Two parties meet on the Pelennor and Winnetou dies

Posted by
Bakal [legacy]
10 November 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

We were after Winnetou and apparently Winnetou was after us. Good read. Sorry, no color.


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    12 November 2003 05:08:47

    try playing on telnet using aol 2.0 and connected at 4800k :P

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    11 November 2003 17:15:00

    Yepp, however it's nasty when you have had no lag at all for 2h and then when you see lot's of footsteps the lag hits you RIGHT UPON YA NOSE!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 November 2003 15:02:04

    Boo-hoo Duncan.

    Lots of people play with lag. It's a choice they make. You can choose to not pkill when it's really bad (and it -does- fluctuate, according to Winnetou and anyone else playing from your half of the continent). You can choose to do whatever. You choose what to do. Don't make a choice (pkilling while laggy), then bitch that one of the things you knew was gonna happen, happened.

    And I say again. Come to Russia and play on a 33k modem, where the Babushka upstairs calls her daughter and you go linkdead, pick up the phone, and hear her bitching about her bedsores.


  • Author
    Xorox [legacy]
    11 November 2003 14:23:15

    so why did you report me too Rami? how you gonna cover this one?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 November 2003 12:43:54

    If you wanna play with lag, then don`t whine about it when you die.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 November 2003 04:27:37

    Thrfak, i've been saying the same thing for 6 months.

  • Author
    Thrfak [legacy]
    11 November 2003 04:03:28


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 November 2003 01:26:21

    Because you fucker, yes you, Thfrak and most people here just don't play when they have connection like ours. You just wait until lag goes away. We on the other hand can't wait for lag to go away because if we wait we get dropped so we play with whatever connection we can have. It was obvious the kid was lagged - or he was stunned by Bakal's colourless log and forgot he had a VoV.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 November 2003 01:22:40

    bakal, ur lame:P at least post in color damnit?

  • Author
    Thrfak [legacy]
    10 November 2003 20:19:04

    Who else thinks it's weird that everytime winnetou goes pking and something messes up it's lags fault? he could be trying to kill someone right below a rented room they go up and he'd blame lag that he couldnt down his phial for an insane headbutt or lag that he missed his 2nd backstab or blah blah blah, quit bitching about always lagging winnetou, if you lag this much this often do something about it or don't go out pking and blaming all your shit on lag

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    10 November 2003 20:15:37

    aaaah!!! my eyes!,

    no color is for dogs, and i'm not a dog. sry :)

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 November 2003 20:13:58

    Winnetou goes into Henneth Annun knowing our RP and reports people, then dares to bitch about someone using the lawsys to screw him over.

    I'm not even gonna comment on his 'lag' statement, since my last comment to his lag issues has been my only comment-blocking.

    Just move to Russia and play on a 33k dial-up, buddy. Ok?


  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 November 2003 20:10:28

    If it wasn't for lag, Winnetou and Duncan would be the best killers ever.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    10 November 2003 20:01:21

    That's for reporting RP yesterday buddy.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 November 2003 19:58:53

    No need to also mention that Rami reported me for attempt, knowing I couldn't report them because right after this I was netdead.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 November 2003 19:56:25

    No need to mention I was so lagged that I couldn't even drink my vov

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    10 November 2003 19:21:19

    Thats my Stud of a roomate. Good shit guys

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    10 November 2003 17:58:57

    Very funny