After years of playing this mud between us, myself and my good friend in rl Fearon were unfairly nuked for 'abusing' the lawsys. since level 15 we've been very carefull with cover steals and making sure noone see's us etc to make sure we hardly get fines. so when i visit my friend's house we decide to have a competition to see who can steal the most good stuff from alexa. 1 miar and one overlord enquired to us that something was amiss.. we tried to help as best we could and got told we could continue stealing as we were and the "problem" was sorted the first we heard about which bug we had been abusing was 5 mins after being nuked 24 hours previous to this exchange- which is after us being nuked, i was on Teclis and stole lots from alexa.... Glaurung asked me how i was not logged for stealing from Damocles, i couldn't explain, but helpes as much as poss. The Teak asked about 12 hours later, same again... Draugluin then took matters into his own claws, and decided to nuke us and all of out charachters on the grouunds that we had been abusing a bug. Perhaps we had....without knowing about it i assure you though, and i was just waiting for the fines to start coming from my stealing sprees. Here i talk to Draug about it... get stone Ok. HP:50 EP:50> tell draugluin can we talk? You tell Draugluin: can we talk? HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: Feel free. tell Draugluin we didn't cheat first of all You tell Draugluin: we didn't cheat first of all HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: Oh, yes you did. tell Draugluin how? You tell Draugluin: how? HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: Thefts that were unreportable. tell Draugluin what did we do You tell Draugluin: what did we do HP:50 EP:50> tell Draugluin how is that mp? You tell Draugluin: how is that mp? HP:50 EP:50> tell Draugluin i never knew You tell Draugluin: i never knew HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: It's bug abuse. tell Draugluin i even offered to help the ainur that asked me about it You tell Draugluin: i even offered to help the ainur that asked me about it HP:50 EP:50> tell Draugluin please check with glaurung and Teak, they said i was ok to do what i was doing You tell Draugluin: please check with glaurung and Teak, they said i was ok to do what i was doing HP:50 EP:50> |) /) |) /) |v< /;< |v< /;< _ |vv/;;< |vv/;;< ;c) ,--.|v/;;;< _ |v/;;;< .`-'. o}/;;;< ;c) ,--./;;;<_ '- =, `;;< .`-'. o}';;/ )~ / \ '- =, |__| | /_/|_| | /_/|_| |_\_\ || /~ |_\_\ * You are not imagining things. Two pink olis just nuked someone.* Popculture has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more! Draugluin tells you: No they did not. legend vladamir Vladamir was nuked at 23:28 11/12/03 Vladamir Von Castien the dunlending Reaper (Impartial) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 1d 20h 58m 26s Info: You have met your doom! Nuke Reason: bug abuse HP:50 EP:50> tell Draugluin how is triggering off a pickup and stealing some weps bug abuse? You tell Draugluin: how is triggering off a pickup and stealing some weps bug abuse? HP:50 EP:50> Fixit appears from the shadows. ` z tell Draugluin: What? HP:50 EP:50> Fixit gets a message stone. alias z tell Draugluin Alias: z (tell Draugluin) added. HP:50 EP:50> Fixit leaves north. Gilder appears from the shadows. Draugluin tells you: Because you were doing it with a capital letter, which caused a bug that made it impossible to be reported, which you knew, and you never ever once got reported. And we caught you, and now you're gone. z LOL how was i to know what the hell c capital letter did to a steal! i used tab to finish off their names so it comes up automatically You tell Draugluin: LOL how was i to know what the hell c capital letter did to a steal! i used tab to finish off their names so it comes up automatically HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: If you expect us to believe you never noticed that you didn't ever, once, get such luck. z we did notice we never got reported which is why we stole alot. we thought we were good [ hint ] Warriors are the fighters. Read 'help warrior' for more information. You tell Draugluin: we did notice we never got reported which is why we stole alot. we thought we were good HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: You thought wrong. z you serious, we get all our characters nuked for something we had no clue we were doing? You tell Draugluin: you serious, we get all our characters nuked for something we had no clue we were doing? HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: You knew, and you won't convince us otherwise. Cheating is bad. z there's nothing we can say to convince you is there You tell Draugluin: there's nothing we can say to convince you is there HP:50 EP:50> Draugluin tells you: Correct. z and there nothing we can do now but leave.. if i'd abused a bug i'd admit it at this stage but i can honestly say we had no idea. you just lost 2 good players for someone coding the system wrong You tell Draugluin: and there nothing we can do now but leave.. if i'd abused a bug i'd admit it at this stage but i can honestly say we had no idea. you just lost 2 good players for someone coding the system wrong HP:50 EP:50> Gilder looks at A sign is posted here for new characters.. *Draugluin waves at you. <---------------------YOUR TOSSER SKILL HAS INCREASED DUE TO USE!!!! If this isn't abuse from an Ainur, then i don't know what is.