You can't notice in this log, but he has the most colorful legendinfo quite possibly ever. Being 2 kewl 4 u the dwarf Swordsman (Hand of Eru) On for: 3h 28m 47s Gender: male Age: 4d 3h 27m 38s Can be mailed: Being@Adornas Info: what happens when u fall into a never ending pit? u die of starvation! {HP:230 EP:225} ^ Being: lol.. no... i have a mowhawk and i'm holding a shut gun... kewl or kewl? ^ Asekhir: Wouldn't a gun be more effective if it's barrel is open? ^ Crusaderr: a mohawk? unless you're a native american i'm going to have to say not cool :P ^ Being: yeah a mowhawk.. and i have 3.. 1 with me loading it.. second my arming my self and 3 pointing at came ^ Being: ~cam ^ Jasumin: You should never point a loaded gun at another person ^ Jasumin: unless it is Iarla ^ Kujo: or Stre3ak ^ Jasumin: and you plan to pull the trigger ^ Kujo: Streak ^ Crusaderr: pointing as you came? do guns excite you? ^ Being: lol.. yeah like i didn't know taht.. lol.. any who it's was my brother! ^ Being: i go hunting now and then.. i'm in NC and huntings big! ^ Jasumin: Just out of old are you? ^ Byron: IF YOU KNEW, WHY DID YOU STILL DO IT?! ^ Kujo: he's playing alts ^ Being: lol.. doesn't the destroy an RPG?i'm 14 and at the time i was 13 and my brother 17 ^ Jasumin: That's about what I figured. Carry on. ^ Turk: miss comm! ^ Being: 2 answer u byron i did it for them cam.. but 2 calm u down i removed the sheal from the gun! ^ Being: brb ^ Kujo: ... ^ Kujo: I HOPE THAT CLEARS THINGS UP FOR YOU BYRON ^ Byron: I didn't understand what that meant ^ Crusaderr: translation, I know what I did was wrong, but unfortunately I hadn't taken my pills that week. ^ Fofester: The thought of a shotgun in the hands of someone who's having trouble spelling 'shell' disturbs me. ^ Dworkin: The thought of a shotgun in my brother's hands disturbs me, yet he's 43 ^ Jasumin: lol no weaya? kewl ur brioeayther is dah shoit ^ Crusaderr: translation. Namina isn't putting out tonight so i'm pretending to be a 14 year old mohawk wearer ^ Jasumin: lol ur funey ^ Iarla: Translation: I am a virgin. ^ lol wut U r from virginia? ^ Jasumin: lol wut U r from virginia? ^ Jasumin:'ve mastered the colorcode system....and the surname thing....what's next? English maybe? ^ Being: lol.. yeah i'm 2 grads behind in english (sorry dudes.. phone) ^ Fofester: Oh dear lord ^ Jasumin: So you're in 6th grade english eh? That's rough. ^ Fofester: Being, you are a sinner. ^ Kujo: Didn't see that one coming ^ Fofester: You will burn. ^ Jasumin: NO you can still be saved! ^ Jasumin: type save ^ Fofester: That surname and legendinfo deserve an eternity of fire. ^ Fofester: Jas, it makes me cry :9 ^ Fofester: :( ^ Being: lol... but on the contrary i'm a believer! I belive that Jesuse Christ saves! ^ Kujo: christ ^ Kujo: Is that you, Bane? ^ Fofester: Just don't pull a Baneofevil on us, please ^ Kujo: who is Jesuse? ^ Being: jesus is are lord... ^ Kujo: ah, thanks for clearing that up for me! ^ Someone explodes ^ Fofester: Hahaha ^ Fofester: Christianity for the l33t ^ Being: u ok kujo? ^ Fofester: 'j3$u$ r l0rD ^ Kujo: No, i'm very freakin' hot ^ Being: lol.. ok man... c u around ^ Fofester: jesus r teh pwn ^ Fofester: Does making fun of him make me a bad christian? :p ^ Kujo: it makes you a bad person ^ Being: um.. well if u'rea christain u would do it ^ Jasumin: So are in 6th grade English? ^ Being: yes.. but in 9th grade so i' m a big time losser ^ Jasumin: Your math skills are lacking a little too I see. ^ Being: lol... math skills? i'm a grade ahead in math ^ Kujo: i admire this Being guy, he's not good at English yet he's playing an all text game. ^ Jasumin: But if you're 2 grades behind in English...and yet you're doing 6th grade English in 9th grade... ^ Being: thank u kujo... it's not easy.. lol.. but it's a game ^ Rami: kujo this game taught me English :P ^ Jasumin: Maybe I just..can't subtract ^ Being: i'm 3 grades behind ^ Jasumin: oh ^ Being: i've been in 5 spelling bees and lost them all! ^ Kujo: haha ^ Kujo: that's dedication ^ Grymlar: fdk ^ Grymlar: er, fdl rather ^ Being: lol.. it shall b because i got junk 2 do around here.. and i'v some more things 2 burn.. i'm the ^ Aatoz: burninator ^ Tilion sighs. ^ Kujo: um ^ Fofester: Tilion, please, I beg you ^ Kujo: right ^ Being: the "burninator" i burn all in sigt// i burn junk in my room... so... i'm going 2 c if i can get some things on fire... oh yeah and i'm alsot looking 4 this dude called torch.. ^ Aatoz: man...someone did it ^ Fofester: ... ^ Being: heya dudes.. i'v never made a forst fire nor made a house go up in flams.. the worst was getting a second degrea burn ^ Jasumin: So let me ask you...was your name supposed to be Begin? ^ Kujo: hahaha ^ Jasumin: nevermind...I guess wouldn't fit your surname ^ Being: well i didn't get 2 chouse my name.. some one else did it 4 me.. i thinks it's ok ^ Kujo: ... ^ Jasumin chokes. ^ Fofester: This is getting juicy! ^ Jasumin: And who chose it? ^ Kujo: the shutgun or his brother ^ Being: so... besides my bad grades in english and my good grads in math and the shut gun and the mowhawk..what else ^ Jasumin: Who chose your name? ^ Being: aatoz ^ Fofester: Don't forget your surname Aatoz the Cheat the sindar Con Artist (Angelic) On for: 46m 6s Gender: male Age: 10d 17h 29m 2s Can be mailed: Aatoz@Bywater Info: For my surname, please vist www.homestarrunner.comand u will c ^ Jasumin: Oh. ^ Being: i made my surname.. he at first made it "being very good" and i hated it! ^ Fofester: Ah Aatoz, another fine example of the human species, as seen by his legendinfo Kujo enters. Kujo leaves south. ^ Oh God. ^ Jasumin: Oh God. ^ Being: k so are we going 2 b kewl or just be wierd? i'm leaving soon. *smiles* i know u'll will be happy ^ Wasta: Being, I am scared of people that have to shorten the word "be" ^ Jasumin: hey Being..I'd say see you around...but I'm guessing that won't be the case ^ Being: c!! being goes with almost every thing! that's why it goood.. it's easy 2 make up a surname! ^ Kujo c's!! Kujo says in Westron: I hope you feel really good about entrapment on a retard.