used. Personally i have used them both and i think whip lasts longer but as an assassin i would choose Aiglos for pks. It would be a different story if i was a warrior. I would choose whip. *shrug* And mels being unbalanced.....i dont even care anymore.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    07 November 2003 14:12:31

    Yes, by other called Draugluin :P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    07 November 2003 13:11:01


    The whip's emotes are pure art. Aiglos' seem like they were composed by a color loving 8 year old.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    07 November 2003 12:54:16

    Those black arrows are scaring...

    Is there any way of throw 'fired' arrows??

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    07 November 2003 12:25:24

    Please, backstabbing whip would be the best pk weapon in the game. :p

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 November 2003 12:20:17

    Yes Vega, completally. And finally two good weapons for the good side and evil are already complaining :p

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    07 November 2003 12:16:40

    mels is unbalanced

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    07 November 2003 12:03:38

    Caber, I've reset both. Let me reset the whip any day of the week over that damned spear.


  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    07 November 2003 11:44:30

    Understand the stuff I said about that guy on icq yesterday, Rhoads?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 November 2003 11:24:44

    HEY RHOADS!!!!

    If you dont want me commenting, delete my bored at work so i talk to people through the comment threads, its only a bit of fun....but you obviously have a problem with it, so either do something about it, or shut up.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    07 November 2003 11:07:57

    I still believe those arrows are unbalanced, I mean how about changing them so you can move, but perhaps much slower?

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 09:43:32

    Ok, Matrix Revolutions sucked and what I said was brilliant. So what we have here is a stalemate.. with that I'm going to bed!

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 November 2003 09:43:14

    The whip command certainly can't do 50HP of damage (30-ish if you're lucky) and it makes you too busy to attack. And Agrun, resetting the whip is a bitch. I've died doing it, and I know a number of others who have, too.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 09:41:32

    On the same topic, women are like guns to me. They're only as important as what you stick in their hole.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    07 November 2003 09:40:09

    Sari, get off his fucking ass will you? He's allowed to think whatever the fuck he wants to regardless of how ignorant it is. Stop trying to change people and just let shit be. That was always and will always be where you and I will never see eye to eye. I take people for how they are, not try to field a crusade against things that I don't tolerate.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    07 November 2003 09:06:58

    Can I purchase a flaming permit, one that allows me to flame the shit out of just one person?

    I choose you, Hobbe!

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    07 November 2003 08:22:54

    So you mean that if someone don't laugh at your jokes they don't have humor? I love that kind of people.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 07:32:27

    Unfortunately Hobbe, humour requires a sense of humour to function properly. Until you have acquired one, attempting to excuse offending comments as jokes just looks kinda lame.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    07 November 2003 06:56:30

    Well i was joking but i see that you haven't reached the age to understand that yet. shrug

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    07 November 2003 06:33:23

    I did say females not gothwin i just think she plays here roll good. I directed that to all female and i base it on quite a cupel of RL things :D And still i don't give a shit what you think because im sick and tired of this game and everything around it.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    07 November 2003 05:56:08

    How is Aiglos unbalanced? It's got the same stats as the whip:

    1. You can backstab with it, but it's MUCH HARDER to get compared to the whip, and that whip command can do what, 50hp damage?

    2. You can sharpen it, but it's MUCH HARDER to reset compared to the whip

    The only way I see it's unbalanced is that the emotes are much nicer than the whip emotes. :P

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 05:40:22

    Hobbe doesn't have a sense of humour; he kids you not.

  • Author
    Thrfak [legacy]
    07 November 2003 05:06:28

    I agree that this Aiglos and storm longbow are un-balanced

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 November 2003 02:40:50

    Kozlodoev, that was the funniest thing I've seen on here in a long time. I actually laughed out loud.

    And I used dark arrows pretty frequently when I was an archer. I was sort of put off, though, when I hit Fuingul with 4 of them and not a single one knocked him out.

    But I did have a lot of fun with them at Beorn's place one time.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    07 November 2003 01:38:25

    heh i can't believe gothwin is complaing about gangbangs when she constantly brings them into mordor to 'RP'

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 01:23:22

    Gothwin, dark arrows aren't anywhere NEAR 100% reliable, we got lucky with them. Even assuming you massacre with them every time they only knock out about 1/3

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    07 November 2003 01:17:44

    I don't know why I even bother...but here we go.

    Otoron darlin', even if we had brought 10 people to kill you in Mordor, you could have still made it away relatively easily. Ever heared of the TD break? Use your brains...

    I am talking about a pk, that totally, completely, and absolutely removes any kind of chance WHATSOEVER for the victim to escape. That I find distasteful...but who cares.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2003 01:06:36

    Heh, he never attempted me, his way to 'spook' me was to send fake-misstells about my location :P.

    Only person in that war to attempt me was Julius..... All I wanted was a little love too :((((

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:58:26

    So Azmar so why diden't you kill Bakal then to? If you wanted to kill evil? I understand why you killed thoose Dung fuckers and i aplaud you but partying with Bakal. Grin yeah i just take up alot of space your right i should shut up now shoulden't i?

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:52:01

    heh, whatever duncan... you guys cant help me slaughter evils...

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:50:51

    Stop whining. Btw, party with Grimscar and don't ever talk to me again. Azmar..this is sad.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:39:57

    He tried to get me with those arrows once :P was good to caught me and knocked me out in the middle of an alias. Didn't kill me tho!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:35:38

    Gangbangers shouldn't complain about gangbangs, eh Gothwin?

    Moving along, Therigion used to extensively use Dark Arrows in the last Rimmie/Durm war.... He was pretty fucking good at it too, many a person became pin-cushions from those bastards :P.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:22:50

    Otoron told me a funny store just a bit goes like this:

    Jesus CHRIST Gothwin. You tell me about overwhelming firepower? You six-manned me in Mordor two days ago, with whip and stormbow. So when you whine about overwhelming firepower, give me a break. At least I almost made it out alive. Not to mention, is 3 people with whip/MELS not overwhelming firepower on one person? Yet, you still died. So please, save us your self-righteous cra

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:09:14

    'To this day I'm the only one I've ever seen using them since archers were put in, so I wouldn't call it a widespread problem.'

    Therigion made good use of them.

    So did a good load of people.

    And yes, the arrows from the anfi archers suck - apprently not with that bow though :p

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:05:41

    grhm, good log. Gotwin's comment was good also, made me chuckle. Have fun

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    07 November 2003 00:04:11

    where would this logpage be without you, hobbe?

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:53:13

    Yeah grimscar but gothwin is a female se are allowed to do everything nasty and wrong but male may not. You know Female's are supose to be backstabbing sluts.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:49:58

    Oh, so you're looking for skill, Gothwin?

    Like when you, Fuinor, and another SoU came after me in Mordor, with an SRS, ground pepper, and a backstab?

    Yeah, that's skill there too.

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:39:25

    Hmmm, I like that bow, especially if I were archer.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:37:47

    Put five shmucks in a room, and hand them a bow with dark arrows, mels, aiglos, srs...oh and throw in the whip just for good measures, and they could accomplish what has been done here.

    A display of firepower, nothing less, nothing more...

    You can have no skill, but removing any kind of RISK factor from your pk, be it succeeding or failing...ugh, disgusting, though I am sure no less entertaining for whoever does it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:17:30

    Aldarin seems to be overcome by agonizing pain!

    Aldarin falls asleep from the poison on the arrow!

    $N falls to the ground.

    Gotta love those bugs

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:11:33

    I dont wanna hear people complaing about me banging. That is ridiculous. I usually role solo, i just dont post my logs usually. Ask any SoU or enemy of mine. I just returned Udungul the favour of a bang because they failed one on me earlier.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:08:49

    went to practice gangbreaking skills...

    didnt work out too well...

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:08:05

    yeah, they changed arrows from silent slayer place :/

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 23:04:25

    About dark arrows

    They're semi unique. The ones that I can get, typically work less than half the time. There are no dark arrows from Mordor anymore.

    Dark arrows have been around longer than archers have. To this day I'm the only one I've ever seen using them since archers were put in, so I wouldn't call it a widespread problem.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    06 November 2003 22:36:46

    MULTIKILL! ,cool log though,

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    06 November 2003 22:35:25

    those hits..with that bow, seems to hurt a bit

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 November 2003 22:14:02

    Who needs 210hp healing, right? :p

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    06 November 2003 21:55:52

    Dark arrows weren't semiunique when I was an archer. Unless you get them the sissy way, I suppose. But Grimscar isn't a sissy, and I'm sure it's not a task for him to stock up on them.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 21:14:04

    Grimscar using dark arrows is a lot less scarier than when cogline used to use them...

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 November 2003 21:10:27

    Yeah, and uh, because of Durms abusing dark arrows when archers were in playtesting...the dark arrows were seriously degraded, so they're not as good. It was just luck that all of these knocked them out.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    06 November 2003 21:00:11

    3 Storm bow is unique

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:53:33

    dark arrows dont always knock out for one,

    dark arrows are semiunique for two.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:49:10

    true that

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:48:57

    But yes, archers ARE quite overpowered, as we can see in this log featuring a maxed archer, storm bow and dark arrows.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:48:19

    The arrow might have been better before, but with multiknock and kickback, I think it's a lot easier to hit people with them.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:43:07

    Oh come on it's not like dark arrows were just put in the game, and they were better before anyway.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:42:42

    I realize that too, Daywalker, just that there aren't many archers that do, so it doesn't matter yet cause it's not a big problem.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:41:58

    Do agree...Playerkilling will be to easy with dark arrows...anyone can die...:(

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:32:59


    Really. Even if he does not hit from first time it still sux. one out of 3 will hit you and you die.

    Where is the skill ?

    Where is the chance of the victim to run away ?

    What`s the point of the playerkill ?

    You can be the best and still you die. THIS SUX. ... damit I AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO IS NOT BLIND ROUND HERE ?

    *maybe cause I am eaglesighted*

    Ainur I think you have to do something about it. Anyone who thinks so ?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:32:01

    Archers are great if you're standing still...

    its just when we are moving and fighting that we suck

  • Author
    Dairuin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:26:40

    Should've included my sucky log. ;)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:23:49

    Holy christ that's pain. :P

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:21:17

    I was unable to move *mutters*

  • Author
    Gabriel [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:12:13

    telling me archers would be useless in pk without dark arrows? i don't know maybe.

  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:12:10

    and you complain about other people using bangs?

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:10:02

    ouch :D

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:08:24 2 words for you all...THAT HURTS!

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 November 2003 20:01:08
