Murderer of Gondor is eliminated

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
09 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

A few minutes before this, I caught Ghulznor killing battlement guards in Linhir, so I grabbed his contract, and went hunting.


  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    13 December 2003 05:28:48

    'But, better to be a moron when drunk than an Australian always, as my pappy used to say.'

    Truer words were never spoken. Well said that man.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    12 December 2003 20:16:32

    Erm. What the hell, when I'm drunk I never start being really crude and vulgar, I'm like that anyways, alcohol is hardly an excuse for that behavior. And the fag-fucking activists thing, I already apologized for it, quit martyring me for being funny and creative. :)

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    12 December 2003 06:05:49

    Queer Eye for the Straight Guy...

    Otoron comes up with the best ideas when he's drunk.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 December 2003 16:23:13

    I never said that, stop lying :P.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 13:02:51

    No. I didn't sober up fast enough to realize I was being stupid. I knew I was being stupid. I just didn't care. Until I posted it and saw that indeed, I am a fucking moron.

    But, better to be a moron when drunk than an Australian always, as my pappy used to say.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 December 2003 12:40:46

    Otoron, you seriously sobered up enough, in less then a minute, to realise your comment was semi-retarded :P?

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    11 December 2003 12:38:39

    Alrightie then!

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 12:35:07

    Ok FYI I didn't leave the Linhir guard to die. I did a find, found him in Linhir, faded to see if he indeed was killing there, ran to Linhir, and the guard was already dead. so i ran and grabbed the contract, healed ep, and killed him at the easterling camp.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    11 December 2003 12:04:19

    'A few minutes before this, I caught Ghulznor killing battlement guards in Linhir, so I grabbed his contract, and went hunting.'

    Nothing necessarily wrong in that. An eye for an eye. If someone killed a dwarf, I would most likely also be out to avenge that by killing the person who was killing the dwarf. Only that I'd probably try to keep that dwarf alive too, not leave him to die and then kill the guy at a later time.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:47:10

    Rhoads, you sad bastard!


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:46:51


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:45:52

    I can`t code :(.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 09:27:31

    Nah Az.

    That was like 'shit I'm drunk and being retarded I should stop and remove all evidence' sort of stuff.

    I'm ok with it now. I forgot what I had written, and myself find them pretty funny in that 'oi, what a jackass am I' sorta way.


  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:54:16

    I dunno Otoron I think your comments were pretty fucking hilarious. not really flames, maybe kinda crude but they have enough humor to balance it all, all things considered. if you realliy want it gone though, feel free to mail me :)

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:18:11

    I didnt know Rhoades was Code Man around here.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:17:32

    Orwade, havent spoken to that sheep shagging kiwi for ages now. wonder what he is doing.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 December 2003 03:04:14

    Grady is an excellent drunk typist, he never makes errors.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:11:25

    Jesus Christ this log page needs a way to remove comments from the comments section. Rhoads, make it so.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:10:54

    The best part about me, as opposed to Yun or Grady, is that when I'm pissdrunk, my typing doesn't devolve into 'asfuck youffu motharerfcukng woehref!'

    No. I get all obsessive... must.... not... make... typo... someone... will... know... I'm... drunk.

    Anyhow. Been a good night.


    Walk through frigid cold.

    Talked to Caber on ICQ, found out why Yggdrasil and Sarita got banned.

    Talked to Orwade on ICQ as well. Anyone remember him? He's from back in the days when the Sons of Ulfang were cool, my friends, and didn't kill -any- servants of Sauron, regardless of their kill restrictions (they had none!).

    Yeah. He's doing well. Doing his fucking PhD now. Let's all clap for him. *claps*

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:08:19

    I wanna go to Candyland.

    I bet it's warm, sunny, and full of hydrogenated-corn-oil goodness.

    Mmm... sugar.

    Anyhow. Yeah. Who says this isn't Candyland, Grimscar?

    I mean, we all just decide to make this whatever we want.

    It's not like all the informal (and even formal!) rules here are anything more than mutually-agreed upon conventions.

    So... more power to them, if they wanna make this Candyland. I'll make it Chutes-n-Ladders, and maybe Scatha will make it Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and Shachmir will make it.... somewhere that has something to do with fag-fucking activist women. I dunno? A NOW convention full of fag-hags. I wonder if that would work on cardboard with dice. Hmm.




  • Author
    Alpizar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:05:39

    i want to say , your 'RP' , just hunt and kill one person without any wanning and with one CONTRACT because he is killing your NPC .

    *shake* Thats is not RP .

    Is just one opinion , take it or no .

  • Author
    Alpizar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:01:26

    Grimscar i have good relation with GV , but i think you need to CHANGE

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:22:29

    Ivon, this is why people must take sides in the War of the Ring.

    This is not Candyland, this is a place where people die, and where if you wanna make gold in piece, you'd better just hunt ugly orcs in Mirkwood or kill in Framsburg until level 19. More than one player has done this.

    I think having a place where 'newbies' can just kill for gold and not have to worry about alignment or anyone protecting already exists. Its called the newbies caves and Dell's farm and the animals of Rivendell. In fact, a player who wanted to just explore and do quests could make all the gold he ever wanted without killing hardly anything...

    But more to the point - The game is definitely not overprotected. It should be protected twice as strongly as it is now, and will be once lawsys between guilds is fixed.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    10 December 2003 20:48:21

    Don't forget Henneth Annun.

    If any lowbie ranger happens to find it, those Rangers of Ithilien fuckos will come and drive them out! Those bastards are preventing a HUGE amount of the game from being used and harming playability! (At least, the VC always tell me that... I guess it must be true.)


  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    10 December 2003 18:20:48

    Betus, you see, he already have been there and they showed him to kill some Dol Amroth guards

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    10 December 2003 17:29:57

    Ivon, if that newbie player comes to DA to kill, we knights will warn him, if he says he's not coming to roleplay and he only wants to make gold nobody will attack him, probably we will try to show him to go to kill some sneaky corsairs or clean orc camp at Loth...

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    10 December 2003 17:01:54

    Let's imagine...

    You're a new player. Complete newbie. So you start playing, learn this and that, advance to 14-15 lvl when you actuallt can kill something worth it. So you start looking about for things you can kill, you go to this town Erebor, and you decide to test can you kill this little dwarf in the tunnels. Random BKD sees you and jumps on you claiming 'You can't kill here, this is our area'. So you say ok, and move to this new found city of Caras Galadon and try your luck with these Honor guards. No luck for you tho because random VC shows up and says 'This is our area, you are not permited to kill here'... So you move to this town Thranduils and there's very interesting camp there, where you can kill some guards for spears. Tough luck tho, you're at the front door of Udungul guild. Ok, there's a guy a bit east from Lothlorien bridge, maybe he's worth it. and indeed he's good gold, but unfortunately SoU jumps on your head and attack you for killing their NPC. So you're moving south to the famous city of Edoras, there's not much to kill but it's realtively easy if you're going to. No luck tho... Amruin are there to protect the citizens. What's left, you move to kill in Minas Tirith... Not bad area to kill if you can, the guards can give you hard time tho. On to Linhir, excellent area, unfortunately protected by GV. Dol Amroth, you can try your luck there till some KoDA spot you, not that it will be that easy.

    What do i mean...

    The mud at the moment is overprotected or is claimed to be. There should be some game mechanism to protect such guys from the guilds that protect areas.


  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 08:04:43

    I don't see you guys talking in verse, damnit.

    Oh man, I started this, now I have to make this rhyme.

    Well, I hate this log page, so I just spam it.

    For how much I hate it, I do visit it all the time...

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:42:05

    and i think you're talking about something i said somewhere else? :P

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:39:04

    nope, you didn't

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:28:03

    Its much more fun to kill you for it later.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:27:41

    By the way, Iago, I'm quite certain I told you that it was wrong for Anselmo to do that, and that it won't be happening again.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:21:25

    Don't know if this was answered, but his hands appeared to be holding all taht, b/c irid cloak drops everything when removed, including upon death.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 02:12:36

    I think that you should

    all shut up because you are

    damn stupid people

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    10 December 2003 00:26:21

    5,7,5? It's been a while.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 December 2003 00:14:29

    Of course that we could,

    but how then whineth shall we?

    Certainly not good.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    09 December 2003 23:28:22

    If you would like it

    Our therapist Sarita

    Just haikus we use.

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    09 December 2003 22:32:43

    BTW, theo, those things he was supposedly holding? that's the iridescant black cloak at work.

    When you remove/drop it everything falls out....

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:51:33

    I totally agree with trempk. The main thing that needs to happen is enforced relations between certain guilds and a removal of the lawsys to force guilds to fight together like they would in the tolkein world.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:42:19

    People whine because to be in a guild, you should be forced to RP in exchange for the privilege of being able to be in a guild. Therefore, when guilds like the beornings, bkd, etc. are forced into things that they don't like because of their theme (Such as being moral, or not being able to kill in certain places), they want others to be equally restricted. And rightly so, the ainur should be as hard on each guild as equally as they can. Then again, from what I understand, GV very rarely kills any morals. But some of you guys are saying that he is immoral for killing a player who kills morals(and gondorians) on a regular basis?

    Nothing wrong with whining, whining is important for change. Most of the time, it is only considered whining by those who disagree with the changes proposed. Without whining, there would be no moral flask quest, no way for immorals to get fangs, no whip caliber weapon for morals, bkd would still be an impartial guild, etc., in fact, there would probably be no ainur enforced guild restrictions whatsoever.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    09 December 2003 21:02:24

    Not sure if anyone has said this (dont hvae the time to read all comments, starting work in half a minute), but although I think waiting for the target to take a beating from an npc is a brilliant idea usually, waiting for him to kill the NPC - when you are attacking him for attacking this NPC is a little odd. I know you are not defending in the 'classic/lame' sense of the word, but if you goal was to drive him away from Linhir and help the citizens there - well you did achieve one of these goals, but the 2nd was lacking (ie: they died).

    Anyway, nice kill I guess, also nice work on triggering the jerky.

  • Author
    Hans [legacy]
    09 December 2003 20:16:20

    It's the same talk efter each kill. If you kill in gondor you are a murderer. A murdurer has in my pow lost his right to live. If you kill in gondor you are a target. If you kill Tenzek you are a target for DH, if you kill beorning scouts you are a target for Beornings etc etc etc. It took me about a week to figure that out, so everyone that has been in arda for years and does not know, knows now. And whats up with all the whining lately....people whine on DH people whine on GV some whine on SoU etc etc....please try to get your shit together and focus on your own game, choose where to kill and choose your enemys choose your friends and learn how to deal with victory and or defeat and quit the endless whining. That goes for GV and me aswell... :)

    Just thinking loud...and typing bad

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    09 December 2003 19:36:10

    Theodrek, It hurts me to know that you think like that, I've helped Amruin defending edoras numerous times against attackers, I've even fought at your side doing it. Or maybe, because you don't remember doing it it actually never happened?

    If any Beorning has ever killed in Edoras it has been an accident, a mistake that has been punished, and a mistake that won't happend again. It must really have been long ago you fought Beornings in Edoras, and you must've been in a deep sleep ever since, cause I can't remember when that happened, and I remember long way back...

  • Author
    Beater [legacy]
    09 December 2003 19:35:41

    Theodrek please talk less and get some hard standing info. That way you save yourself the embaressment. Delgaur, the BKD issue has been thought of and plenty enough discussed. Don't think we are shutting our eyes to them just because they are dwarves, if felt necessary action would be taken as against the other guilds.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 19:20:30

    Ghulznor, I didn't know you were disguised Immoral, thank you for telling me. Not that it matters too much to me :P Long ago, I even fought Beornings in Edoras. I've not seen anything to show that their ways and morality have changed, since then. Beornings were 'Morally aligned Impartials who could have a small amount of immorals.' And until I do see otherwise, to me, they still are. Skyman, I've seen some of your logs and I think you're a good player. Delgaur, I've seen your logs and even spoke with you before, and I respect you. But that won't change my overall opinion on the guild. Actions will, not words.

  • Author
    Aug [legacy]
    09 December 2003 19:08:54

    Ghulznor th ?ber n00b, do right alias 'DUH'!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 December 2003 18:26:25

    Grimscar should have bigger worries than the odd beorning killing in linhir/gondor. - they have a pirates ship i do belive anchored(sp) in gondors back yard. - and what about BKD, who kill the LHPS lads? i dont see/hear them geting pked for it.

    And Thoedrek, dont preach about a theme you know little about.

    Beorning often patrol mirkwook, killing the bands of goblins, killing balforth, with or without RP battles with SoU.

    I know, i lead the partys.

    And Leander, i agree with you. The best people die, often becuase of a new alias thats wrong, a new break that did not work as expected. Just make sure you do something to stop the same happerning twice :p

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    09 December 2003 18:21:36

    legend theodrek

    There are no legends about anyone of that name.

    I am sorry for your lack of knowledge, but why do you think we don't fight sou? Ask them. They'll for sure say we fight them almost every reboot. Killing in night camp? Once or twice, long ago. Am I proud of it? No. As I've told lots of GMs I'll be fixing treaties with their guilds. And that'll be fixed. But that's not your prob.

    And theodrek. You're totally NOT up to date. None of my members is more evil than 'immoral'.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 18:10:44

    i am angelic*

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:57:37

    I read Leander's comment, and I agree to it.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:57:19

    I understand that, Ghulznor. And I wasn't doubting your ability as a player. I was just saying to GRIMSCAR, that he did a good SOLO kill on a maxed warrior. And I put warrior into parynthesis because I don't know if you're an assassin or not. And what's wrong with him having Aiglos? You're Shadowspawn, you could have whip. :P Stop bitching. ;)

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:54:07

    i missaliased ffs, is it so hard to understand. And if you don't believe a maxed warrior can die witha aiglos stuck up in their ass when done a missalias. read it again

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:48:46

    I read it!

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:46:54

    Nobody read my comments :( *spanks* Galandrin

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:44:57

    Er...CLS, I mean.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:44:05

    And nice solo on a maxed (warrior?) with that much healing. Although, I have to ask, when you killed him, how was he apparently holding that CRS, flask, AND two jerkies all at one time?

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:43:55

    wonder how grimscar will do his so much loved 'rp' when his fines get to high..will he stop? noooo....that would be against rp! blah

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:43:08

    But for anyone who doesn't know, saying Beornings don't kill in Gondor is like saying KoDA is the most fearsome PK guild in the game. In fact, I think some of the only times I've seen Beornings battle SoU (the Beornings main enemy, in the fight over Mirkwood) is when they're both trying to kill the same MT guard. As far as I know, Beornings can't kill morals in Edoras. So, yes, maybe they did help Amruin against DH. But the night camp (as Vega pointed out) isn't counted as morals in Edoras, now is it? :P Food for thought, eat up.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:39:22

    Nice poem, Gormoth.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:13:57

    But don't take it too hard. We all whine when we see a good friend or guildmate going down and we weren't there to help them, or if we die ourselves due to some problem caused by whatever. I myself died with an alt last year, I had been playing all day and half the night I was sooooo damn tired that I didn't even realise I was in lothlorien and not edoras so I fired my edoras break to get rid of them in lothlorien,,, lol how stupid! but hell yeah I whined too as if it was my attackers fault and not my own stupidity, all mudders that have played here for a long time and especially those in the pk bussiness have tried to be killed mayby not exactly like that, but perhaps something similiar.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    09 December 2003 17:06:14

    I guess you are right at that point Ghulznor. It isn't RP like that, Grimscar claimed a contract as assassins do and killed a person he didn't regard as friend or ally, but rather an enemy of his people and thats perfectly allright. That he uses time to state that you are an enemy of his people, which you are if you kill gondor morals 'The ones he has sworn to protect', then he just justifies his actions. I wouldn't justify my actions for that 'it should be obvious' but my guess would be that Grimscar is just tired of all that whining.

    To Grimscar: 'Don't justify your actions here it won't help anyway, people will allways whine.'

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:58:43

    I don't think Grimscar speaks for the whole guild with his actions. At least I don't hope so.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:38:13

    110hp>bs>'There is no phial here.'(someone stolen my phial, panic!)

    >break, waterfall (didn't know it was night)>hits+headbutt>5hp>flask>80hp>haradrim>missalias>60hp>40hp>13hp>2hp>and back to haradrim again> -14hp

    Well i knew that Grimscar was going to claim my contract sometime, and try to kill me. But I still can't see how GV's 'RP' will work in future. This isn't RP for me.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 December 2003 16:28:24

    Maybe if beornings wouldnt kill in gondor, they could be allies, Gormoth.

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    09 December 2003 14:14:36

    Maybe theres a pattern,

    Maybe I see more than meant,

    But Gondor warriors lately,

    Have their morality all bent.

    First Skyman for itsy mail,

    Now Ghulznor for bitsy gold,

    This crusade against Beornings,

    Has a mystery to unfold..

    When they should really be allies,

    Here all we see are lies,

    The Darkness revels in such misery,

    For all shall fall to such treachery ..

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:37:08

    When you log on, you're idle most of the time when I see you at least, that means they constantly kill morals in Gondor, and elsewhere in Arda.

  • Author
    Shulk [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:31:02

    Lol Rhoads that was funny.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 December 2003 13:28:35

    Since I am rarely in my GH unless I am idle VEga, I am going to assume that they never kill in Gondor then :p

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:55:21

    actually, beornings were helping amruins defend against dh in edoras

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:45:17

    Also numerous times they kill in the night camp to get herugrim, or in edoras to battle on the side of the dark lord in rp battles. Of course you already knew that.

  • Author
    Vega [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:44:31

    Beornings kill in Gondor as much as you're in your gh :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:39:13

    Erm, I thought Beornings didn`t kill in Gondor. Bah.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 December 2003 12:18:59

    nice kill, i have to say