Melkor emerges from the Void. ^ Wasta: Jesus christ he scares me when he does that ^ Osse: Storytime! ^ Durad: tell me this is the nite before christmas ^ Tosha lols .. yeah ^ Durad prays ^ Namina: have a hot chai. He is dressed in a velvet smoking jacket and carries a large leather book. He sits down in a leather chair next to the fireplace and begins to read. You tell Osse: sweet cuz i wont be on for christmas ^ Saritalr: he just wants some love and affection ^ Saritalr: sort of like Grimscar *Osse winks a naughty little wink at you. ^ Durad: SWEET I WONT be here xmas eve, i love you melkor ^ Wasta: Ahh sweet! I remember this last year! ^ Duran: ahh the old tradition ^ Nhakl: Story time. The Book is entitled The Night Before Christmas. ^ Byron: santa sucks ^ Wasta: Someone log this ^ Viktor: woot woot ^ Saritalr grins ^ Durad: its already been posted ^ Durad: but ill log it for you Twas the night before christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse Suddenly below me I heard a great shout so downstairs I went, to check things out. ^ Wasta: Thanks :) ^ Namina nudges Byron.. oh yeah? ^ Amzel: i've heard this one ^ Byron: uhm yeah? ^ Saritalr: I cant help it, i know i'm a sucker, i just love this story. There by the tree was Jolly St. Nick All decked out in red, his beard white and thick. I said 'hello Santa, what brings you here?' He replied with a smile 'It's that time of year' ^ Kaekavoos: wow that time already ^ Namina snickers.  Then suddenly Chaos erupted about  The fine plate glass window was quickly ripped out.  In strode Lord Melkor, Master of Fear  (he didnt come by to say 'Happy New Year') ^ Quenn hmm You tell Osse: he missed the 'if you dont wanna hear this, log off part :P ^ Amzel: GO MELKOR  Melkor eyed Santa, contempt in his eyes  and said 'Hello Nick, what a surprise'  Santa reeled back, and said 'I know you'  'Youve been a bad boy, the years through and through' ^ Iivellios: lol ^ Amzel: KICK SOME TAIL Osse tells you: that's because he doesn't give a damn anymore :) You tell Osse: fdl ^ Kaekavoos: KILL HIM MELKOR! ^ Kaekavoos grins ^ Amzel: HUNT HIM BEFORE HE GETS AWAY Melkor said 'Sucks for me, dont it, Mr. Jolly-old Pudge,' 'but who died and gave you the right to judge?' 'for thousands of years I've paid a stiff price,'  'for being true to myself... now thats just not NICE!' ^ Idethiel chants 'KILL HIM! Melkor continued as I watched on in fear  'Well, things will soon change,' he said with a leer.  He pulled out mighty Grond with a evil smile and said 'This year, Christmas will be Angband-style' Down he crashed Grond onto Santa's head.  It split like a melon.... Santa was dead!  I wept and sobbed and cried with fear  For who would bring Christmas at all next year! ^ Kaekavoos: AHAHA ^ Lmno: Melkor.. how long have you been giving that speech now, dont  you have anything new. ^ Iivellios: hahaha this is great ^ Amzel: theres 2 melkor's And Melkor laughed while I sat and cried.  and said to me 'Son, Im surprised you didnt hide' I cursed his name thrice, he said 'toughen up.'  'for you will be next, if you dont shut up.' ^ Amzel: ahhh ^ Ignorance: STFU anyone who doesn't appreciate tradition. He pointed to the window, I looked out with fear And saw a dragon eating the reindeer. 'I've done you a favor,' he said with a sneer 'no longer must you rely on a fat elf with a deer.' ^ Eolanthe: Up and up don't rhyme. :) ^ Viktor: You don't need something new, this is great. ^ Namina: you cant rhyme up with up ^ Gothwin: oh, now comes my fav part... 'For Christmas is here', he pointed to his heart 'not in gifts or eggnog or that jolly old fart.' 'A sham, I say, good behaviour once a year!' 'Its time you woke up, and and opened your ear.' 'For as you curl up and slumber tonight,' 'The forges of Angband are burning quite bright,' 'My Orcs are still working, my Balrogs have might,' 'My armies are moving across Arda tonight!' 'But you should just go back to sleep' 'and tomorrow you may have reason to weep.' 'For isnt a shame that its only once a year' 'That people show kindness instead of hate and fear?' He left with a smile. I pondered his words When away in the distance I heard the following words "On Sauron, on Snaga, on Carcharoth, on Khamul' "on Sharkey, on Glaurung, and the rest of the Nazgul!' ^ Gothwin: on carcharoth, on glaurung...!!! whee So I cleaned up the room, and took care of the dead thinking of all the words that were said. That Melkor was right, his message was clear: Peace and love should last all the year. ^ Eolanthe: ^__^ I hopped in my Blazer, and took Santa's toys And delivered the presents to the good girls and boys And with them a message, so clear and so bright: Evil sleeps not: it works through the night. Fight it we must, but not once a year. But on every day we must fight terror and fear.  Yet, with peace and love, we can conquer evil's might.  So, merry christmas to all, and to all a good night. ^ Durad: MELKOR I LOVE YOU ^ Eolanthe: Awww. :) ^ Ignorance: Thanks you Melkor! ^ Eolanthe: ENCORE! ^ Iivellios: Your the best Melkor! ^ Saritalr claps for Melkor ^ Osse claps. ^ Kalor claps ^ Durad: Can i have your autograph? ^ Aravis: woo! ^ Iivellios Wooo! ^ Sneaky applauds ^ Himgalai: again again ^ Kaoru claps ^ Viktor applauds ^ Diminius claps ^ Iivellios: I want an autograph too! ^ Iivellios cheers wildly Melkor says: Happy Holidays, everyone Viktor tells you: If Melkor was a girl, I'd want to marry him.