Ainurs are powerhungry

Posted by
Proximity [legacy]
08 November 2003 00:00:00

^ Someone (Powers): Only *I* am allowed to use Powers! Hah!

######################### i dont understand why people get this bug sometimes ################################################
^ Durad (Powers): How do they bust Morpheus out of the
     building, in the first Matrix?
^ Pounder: helicopter
^ Otoron: I hate those films.
^ Lionxv: helecopter
^ Aldarin (Powers!): helicoprte
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): they bomb and massacre it and rescue him in a chopper
^ Proximity (Powers!): they bomb and massacre it and rescue him in
     a chopper
^ Durad (Powers): Proximity/4 Aldarin/3 Pounder/2* Nyssa/1
^ Aldarin (Powers!): dammit
^ Lionxv: plus chain gun
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): im slow!
^ Proximity (Powers!): im slow!
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): need ep!
^ Proximity (Powers!): need ep!
^ Someone: Okay, this powers thing is getting pretty goofy now
^ Devinius: An orc named Ugluk once declared, His heart by a hobbit
     ensnared. He wrote her a note, Which said (and I quote) - "I'll split
     you in two: be prepared."
^ Aldarin (Powers!): nah
^ Someone (Powers!): Yeah, you realize it is pretty retarded.
^ Nyssa: now?
^ Nyssa: Just now it's goofy?
^ Aldarin (Powers!): yes! someone has joined us!
^ Pounder: melkor? :)
^ Someone can make aliases too, like "alias x todo warn x"
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): whee :)
^ Proximity (Powers!): whee :)
^ Aldarin (Powers!): we can't use powers anymore?
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): but it rocks!
^ Someone: negative
^ Proximity (Powers!): but it rocks!
^:($HIC$MatriX$0$): this better?
^ Proximity (MatriX): this better?
^ Someone II: Yeah, you can but they'll probably be removed :P
^ Durad: In Matrix Revolutions, how does Neiobi get to Zion in
^:($HIC$MatriX$0$): they go through certain tunnels!
^ Proximity (MatriX): they go through certain tunnels!
^ Aldrius: the mechanical line
^ Nyssa: mechanical shaft
^ Nyssa: you know
^ Betus: auxiliar conducte
^ Durad: haha nyssa said shaft
^ Aldarin: so, will we get warned if we use it or not?
^ Someone: there's a good possibility

 ............. edit most of the spam ..............

^ Proximity: :thinks someone should come to his in room for some kinky
^ Aldarin Powers: yeah, he will never warn us for using powers!
^ what the.. can we still use powers: ?
^ Proximity: what the.. can we still use powers: ?
^ Nyssa: actually all of you are funny
^ Aldarin Powers: yeah
^ Durad: T'was the night before christmas and all through the house
^ Someone (Powers): Only *I* am allowed to use Powers! Hah! ..................... Power hungry ainurs has spoken
^ now im going back to my powers name
^ Proximity: now im going back to my powers name
^ Someone: dude that wasn't me who said that, but anyway :P
^ Nyssa: dude is my phrase, I say dude, dude don't take that from me
^ Someone: When's the extended Two Towers DVD out then?
^ Someone: there were like 4 or 5 ainr coming at some point
^ Atticus (Powers!): some time later this month
^ Someone: dude, sorry.
^ Someone now II: and who's gonna buy me a copy?
^ Aldarin 2: testing
^ Aldarin: hey, be quiet
^ Aldarin 2: why?
^ Strakast: lol
^ Nyssa: quick, warn aldarin AND aldarin 2
^ Someone II: anyone know how much extra footage it has that's not in the
^ Aldarin slaps Aldarin 2
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): sex
^ Atticus (Powers!): probably 30 minutes
^ Proximity (Powers!): sex
^ Nyssa: is that out yet?
^ Someone: perhaps it is the part of the movie that was good
^ Aldarin Powers: sex2
^ Hyperbole: 4hours
^ Someone II: That's it with the Powers crap.
^ Someone ducks
^ Strakast: aye
^ Someone finds that extra footage is generally left out for a reason.
^ Aldarin 2: ok
^ Etrius IV: Hmm.
^ Someone: powers is retarded, you realize that :P
^ Aldarin: I said be quiet dammit
^:please tell me again why i cant use that in the comm?
^ Proximity please tell me again why i cant use that in the comm?
^ Atticus (Powers!): if it's so retarted.. why
     are so many peoples doing it? =o)
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): cuz we are all retarded?
^ Proximity (Powers!): cuz we are all retarded?
^ Aldarin Powers: beep
^ Atticus (Powers!): my alias sucks though
     because it's a 'do' command =(
^ Nyssa: because you guys are all retarded duh
^ Aldarin Powers: haha
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): you dont have to use do command:)
^ Proximity (Powers!): you dont have to use do command:)
^ Atticus (Powers!): so technically.. mine is
     legal.. because it *can't* bypass the filter if left alone :)
^:($HIC$Powers!$0$): once you have revealed the true spirit of a powers you know what to do
^ Proximity (Powers!): once you have revealed the true spirit of a
     powers you know what to do
Your ability to speak has been revoked for 3 minutes. .................................. arc?
^ Aldarin Powers: yeah
Your ability to speak has been revoked for 1 hour. ..................................... make up your mind
tell aldarin Your ability to speak has been revoked for 3 minutes.
You do not have the intellectual capacity to deserve to speak.
^ Aldarin Powers: someone can't warn me, I have it logged that I can use
     powers without color!
shout god dammit!
Like anyone really cares what you want to shout.
Someone tells you: Next time, listen.
You beg for your life.
You mutter to yourself.
You shake your fist at the heavens.
You shake your fist at the heavens.
You shake your fist at the heavens.
You shake your fist at the heavens.
^ Someone: You can be silenced like Proximity and Atticus if you want?
^ Aldarin hides in a hole
^ Etrius: ><))))))'>
^ Etrius: Fish.
^ Aldarin: Well, this shows one time for all that someone are a
^ Devinius: My advice to you is: Remember the Alamo!
^ Devinius: And speaking of fish, don't comb your hair with a meat hook.
^ Etrius: Warn Hobbe for being stupid.
^ Aldarin: yeah, right, warn me for expression my opinion about the ainu
^ Etrius: hobbe     Nov 08 2003 (by etrius) : Being moronic, making
     stupid comments.
^ Devinius: As I always say, if at first you don't succeed, use a
     different potion.
^ Etrius warns Hobbe.
^ Etrius warns Devinius for being online too long. ............................. Way to make fun of them Etrius! =)