[RoI] XXX: WOO! Annadur is outside her GH!

Posted by
Rami [legacy]
17 November 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

well, i thought mr. xxx was kidding ;) but annadur gets it twice, and cerol is just too good.. she runs from MT to her GH. i've tried every possible way to post this damn log with color (i use mushclient and can only save color as html) but couldnt.. so check it out at this addy: http://home.earthlink.net/~quendon_lothlorien/Annadurpkill.html


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 November 2003 04:32:12

    ACtually Cerol, i'm well aware that Jete was killed as a guise so the CoU could get him into VC to spy :).

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    18 November 2003 03:12:09

    Kujo dont be so mean to me! :P And rhoads can you stfu. I think Armada is alot better player than Annadur.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    17 November 2003 17:56:54

    For God's sake Rhoads, use ' and not ` for apostrophes. ? isn't good either ;-).

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    17 November 2003 17:09:40

    Hey now, it was a level 8, not 9!

  • Author
    Tiaren [legacy]
    17 November 2003 16:20:52

    Ok, and you tell them not to steal our phials, attack us or trick our people to go out of the guild so you can kill them.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    17 November 2003 16:19:05

    Kujo, it's comments like the on you just did that makes me stay away from these discussions. In the log you refer too, Jete had recently commited such hard crimes towards the CoU so he was hitlisted as #1 and he knew it. If he keeps coming back after all the warnings I give him he know what he is facing, I threaten him with death and death was what he got.

  • Author
    Darkbeat [legacy]
    17 November 2003 15:49:20

    Yes Byron we tried to bang Armada but the victim was aware of us coming and we still tried. Armada even logged in with an alt WHILE PLAYING ARMADA in the same time to check on us.

    oh yeah and doulbe taps are lame, whatever the rest said about it.

    just leave our level 9 applicants alone for now ok?

  • Author
    Vinyari [legacy]
    17 November 2003 14:33:07

    I didnt read the log actually, it was a randomly posted comment based on the title :P

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    17 November 2003 14:21:35

    Actually, it was CoU trying to kill Armada with 4 people, if you didn't read that, Vinyari, this was a party of three attacking a party of three.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 November 2003 14:17:30

    The fact that she is a woman dosen`t and shouldn`t mean any crap really. The fact is that Annadur, the Guild Master of the Corsairs of Umbar got killed. It has a simbolic effect.

  • Author
    Vinyari [legacy]
    17 November 2003 13:19:26

    four man killed a woman, big frickin deal

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    17 November 2003 13:10:35

    If only mushclient could save in colours at all, then we could. Blame the author of mushclient, not me ;-).

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    17 November 2003 12:41:18

    yea babay!mushclient roxxors.if only logomania could put colors with mushclient...

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    17 November 2003 12:13:35

    No way Rhoads! That was four people against Armada. That's not the 'shittiest bang ever'. Three on three is of course much more pathetic.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:45:29


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:26:47

    Very smart... You should join GV in their 'We are stupid' camptain.

    BLah why I hibbed before I levelbash your guild :((

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:17:16

    Jerf says in Westron: thats fur fucking having your bitch report me


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 November 2003 11:14:52

    Annadur tried to bang Armada and failed, dosen`t that makes her lame too Demandred? Or it is only lame when she dies? :)

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    17 November 2003 09:23:52

    Who's level 9?

    *cracks his fingers*

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    17 November 2003 09:20:39

    About the comm discussion:

    Considering no udungul would not hesitate for a second about killing a BKD in RP, but unlike BKD, they'd most likely hunt and do other stuff like that, I don't see the problem with this. Toruh would have done the same if it was turned around. His own fault really for not moving.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 November 2003 09:14:11

    Hi Cerol, i'm not sure if you remember this or not... Looks to me like you hunt-killing someone in RP combat. Lame.


    - Love,


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    17 November 2003 09:02:32

    Wow, Toruh expects me to give him compensation for that RP incident after those remarks he made about my leadership skills of which he has no clue? Oh well, I am a lamer anyways. *can't believe he just used that word*

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:48:14

    I dont like discussing things in these strings since 95% of what is said is usually crap but maybe I should say something here...

    First of all for some reason my Captain made me party leader the moment she got attacked and ran off. We tried to follow but could not find her. Since I had not reported their first lame attempt (who attempts someone 20 rooms from their guild anyways?). There was no reason to draw another attempt on me since I belive they changed the lawsys so you can only report once?

    Oh, and doubletapping is almost as lame as killing a level 9, all within RoI standards though it seems.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:34:40

    Actually, it was 3 vs 3, how the fuck were they supposed to know that Cerol and Fairgil would throw her to the lions?

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:33:20

    Ok Annadur as far as i know your a thief :P why didn't you sneak away or fade ya had plenty of time?

    the rest.. just made me laugh.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:30:44

    And it was 3 people vs 2, Demandred, fucking hell man, put it away.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:28:52

    In which case, can you imagine the comments that'll come when Deb finally gets it?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    17 November 2003 08:06:36

    I think the comm in the background was quite intresting. And I agree with Toruh that you shouldn't kill another person in RP, and you should definetly have merciful on if you engage RP combat.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 November 2003 07:29:56

    Gothwin...when they kill someone of notable power or respect or...whatever, whatever it is that makes them noteworthy, of course they're to get excited. You'd do the same. Yes, testosteron is a good factor in this, but hey. Let them be excited over a PK. I think the first PK was a good fight, even with the bug. A four? man party taking a four? man party (give or take one each), and almost getting locked up. And trying Cerol after, that's standard. As for the double tap, no clue.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    17 November 2003 06:46:58

    Oh yeah! How could I have forgotten...

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    17 November 2003 06:41:23

    Don't forget Guilherme's 'die bitch' too, Gothwin ;)

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    17 November 2003 06:33:50

    You end up with some of the most amusing moments when a group of players finally gets a kill on a very sought after target. I ended up with a flowery 'die whore!' comment from my beloved Yun like ages ago, in this case we get the classic 'stuff her! where is my kit?!'.

    Perfect display of testosteron at its most pathetic level...good job!

  • Author
    Cahir [legacy]
    17 November 2003 06:22:45

    Don't bitch, Annadur died...twice even! Nothing wrong with that!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    17 November 2003 06:07:16

    I like you guys, but a lot of gay looking stuff in this log. :p

    Nice first kill anyway, but double taps are lame unless its a bastard.

    Don't whine about people being guildrats. They probably aren't hiding from you like you think, and they probably aren't playing just for your pleasure. I always found that a stupid thing to whine about. Its one thing if they're on all the time but only leave when its a reboot or they're out pkilling someone. Thats worse, imnsho, than idling a ton in your GH and never coming out.

    Don't everyone type 'legend person' on the comm all at once, i think everyone will agree it just looks really gay for some reason.

    Cerol's dumb or a coward. She should have unfaded there in edoras and broke you all and got another set of reports for you having dared her to.

    Fur is on animals.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    17 November 2003 05:44:58

    that merciful thing was a bug, btw, Demandred. it's fixed now. (i got 285gp for bug-reporting it) ;) if i have merciful on, my partymembers should still be able to kill.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    17 November 2003 05:37:59

    this log would get a 6 if all it showed was annadur standing at MT, i cant remember the last time i've seen her out of her gh...

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    17 November 2003 05:33:48

    That was the shittest bang i've ever seen. You rangers suck. Not sure whats more pathetic, the fact you used a bang to kill her, the fact you think double tapping is cool, or the fact that your ineptitude almost cost you the first kill.