
Posted by
Dymlar [legacy]
13 November 2003 00:00:00

'Nuff said.

[ Playtester ] Drnnivel panics. They're muliplying!
[ Playtester ] Dymlar: Who? Who?! :)
[ Playtester ] Drnnivel: The Ainur! I don't think I've ever seen 5 Maiar
     on at once... not to mention the other various Ainur...

         .::::::  .                               ,;;;;
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                           No one's slick as Gaston!
                           No one's quick as Gaston!
                                And you're dead!
Teclis has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
'Holy crap
Terrorcore laughs out loud.
You say in Westron: HOly crap
legend teclis
Teclis was nuked at 23:27 11/12/03
Teclis Esulcer the dunedain Warlord (Villainous) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 28d 7h 59m 6s                        
Info: So evil. So brutal. So deadly. It's in your blood. 
Nuke Reason: bug abuse
                            _-      _--______
                       __--( /     \ )XXXXXXXXXXXXX_
                     --XXX(   O   O  )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-
                    /XXX(       U     )        XXXXXXX\
                  /XXXXX(              )--_  XXXXXXXXXXX\
                 /XXXXX/ (      O     )   XXXXXX   \XXXXX\
                 XXXXX/   /            XXXXXX   \__ \XXXXX----
                 XXXXXX__/          XXXXXX         \__----  -
         ---___  XXX__/          XXXXXX      \__         ---
           --  --__/   ___/\  XXXXXX            /  ___---=
             -_    ___/    XXXXXX              '--- XXXXXX
               --\/XXX\ XXXXXX                      /XXXXX
                 \XXXXXXXXX                        /XXXXX/
                  \XXXXXX                        _/XXXXX/
                    \XXXXX--__/              __-- XXXX/
                     --XXXXXXX---------------  XXXXX--

                                YOU'RE BUSTED!!!
Teclas has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
[ Playtester ] Dymlar: gulps
[:HP:166 EP:119:] legend teclas
Teclas was nuked at 23:28 11/12/03
Teclas the sindar Initiate (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: female
Age: 1d 3h 5m 24s                         
Info: It'll all be ok in the morning!!   (Strikers) 
Nuke Reason: bug abuse
             $$**********************$$L. \\\\\\\\\/
    $**$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$****$******$
     ~~ $$$    %%$$$$$$$%%    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$****$
         $$$   %%  $$$  %%   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#$$*$
         $$$       $$$      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#****$
         $$$$$    $$$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$$$*#*****$
      $&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#########$  ---< Where's the KA-BOOM!
     $&&&&&&&&&&% ~T$$$$$$$$$$$$$$T~********$        There was supposed to
     $&&&&&&&&T'       OOOOOOOOOOOO********$        be an earth-shattering  
                     OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO                     KA-BOOM!!!
Fearon has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend fearon
Fearon was nuked at 23:28 11/12/03
Fearon the hobbit smokes too much...(Mashed) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 23d 12h 5m 30s                       
Info: The Fallen. I am the mushroom! 
Nuke Reason: bug abuse
comm on
You turn on your comm line.
comm hist
Last 20 comms are:
^ Willy: And whats her name?
^ Tevildo: Stork, and she works in the bayou catching frogs and small fish with her beak
^ Willy: Works at: IHOP, named: Ilene.
^ Fimbu: What do you call a spanish goalie with no legs?
^ Fimbu: Grassyass
^ Willy: And the dude on the wall, thats art
^ Gothwin grins at Fimbu
^ Devmani: woot
^ Durad: ROTFL
^ Widower: Whee
^ Widower: Fun
^ Fimbu: hahaha
^ Oren: wow nice
^ Devmani: haha
^ Devmani: it WONT be okay in the morning
^ Devmani: booyah
^ Widower: new nukes, cool
^ Gothwin: erm, original choice of names
^ Devmani: yay
^ Widower: wow, fearon
^ Iarla: Don't stop there!
^ Pounder fdls.
^ Alarien: what was the bug?
                NO    ============================   YES
         +-----------||       Did you cheat?     ||-----------+
         V            ============================            V
    +----------+     +---------+      +-------+        +------------+
    | Did you  |  NO |   Does  |<-----|  YOU  |   YES  |   Did you  |
    | harass?  |  +--|  anyone |      | MORON |<-------|    do so   |
    +----------+  |  |  know?  |----->|  !!!  |    +-->| willingly? |
         |        v  +---------+ YES  +-------+    |   +------|-----+
         |    +--------+                           |          v NO
         | NO | Damn,  |         +--------+        |    +----------+
         +--->| wrong  |         |  Try   |--------+    |   Yeah,  |
         |    | answer |         |  Again |<------------|   right  |
         |    +--------+         +--------+             +----------+
         |       |                   /\  YES
         |       |            +---------------+
         |       |            | CAN YOU BLAME |
         |       +----------->| SOMEONE ELSE? |
         |                    +---------------+
         |                           \/  NO
         |  YES         ==========================
         +------------>||   N U K E    T I M E   ||
Vladamir has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend vladamir
Vladamir was nuked at 23:28 11/12/03
Vladamir Von Castien the dunlending Reaper (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 1d 20h 58m 26s                       
Info: You have met your doom! 
Nuke Reason: bug abuse
^ Oren: damn fine art
^ Durad: Thou shall not abuse bugs
^ Devmani: haha
^ Calenril: YES!
^ Fimbu: Flowchart!
^ Devmani: woot
^ Widower whees.
^ Calenril: the morning star!
^ Widower hides and cowers.
Cheaters never prosper, they lost hundreds of days of age in a matter of seconds.
You mmm.
^ Erwin: I like colour!
^ Devmani: only 50 days actually

^ Devmani: unless you silent nuked someone :(
^ Fimbu: Devmani has been nuked!

Then, a couple of minutes later...

           |)   /)               |)   /)
           |v< /;<               |v< /;<
    _      |vv/;;<               |vv/;;<
   ;c) ,--.|v/;;;<         _     |v/;;;< 
   .`-'.  o}/;;;<         ;c) ,--./;;;<_
    '- =,  `;;<           .`-'. o}';;/  )~
       /    \             '- =,  |__|  |
      /_/|_| |               /_/|_| |_\_\
        ||  /~
        |_\_\ * You are not imagining things. 
                        Two pink olis just nuked someone.*
Popculture has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!

legend popculture
Popculture was nuked at 23:34 11/12/03
Popculture the hobbit Orc-target (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 21m 22s                              
Nuke Reason: name

One question...who doesnt comm hist have color?! Same with tellhist, ptcomm hist, and towncomm hist!