Revenge on Gondor's Vengeance

Posted by
Kalathen [legacy]
14 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Don't kill in Tenzek's. Is that REALLY hard to grasp?


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 December 2003 13:00:22

    The truth comes out, Caber, you hate me, despite what you said on the comm... :(((((((


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 December 2003 02:45:22

    Oh, whoops, I thought that post was made by a GV member, sorry, good post, Caber. I agree.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 December 2003 02:44:56

    Good thing nobody cares what you think, bitch.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    15 December 2003 22:03:32

    Ivon, I think you're a case of someone who knows very little about pkilling deciding to talk a lot about it. 'He was lost, so it's not impressive on your part!' and 'Kill Grimscar, then I'll respect you!' Christ, man. Solo kills on good players are difficult. The entire state of pk affairs on T2T is really shitty right now, and even if Kalathen did solo kill Grimscar...what if it was because Grimscar got lost? Or maybe if Kalathen hit him when he had no EP to fade, or if Grimscar somehow failed all of his fade attempts? Then would it be unimpressive because it was bad luck on Grimscar's part? As for your earlier comment about how Hans could have made it to a what? Lots of people can make it to huntbreaks, man. Such a high percentage of pkills succeed simply because the target isn't good at breaking. Maybe Kalathen would have had that particular break triggered? Or maybe Hans has really terrible aliases for breaking?

    I wish there was some sort of certification system for the archive where only people who have played active assassins could make comments regarding 'being a good killer.' It reminds me of the Mcouncil, consisting of 0% assassins, who decided to make it harder for an assassin to lead a party while hunting someone. 'What? An entire council of non-assassins (read: targets) voting to make it harder to kill people?! Wow...'

    I hate you all.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    15 December 2003 19:08:50

    Dummy Yvon

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 December 2003 06:14:55

    There's too many I's on this thread.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 December 2003 06:12:47

    Hehe, Ivon's cool.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    15 December 2003 04:25:11

    Well, mialiased. I didn't say the log sucks but is nothing extraordinary too, If Kalathen expects to be praised for something like that he's way too wrond. They attacked and had the job done. That's well. So i didn't say nothing about it. just commented that he could get away if he had the directions in right. And it's so.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    15 December 2003 04:04:28

    yes read his log again and his comments, he wasn't lost. he missalised and died before it finished. that and being lost are two different things

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    15 December 2003 03:52:14

    Yup, i C-ed Namarik for killing my bear (as he was thinking)

    And Hans was lost, you can read it from his log. It doesn't matter much are you maxed warrior with 200 hp when 2 people attack you if you're lost

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    15 December 2003 03:34:56

    oh and Hans wasn't lost. he was a maxed warrior with over 200 hp, phial, and who knows what other healing in khamul's camp. yeh i think that was a decent kill.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    15 December 2003 03:32:12

    aren't you the person who contracted namarick for something you read on the log page? :P

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    15 December 2003 03:27:09

    Oh, and one more thing, In the killing Hans log you didn't show any extraordinary skills, so it's a bit below average log for me. It's 2 people killing a guy who's lost with mels. Nothing to be very proud with. Also, I may say you have some skills when you manage to kill Grimscar solo, and remember Grimscar the dunedain is the player, Grimscar's horse is the horse of Grimscar. Just a hint to not get them wrong next time. I heard you're going for Grimscar but by mistakle you attacked his horse.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    15 December 2003 03:04:56

    Inetersting... so today i'm killing in loth orc camp when Kalathen comes and attacks my bear with mels. Kills it. So i ask him for the reason why he did it. It appears the reason is:

    Kalathen tells you: I don't like your posts on the log page.

    Iguess he's talking about the posts where i explain how Hans could escape if he didn't misalias. Just comenting on the log. Nothing more. Not ofending anyone. but...

    You tell Kalathen: it's just the truth

    Kalathen tells you: truth is a matter of opinion

    What i think about it: I respect most of DH players, have friends in there but in my humble opinion Kalathen is stain for the guild. He's full of shit.

    Now there you have a reason to come after me,Kalathen, not after my bear.

  • Author
    Kalathen [legacy]
    15 December 2003 02:29:41

    You are all haters.

  • Author
    Avery [legacy]
    15 December 2003 01:26:24

    Something about this log just doesn't impress me. Oh yeah, Kalathen posted it. ZING!

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    15 December 2003 01:10:42

    Teion at my guildhall? doubtful. Perhaps you're getting your finds mixed up.

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    15 December 2003 00:31:40

    Caber sucks. Hahahahaha

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    15 December 2003 00:22:48

    *shrug* We've had finds on him at your guildhall. He's a moral dunedain. Maybe it was just a terrible coincidence, in which case he still shouldn't have been killing Tenzek. Oh well!

    And Muaddib...I love how you've decided to start commenting occasionally, but only when it's a mean comment directed at my guild. If you doubt that, go look at the comments you've posted, look at who almost all of them are directed at, and then ask yourself how you can honestly uphold some sort of anti-flaming policy. You'd do well to be more like Rhoads. :)

  • Author
    Azartrus [legacy]
    14 December 2003 18:07:39

    does it matter Iago. I cant believe Kalathen didnt know he wasnt gv

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    14 December 2003 17:57:27

    I don't see where you get off saying that muaddib, you get off every time a gv kills someone. Even when its a lowbie.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    14 December 2003 16:41:52

    I rate this a 6.0 because Kalathen killed the guy. How awesome is that :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    14 December 2003 16:31:45

    Tiaren isn't GV either.

  • Author
    Ignorance [legacy]
    14 December 2003 15:27:04

    Hmmm. Perhaps you were thinking of Tieren, Kalathen?

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    14 December 2003 14:28:56

    Sexy timing.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 December 2003 13:22:34

    The timing was good I guess :P

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    14 December 2003 11:48:32

    Nice. level 16 and proberbly idle. Did he even know what were going on?


  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    14 December 2003 11:43:56

    Good kill. Maybe he wasn't connected to GV at any level, but he still killed at Tenzek's camp.. so he hit the jackpot.

  • Author
    Beater [legacy]
    14 December 2003 10:27:50

    lol i thought dh were better than killing people that could possibly be in or applying to GV haha

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    14 December 2003 09:46:47

    Of course, the title should have been vengeance on gondor's vengeance

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    14 December 2003 09:45:23

    i rate this a 6.0 because I thought it was an very good example of assassination.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    14 December 2003 08:39:52

    I rate this a 6.0 because Teion has nothing to do with GV, isn't an applicant, never was, and I don't even know the guy.

    So its a 6.0 because it shows how silly Kalathen is :P