A wench of Udungul gets it rough and dirty

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
10 December 2003 00:00:00

Its nice to have a silver lining, when you can't kill the person you want...like sending another enemy home, tail between legs and shamed by mercy.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 December 2003 09:02:47

    huh, bad awakening, the evil thing (aka my computer) posted for me (and of course I wasn't really paying attention, because I was watching some Conway's spaceship gun, which I'd like to create one day.)

    oh and of course the third (and not the last) great joy in life ... is watching Conway's game of life endlessly forever...

    To each their own!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 December 2003 08:59:15

    I too have discovered some divine things, such as:

    -watching conway's game of life endlessly forever and create gliders.

    -watching conway's game of life endlessly forever

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    12 December 2003 03:30:07

    I too am no longer a woman, yet I've only spent 21/100th's of a century putting shit off. I have discovered some divine things though, such as masturbation, sex, and fellatio. So, all is not lost, I'm certain of it.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 December 2003 01:54:04

    well, I'm not a woman any longer, so who cares? I dunno about the french foreign legion, I think there are better stuff to join, like some al quaida war camp, heh, j/k ;)

    Eastern Asia sounds cool, maybe we could raid Tibet or something and become monks :P

    some special secret service would be fun too... ahh so many fields of possibilities, so few time... maybe it's time to make a choice for once and not look back and realize you have spent one quarter of a century doing nothing... wasting everything, even that...

    ah well huh, yeah, some legion I guess :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 December 2003 20:14:40

    Necs, I've heard the french foreign legion would admit women too:)))

    Are you serious?:) If you are, let's both join:) They admit French too I think:)

    On the other hand, I'm still thinking about Eastern Asia, wanna come with me? I'm thinking of going through Russia cause that's the cheapest way.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    11 December 2003 15:37:27

    sorry, i thought beyaz did it, must've had a brain fart or something, my bad :P

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 December 2003 15:30:28

    Shut it Iago!!!!

    Thats MP info...or maybe not since 'he' isnt around anymore

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    11 December 2003 15:05:59

    dh didn't do the exact same thing, why don't you go get level bashed and have people nuked again beyaz

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 December 2003 14:56:39

    You hit the nail right on the head there Deb.

    Dh also did exactly the same when they were in their prime, and yes, people complained about it...i know i did at the time.

    But it seems that when the tables are turned on the people who have done it in the past, they cant handle it and feel the need to complain themselves.

    It just seems that Grimscar is making a stand in the name of Gondor(about time someone did), and doing a very, VERY good job.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    11 December 2003 14:49:43

    its hard to do that when your members get solo'd in gundy and thranduils!

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    11 December 2003 14:48:54

    aren't you the one who tried to turn glorglas into a pk guild? :P

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    11 December 2003 13:02:12

    I don't see why everyone is complaining. Sure Grimscar is pkilling in the name of RP. He isn't the first to do it. I remember the same complaints about BkD when they first started. For quite some time now, the MUD has been leaning more and more towards player killing as the approved form of aggressive player interaction.

    Grimscar's doing nothing new or unheard of here. He's just very loud about the way he's doing it. His choice of companions, well, that shows that the GV haven't gone all that far from their roots in Durmanhoth but it's up to Raqtor, as GM, to set the tone for the guild and their interactions and how far the GV will go from its previous incarnation.

    As for the log (there was a log here being commented on at some point, I think), I thought it was funny. Then again, I always enjoyed it when Phu or Cogline did the same thing using dark arrows. I'd have reported Grimscar for all 3 as well. It's all about cutting ones losses ;)

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    11 December 2003 12:11:04

    Actually I can buy Grimscar trying to establish his own kind of RP, I just don't see him following any set of guidelines or rules that determines who gets killed and hunted and who doesn't, in exactly which areas. The lines are too blurred to distinguish it without confusion from pure pk'ing...

    Perhaps we should compare notes?

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    11 December 2003 11:49:27

    Ivon: i have never been sheriff, and I have NEVER hunted in roleplay, except in the case of this war, and even then, I wont lower myself to the level of my enemy, and hunt from Balforth

    Necs: I roleplay The Guardian of Dol Guldur. Thats been my title for years. If someone is attacking Balforth, and I see if, I defend him to the best of my ability. However, if someone goes bleeding, they are not much threat to balforth anymore. immeadiate threat, anyways. Out of respect for the other typist, I step out of character for a moment, and bandage their character. Before DH made the step of hunting and killing anyone they caught in Tenzeks camp or the village, almost EVERYONE followed these guidelines.

    Grimscar:just step up, and admit it. Your using your new found 'theme' as an excuse to pkill. everyone else can see it. why cant you?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 December 2003 10:40:53

    perry, you didn't get my point, I don't think I can be clearer.

    I'll try though, because I have nothing better to do anyway:

    You claim you're 'roleplaying' a minion of Sauron, right? if you roleplay <=> you are _in character_ right?

    The specificity of a soldier of Sauron, is to kill the enemies of his Lord, not to bandage them.

    Still you decided to be merciful and bandage them. Is it roleplay? no it's not because, a 'real' Sauron's minion, would never never have done that, except if he has some psychological problems, which might happen. => It's only _playability_ but I lack to see the 'roleplay', the 'in character' element that thematically justify to bandage his enenmy, while on war.

    Hey, Duncan, let's take a beer, buddy and whine on our miserable existence! You know what? i'm considering joining the army too, after all it's not that of a bad idea, heh ;)

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 09:35:21

    Dammit, you know what i meant, Caber.

    I was using that as an example.

    Not just Minas Tirith, but All of Gondor. Sorry for not being more precise, or in this case, more general.

    Only someone purposefully trying to be obtuse would make the statement you just made.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    11 December 2003 09:24:51

    That's bullshit, Grimscar. Hell, I'm not even an 'enemy of Gondor' if you align me. And I'm willing to bet a hell of a lot of the other people you kill, for whatever reason, also have Minas Tirith as being neutral toward them. I understand disregarding game alignment to a degree, because there are cases where I don't give a damn about people's alignment either. Actually, that's true in most cases...but regardless, if you're going to make some great stand and say that the only alignment that matters to you is someone's MT alignment...maybe you shouldn't be killing people who MT is neutral toward? :)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 December 2003 09:19:21

    meow...time comes when skill..honor and..well nothing really matters, all things are the same..bah, love hurts:(

  • Author
    Connor [legacy]
    11 December 2003 08:07:35

    Cant't block me for 'just insulting'!

  • Author
    Connor [legacy]
    11 December 2003 08:07:05

    Rhoades is a fucking moron

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:49:49

    Just to add what i'm thinking after i read this comment page

    'Lets hear it for boobies people!'

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:33:59

    Perry, i'm not really sure but wasn't it you that got deadblow on me few years back,about 4 maybe, when i was VC and SoU hunted me when i went to defend the tree (in pure rp). You've been a sheriff then and you lost your prof because i didn't withdraw the report (didn't know you'll lose it if you're found guilty). Was that you?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    11 December 2003 06:14:50

    Perry, I fight enemies of Gondor.

    Their respective alignment that comes at the end of their name and title has nothing to do with anything. When I align them, I can see their true alignment - the align of Minas Tirith towards them. That's the only alignment that matters.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    11 December 2003 03:50:21

    Your exactly right, Necs. Its roleplay, with playability.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 December 2003 03:13:34

    Perry, I do not make fun about the way you intend to play, but rather that you seem to consider it as 'standard roleplay'. If, as you claim it, you are a reader of Tolkien, you probably have noticed that there are wars going on, and I do not recall people from Gondor, Dol Amroth, Barad Dur or what else bandaging their opponents.

    The only character who eventually showed mercy was Frodo, as far as I recall (and according to special circumstances).

    Now, you may find it easier for _playability_ but do not mystake it with roleplay, because unless your char does have suicidal tendencies (which I may understand heartedly), there are no roleplay reasons for you to bandage a fallen enemy, considering the fact that he'll logically kill you as a reward. Besides, I suppose it would be pretty hard to explain to your High Lord Sauron, that you let one of his enemy alive.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    11 December 2003 02:53:20

    Perry, you never complained when the old guild was on your side! :)

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    11 December 2003 02:50:03

    I'm Sorry. I dont play Two Towers so that I can be mean to other people. I play because I enjoy Tolkien's books, and, over the years, I have made some good friends here.

    You laugh when I say that I would bandage my enemy. Go ahead. But it doesnt make it not true. If, in the role of defending my tower, Calenril, for example, fell bleeding, I would make every attempt possible to bandage him. This is not to say that I have never killed another player, If someone has damaged the player characters of my guild in some way, I think they should pay. I also agree that Gondor should be a very dangerous place for Saurons minions, and that the lawsys should not apply to us. Ask Jerf if I reported him when he killed me. However, this is my own, personal belief, and I would not try to force this belief on anyone else, nor would I bitch and moan if someone reported me. Its not like I dont know the consequences of engaging in combat. I have not once complained about it being dangerous when Grimscar is on. I just think grimscar is using this as an excuse to pkill. It has already been proven that he kills both morals and immorals, and befriends (sorry, -uses-) people on both sides as well.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 December 2003 02:24:52

    'everyone understood that it really sucked to be killed while 'roleplaying' [...]If I saw one of my enemies bleeding, I would bandage him.'

    I think you guys should claim a patent for this brand new concept of war!

    Good old jokes are always the funniest. That's good to see some things never changed, though.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 December 2003 02:15:59

    Gondor should be as dangerous for a servant of Sauron as Mordor is for a follower of Eru, this should be pretty obvious.

    This stuff about Mordor having a different set of rules is bullshit, and I bet my character that if the lawsys was put back into Mordor, you lot would all of a sudden stop hunt-killing random people in there. Afterall, it's got nothing to do with RP, it's just free pks. I don't see how Grimscar is doing differently.

    Personally, I think you're whining because Grimscar, single-handedly, has most of the evil Ardans on their knees, and fuck all has been done about it :).

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:19:10

    Seems to me that Gondors Vengeance is simply a new name for an old guild. How is this roleplay? Grimscar did not attack to save his Guard...This was blatantly attacking someone solely to obtain their gear. I thought Durmanhoth was disbanded. Once upon a time, there were treaties devoloped, and honoured, because, though this is a roleplay enviroment, everyone understood that it really sucked to be killed while 'roleplaying'. back then, If I saw one of my enemies bleeding, I would bandage him. I would not steal his or her gear, no matter how much I would have liked to use it. Last reboot, when of our members found KoDA's sword, just lying on the ground with no one around, we returned it. Now, before you start going off about things that occur in mordor, just...well, dont. Mordor is, and should be, a dangerous place, and, even though you might not agree, has always had a different set of rules. Point is, acts like this one show your lack of respect for other players. Skill isnt everything...honour is much more important. I usually have a great degree of respect for my enemies. I would engage in combat with almost anyone, in any guild, including some people in GV, to defend my tower. However, I wouldnt take the time to piss on your corpse, because you have no respect for anyone or anything, allies or otherwise. All you want is the pkill.

    Also, dont bother saying anything about how you had merciful on...You always have it on, even when attempting to complete contracts.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    11 December 2003 01:16:02

    Considering the bullshit moderators have to go through, and the -huge- amount of power they have (like, none), why don't we all just let off of them for a bit?

    If you have a problem with him, email him. It'll be much more productive.

    We should bitch and whine about ANY posts being taken down (ok, maybe MP ones can go down), not about SPECIFIC posts being/not being taken down.

    -otoron's two cents

  • Author
    Gormoth [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:51:33

    Anselmo kills in Gondor, and is Grimscar's friend. I think its the lesser evil argument that works here. Or maybe its something else ? Explain, O high commander of Boromir's army ...

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:47:39

    Just insulting Mithgil, I never blocked anyone for just insulting. Go great a forum thread if you want to whine.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:42:46

    Two comms from the same conversation:

    ^ Rhoads: I never blocked anyone Warrax for just insulting others

    ^ Rhoads: Mithgil I never said I never blocked anyone for insulting are you a moron or something?

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    11 December 2003 00:21:00


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    10 December 2003 23:11:06



  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:35:19

    And quiet Iago :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:34:17

    What flaming Mithgil?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    10 December 2003 22:04:19

    Quit fucking whining, Mithgil.


  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:37:00

    well, i always get one off of morka's corpse :)

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:29:11

    More flaming from Rhoads.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:18:09

    Just to be an ass Iago, what about those 3 flags you claim to always carry when you are at Tenzek? You gonna tell me that the guards give it for you for free? Don't even try to tell me that you get then from your 'target's' corpses. :)

    Not that I care about Anselmo, he has always been a prick and I if that stuff people say is true it is bad :(

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    10 December 2003 21:00:12

    And I'm not Grimscar:) come on..it's lame:)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    10 December 2003 20:57:45

    Yes, Trap, he wouldn't come out back when I was active:))

  • Author
    Trap [legacy]
    10 December 2003 20:57:03

    ok, i got nothing against duncan, just another guy out for kicks not really caring who gets pissed, but does anyone else find it wierd about the same damn time he left this little old ranger named grimscar became one of the top assassins in the game? And no, i'm not insinuating anything :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    10 December 2003 19:43:22

    Grimscar, do you now understand how I was feeling once?:P

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:48:01

    I don't get it. You parade yourself as the savior of Gondor, and then complain that people do the most normal thing anybody would have done in her position. You really think she would have nodded her head and not reported you for your stunt?

    Guess how many times I have thought of doing just the same thing :)...it just doesn't pay off...unless of course your murder fines are high enough to make an attempt and theft worthwhile.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:08:58


  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:08:50

    at least our close friends don't kill the things we've sworn to protect, unlike your apparently

  • Author
    Sluggo [legacy]
    10 December 2003 16:06:53

    Our close friends and applicants can be allowed to enter the camp

    And so what if we have alot ot friends? jealous perhaps?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 15:37:31

    Coming from a person whose guild has a whole list of people who aren't in the guild but are friends so they can come idle there... still pretty funny.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 15:11:35

    he idled in your hidden encampment at the beginning of the reboot

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 15:09:53

    Anselmo isn't GV, but what would you know :)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    10 December 2003 14:53:36

    Nobody is perfect. Although some strive for that goal, while others are way off target.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    10 December 2003 14:18:33

    Hey Minister. Why 6????

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    10 December 2003 14:01:14

    So what? did you remind her: Its murder not attempt and false report? :P

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    10 December 2003 13:26:24

    anselmo reported yggdrasil for attempted murder when he defended in tenzek's camp. there was no lock up and no hunt. oh well, he's gv, what do you expect

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    10 December 2003 13:21:28

    Oh yeah well lets not forget to mention that she reported me for attempted murder, and two counts of theft. *roll*

    Oh well, she's Udungul, what do ya expect.

  • Author
    Minister [legacy]
    10 December 2003 08:10:13

    pretty funny.