
Posted by
Kozlodoev [legacy]
04 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

she asked me to post


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 December 2003 04:58:22

    Do you always practice love and leave?

    - Love, Rush


    Just for you, Otoron.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    07 December 2003 02:10:51

    For the record, I don't know Rush.

    And, I could never marry someone who used that many happyfaces. I'd think of Redjack everytime we had sex.


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    07 December 2003 01:14:23

    I like Otoron, I wish he would marry me. I don't know Saritalr, but I wish she'd would marry me too :)))))).

    Crousey can marry me as well.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 December 2003 23:35:57

    Thanks Sarys.

    Contrary to what you might think, Saritalr, I find you witty and engaging. But this uber-defensiveness is silly. Never once did I claim or even imply intellectual superiority... if you desired to take it as smug condescencion, then by all means do so. But it could just have easily been smug condescencion from anyone. I think the fact that I happen to be putzing around in grad school to be unrelated to the point, so much so in fact that it was you who raised it, twice, before I mentioned it. I never once tried to legitimize my jokes as such... if I were to play like you were doing and act the therapist, we'd explore your inferiority complex, which manifests itself in your...

    Anyhow. I got off the point. Your therapist-y jokes were funny. They got old. I made fun of it, in the hopes that you'd stop. Like most 'clever' jokes, they only work once or twice before they just depreciate into the 'hackneyed' category.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    06 December 2003 15:24:29

    I like Saritalr.

    I like Otoron too.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 December 2003 13:46:58

    I like candy.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    06 December 2003 13:21:05

    we all have pity on you Saritalr, can you please stop talking that rubbish now?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 December 2003 00:13:58

    Is it your therapist who tought you to dodge the subject and throw out insults when someone calls you on doing the same thing you're bitching at other people about doing?

    And it's Comrade, not Mr!


  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    05 December 2003 23:01:38

    oh for fucks sake :(

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    05 December 2003 21:06:39

    Saritalr, does it make you feel special and/or intelligent to use buzzwords and ideas that you barely grasp, gleaned from survey classes at uni?

    I'm just curious, trying to get a grip on why you dare castigate the chest-thumping-pkill-mentality on here, when all your comments are little more than pseudo-intellectual masturbation...

    Same shit, different form, so to speak.


  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    05 December 2003 14:59:16

    No harm done Betus :) And you are just a tiny little fish in the big pond of off topic crap. Heck even i do that, so yeah I must appologize to my self.. I'll do that in form of a good dinner in candle light :D

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 13:10:29

    Ok, Rhoads, note taken. I'm sorry Glom.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    05 December 2003 12:39:02

    Let us take it from top Saritalr:

    'Dear Scatha,' <- Uhm no, I prefer calling things by their name and that would be a flame in this case, so let us skip that part.

    'I feel like the views of the players themselves are being unfairly represented.' <- I think the views of the players are represented rather well in this comment thread. So is the view of Scatha, which is: 'I want to try and look clever by comming with smartass comments instead of giving helpfull information or clarifications.'

    'When valinor makes drastic changes that affect me in bad ways, I feel victimized.' I don't feel victimized, I don't play the game actively. Nor do I know for real if this change affects me in a bad way - my hint to comment were merely that of a Lord trying to be a smartass.

    'Sometimes, it even makes me feel angry.' <- help zen/help whining

    'I would like to start a dialogue with you about this.' <- Scatha is still only a puny Lord with no access to actually change anything in this regard. A dialogue with him would be an excersise in futility. Try some of the people that both has reason and power to change things, ei Draugluin.

    'Love, Lotraz.' <- It is bad to lie!

    Remember, I was not asking for a change. I were only telling Scatha that his smartass comments helped nothing in this discussion - only put Valinor in a bad light. Furthermore, if he had bothered to check up on the issue, he could have used the oppertunity to clarify and inform and thus make people think: 'Wauw! Those ainu actually cares, Yippeee!'.

    Instead he chose to be a smartass.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 December 2003 11:51:15

    The fact that is not on topic anymore, Glom is correct Betus.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 11:39:12

    Don't like it, don't read it Glom, simply.

    I don't like your comment but I had to read it.

    We were talking about fade change, then we switch to another things, what's the problem? at least we're not flaming...

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    05 December 2003 11:24:42

    Any one else think these threads always tend to turn out as pure crap? I hardly see any comments of the logs. By the way Saritalr, if you're so happy to help, help out in turning these threads into what they should be, not into some stupid ass chatting board, thanks.

    Love Glom

    Not willing to help

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:47:55

    Sounds odd ;-) but took in a weird imperative way it means 'wait death', you're telling others to Wait Death, but if it's YOU who is waiting Death then the correct way is 'Esperando Muerte', note also that we usually use articles so it has to be 'Espera la Muerte' }:-P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:43:43

    A wait

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:39:07

    the 'Espera Muerte' i mean

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:18:37

    What does my name mean Betus?

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:10:37

    ..and... I LOVE Saritalr comments (Sara is a name in Spanish also, so 'Sarita' is the diminutive ;-), keep commenting Saritalr, I feel we're really in need of help, hope you can help us, can we start a dialoge about this?

    *hugs Saritalr*

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 December 2003 10:06:49

    Espera, 'waiting for death' will be 'Esperando la Muerte', not 'Espera Muerte', take 'nota' ;-)

  • Author
    Vinyari [legacy]
    05 December 2003 08:31:42

    I think the fade change is a good way to slow down the transformation of this mud into a pk mud.

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    05 December 2003 05:26:49

    I meant the quote was from the movie replacements not my name. I read it again and it seemed unclear to me so just wanted to reiterate to clear that up. And c'mon, what's not to like about 'Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever!'

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    05 December 2003 04:44:31

    Heh, no it's from the movie 'The Replacements' Saritalr and i use it simply because I like it. I have never once claimed i came up with it. My name, (which i got from a cool character in an RPG i like) means waiting or hoping so i added Muerte to it which i was told meant death. I am now hoping (no pun intended) that my name means 'Waiting for Death' or 'Hoping for Death' or something along those lines.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    05 December 2003 04:33:13

    Saritalr has to stop owning everyone here. :(

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    05 December 2003 03:04:11

    Hehe, Lotraz and Sarcasm go hand in hand.

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    05 December 2003 02:39:10

    Does anyone else here get an odd tingly desire to rip out saritalr's tongue and feed it to her?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    05 December 2003 01:32:06

    Wauw Scatha. that was really a comment I am sure clears things up for most people here, and explains their anger about this new feature. Thank you for your great input, oh you Lord of Guilds!

    How about actually getting that finger out and explain why Therina was un-faded by a 8 point scratch. That would contrary to your previous comment actually help the discussion and improve your already lacking relationship with the players.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    05 December 2003 00:32:24

    A bug didn't kill you. Your inability to break in time killed you :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    04 December 2003 23:48:48

    Me Neither!

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    04 December 2003 22:01:06

    I havn't been unfaded with 100 deception either.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    04 December 2003 19:30:57

    I've gotten plenty of hauberks so far without problems. True, I have 100 deception, but even 50 hp crithits didnt break my fade.

    I can say only 1 thing I guess: max the darn skill :)

  • Author
    Grymlar [legacy]
    04 December 2003 19:02:19

    They posted on the damn gossiper its *NOT* random, but how then can i be massacred 3 strait rounds, keep faded, and then a hit hard unfades me? Thats about as random as it gets, i switched to Warrior, screw being an assassin, never been locked and killed untill this change, first time i try with 95 deception i get unfaded by grimscar and hunted down and killed. So, warrior now, with 55 deception, go to do hauberk, two times i did it while deception was at 95 i got unfaded 5 times and 6 times, with deception at 55 i get unfaded once, maybe my blocking being at 80, i dont know, if thats the case a maxed warrior with 60 deception would now be able to use fade *BETTER* than an assassin with maxed fade, although grimscar claims with deception of 100 you cant be unfaded, didnt care to train it and find out, i dont kill people all that often as is, would rather go up against ER's as a warrior :)

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    04 December 2003 18:31:13

    Yepp, switch and proxmity are right about this fade shit

  • Author
    Proximity [legacy]
    04 December 2003 18:22:31

    well said switch

    take the damn thing away instead of letting us suffer for it and have it tested by players, let them evaluate stuff like this!

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    04 December 2003 16:59:58

    the point being betus that this experiment has shown that an 8hp scratch will unfade you.

    This is why this entire world changing alteration was implimented without testing because it was so essential to life as we know it, while merciful, doesn't make a damn bit of difference, 90% of people won't have touched it. those that have, could probably live without it.

    The thing with the fade problem is, it's not an option, it's an affect of normal play.

    If we said to the ainur, oh, if you hit an assassin for 8hp we want it to turn their hunt off, you think they'd LEAP into that one? (hell, probably....)

    This change should never have happened, at least not directly. In my opinion it should be removed in the next boot and put for player testing instead of messing people up.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 December 2003 16:41:41

    Well, you all know what is the politics in this MUD, you have to EXPERIMENT all features, nobody is going to tell you 'you will unfade if you get a X HP hit', surely it has a random component... *shrug*

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    04 December 2003 16:13:59

    I think its a great idea as long as only big hits make the person unfade

  • Author
    Proximity [legacy]
    04 December 2003 16:11:45

    Valinor must have a screw lose

    Merciful isnt hard to have. all you need is to put in the right on/off command in your aliases for crying out loud

    but the fade command on the other hand has to be one of the lamest ideas they had this far

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    04 December 2003 16:03:31

    Aparently you do...

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    04 December 2003 15:50:38

    And that HAD to be a bug, you don't loose fade from a 8hp hit or something when you got 97 deception.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    04 December 2003 15:44:26

    I didn't attack Shuma when he was in a 4-man party, attacked him before, he owned me so I left west, faded, east, backstabbed again, and he guildbroke me (omg????) at 65hp. Got some finds on Izor and people. MT lvl 7, figured I'd see if any of them was low, because I'd guess they'd panic. Anyways, forgot I was in combat with Shuma. And he scratched me, made me unfade (97 deception) *giggles*. Pretty lame if you ask me :P

    Oh, asked Scatha if I'd be reimbursed for dying to a bug. He said no! *cries*

    And one more thing, one less round of combat.. And I'd survived. Hehe.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    04 December 2003 15:18:48

    I said it 100 times before i can say it again. Ainus have to start thinking before changing things. Now they change shit over and over we suffer for around 3 weeks or more and complaning and trying to get the ainus to change it then after maybe 30 people died because of ainus then they think Heya maybe it's time to change the 'fade (example)' so you don't lose fade that easy.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    04 December 2003 14:48:36

    Maybe (who knows what is in Ainur minds ;-), maybe they don't want to fade being used to 'attack' but only to 'move without being noticed', in this case IMHO it would be better to remove fade attack/defense bonus instead of loose fade when 'touched'.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    04 December 2003 14:36:07

    Yeah this new fade thing totaly sucks, I don't understand why they for example had wardrobe in playtesting enough time to remove all bugs and typos, and then they simpy make the fade change without a min playtesting.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    04 December 2003 14:19:28

    tick in 5 seconds...


    aug stop talking shit about swedes:P

    we roxxor

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    04 December 2003 14:08:26

    i think therina wanted the log posted exactly so people see that the new fade sucks

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    04 December 2003 14:07:20

    Ouch! That's just sick:(

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:56:38

    but yeah, props for Therina to attack some one with 4 friends around him. Log was pretty.. hilarious? Thanks to the new fade

  • Author
    Aug [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:55:24


  • Author
    Aug [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:54:07

    This log is stupied 'thanks to fade' a pure 1

  • Author
    Aug [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:52:18

    Who the fuck 'change' fade?

    That person got to have some serious problem.

    Everyone is flaming about Aiglos and stuff, but this...

    Somebody with a brain please change it back.

    I think ainurs have done some serious problem lately, like merciful and fade.. Everyone fucks it up all the time.

    I say REMOVE IT!

    And I don't think I'm alone thinking like this.

    To admins on this page, I'm sorry for bad languages. But ainurs needs to understand that they have done wrong.

    Atleast change it back to assassins so they could have the 'old' one. How is a assassin going to pk anybody when he/she loose fade all the time?!

    I'm sorry for miss spelling, but I'm Swedish and I can't help it!


  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:49:37

    And yeah, like Leander pointed out the launch of ER's will hopefuly change the game so that the free races would not battle against each other so much ;)

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:46:14

    Jeesus, a fucking SCRATCH to loose fade! HAHAHAHAHAHA, remove fade in complete? Atleast i can think of no use other than waste of ep if you loose it that easily :P

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:35:21

    One more thing:

    I find this log very hard to rate :P

    1. its good that it gets the attention here will set the gods to work on that bug quickly

    2. to see a whole party gang a person succesfully due to a bug sucks

    Not any of you guys fault I know! you first see things like after the rush have driftet away

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:31:13

    oh 'yes' there is soon all have a very good excuse to gangbang because solo killing is becomming more and more dangerous with all these changes. I like the discussion before about who is the best killer and all that old school and new school, in the old days you could blind with light, strange runed staves could be used on people multiple times(if you had more than one on you), people couldn't get things from their pack blinded, rangers couldn't eaglesight in battle, in real old days wizards could summon others to a locked room and solo all stupid enough to not turn the summon ability variable off... Yes there have been many ways of killing throughout time arrow lightning probably one of the worst and most used, but also in older times there wasnt nearly as many breaks as today even though some certain really unrealistic breaks has been removed. And now deaths doesnt cost as much anymore either. Point taken the gods try to discourage playerkilling so it isnt that the game is about but other matters like good against evil for real with the upcomming ER's and such rather than FR vs FR.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:16:44

    i say, it sucks! I cant think of one good thing that can come out of being able to unfade an assassin with 100 deception

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    04 December 2003 13:15:04

    There is gonna be much fun outta this fade hell the gods have unleashed upon us I can see :P