Evil is rooted from the underbelly of Mordor pt 2

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
07 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

An enemy of Gondor is eliminated.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:44:27

    Morgorgoroth, as if that is a good name :P

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:28:54

    Whats wrong with Darkterror as a name, Iazrul ? It sounds like a Westron translation of Morgorgoroth to me ...

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    09 December 2003 04:49:27

    is the reason you don't mud anymore is because that you're a washed up hasbeen?

  • Author
    Iazrul [legacy]
    09 December 2003 02:37:01

    And on my final note!! If someone is going to rp or do acts in the name of rp. By all the gods please pick a name that is rp worthly!!

    What the fuck is a Darkterror!? Udungul is an arm

    bah screw it, I don't mud no more.

    Just my 10 cents or half of it

  • Author
    Iazrul [legacy]
    09 December 2003 02:34:04

    I think Grimscar was totally right in this situation.

    If I was a defender of Gondor, and someone was moral yet a murderer of Minastirith and of Dol Amroth I would STILL take action against that so called moral person. Furthermore if I roleplayed a moral person I would simply kill anyone who was lower alignment than impartial. Who is to say who is and who isn't a spy for old red eye? Evil is evil, even just a little evil needs to be vanquished.

    On a side note, I really think its pathetic that a guild can be impartial and moral at the same time. Wasn't that one of the reasons Meglivornth was disbanded, that during the war of the ring. Noone could really stay impartial? That we are bound to be tied into the war of the ring?

    or maybe I am delusional. I mean how can a guild have moral-and slightly evil impartial because of rogues? how could you co exist?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    08 December 2003 20:45:17

    Rhoads, maybe you should hold a seminar on sarcasm at the halls sometime soon?


  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    08 December 2003 20:19:15

    hahaha, i kill myself :p

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    08 December 2003 20:19:04

    your face is a joke rhoads!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    08 December 2003 20:06:00

    Cou are a joke as well Terius, you in particular too ;)

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    08 December 2003 19:12:10

    amruin are a joke

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    08 December 2003 17:58:02

    Otoron - Those lands were given to us when we saved your asses...

    Past deeds count for nothing in Gondor? So willing are we to break a deal? I hope your not swaying as Faramir did, and that you have the strength to overcome it as he did.

    The Riders of Rohan fight alongside gondor, do not mistake that fact.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    08 December 2003 17:35:51

    Rightful occupants my ass. I'm gonna add a new part to my story when I get back which will include us kicking you slackasses back up into the Vales of Anduin, where you can hang out with your cousins the Beornings.


  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    08 December 2003 16:29:37

    Okay, put simply Feyd is immoral, he *was* an applicant of DH etc, no problems there, Grimscar well within his rights.

    Skyman, enemy of MT and DA. Known for participating in pks on morals (usually throwing the SRS in). Skyman, you may be moral, we're spoken of this, but until you let that bad rep fade away with some good actions, sorry, but your all target.

    Grimscar, that was a nice pair of kills with a good ending.

    And thematically, Feyd, ally of the dunland wildmen and skyman his friend, both deserved death for their crimes against the Fields of Calenardhon and it's rightful occupants, the Eorlings of the Mark.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    08 December 2003 08:34:49

    I'll kill you with one of my alts, Saritalr!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    08 December 2003 07:21:45

    I see 3 solutions!

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    08 December 2003 06:32:51

    Skyman being the GM of the beornings makes him no rouge faction. It is also not your desicion to make Grimscar. The beornings are one guild. Attack a Beorning you attack the guild.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    08 December 2003 05:57:36

    Anyone else think Saritalr's comments are off topic and should focus on the log at hand, not to mention being disrespectful to mudders in general, and what would appear to me to be the way person far too self-abosrbed for his or her own good tries to fit in with the others and fails miserably, because all she does is poke fun at them, and call them out on what she sees as weaknesses and faults, and then they realize...hey look, this person is a complete ass.

    In short, I'd like to politely ask Saritalr to either comment on the logs, leaving the sarcasm and malice behind, or even better... please comment elsewhere, like on the forums that no one reads.

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    08 December 2003 05:55:38

    You are not a paladin Grimmie, you are a unique hungry .. erm .. person or something

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    08 December 2003 03:32:51

    Yeah...that must be it.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    08 December 2003 03:14:04

    The thieves of gondor apparently have no more use for Minas Tirith and Gondor being overrun by wild dunlendings, trolls, easterlings, orcs, and other vermin than I do, Caber. And by all means, if you wish to kill me for such associations, go right ahead. I am not a paladin. I'm just a guy trying to do what I think is right in a world full of wrong.

    And as for Kaddar, I'd just owned him, knocked him bleeding and showed mercy, made him my servant for an hour for sparing his life.

    Who says evil people don't have their uses? Just, if your usage of evil people crosses the line into something I don't like, you might die too.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    08 December 2003 02:47:10

    Hahaha. Partying with people of the opposite alignment makes him bad or something, Grimscar? So what, should I have tried to pk Kaddar when he was partied with you? You remember...when you asked a member of Udungul to try and kill me in Mordor? And while we're talking about moral association with Arda's shadier guilds, isn't it kind of funny how two members of the thieves guild have stolen healing from my members right before you tried to pk them? Gosh, if I didn't know better, I'd say our Gondorian hero has some sort of connection with the Thieves.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    08 December 2003 02:16:36


    I just reread my comment.

    Grimscar is the boy with the thorn in his side.

    I'm going crazy.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    08 December 2003 00:03:31

    How did he loot?

    He drove you off and killed both the people. Took what he wanted.

    Like last boot, when I kicked the key but you typed 'get key' before I could... was that looting?

    I didn't bitch.

    Yet here, someone clearly doesn't loot from you, but instead punks you and your friend down and takes your stuff... and you accuse him of looting? Like you wouldn't have done the same to someone who has been a thorn in your side?



  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    07 December 2003 22:56:42

    And yet you looted. Blah. I just couldn't resist.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    07 December 2003 22:54:32

    I'm not gonna bring the discussion here. I've mailed what's important to those who must know it.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    07 December 2003 22:31:35

    So Skyman is partying with an evil person, and BOTH have tried to kill me, regardless of the fact that I was always Hand of Eru and a simple Archer of Gondor at the time...

    If it were your average Beorning, I would have helped him. But as you yourself said, there are rogue factions among you. Skyman is one of these. I have no love for him, whatsoever. If you align him, you will see that he is a murderer in Dol Amroth and Minas Tirith. Why would I help him, even against a common foe? Skyman -is- a foe, yet I tried to show him MERCY.....

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    07 December 2003 22:17:44

    'If you notice here, I was not trying to kill Skyman at first, I simply wanted him to leave...'

    What are you, Mordor's Vengeance??

    Pretty smart Grimscar, pretty smart. I'd say brilliant.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 December 2003 21:06:58

    How was he to know that the mail would go to the beornings in the first place, maybe it would be feyd's. And even more so after feyd died because skyman might have given it to him to use.

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    07 December 2003 20:40:39

    I am afraid I have put more work into my guild than any Anui has. It was originally an impartial Guild. It went through Guild Review and passed. And now they decide to change it without any(any real that is) discussion with us. Annoying.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    07 December 2003 20:00:22

    I think ainu tendency is to forbid impartial guilds in Arda.

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    07 December 2003 19:42:23

    Just say it for what it was Grimscar. It isn't even an illegal motive. This isn't an RP enforced Mud(well not mostly). Just keep your motives clear like an honourable gondorian should.

    **Anonymous figure says in Westron: can i unfade?

    **You say in Westron: yes

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    07 December 2003 19:25:10

    Here is what I see. Skyman was killing an evil troll in Mordor. Grimscar killed Skyman, a member of a guild that has never sided with an evil guild against a moral one. Even if it considers itself Impartial.

    Grimscar should haved helped Skyman kill the troll. But he obviuosly wasn't thinking, because, as GV, his first priority wasn't killing the evil in mordor but to get a nice new suit of armour.

    Feyd's death on the otherhand was entirely justified. Good job.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    07 December 2003 19:21:18

    moral side of impartial. We are alowed immoral members for that rouge factions, but in and around our homelands, we are as moral as the come.

    Im sure GV care as little for us as we do for them.

    If we have a common foe, sure, chances re we will help each other, if we get in each others way, sure, we will kill each other.

    What suprises me is the lack of Honor on Grimscars part, for saying yes it was safe for skyman to unfade, then killing him.

    Then again, skyman was a little naive(sp) for beliveing him.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 December 2003 19:06:59

    Maybe you guys will start acting like it now, then again, as skyman said, you still consider yourselves impartial.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    07 December 2003 18:46:04

    Oh, I obviously didn't know that Leto..

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    07 December 2003 18:43:08

    Since our alignment weas changed without discussion by Draug.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    07 December 2003 18:40:53

    And since when are Beornings a moral guild?

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    07 December 2003 18:38:19

    Nice of a moral guild to kill a guildmaster of another moral guild...

    Way to go to get yourself hated

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    07 December 2003 18:10:39

    I am no enemy of Gondor. I am impartial. Of course I didn't leave, should I let you loot my mithril mail?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 December 2003 16:42:19

    Well I will have to check with SoU before confirming it, I heard they might start protecting it and they WILL hunt attackers down without merciful so might want to check out with then first :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 December 2003 16:39:50

    There are the ugly orcs in the plains of the shire which I THINK (not sure) are free for now (no guilds protecting).

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    07 December 2003 15:40:01

    Ranhoth protect that, Gormoth :p

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    07 December 2003 14:38:07

    what is it now, GV protects mordor too ?

    Soon we will be constrained to Bree playground :p

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    07 December 2003 13:05:17


    You mangle Skyman with the MIGHT of GIL-'GRIMSCAR'!

    A little edit we have here :P

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    07 December 2003 12:45:46

    Damn skyman was a great help there. taking all that troll damage, hurting the troll, and either way you could hunt him if he got mail or get mail yourself then hunt him :)

    I have nothing personally against beornings but they do seem to help my enemies every once in a while or more...