Porphyria gallantly saves Amzel.

Posted by
Devinius [legacy]
26 January 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Going after Amzel, but Porphyria was there again. So I switched targets half way through and killed her again. Notice how in this log Amzel just leaves her behind, and at the ship in Lorien stands there faded while she dies.


  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    28 January 2004 23:45:17

    I think only you and me are reading this thread Iago ;-)

    Meet you on the MUD, cya.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    28 January 2004 21:17:26

    did you even bother reading what i said betus, i said morals wasn't just killing evilly aligned things. thanks though for copy and pasting something that i knew. you do look stupid and stuff but please try and limit it

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    28 January 2004 09:24:54

    Wrong Iago,

    \Mor'al\, a. [F., fr. It. moralis, fr. mos, moris, manner, custom, habit, way of life, conduct.] 1. Relating to duty or obligation; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the rules by which such intentions and actions ought to be directed; relating to the practice, manners, or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, as respects right and wrong, so far as they are properly subject to rules.

    It's not only to kill evilly aligned things, it's to follow rules that you or your community think are right.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:05:02

    Kinda like the D&D alignment system?

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    27 January 2004 16:32:54

    moral is a person who has morals, not just some person who kills evilly aligned things, that would make them good not moral

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    27 January 2004 09:53:13

    Define 'moral' Iago, maybe it's not the same for you than for me.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    27 January 2004 03:45:31

    Leave teh porphyria a lone!

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    27 January 2004 03:24:54

    if you call them moral then maybe they should act moral but hey thats probably a hard concept to grasp :p

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    27 January 2004 02:07:40

    Hey Finarf, it sounds great...

  • Author
    Amzel [legacy]
    26 January 2004 21:19:02

    Gallantly saves? My HP never went under 100, ace. You hunted off mid alias, and she was party leader - nothing I could do.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    26 January 2004 21:11:19

    Your doubt disappoints me, Fimbu! The u in usually is pronounced like a consonant, therefore 'a'.

    ps: That means you don't think I suck anymore, Porphy?

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    26 January 2004 20:40:57

    why must morals always be 'above' using evil players tactics? get over it.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 January 2004 20:14:49

    Tharion's second to last comment brings up an interesting point. Is it 'an usually' or 'a usually'? I think it's the latter.

  • Author
    Tharion [legacy]
    26 January 2004 19:55:37

    I meant 4 times... maybe I should get some sleeping done. Sorry about that.

  • Author
    Tharion [legacy]
    26 January 2004 19:53:33

    No Caber, but notice that 2 of those 2 times she died attacking the attackers of a guildmate. Brave? Yes, but got him killed. Shit happens of course, I don`t agree with double taps (or whatever) but they happen and all you can do to prevent it is be more or less expecting and know what todo. My guildmates do it, and Porphyria`s guildmates do it either so I don`t see why she would be shocked in particular because of it since it unfortunally that seems to happen a lot.

    At any rate, good luck Porphyria, just don`t get that upset over an (usually) silly text game. *smiles*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 January 2004 19:03:13

    Hey... it sounds like you are perveting a Misfits song with a profane word! I hope you die, die monster die.

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    26 January 2004 18:32:21

    Die, die, die my dungules,

    Dont utter a single word,

    Die, die, die my dungules,

    Just shut your pretty eyes!

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    26 January 2004 17:12:21

    That really compares to be pk'd 4 times in one night, doesn't it Tharion?

  • Author
    Tharion [legacy]
    26 January 2004 16:19:23

    Your guildmates went to try to doubletap me Porphyria.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    26 January 2004 15:32:14

    *smirks at beyaz*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 January 2004 15:26:05

    *smirks at Logan*

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    26 January 2004 15:18:40

    Bah, i wouldn`t say bkd banged you. it was practicly a two man kill since thorak barerly attacked due to some problems with lag or whatever. Oh well, to be honest i feel a litle sorry for you now seing how much you have died recently. we just wanted to give you a warm welcome into Udungul :(

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:59:16

    Moral Assassins: new target -----> Porphyria.

  • Author
    Relez [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:51:42

    I am impresioned to see how much tactics devinius has...

    HP:200 EP:134> skills


    Tactics 99

    You pull a muscle in your neck trying to headbutt Porphyria.

    Your tactics skill has increased due to use.

    HP:200 EP:110> skills

    .... <Lag>



    <Cuban lag>

    Tactics 100

    Hey Devinius we want be like you... assassin with Tactics 100.*lol*

    Nice log... well done!

  • Author
    Porphyria [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:32:22

    This is a different log actually.

    I would gladly die in defense of a friend and/or guild mate, so I didn't mind the deaths in the boat and Bree.

    The bang with the BkDs was rather disheartening, I thought 2 deaths in a day was bad enough. I gave up in frustration. Like I said, one more isn't gonna make a difference.

    But Devinius pointlessly (and I can't stress that word enough, POINTLESSLY) going after me just after I revived was just fucked, I actually lost some respect for him as a result. I was shocked when I got the investigate and found out it was him, because I thought he was above doing that kind of thing. All this, on top of some very severe and fucked up rl stuff that is going on with me put me in a very bad mood. I'm sorry for my comment on the comm, for whoever heard it, but at that moment I was on the verge of tearing my own hair out.

    Still, I got over 30k out of it, and managed to retrain all of my lost stats, and most of my skills so now all I need is to regain the 600k exp I lost.

    But I can't see that happening any time soon, because I will continue to defend and assist my guildmates, and follow the orders of my superiors. Hopefully, there will be a better outcome next time. I just need Durad to kick my ass a bit:)

  • Author
    Deragor [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:29:26

    Hmm, I think Prophyria is the new Namarik ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:18:45

    Actually Durad, this is not the same log. One passes in Eressea and this was in Eriador.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    26 January 2004 14:07:03

    you already posted this, EXACT SAME LOG and stop bashing porphyria, grow some balls, get someone else :P Rhoads r teh pwnerz