
Posted by
Zzidane [legacy]
01 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

namarik dishonoured his word earlier by making a deal with me but did not remove the report. hence he earned his well deserved death. Lesson no 1: Dont be a Namarik Lesson no 2: Dont be dishonorable Lesson no 3: Dont party with Namarik


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 December 2003 05:58:03

    Meh. I don't see too much place for 'honorable' evils, really. Well, only in a very twisted system of honor, and certainly not using the same terms as the moral sort of honor.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    02 December 2003 19:04:28

    Well, I'm going to backtrack real quick. I saw it, but forgot about it because it was late. That was brave, attacking those people in spite of having little to none HP, and I'll respect you for that. ;)

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 December 2003 15:35:53

    I hate the auto-formatting here.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    02 December 2003 15:35:22

    Gormoth. RP. Roleplay.

    Friendship, decency, and honor are all things that a character can value... or piss on. In fact, it would be very easy to say either extreme is really good RP. Don't try to say 'all morals should be like the KODA', because it's 1) Anti-thematic, and 2) Restrictive.

    In the same way there are places for 'honorable' evils, and 'bastard' evils.

    I respect that you have a conception of roleplay and feel strongly about it. Now, take it and apply it to your character(s). Enjoy. I'll take my conception and my RP and apply it to my character, and we'll all have a big old ball-o-fun.


  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    02 December 2003 13:12:53

    *mmm* great log. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks guys.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    02 December 2003 10:54:33

    IMHO anyone who knows how Namarik act, is not surprised of see him being killed (at any level ;-)

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    02 December 2003 06:09:42

    Well Theodrek, everyone is entitled to his own opinion. It is not

    necessary to have played here forever to understand the meaning of RP,

    basic human decency, friendship and honour. I am trying to make a few points about what really RP is, and what is happening now.

    And I wouldnt really care about whining drek, because that is what

    this site is for. I shall not indulge into irrelvent comments, which is what you have done. If I havent done anything, yet, dear Theo, I will in the days to come, and will hope you are around to see.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    02 December 2003 05:08:56

    Why are you people defending a low level SoU? Am I the only one that still remembers SoU gangbanging a level 8? :P

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    02 December 2003 04:39:11

    before you open that gap, can you define the meaning 'banging a low level'? how many level differences before it is considered 'banging a low level'? the first time i did him, i was lvl 16 and he was lvl 15 disguised as lvl 13 i think. the next kill was when i was lvl 17 and he should be lvl 14 or 13. as you can see, im not maxxed myself so i dont consider my acts as 'banging a low level' as you easily term them. DOH!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    02 December 2003 04:20:48

    See this? > - < That right there is a million lines of compressed code. When opened in a .exe file, it makes a whining little 'Wah' sound. I call it ''

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    02 December 2003 04:18:49

    You really sound like a whiner, Gor. What have -you- done to be able to say things like this? Where have you made your mark, thus allowing you to talk as such? All I hear from you right now, like from the adults in Peanuts, is 'WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE'.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    02 December 2003 04:14:38

    >Hats off to Namarik for continuing to play after being killed like, >what twice a day ?


    >Try doing that, and then talk about honour, roleplay and all such >bull-shit, which has lost all its meaning in this MUD.

    You've got it, Gormoth!

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    02 December 2003 03:01:07

    You just don't get it. I don't need to hear why he was killed, I am not criticising that. If he didn't hold up to his word he obviously deserved it, I hate that crap as much as you do... but banging a low level (whether it's Namarik or not), POSTING it with a 'don't do this, or else...' tag, shows you got no reluctance in making yourself look like an ass by trying to brag about it.

    My god, some people can be dense...just don't hurt yourself using that intelligent 'logic' of yours too much.

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    02 December 2003 00:58:35

    im sorry gothwin for being a noob. accourding to you logic, everyone else who does a bang outside sou is a noob and everyone in SoU who bangs are experts.

    talk about hypocrisy or what, i can bet my balls that if i was strolling in mordor and met a party of SoUs, id be bang the first microsecond i see them. and pwueeze do not talk about mordor being free for all area, its just an excuse for you peeps. the ONLY difference i see between mordor and outside mordor is that you dont need to pay fines when killing in mordor. thats all.

    i must admit, its a bit lame to kill a lowbie a few times, but its not as if you do not have the time to level up. infact you have all the time in the world. purposely staying at that level and irritating the guts out of everyone and moaning like a bitch when you die out of you consequences is in fact lamer.

    plus i hate being ripped off, it warrants a death sentence. period.

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    02 December 2003 00:38:51

    A missing full stop between Tolkien and BKD in above post is right here

    -> .

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    02 December 2003 00:37:46

    How do you expect people to take part in a RP war Devinius, if

    - They are killed when they come out of their Guild Hall

    - They dont report

    - They are killed for no reason also,

    - They are invariably solo against 3 or 4 or 5 people ?

    Trash RP, trash reporting, trash everything. Get it down to this:

    You attack, be ready to face fines. Theres a cost to everything, let there be a cost to defend your own end in a RP war.

    Hats off to Namarik for continuing to play after being killed like, what twice a day ?

    Try doing that, and then talk about honour, roleplay and all such bull-shit, which has lost all its meaning in this MUD.

    Loth is a place where people 'once entered, never came back unchanged' - according to Tolkien BKD come there to kill SoU. How thematic is that?

    - GV's macho 'I will kill you if you have unique' - RP, Yeah that makes sense

    - Glorglas's I will kill you if you put Maegon' mail with annoying tags RP ..

    If this is all RP, then reporting after a RP war is also RP.. Take it or face the consequences.

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    02 December 2003 00:05:34

    Hey Namarik, I was thinking the weekend and i get the idea how people cant kill you...

    Be lvl 3, thats a great idea... *lol*

    If you want we can help you...

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    01 December 2003 23:31:01

    That was an okay read. Kill him again and see if you can't make a better log??. I'd help but SoU will whine about the Galdahrim interfering in business that isn't theirs and then they'll drag us into this revolving door war and run around killing our own lowbies. Not good for recruitment if you catch my drift. Maybe I'll just wait till I catch Namarik in Linhir again and see if I can't solo a better log myself. Or maybe I'll post the ones I've already done of him. But they suck cause Nicu still hasn't got a mushclient converter!!!

    Some advice to Gothwin for what it's worth - rather than flame about bangs on a poor wittle wevel twelve SoU - perhaps you could just give namarik yet another lesson on how to RP, how to honour his word, and all that other stuff he needs to learn - basically everything other than how to be a complete twat, abuse lawsys, and abuse RP - he seems to have that down.

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    01 December 2003 23:23:17

    If someone want do a party and hunt a lag for me i join, although

    were Mizrahi the party leader :P

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    01 December 2003 21:33:20

    Remember beeenz? :P

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    01 December 2003 21:26:44

    You know I will sit here and laugh my ass off at you guys if you get nuked for levelbashing Namarik, that would be just hallarious

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    01 December 2003 21:25:01

    yes there is a difference Beyaz, this is a guildwar idiot

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    01 December 2003 21:21:45

    I'm going to be all uberunique and all and admit I HAVE NO EXCUSE, I JUST DIDNT STAND A CHANCE, cheers to BkD except for the lame trigger attack, I'm not cool enough for triggers to do EVERYTHING for me

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    01 December 2003 20:35:17

    Gothwin, Namarik was killed a 2nd time today because he was payed 2k + all his eq back to drop the report on zzidane for the first kill (2 man when he was sitting there waiting to be attacked) and he didn't do it. Not simply for being SoU.

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    01 December 2003 20:29:14

    I only love in this log the part:


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 December 2003 19:05:45

    Heh, Gothwin said n00b.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    01 December 2003 19:01:57

    You know, when you post crap like this you are bound to get criticised for it. I mean, gee, 3 people to kill a level 12. I am sure everybody has killed a low leveler before, even some of the SoU perhaps, but you have killed Namarik what...4 times now? The first 3 times wasn't proof enough you could solo him if you used your brains?

    So you wanted him dead - badly. I would have still thought twice about broadcasting this log though, cause your self-righteous reasons do not justify your methods, just make you look like a n00b.

    And Beyaz, I don't recall any SoU partaking in any of your deaths, but feel free to refresh my memory on the mud.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:54:00



    A good solid English word, and great to see it in, not so common, but in use anyway. :))

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:45:44

    Namarik is still getting killed because he's a prissy little retard who can't keep his mouth shut or keep his word when he does open it. Not just because he is SoU

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:31:53

    All I have to say, leave it to an SoU to bitch about people doing to them what they do to others. :)

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:21:49

    Hypocracy reigns it seems.... :P

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:21:10

    Hmm...i vaguely recall myself being banged/attempted several times, by members of SoU, Udungul, and some others...when i was only lvl 13 or 14

    Is there any difference between this and my case?

    I think not, hence, you complaining about it happening to your guildmates makes no sense at all...

    Kinda like the arguement about GV/Gondor and SoU/Mordor...killing anyone they see, who shouldnt be there...

    Or is it just me who see's the similarities?

  • Author
    Thalus [legacy]
    01 December 2003 17:00:07

    So..what are you people trying to prove? Namarik is a Son of Ulfang, but by killing him repeatedly like 10-20 times is not going to mean that we are weak or whatsoever. And a 3 man bang on a level 12..or perhaps 13 means absolute sadness. Maybe..just maybe, that's how things work now these days...

    -The clueless pigeon that eats off marijuana from Rhoads' arse. (Jackass-style)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    01 December 2003 16:13:30

    Way to kill the same level 13 SoU for the 40th time. Namarik, I hope you're getting rich off of this.

  • Author
    Proximity [legacy]
    01 December 2003 14:57:54

    so he died again? poor guy

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    01 December 2003 14:09:43

    shoulda faded gormoth... oh wait that wont work anymore

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    01 December 2003 13:45:22

    i must admit, there is nothing great about bangs, but if you want really want someone dead, thats the only certain way of getting it right. stop blaming the server,lag,computer or whatever else, because the death was imminent no matter what.

  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    01 December 2003 13:42:59

    haha, that's right zzidane. im envious. color me green.

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    01 December 2003 13:39:44

    convincing nilreg is like teaching a blind man how see. if he is blinded with envy and the first thing in his mind is to condemn, nothing can change that. you must have mad skills in flaming ppl. thats prolly the only thing your good at i guess.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    01 December 2003 13:30:39

    hehe i usually don't have much lag but my main hard drive died and on backup one that is set up for a different dial up and i'm to lazy to change it :P and my damn dsl is late and really pissing me off!!! i want my dsl! erm ya :) thanks.

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    01 December 2003 13:18:01

    Yeah Gormoth I must admit, you had balls when attacked us trying to save your friend, while being so low on HP.

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:58:16

    level 19 wizard with 75 hp with a crappy sword against 3 ugly dwarves is a nightmare Deda...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:50:54

    I think we should all get together and bang this 'Lag' character...

    It seems to be the cause of so many deaths these days. :P

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:44:26

    lol i tried to drink flask the same round they entered but. gotta love lag. alias went off about 10 seconds after i died

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:43:59

    It was too close to his guild too right? Not that I aprove a bang and stuff.

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:42:22

    Er, 'you could have at least rated' not 'you could at least rated' I guess. Sorry English is not my first language:)

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:40:06

    Well Nilreg, a log where 3 people kill a low level player (even if he's an enemy of your guild) maybe deserves to be rated 1, but as you can see Therina and I killed a level 19 wizard who attacked me so you could at least rated 2:P

  • Author
    Nilreg [legacy]
    01 December 2003 12:28:58

    not my death log, and i'll still rate it a 1. mad skills killing the low level assassin

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    01 December 2003 11:38:18

    hahahaha, I even lasted a little longer than he did!

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    01 December 2003 11:35:31

    you can see how much i wanted to kill my myself...and namarik pwueeze go on rating your OWN death logs 1.