Namarik kept disrupting Devinius' trivia...bad!

Posted by
Grimscar [legacy]
23 December 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

The poor kid gets whacked again


  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    27 December 2003 04:55:45

    My anal retentive disorder is you Namarik. We give you a clean slate from all your fuck ups with reporting, using poisons, hunting, attempting, blah blah, and the very next day you pull shit like reports for a pkill in which we weren't even a part - yeah I'm anal alright. I'll be cool and chill out when you actually do what you say - the fact that you removed the reports is the only thing that saved you from a double tap.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 December 2003 16:02:52

    Whee, Debbiewebbie!

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    24 December 2003 09:53:31

    erm ok wtf? i dropped reports like 2 minutes after putting them up. but ok. :)

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    24 December 2003 09:48:55

    That was Namarik's excuse for reporting, Devinius? I thought it was because he was an immature turd.

    FYI: never drop reports in exchange for dropped reports by Namarik. He will and does re-report.

    Namarik should be killed and often until he knocks off the petty crap or is level 3.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    24 December 2003 09:32:30

    erm devinius you have some sort of anal retentive disorder.

    Seriously :P chill... be cool... :)

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    24 December 2003 07:23:53

    (ya since korlath just happened to be in the 'rp' grp of 3 lvl 19's or higher against a lvl 14..a also a bit sad.)

    Wake up and smell the theme Namarik. If a single orc was found in Lorien, do you think the Galadhrim as Tolkien wrote them would send just one elf to kill it? You were in the Capital of Lorien, the very heart of the land we defend. Why would we not use every resource we can to drive you out? Because you are low level? *ROTFLMAO* Don't be ridiculous. If you are evil, and you are killing in Caras - EVERY elf and man at our disposal will be summoned to defend against you. Period.

    If you don't like it - go kill somewhere else, but stop your incessant whining about being outmatched. Grow up. If I'm killing Balforth (as usual) and I'm seen, usually I find myself up against more than just one of you. And if I'm not, then that's a choice made by your guild.

    Know this and accept it. We will come and we will do so in numbers.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    24 December 2003 06:26:56

    I'm going to chime in here just for the sake of my sanity.

    If you're at war, and you have a contract, and your enemies are on, and for whatever reason (RP, quest, gear, gold making) you're in not such good shape - be smart, use your common sense, go heal at avg shape, or visit your hall and get drunk for a bit.

    We were defending the tree, Korlath (GV) is a mate and was partied with us, but he was only shielding and not in combat with Namarik.

    *IF* Grimscar was opportunistic in the pkill, so the fuck what? Oh that's right, I'm sure Grimscar must be the first assassin to ever hit someone that's in bad shape after an RP fight. Uh-huh. That must be it.

    I'll mention that Namarik reported me, Borgaz, *and* Galandrin on the assumption that we had set him up, told grimscar, blah blah blah - what a load of shit. If I'd wanted you dead Namarik you'd have been dead. Or are you forgetting the 8 odd times I've killed you since you created this character.

    You're fortunate that I'm under orders not to pk you or that contract would have been fulfilled long before Grimscar got his mits on it.

    Grow up.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 December 2003 01:32:33

    You're at 'war', Namarik, expect no quarter.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    23 December 2003 23:27:16

    That is stupid to bitch about this kill, so what if he knew Namarik was rping. Seems like a perfect oppurtinity to be the assassin he was trained to be and use some skills. Next time would you like me and any other assassin to give you a tell when i plan on killing you? wtf guys, blah blah.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    23 December 2003 20:48:25

    Maaaybe being a primarily solo assassin is what I'm good at...and i weave it into my character's persona?

    I don't know. But just because I kill my enemies as often as possible doesn't mean I don't have any RP. It just means that I have really effective RP. :)

  • Author
    Darkterror [legacy]
    23 December 2003 20:39:30

    Grimscar`s role-play is long known for the lack of 'RP' :) He is just a solo playerkiller.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    23 December 2003 16:51:56

    'Namarik is right here, dummy!' <-- best part of the whole log :)

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:51:14

    Also, the log site seems to be having a few images are being loaded, and the frames/tables seem to be a little screwed up.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:36:36

    What i meant to say was...

    My GH is never more than 30-40 rooms of wherei would be fighting an RP battle :P

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:35:47

    erm....true, it made no sense at all :P

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:30:41

    ? that comment made no sense ? my gh is with 40 rooms of my gh? erm i'd hope so...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:18:13

    As for killing you, when one of his guildmates was involved in the RP...

    Well, no comment...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:14:30

    Maybe, but my GH is like no more than 30-40 rooms away from GH :P

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:01:07

    and beyaz like you never leave rp at dlsg to go heal?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:00:15

    Once again, Namarik walking around almost are doing half their job for them man...will you ever learn?

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    23 December 2003 15:00:14

    ya since korlath just happened to be in the 'rp' grp of 3 lvl 19's or higher against a lvl 14..a also a bit sad.

  • Author
    Proximity [legacy]
    23 December 2003 14:58:58

    why the hell would anyone need 4flasks, fingers AND a phial on a solo? even if you got locked up against 3 guys you wouldnt be able to drink all that.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    23 December 2003 14:55:31

    no, but i bet you knew we were doing it, and that he would be low after

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    23 December 2003 14:53:31

    Galandrin , I wasn't part of that 'RP' group or whatnot.

    I had nothing to do with 'em.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    23 December 2003 14:49:49

    heh, RP that ends with pk...kinda lame