Balris dies for Winnetou`s actions

Posted by
Rhoads [legacy]
27 January 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Balris got killed because Winnetou has been killing my members (who did nothing) aparently to retaliate a previous kill on Balris. Turns out he left CoU (Winnetou that is) so this kinda sucked. Anyway posting because I don`t think the log was bad.


  • Author
    Aslak [legacy]
    28 January 2004 18:17:22

    If the attacker attacks near the GH he/she deserve to be broken with a GH break.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 January 2004 10:44:58

    I don`t care if he broke at his GH, hell, I attacked him close from it, like atacking an Amruin or even DH at Tenzek. It is not like he ran across Arda to reach his guild.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    28 January 2004 07:45:15

    so lets run from Gh to our guild because that would be so much quicker if you are low, then report him for the solo while your at it, fucking allstars. I love them.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    28 January 2004 06:46:22

    balris, if you'lda broke in mt you would have lived....

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    28 January 2004 03:27:16

    jesus, i can't understand why people bitch about people using gh as a break.. i can understand if they are full on hp etc.. but in this case, i was low on both hp and ep, as you can see cause i died, therefore i thought the guild was my best option, and i fell short, woopdidoo basil.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    28 January 2004 01:58:06

    I'd just like to know what the big problem with '^ legend XXX' is. It's tradition!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 January 2004 01:33:06

    Because the guild actually does some effort on trying to hide it? Amruin members don't, DH dosen't, VC dosen't, GV does, GiM does and some others. And I know they try so?

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 January 2004 23:56:00

    Actually, I'm confused as to why two guilds get special treatment. Why can't I have their locations in my logs? It's their fault for letting it be known. My knowledge of the Thieves' guild location comes from an assassin trying to pk a member, and that member breaking at his guildhall. *shrug* Why should the log archive go out of its way to protect them?

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    27 January 2004 22:53:36

    geeze people shut up, it was a good kill, lets focus on that.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 January 2004 21:28:01

    What the hell is happening here? I made fun of Rhoads and I didn't even get a funny ICQ from him about it...

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 19:06:02

    Well, maybe it just sounded wrong in my head since I am always used to hearing people bitching about everything they can. Talk to me on the mud when you see me on :P

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    27 January 2004 18:07:52

    oh and switch, i dont user GH as a break, ask any of the roi :) I even play(and eventualy die :p) or i break and go hide! and yes, i gave Balris some verbal for useing the GH :p

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    27 January 2004 18:06:18

    Rhoads, surly you see the light heartedness in that comment.

    2nd, where is the bitching? i was pretty civial about it, and imo, made a vaild point to :) Especialy since the 'huntbreak' has to be used for him to get to his guild.

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:39:21

    I think the point is that you would have to edit out a valuable part of the log (the climax) to totally remove it, and the trigger line is there anyway by him entering guild.

    I'm not sure I agree that they show the command to enter the guild area, e.g. part reeds. but such is life. most people here know it anyway, if they don't, they would soon, and CoU can't really complain as it doesn't spoil their break (they go into GH)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:37:16

    As far as I know, CoU ain`t a secret guild, like Amruin ain`t (you don`t see logs with people going to Amruin guild hall getting removed for it do you?). If Balris want it to not be shown here he can simply ask me and if it is fair enough I will do it. I don`t think this is the first log that the CoU guild hall appears.

    To me, you are just upset because your gm got killed (understandable) and is acting like that because you are pissed. I won`t even coment about your 'misc' log idea because it is pretty obvious what is going to happen. If you wan`t to talk about it, mail me, just don`t go bitching instead of discussing like you are doing I know you are better than that Kanovar. If the location of CoU GH is supposed to be a secret (which I doubt since it was used as a break) I will get this log edited and make sure similar stuff don`t happen again.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:35:20

    Holy shit. Solo kill by Rhoads! *high five*

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:22:37

    The log should be removed.

    1.Shows directions to CoU ship

    2.The Entrance to there hall.

    Showed a used Huntbreak? or showing everyone how to enter the CoU? Blame Balirs for running to guild? maybe, but a moderator should know better. In fact, i may post a misc log, showing how to get to all of the guilds in arda, oh, apart from the 2 you deem seceret. It Would be a misc post, so valid, also, i would bne useing all the breaks! *winks*

  • Author
    Kharash [legacy]
    27 January 2004 17:10:07

    Go Rhoads.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 16:54:26

    If that was right when we started checking that stuff, yes, it is very possible, if that was after some discussion with Kharaan (the player), then it is very unlikely. And notice that it was quite a few months ago, in fact, if I remember correctly we started allowing this about a little before Drille made an account here (I remember because at that time I was telling people that when they made accounts in some cases). But it seems people only notice that kind of stuff when I post logs (of course, instead of people considering I might have forgoten it they all jump to presume I left it because I can, bunch of whiners), several logs I let this go and I don`t recall you people whining about it really.

    In a way or another since this seems to be causing some confusion on the mind of some players I might try to find time to write some stuff about how to post.

    And as I final note, I know how I judge people and what I judge in then. I also know I judge people fairly, even with the usual whiners. So please, if you feel something here is wrong, simply mail it to me or just point my attention to it so I can fix it if it is wrong. Don`t just go whining. Here is an example, taking the current log thread:

    'How come when I post something like that it gets removed but when YOU do it, its not.' I don`t know about you people, but I call this whining. Instead, why simply not write:

    'I think you forgot to remove your anti breaks on the log'

    I know this post is a little big, but I believe it is important you people understand some stuff. If in any case I did some major crap and you feel you don`t want to talk to me directly, MAIL Nicuramar ( or Muaddib (, they will take care of the problem. I am writing this because I am getting dead tired about how you people always find something to complain about even when there isn`t any real thing to complain about. If I could just ignore it, I would, but as a moderator I have to answer to some of the crap people say so people don`t think it is a free for all.

    Remember, more comom sense + less whining = better page.


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    27 January 2004 16:01:17

    bulshit rhoads, i remember u making probs to people about leaving sou trigger in, piss off

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 January 2004 15:28:49

    The best part was the lack of a ^legend balris

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    27 January 2004 15:20:10

    Nice kill, Rhoads.

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    27 January 2004 14:44:39

    Sucks that you didn't get the loot, I've never used the GRB before.

    Still, in a sad kind of way the circumstances are amusing, and I guess it's only fair they didn't lose the eq.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    27 January 2004 14:19:29

    Would you be able to open up mspaint and draw us a picture Rhoads?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 14:06:40

    Did you even READ what I said here or you are just commenting to join the bandwagon? Balris used the break, there is no reason to remove the god damn remote. You people need to start thinking a little and do some reading before trying to bash people for whatever you can. I will say again in case you didn`t get it right. Logs with triggers for breaks that are used in the log (ie. the target uses the break you triggered), you can leave it there. In other words, if you attack someone in Edoras and they use Amruin or Maiden as a break and you have it triggered, you can leave it on the log. Only exceptions are the two secret guilds. Hell, it CAN`T be more clearer than that.

  • Author
    Gabriel [legacy]
    27 January 2004 14:05:44

    durad has no brain.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    27 January 2004 14:04:33

    'Locations (room names) and triggers to guilds that are considerated secret (only 2 are considerated secret by us, I think you know which two I am talking about)...'

    Thats sort of cute ;)

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    27 January 2004 13:54:57


    =====> TRIGGERED FOR COU <=====

    The next time you see '^Balris parts the reeds and walks to the shore of the riv

    er.', you will do: 'part reeds'.

    How come when I post something like that it gets removed but when YOU do it, its not.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 13:19:07

    I forgot one thing to add to you Kanovar, about triggers and certain locations. Locations (room names) and triggers to guilds that are considerated secret (only 2 are considerated secret by us, I think you know which two I am talking about) should be removed no matter the trigger was used or not.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    27 January 2004 13:13:44

    I'm going to pretend that this log is fake.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    27 January 2004 13:07:41


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 January 2004 12:55:54

    Haha, nice kill, Rhoads :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 January 2004 12:55:01

    Not at all Kanovar, we discussed it before (me and one of Karaan`s chars) and got to a concense that triggers that are actually used (ie. the target uses the break) can be left on the log because it is pointless to remove it. You will notice that no logs which the trigger is actually used in the log are removed because of it. And if you didn`t knew it, you are free to leave the used triggers in your future logs.

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    27 January 2004 12:51:37

    Kinda double standards here Rhoads - you make a point of removeing posts with HB info in it - yet you leave your break triggers in the log.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    27 January 2004 12:44:38

    very nicely done. kinda funny ending, bet you thought you had missed out :)