Client settings have recieved a wide range of oppinions. From people who feel that everything should be legal to people who think that only pure telnet should be legal. Mostly the people who love the telnet idea are the very fast typers with english as their native language. And what are the people who love the serttings? Lazy old men? ;) Basicly when this is something that can get you nuked the rules should be pretty clear on this subject. But is it even possible to make clear rules about this? I have tried talking to diffrent powers about this and I once had and interesting talk with Melkor about it. He would say that anything that "automates" your char is illigal. I would argue that a simple loot trigger that triggers on You killed would make your char "automated" with its looting. Melkor would then argue that anything that would continue while you are afk would be bad. Other powers have made remarks like "Anything that gives you an 'unfair' advantage over the people who dont have the settings" should not be used. All of theese comments/rules are pretty wague IMHO. Who is to decide wich advantages are unfair? Lets take the trigger many people are beginning to use. When backstabbed you guild comm your situation HP who attacked you even location. All automated. Still works if you are AFK. Gives you the advantage that you dont have to wory about calling for help yourself. Your guildmates will know where you are as fast as tecknologically possible. Another funny example is the tell comm that automaticly updates itself from who of your friends are online. This one gave off diffrent oppinions. Some saying it was ok and other deeming it a nukeable offence. You never hear much about a client map. zMUD has a small buggy and unreliable mapper build in. It can be a pretty nice feature for some people. To visuably see the area you are in. And if it works you are able to go to any room using a command or a simple double click with the mouse. I have also seen a linux client that has a much more reliable map that can actually handle pretty big maps. Are there any rules regarding theese maps? Are there even any rules regarding settings other than the "You may not be botting" rule. And where does the line between good settings and botting go? Isn't it not just some big blurry line wich makes the current power of law having to decide case by case who gets to keep their char and who gets their 8 months of intensive playing trown down the drain? Should we really be afraid to log in thinking that this might be the day where someone reads something I do as botting? Why stay offline to protect the char you don't dare to play anyways? ;) Am I too tired to make jokes? ;) Anyways. Your oppinion as a frequent user of this game is important. Please share it with us.