Grimscar doing his thing

Posted by
Caber [legacy]
15 November 2003 00:00:00

I'm idling outside of my guildhall while paying attention to something else IRL. All of a sudden, I hear a loud "riiing! riiiing!" And so I run back to the keyboard...


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    17 November 2003 17:52:30

    It's off topic Byron. Any problems? You might notice that the rules are not kept too strictly on this issue, and like 90% of the blocked threads were blocked because they were one long bitching or semi-flaming, or getting there. And yes, when Nicuramar is participating, it's Nicuramar's judgement when it's off-topic. I think you can all live with this terrible power abuse from my side ;-).

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    17 November 2003 17:28:36

    My 2 cents, in Spanish we have 'el' (he), 'ella' (she) and 'ello', 'ello' is used for innanimate (like english 'it') but it's also used for 'undeterminate sex' (hermaphrodite? asexual? *shrug*), I've been always surprised by the lack of 'ello' in english (seems to me that 'it' is too much 'determinate'...)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 November 2003 15:32:31

    Isn't it talking about something in the log?

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    17 November 2003 14:25:56

    Because Nicuramar himself is actively participating in the off-topic conversation?

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    17 November 2003 14:11:49

    Why isn't this off-topic?

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    17 November 2003 13:07:17

    Alright Beyaz, in some limited situations with indefinites and preceded by 'anyone' etc., like 'anyone in their senses', but certainly not 'Figure looks at their hands'. That use can not be admissible.

    Merriam-Webster says:

    //'English lacks a common-gender third person singular pronoun that can be used to refer to indefinite pronouns (as everyone, anyone, someone). Writers and speakers have supplied this lack by using the plural pronouns'//

    ..which agreed with that. As a quick note I might add that danish does the same thing sometimes :-).

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:31:43

    Hir is another one of these words introduced by Americans, trying to bastardise our beautiful language *grumbles*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:27:26

    Date: 16. Nov, 2003, 14:38:21 By: Nicuramar

    No, 'they' is plural so... 'their hands' can only work if there are multiple figures

    Incorrect Nicu...Their can be used as the singular or plural.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 23:36:58

    So to sum up: Their is plural, not a substitute for 'his or her'. Both his and her are singular. Their is the //only// plural possesive pronoun, and it is gender neutral. This is typical for many languages. Using their in singular is incorrect. And as Rudmar points out, this includes those cases where the word is singular even though it describes something that is not.

    Oh and... We do in danish as I mentioned have a gender neutral possesive reflexive singular (sin or sit), but alas, not the same for just regular subjective or objective pronouns... argh, this is getting too technical! Anyways... we all have areas of interest ;).

    ...and hir still sounds weird :-p.

  • Author
    Cesar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 22:58:14

    Damn nice.

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    16 November 2003 22:30:04

    nice one caber lol :)

  • Author
    Rudmar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 22:26:49

    Sorry I suppose we got carried away but often its just bickering over stuff in those threads and that's not so interesting. Heh it is often fun to read though.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    16 November 2003 22:00:05

    Though, now that I think of it, I should have titled this log 'Anonymous figured doing hir thing'

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    16 November 2003 21:59:31


    And yeah. 'Their' is incorrect when referring to someone of unknown gender. The only correct way I've ever known to do it is to use 'his or her,' or to just look like an ass and assume one gender or the other. Bummer, huh?

  • Author
    Rudmar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 21:59:14

    Maybe hir is a word comming from persons that think 'use he unless the antecedent is or must be feminine' is pretty much the same thing as saying 'grab yourself a beer, watch a hockey game and then go beat your wife'. A new gender equal alternative :)

  • Author
    Rudmar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 21:55:50

    Btw this is from 'Elements of style'

    'They - A common inaccuracy is the use of the plural pronoun when the antecedent is a distributive expression such as each, each one, everybody, every one, many a man, which, though implying more than one person, requires the pronoun to be in the singular.

    Similar to this, but with even less justification, is the use of the plural pronoun with the antecedent anybody, any one, somebody, some one, the intention being either to avoid the awkward 'he or she,' or to avoid committing oneself to either. Some bashful speakers even say, 'A friend of mine told me that they, etc.'

    Use he with all the above words, unless the antecedent is or must be


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    16 November 2003 21:31:56

    How about 'Its'

  • Author
    Rudmar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 21:00:27

    The mud doesn't want 'their' when its singular form. I am not a grammar expert so I cannot say why exactly, but that's how it is. If anyone wanted to know.

  • Author
    Chord [legacy]
    16 November 2003 20:56:58

    i can be used that way, but it is incorrect. it is widely used in that way, but i shouldn't be. 'their' is a plural third-person possesive pronoun. 'his' and 'her' are singular third-person possesive pronouns. when 'their' is used as a ungendered singular pronoun, it is wrong. 'hir' is just weird, though.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 November 2003 20:40:24

    'their' is not only plural. It is used as a gender neutral pronoun in the case where the author is trying to not be gender-biased, but refrains from using the long hand 'his or her', or the getting-more-common 'her'.

    Nic may be correct in an obscure technical aspect, but in both of the English-speaking countries that I've lived in, 'their' can be used as singular.


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    16 November 2003 14:38:21

    No, "they" is plural so... "their hands" can only work if there are multiple figures. Hir might be correct enough and all, but it still sounds ridiculous :-p. What we need is a reflexive genitive pronoun similar to danish 'sin', which doesn't contain gender, but refers to the subject of the sentence ;-).

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    15 November 2003 22:06:04

    Razor, I know, I didn't write that paragraph, it was copied verbatim from the url I posted.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    15 November 2003 22:05:07

    Hey, I didn't choose the language, but it's only fairly recently that we've switched to using that, if you spot instances where you can tell the sex of someone you shouldn'#t be able to see, feel free to typo/bug report it

  • Author
    Razor [legacy]
    15 November 2003 21:31:30

    um you do know Cantonese is a dialect of Chinese right?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    15 November 2003 19:36:55

    I'm not a native speaker, but I always thought 'they' was used if the gender is not specified. Anonymous figure stares at their hands.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    15 November 2003 19:15:12

    Wow Spansh. I learned something new!

    Now if only they'd make that standard, since that's only one out of 30 instances where you can't tell the gender while faded.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    15 November 2003 17:34:01


    Hir is a short word for 'His/Her' or 'Him/Her'. Instead of writing the awkward sentence 'Where is his/her details?' we write 'Where is hir details?'. Many other languages (such as Cantonese, Chinese and French) have a word that means 'him/her' or 'she/he'. There is no easy way to write (s)he, possibly because the construct (s)he is a good enough method.

    It may not be recognised by the OED, but it is 'commonly' used. (well, ok not commonly).

    The reason we use it and other things like it, is because if someone is faded or whatnot and they draw their sword etc, you should not be able to tell if they are male or female.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    15 November 2003 16:40:00

    its sounds better I think. its an ownage word. I never heard of hir.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    15 November 2003 16:08:36

    It's true that hir is used like that, but I don't think it's a real word. Good the same, it looks horrible in sentences like that :-p.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    15 November 2003 16:05:15

    Anonymous figure stares at hir hands. <--- Typo...fixit gods!

    hir is not a typo.

    Hir is the neutral version of his/her, and since it's an anonymous figure you can't tell if it is a him or a her.

    The same 'should' happen when you are blind for whatever reason.

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    15 November 2003 15:00:24

    yeah...its funny you let ppl have 'your' guild weapon to backstab you and earn fine gold from them...not a bad idea.

    Your entrepreneur skills have increased due to use.

  • Author
    Darkterror [legacy]
    15 November 2003 14:31:46

    How come he had your guild weapon ?:P:)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    15 November 2003 14:14:29

    Haha, that is pretty funny.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    15 November 2003 11:28:01

    Yeah, so apparently Anselmo attacked me or something. And then Grimscar paid the fine for it anyway. So yeah, you guys sure fooled me into getting free gold off of you. Smooth. :P

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    15 November 2003 11:25:42

    What makes this log kinda funny is that...

    I didn't attack Caber! But I made him think i did :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    15 November 2003 11:04:47
