Darkterror escapes me!

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
09 December 2003 00:00:00

Just thought I'd post, since Darkterror and friends always whine about people breaking at innrooms.


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:42:19

    Off topic.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 09:24:49


    I'm rather partial to Nevskoye Originalnoye.

    But the produkti doesn't have it cold.


    Caber, thank you. Much appreciated.


  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    11 December 2003 04:52:28

    Otoron: Funniest thing I have ever read. Thank you for being a funny, funny person.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    11 December 2003 04:50:51

    Sky, we don't call Ezra by his first name. You could get banned like Sarah and Chris did!

  • Author
    Muhtar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:28:01


    Stary Melnik is the best. Pribaltika is also very good. Cheap too.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:14:10


    Laptin Kulta is total shit.

    I'd rather drink Leningradskoye.


    ps: I'm like four hours away from Finland :P

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:47:36


  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:30:03

    Shut up Otoron, Finnish beer is great ;) Tho, I doubt we import the good stuff to you..

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:19:08

    Shut up Ezra!

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:07:11

    Hrm. Fimbu, don't tell Iago not to post here. If you guys didn't piss/moan/make intelligent comments (they all blur together these days), against whom would I play Devil's Advocate, martyr to the cause, and/or rightfully-indignant-asshole?

    I mean, I gotta have someone. And (generally speaking) the VC aren't present enough on the log page to fulfill the role that you guys have taken on. And what with Gothwin trying to pass her classes and such, that avenue is gone too.

    So let Iago comment. It's a helluva lot better than only seeing people telling Mithgil he 'owns'.

    Also: Caber, email/icq me what Yggdrasil said that got him banned. I missed it. And jesus, Saritalr got banned for using a name?

    I guess it would be bad to tell everyone my name is... nevermind. Call me Ishmael.

    But seriously. Grimscar should get a boat, and some Argonauts, and we should all go get the golden fleece. That might get us to band together. Team spirit and all that jazz.

    I'll go have another beer. Cheers!


    ps: Carlsberg sucks ass. I shoulda payed almost half price and gotten the domestic Russian shit. Considering both are brewed in a Finnish brewery anyway *fist*

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 December 2003 23:42:07

    Hey, if you're going to block Saritalr and Yggdrasil for using Grimscar's real name (okay, Yggdrasil for slightly more, but it was really really funny), I'd like to request that anybody who uses my real name to refer to me also gets banned. I feel it is too revealing about who I am. Is that a reasonable request, or do I have to have 'connections' with the moderators?

    PS: Hey Shachmir, nice to see you. Or should I say...OSCAR?

    (That's his real name. Plz don't banme:))))

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:58:52

    Iago. Stop arguing on the log page. Haven't I spoken to you about this?

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:33:04

    how about the one of ghulznor where you said you saw him killing the guards and decided to go kill him later for it instead of defending them

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:31:15

    Go read the log of Idria. I kept her from killing that guard.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:46:31

    Shrimpscar. lol:P It's pronounced cool

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:35:18

    watching them die and doing nothing is a different story in my opinion :P


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:12:29

    If no Gondorians ever died, how would they inflict Gondor's Vengeance upon their murderers?


  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 20:18:28

    no beyaz, gv claims to be the defenders of gondor's yet they let the people kill the gondorians and kill them later when it suits them. they also associate and party with people who kill your gondorians and turn a blind eye to them. and yeh, too bad raqtor blocked yggdrasil for pointing out one of the many things grimscar lies about :P

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    10 December 2003 18:27:52

    Im way behind on this....but Iago...

    If the logic you are applying to Aravor's words was applied by KoDA, KoDA would most likely get DAKS every boot, and just keep paying the fines imposed for breaking the kill restriction rules set down by the Ainur when the guild is created/reviewed.

    And secondly, people seem to think that because GV are a moral dunedain guild, they should act like KoDA does...honourable, merciful etc.

    They are moral yes, honourable mostly yes, merciful? not if you cross them, or are found to be killing gondorians.

    It seems all too clear to me that this is the case. Why doesnt everyone else see this?

    My point is, GV is not KoDA, and they are not trying to be KoDA.

    They are Gondor's Vengeance...the title says it all, imho.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:20:55

    I don't know Otoron, Yggdrasil seemt to know, but methink we won't see him post ever again to explain us. too bad :(

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:04:17

    By the by: why the hell did Saritarl's post get removed, but not Shach's exposition on our nature as activist women having sex with gay men? I'm not for any posts being removed (stupid idea, you bastards), don't get me wrong.... just curious.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:02:05

    Umm, what the hell is the environmental protection of establishment?

    *very confused*


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 December 2003 14:24:55

    What's the point of sarcasms if not to hurt people's feelings, Saritarl?

    Oh I got it, it was yet again _another_ sarcasm !!

    And Yggdrasil, seems like you have a cool name, but that's about it.

    I didn't know trees (especially the Tree lord) were interested in the environmental protection of establishment, maybe is it now one of the endangered species?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 December 2003 14:21:17

    This thread started to improve when Shach made his delightful presence felt

    *holds Shachmir close* There there.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 12:58:29


    You might very well just have been joking.

    But the 'Ooh, look at me, I can use some pop pyschology terms and analyze people I've never met with them' thing is as annoying as it pretentious. At least I (and some others) take it as an attempt to sound superior than us lowly objects-of-study.

    Nothing wrong with being pretentious (hello, my Rosencrantz and Guildenstern joke?). Just fucking admit it and be done with it, and when you do it there's no need to subjectify others from a position of authority.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 12:55:10

    Heya Shach.

    I'll tell him 'hi' next time I see him. The whole Army thing is kinda making him not be online much. Haha. You can always think 'dammit, my life sucks... but at least I wasn't forced into the Army for a period of years like Yoav!'

    I tell myself that every day when I wake up.


    ps: destroyed any cars lately?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 December 2003 12:42:34

    I will let that one pass Shachmir :p

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    10 December 2003 12:17:39

    ITS OK SHACHMIR ,3 <#<# , ,,3 ,#, 3,3, D ;D: ;d;;dd; ;D: D: : D: <# 3<#,3 <# <# <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    10 December 2003 11:45:31

    Erm, that fag-fucking activist women thing came off a little bit harsh. I've been trying to watch that sorta thing. :P How about.. you bad teddy bears. There, that's softer, you're welcome.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    10 December 2003 11:41:28

    Btw, hey Otoron, haven't talked to you in a while. I see your propaganda machine is still kicking, tell my Yoaviator 'hi' for me.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    10 December 2003 11:39:44

    You people are a bunch of fag-fucking activist women. You're all whining and whining about a game. Look at it from where I am, at least you people get to play. I got banned from a FREE game created by almost a hundred people throughout the years. But you piss off one person and they can take that all away from you. If you're going to piss and moan about something on here, at least have it be constructive, not the stupid shit you people talk about. My God where has the MUD I knew gone.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 10:39:09

    That's all great and dandy, but my name is Steven.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:55:50


  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:47:51

    Owned^3.5, because you sorta own.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:47:16

    Owned^3 because you own?

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:43:24

    Owned was supposed to go after Otoron's post. But I'd have to add an owned after Saritalr's post. So I'm going to add:


  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:42:47

    Mithgil's badass.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 09:40:51


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 08:27:05

    Saritalr, you're smarter than that.

    I -know- you are.

    Which is why I think Daen Hecil is the ONE decent 'evil' guild in Arda.


    No one goes around saying 'muahahaha, I am evil and going to bring death and destruction to all!', except in bad comic books and the Republican National Convention.

    Stop triyng to conceptualize 'morality' as fluffy-bunniness, or not killing good guys. I explained to Iago in a rather long post that indeed, 'good' conflicts with 'good'. And, to further my personal view of the war of the ring: someone who takes no side, and hides behind those whose blood is spilled, deserves no respect or protection.

    -I- tend to apply that mostly to elves and a few Valacircans, and not go around killing them for it.

    But this clearly wasn't about RP. It was personal. And personal grudges are fine RP, for pretty much everyone in Arda, from Denethor to Celeborn to Durin. Wiser and more 'moral' figures than Grimscar slayed entire cities for personal grudges.

    And honestly, you had it coming to you. Anyone who takes an active part in being on the log page, critiquing people, is removed from the 'innocent land of the pure' in Arda and is fair game once in awhile. Furthermore, I understand Grimscar's point- I got really tired of the smug, superior, pretentious posts constantly being made (hey, we smell our own).

    In fact, the fact that the whole point of your post was to make fun of Grimscar for failing the PK shows to me pretty fucking clearly that you aren't the huge victim you want to paint yourself as.


  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 December 2003 05:52:51

    Actually, she posted that from my computer and didn't realize it was logged in as me. Regardless, this has nothing to do with me and/or girlfriends. It has to do with her asking you to justify your moral code. You already know what I think about you and your so-called morality. :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 December 2003 03:23:14

    Some of these comments were funny.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:51:55

    Haha, Saritalr broke hunt? Woo!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:35:48

    A wise once said 'Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual', so who's the sheep?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:26:28

    I think this is less about RP and more about me attacking your little girlfriend, personally.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 December 2003 01:50:29

    Well see I sort of understand that, and I could respect it.

    But let me tell you a little story.

    Its about a nice little girl, we'll call her Sharah.

    She's nice to all the other kids, except on the log archive she's a little sarcastic once in a while. But she's always sure not to hurt anyone's feelings. Now there's this other boy on the log archive (although he tends to assume numerous forms), we'll call him Shrimpscar. Now Shrimpscar has a slightly skewed perception of reality. (Everyone thinks its because he's trying to compensate for a deeprooted insecurity but thats beside the point). Sharah is aware Shrimpscar is a little insecure, so she tries to be extra sensitive. She even says to Shrimpscar: 'Hey Shrimpscar, I know youre super sensitive, so if im ever hurting your feelings I want you to tell me and i'll stop straight away and give you an apology.'

    So fastforward a few months and Shrimpscar is hanging out on the log archive, so is Sharah. Sharah is being sarcastic as usual. But Shrimpscar doesnt like it. He tries chest beating. He tries blatant threats. He even tries insulting her! (which of course only encourages Sharah more) He wants to hurt her... but he knows she's nice. 'Hand of Eru' kind of nice. And Shrimpscar's morality would NEVER allow him to do such a thing.

    But one day (Sunday Dec 7th 2003) SHRIMPSCAR TRIES TO PK THE NICE LITTLE GIRL! *dramatic music ensues* For a while it looked a little scary, would she survive? (afterall, after 7 years this is the first time she's been attempted!) ((she also only has one huntbreak aliased, and not because its a hb)). But lo and behold. Shrimpscar's blatant immorality pays off and Sharah manages to break! WOOHOO

    Then Shrimpscar calls Sharah a stupid bitch on the comm.

    But because she still feels bad for him, she doesnt report, and doesnt post the log.

    the end.

    So Otoron, explain that to me in the context of his morality?

    *I love you Grimscar*

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 23:26:51

    Sarita honey, Grimscar has the Boromir version of morality. I am moral because I kick evil ass, therefore I am moral.

    Quite as rigorous and sound as anyone else's definition of morality, really.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 22:26:23

    I'd define Anselmo as an Enemy who needs to be killed.

    I might use him a bit before I do that, but justice would come in the end.

    As for the reasoning in Grimscar's mind... I'll refrain from using my Jean Grey-esque powers and leave that information where it is.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 22:24:18

    I was thinking about my analogy, and Middle-Earth, and have concluded that the West uses people quite regularly.

    Aragorn used dead men to defeat his foes- who are either marginally or a helluva lot freakier than Azarael, depending on your point of view.

    Gandalf might have cared about Frodo, but that hobbit got used more than a blindly drunk freshmen at a frat party. He was sent from the Shire to Mordor (with a few layovers) pretty much by himself. Were we ever to think Gandalf would have drawn the attention of Sauron to the ring by entering the Black Land himself? Hardly. Might as well call those two hobbits Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

    Look at the Rohirrim. They have a few-century's history of hunting down the Woses like they're beasts, but have no problem using them to go save Minas Tirith.

    The Elves? I'd call the Third Age nothing but the Firstborn using the Atani as a shield, to absord the blows and hurts of Sauron so they can live their little peaceful fantasies, veritable Switzerlands of amorality. (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit on this one, I just hate those poncy fucks.)

    People on t2t often forget that the free peoples weren't good- they were free. Free to fuck each other over and be bastards, as they often were. Evil and good are presented as black and white in Tolkien- a problem I have with him, actually- but the people on each side rarely fall into one of those categories. He said himself (I'm paraphrasing) 'there is a degree of control and domination on each side.'

    Look at Denthor, the Steward of Gondor. He had no problem using his own Sons. No one was perfect. With the possible exception of Sam.


  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 22:01:09

    Anselmo attacks and kills governor when he is nd and loots mels. no more than 3 minutes later he is with gv. partied up with grimscar and everything. I guess its just one of those lesser evils, i asked and told grimscar about it and he just shrugged it off and pretended like anselmo didn't do anything wrong. why don't you go and explain that one to me :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:50:09

    Sorry for misunderstanding you, Iago.

    I think the idea of allying with a parasitical entity (a group of thieves) to defeat a common foe is fine.

    The thieves are just how I defined them- a parasite. They do not want to kill the host, because their survival requires the host.

    Sauron isn't a parasite. He's a big, nasty, gonna-eat-us-for-dinner predator.

    In this case, both the parasite (thieves) and host (Gondor) have a common interest- their very survival. If doing so costs Gondor some gold coins, I don't see how that is somehow a problem for the members of her Army.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:46:39

    I'm sorry. I have no idea why the later-re-post-what-the-hell happened.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:45:36

    Morality, is, really, which side you're on.

    This is clear from the fact that impartial guilds were removed- not for being impartial as such, but rather for not taking a side in a world at war. No group can arguably exist and justify being militaristic enough to have a fortress and an armoury without also having taken a side.

    So, when someone says 'moral guild', they might very well mean 'guild that opposes Sauron'. Not 'guild that is all fluffy and gives you warnings and doesn't kill you and dies to your superior evil rp'. Like... the morality of most of the 'good guys' in Tolkien. Not paladins. Not Buddhist monks. Just people having taken a side in the fight. Who often conflict with others who oppose Sauron, for historic, political, or cultural reasons. We all know the examples.

    Iago, you are really equivocating here. Realizing that if an enemy/non-ally can be of more use to you dead is not a completely utilitarian outlook. A Eorling could say 'Gee, that Elf has a pretty sword' and kill him, and it doesn't mean he'd say 'Wow, I'm gonna kill that Rider of Rohan for his pretty sword'. I guess it's a subtle line, but quite salient.

    The point of the Amruin? Defend their kin, defeat their enemies (dunlendings), and aid their ally (Gondor).

    The point of the Soldier of Gondor? Defend Gondor, kill the servants of the Dark Lord.

    The point of the Elf in Rivendell or the Grey Havens? Sit on its ass, not taking part in the war, hoping other people will defeat Sauron so they can do nothing for a few more years before sailing away.

    A Rider of the Riddermark taking an action that does not directly harm his goals (say, killing a Beorning, dwarf, Elf, etc) is making a qualitatively different action than killing a Eorling, or Gondorian. It's not a question of degree.

    Does it follow from this that the Amruin should be -able- to kill moral Elves, Dwarves, and even moral humans? Yes. Does it mean they -ought- to? Well, that's a question for their leadership. Whereas the first question is a question for Valinor.

    If you take a look at the history of 'moral' Arda, you see a history of self-regulation, where they do -not- kill the Elf for the sword, etc. I don't think Aravor or Vega was saying that they one of the Galadhrim should kill Galadriel for vials to kill bad guys with. It's killing someone who is not only fighting on your side, and for the same goals, but is also kin.

    Which is different than killing someone who is not taking part in the war you're fighting.

    Honestly, if there's someone you should be taking to task for casuistry, it should be 'immoral' Arda, not 'moral'.

    Yeah. I guess that makes some sense. Dunno.

    Rhoads: You guys don't have moral dunedain in your restrictions? Screw that, I'm getting Eorlings removed from ours!


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:14:18

    Iago, you'll have to come with a bit more if you want to dismiss it that easily :p

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:06:16

    This game is open for a player to do whatever the hell they please. most of the People on here wouldn't act how they do in real life, so is that not RP in itself? Really, its not worth getting angry over.=(

    smoke a joint, eat a piece of cheesecake, relax.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:04:39

    Thats not the case in this game.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    09 December 2003 20:41:36

    Forgot to add. They made pacts because they were under attack. It's best for both sides, since a city under martial law - not to mention laid to waste - is bad business for thieves. No trade routes. Most people hide themselves and their possessions. Not good.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    09 December 2003 20:36:02

    Nah, there's a difference between harming 'your side' permanently by slaying someone and having a cease-fire with a lesser evil to fight against a common, greater foe.

    Hmm... ever heard of Raymond E. Feist? He writes sword & sorcert b-novels, but in some of his books he describes how the authority makes pacts with the local Thieves guild. It makes perfect sense, really.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 20:26:07

    Otoron, you focused on the wrong part of my comments. That whole thing you just explained to me was worthless :P I was making up examples of Aravor's justifacation for why the self proclaimed defenders of gondor would ally up with the thives who loot gondor's people to take on beornings, dh, etc. He said because allying with the lesser evil, the thieves that steal from their people, its okay as long as they use the thieves to kill sauron. So I was just making up examples of doing a lesser evil to kill a greater one. I never really believed that people did that :P Now! Please explain what I wanted to be explained to me! Unless Aravor's reason is perfectly viable.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 December 2003 19:57:51

    We don`t need the restrictions to follow our theme! But I am not sure if we have that restriction coded I might have to check :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 18:34:23

    Morality, is, really, which side you're on.

    This is clear from the fact that impartial guilds were removed- not for being impartial as such, but rather for not taking a side in a world at war. No group can arguably exist and justify being militaristic enough to have a fortress and an armoury without also having taken a side.

    So, when someone says 'moral guild', they might very well mean 'guild that opposes Sauron'. Not 'guild that is all fluffy and gives you warnings and doesn't kill you and dies to your superior evil rp'. Like... the morality of most of the 'good guys' in Tolkien. Not paladins. Not Buddhist monks. Just people having taken a side in the fight. Who often conflict with others who oppose Sauron, for historic, political, or cultural reasons. We all know the examples.

    Iago, you are really equivocating here. Realizing that if an enemy/non-ally can be of more use to you dead is not a completely utilitarian outlook. A Eorling could say 'Gee, that Elf has a pretty sword' and kill him, and it doesn't mean he'd say 'Wow, I'm gonna kill that Rider of Rohan for his pretty sword'. I guess it's a subtle line, but quite salient.

    The point of the Amruin? Defend their kin, defeat their enemies (dunlendings), and aid their ally (Gondor).

    The point of the Soldier of Gondor? Defend Gondor, kill the servants of the Dark Lord.

    The point of the Elf in Rivendell or the Grey Havens? Sit on its ass, not taking part in the war, hoping other people will defeat Sauron so they can do nothing for a few more years before sailing away.

    A Rider of the Riddermark taking an action that does not directly harm his goals (say, killing a Beorning, dwarf, Elf, etc) is making a qualitatively different action than killing a Eorling, or Gondorian. It's not a question of degree.

    Does it follow from this that the Amruin should be -able- to kill moral Elves, Dwarves, and even moral humans? Yes. Does it mean they -ought- to? Well, that's a question for their leadership. Whereas the first question is a question for Valinor.

    If you take a look at the history of 'moral' Arda, you see a history of self-regulation, where they do -not- kill the Elf for the sword, etc. I don't think Aravor or Vega was saying that they one of the Galadhrim should kill Galadriel for vials to kill bad guys with. It's killing someone who is not only fighting on your side, and for the same goals, but is also kin.

    Yeah. I guess that makes some sense. Dunno.

    Rhoads: You guys don't have moral dunedain in your restrictions? Screw that, I'm getting Eorlings removed from ours!


  • Author
    Avery [legacy]
    09 December 2003 18:00:14

    Grimscar is a pwner. So is Vega.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:39:59

    same blood is still floating, and less they will be when their blood is goating.

    why did you hib Vega?, *wonders*

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:17:59

    Hell, in fact, none of me do, cause I'm not BKD on any chars, so I don't see why you keep saying 'you' when talking to me about bkd.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:17:24

    Darkterror, I don't seem to be getting through, 'I' don't give a fuck if you're at war with BKD or how many you kill, or how long you will continue to kill.

  • Author
    Darkterror [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:11:39

    I like it better this way :) Why should I pay gold for banging you ?

    Nah you bang me again. I won a total 4k from this bang. :)

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    09 December 2003 15:02:17

    I'm sorry that I'm such an unbeatable opponent, Darkterror.

    I really didn't mean to be this way.

    P.S. No one makes money for me in the guild. All money is always split between whoever gets it evenly.

    Oh, and I'm the top donater in gold to the vault, and my bank account grows every day, even while attacking you. I'm out there making lots of money while you whine about how you can't kill me, yet haven't tried a single fucking time.

    So piss and moan a little more, will you? Just bring your nice bang party and finish me off.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:48:01

    Real Life is overrated

    :Twisted: Tanar

  • Author
    Darkterror [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:37:29

    Vega guy. It seems pretty clear that we are winning this War with BKD and it is not the first war I have led and it will not be the last one. I killed enough dwarves. And I will kill some more till you decide you want to stop it. Plus, GV is nothing. GV is one Grimscar and a bunch of guys making gold for him. And Grimscar spends like all of his RL time mudding. Its not easy to play against someone who is like always On for > 12hrs every day and knows what he is doing through this time. And unlike him I got a RL that I care of and have no complexes to show.

    Udungul is not the strongest guild at the moment. It passed some very hard periods. It all started with Arthlor and Allantir-Spartan thing.

    Then they got kicked out cause they started wars not thinking of the guild. Guild had to suffer. Then it was again Arthlor and the G-Units who once more started wars not thinking how lame they are. Then Arthlor dropped guild.

    And after all of this things that happened I am trying to bring the guild back to life and will make sure that there are no more of those idiots ruining everything.

    About BKD. They are our RP enemy. And we kicked their ass.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:35:41

    Our only restricion are moral eorlings, yet we don`t kill elves nor dunedains generally speaking :P unless they are evil.

  • Author
    Zzidane [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:30:58

    from the way i see it, darkterror is a hypocrite, moaner and a good log editor. keep em coming dude. arda needs more pain in the asses like you!

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:07:21

    well they would kill hobbits I guess, stupid of me :P

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:06:58

    I'm sure they don't actually have restrictions on say... moral elves and hobbits, but I doubt they'd kill them anyway

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:03:52

    i guess as long as you don't break any forced rp restrictions its okay :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:03:47

    There's also a big confusion about what is 'to act honourabily' for some people (my enemies mainly) seems that it means 'to act stupidity', I'm sorry but is not that way.. ;-)

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:01:27

    Yeah, you're using that logic to go a few steps farther.. and a few steps too far I think:P

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:01:04

    No, explain this to me

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:00:39

    fine then! *goes back to school stuff*

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:00:01

    Did Grimscar kill a moral because it was the lesser evil, is that it?

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:59:32

    No :P

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:59:16

    god vega :P scroll down and reread the stuff, i think i am making sense :P

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:58:18

    Do they do that?

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:58:02

    I also don't quite know what you're talking about

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:57:43

    the lesser evil being killing one moral to kill the greater evil with some powerful item

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:56:35

    In fact, the only ones I've seen use that logic are evil guilds. It's okay for them to do it, while no moral would ever think of doing anything like it.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:56:14

    I was making a point, using his justification for things is crap :P

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:55:26

    I doubt Grimscar or Aravor for that matter would kill for instance Denethor or some other moral gondorian just because it would hurt the enemy more.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:54:32

    No, cause the ultimate goal is to protect the citizens!

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:53:29

    There's also a big confusion about what is to 'act with honour', or to 'be honourable' ;-)

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:52:44

    and for dh to kil tenzek, bkd to kill dwarves, koda to kill da residents. As long as it hurt the enemy more then it hurt you.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:52:04

    sounds like it'd be perfectly fine for sou to kill the beastmaster for globe if you take everything into that context

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:48:57

    It's the pragmatic approach, you pick the lesser evil - thieves are useful in fighting the more important enemies (which is the primary objective), so you use them.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:46:30

    ok aravor, explain the part where defenders of gondor side with the thieves in gondor

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:41:02

    I think you people are confusing two distinctive concepts of morality: 1) being moral=having honour, unbreakable rules, being good and nice to people, forgiving even your enemies, having mercyetc (it would be analogous to the 'New Testament' morality, for those who know the Bible at least) and 2) being moral=as picking the side of the light, fighting Sauron and doing everything (EVERYTHING!) to kill his minions and to defend Gondor (a quite pragmatic approach.. and this one would be the more 'Old Testament' way).

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:36:16

    And just because he's moral, he doesn't have to treat servants of Sauron who kill his fellow Gondorians with any respect at all. Dishonourable or dirty, some of you evils might argue, because you see being just that as your God-given right because of your choice of alignment, still those are merely words that can be used to describe your character, and they have extremely little to do with whether or not you are a man of Gondor, a dumbass easterling wannabe, or whatever.

    And Darkterror, that's funny coming from an udungul, because your guild is pathetic. You let in a bunch of retards so you can have more uniques or more active members, or whatever, then think you're all that, and start shit with every guild in Arda. That's been how the Udungul has been working for as long as they've existed, and you always get your asses kicked because you start more shit than you can finish. That you whine about Grimscar killing your members confirms that.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:27:18

    I like GV. They kill lots of people I dislike, such as beornings and udungul.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:22:02

    by saying skyman can unfade, then promptly killing him?

    That to me is immoral. and not the actions of a honrable(sp) hero.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:08:17

    Funny coming from someone who has never been in Durms, and who has never been in GV, and wouldn't know that out of all of our members, less than 20% are 'old durms'.

    Also, please please please find a log that shows me acting like an evil person? How in the world can you call -me- immoral?

  • Author
    Darkterror [legacy]
    09 December 2003 11:42:21

    Grimscar. You attempted me 6 times by now. 2 times in linhir. 2 times inside mordor. 1 time at greyhavens. And this time you are posting when Alkath made me hunt you from Loth SP and you brought me to wilderness and back-hunted me:) I broke you but you would not post that. I got round 10k from you till now from attempts. And at the end you just banged me which is cool and I like it that you payed me so much attention.

    The only sad thing is that BKD actually have GV as friends. But I believe that even now they are showing their real soul. They are still stupid Durms and they will remain this way. Forget about the 'MORAL' - 'Immoral' stuff. Read logs make conclusions. What do they have? One Grimscar that plays like at least 14hrs / day and they feed him gold so he can pay fines... He is a good leader, but he is leading his guild into something they won`t be able to handle theirselves after he leaves.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 11:16:16

    i guess he thought since grimscar does it why shouldn't i do it to him. but hey, you should feel proud you're having a great impact as the best pker of all time on the new learning pkers :P

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    09 December 2003 11:05:25

    Uh yeah Fild, duh, its an edit.


  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:48:40

    Grimscar tells you: i dont know where is a library in there man

    To me does not sound like something Grimscar would say. My money's on Peesho.

  • Author
    Nathor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:42:03

    Well I think it's pretty obvious. :P

  • Author
    Fild [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:41:22

    Ok Grimscar, if the other log was a 'edit' then I am really sorry.

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:38:40

    Fild, I made the same assumption reading the previous log, but people commented that it must be an edit.. (whispers ... but you never know :p)

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:37:06


  • Author
    Fild [legacy]
    09 December 2003 09:36:00

    This is when Darkterror kills Chinaman:


    Party say from Durad: wait

    Entry way(w and out)

    Durad the dunedain Ringwraith

    HP:230 EP:167> Grimscar tells you: e,passage,something


    Entry way(w and out)

    Durad the dunedain Ringwraith

    HP:230 EP:166> tell Grimscar find

    You tell Grimscar: find

    HP:230 EP:165> Grimscar tells you: same

    Chinaman enters.

    Triggered! doing: hunt chinaman

    You begin to hunt Chinaman.

    HP:230 EP:163> Grimscar tells you: i dont know where is a library in there man

    do draw sword,hunt Chinaman,backstab Chinaman,shape Chinaman,k Chinaman


    Grimscar finding for Udungul against Baruk Khazad-dum?

    And then this? Grimscar attempting Darkterror?

    **Is it just me that don't get a shit?**
