<< HP:230 EP:230 >> pp You whip your elven short sword from your baldric like a weaponsmaster!! You wield an elven short sword. << HP:230 EP:230 >> k solos You don't see that here. << HP:230 EP:230 >> k oslo You attack Oslo. << HP:230 EP:230 >> You hit Oslo. Oslo misses you. Oslo eeks. You hit Oslo very hard. Oslo misses you. whistle You whistle innocently. << HP:230 EP:230 >> shape You miss Oslo. Oslo misses you. Oslo is near death. << HP:230 EP:230 >> hah You go Hah! << HP:230 EP:230 >> You hit Oslo hard. Oslo falls to the ground. Triggered! doing: kill oslo Feeling merciful towards your victim, you cease attacking, letting Oslo fall to the floor, unconscious. Kill what? << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo regains consciousness. k oslo You don't see that here. l ******************* The only obvious exits are south and down. *insert items here* << HP:230 EP:230 >> search You search the room, and find Oslo hiding! << HP:230 EP:227 >> k oslo You've just knocked him down, give him some time to recover! Your attack fails. << HP:230 EP:227 >> tsk You tsk. Oslo frowns. << HP:230 EP:227 >> snicker You snicker insanely. << HP:230 EP:228 >> k oslo You attack Oslo. << HP:230 EP:228 >> You miss Oslo. Oslo misses you. You miss Oslo. Oslo misses you. You miss Oslo. Oslo misses you. You inflict massive damage to Oslo. Oslo falls to the ground. Triggered! doing: kill oslo Feeling merciful towards your victim, you cease attacking, letting Oslo fall to the floor, unconscious. Kill what? << HP:230 EP:228 >> 'thats for hiding!! You say in Westron: thats for hiding!! Oslo regains consciousness. Oslo barks. Oslo barks. Oslo barks. Your headache clears up. Marvin enters. Oslo misses Marvin. Marvin misses Oslo. Oslo misses Marvin. Oslo leaves south. k oslo You don't see that here. << HP:230 EP:230 >> snap You snap your fingers. << HP:230 EP:230 >> heh You heh. << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'he ran :P You say in Westron: he ran :P << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo enters. Marvin misses Oslo. Oslo leaves south. 'i merci'd him like 20 times :) You say in Westron: i merci'd him like 20 times :) << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo enters. Oslo leaves south. Oslo enters. Marvin misses Oslo. k oslo Oslo leaves south. You don't see that here. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule enters. k oslo You don't see that here. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule drops a large key. Oslo enters. Oslo leaves south. Oslo enters. Marvin cuts Oslo with a backhand slash. Oslo falls to the ground. Triggered! doing: kill oslo Oslo is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Marvin puts Oslo out of his misery. You decide to put Oslo out of his misery. <----- Thought I got deathblow << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo has died. Marvin leaves south. Marvin enters. Ferule takes a bloodstained cloak from a large harvester's pack. huh [ Udungul ] Marvin: OMG You huh ? << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: wtf Ferule wears a bloodstained cloak. 'no!! You say in Westron: no!! << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'marvin! You say in Westron: marvin! << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: you dipshit Ferule sickens you with a horrid odor! The ghost of Oslo drifts south. Marvin removes an ithildin longsword (glowing). Marvin puts an ithildin longsword (glowing) into a studded leather baldric. 'i have a trigger damnit! You say in Westron: i have a trigger damnit! << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: And he didn't type stop! cry cry You cry. << HP:230 EP:230 >> You cry. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule repulses you with odor! Oslo enters. Ferule leaves south. 'FUCK! You say in Westron: FUCK! << HP:230 EP:230 >> l ******************* The only obvious exits are south and down. Oslo Frostmourne the dunedain Loremaster (Villainous) Marvin Gardens the dwarf Hatchetman (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Oslo *insert items here* << HP:230 EP:230 >> cry oslo You cry on Oslo's shoulder. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: dude Marvin says in Westron: I'm really sorry Oslo says in Westron: you got deathblow Autosave. Oslo says in Westron: who Marvin says in Westron: I was talking to shah on aim 'i got it.. im really sorry You say in Westron: i got it.. im really sorry << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: I did Ferule enters. Oslo says in Westron: report! 'marvin made you bleed and i had a trigger You say in Westron: marvin made you bleed and i had a trigger << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'im sorry :( You say in Westron: im sorry :( << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: You killed Oslo. huh You huh ? << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule says in Westron: way to go Oslo says in Westron: thats a weak trigger? You decide to put Oslo out of his misery. What? << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'You decide to put Oslo out of his misery. You say in Westron: You decide to put Oslo out of his misery. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin says in Westron: doesn't matter oracle Ferule says in Westron: I think its lame all you guys have to do is fake  spare for an hr <-------- We were having a blast until Oslo died :/ whew You say: Whew! << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'report marvin :) You say in Westron: report marvin :) << HP:230 EP:230 >> snicker You snicker insanely. 'ferule, im bored of filling the armoury. You say in Westron: ferule, im bored of filling the armoury. << HP:230 EP:230 >> The corpse completely rots away. Marvin says in Westron: I'm REALLY REALLY sorry, man bear oslo You wrap Oslo in a H U G E bear hug! << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: bah i die too much to care Ferule leaves south. Ferule enters. Marvin leaves down. Ferule leaves south. Ferule enters. Marvin enters. Marvin groans. l ******************* The only obvious exits are south and down. Marvin Gardens the dwarf Hatchetman (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ferule Broadshaft the dunedain Deathmaster (Heroic) Oslo Frostmourne the dunedain Loremaster (Villainous) *insert items here* << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin tips his hat. sifgh What? << HP:230 EP:230 >> sigh You sigh. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Marvin left the game. wave You wave. << HP:230 EP:230 >> l ******************* The only obvious exits are south and down. Ferule Broadshaft the dunedain Deathmaster (Heroic) Oslo Frostmourne the dunedain Loremaster (Villainous) *insert items here* << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule leaves down. 'oslo, i didnt do it. You say in Westron: oslo, i didnt do it. << HP:230 EP:230 >> whew You say: Whew! << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo goes Hah! hold oslo You hold Oslo close. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: that trigger is dumb mmm You mmm. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Ferule enters. Ferule leaves south. ^ Mithgil: WHO WAS IT Yamabushi appears from the shadows. Yamabushi enters the game. Yamabushi bows suavely. l ******************* The only obvious exits are south and down. Yamabushi Kagete the dunedain Archmage (Demonic) Oslo Frostmourne the dunedain Loremaster (Villainous) *insert items here* << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'oslo died :( You say in Westron: oslo died :( << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'marvin killed him You say in Westron: marvin killed him << HP:230 EP:230 >> Yamabushi says in Westron: when? '2mins ago You say in Westron: 2mins ago << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: cold blooded it was Yamabushi hmms. Yamabushi nods. Yamabushi says in Westron: what for? 'he turned on us! You say in Westron: he turned on us! 'damn him to hell! You say in Westron: damn him to hell! << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: i have no idea Oslo says in Westron: he just said fuck you oslo Oslo says in Westron: and killed me 'oslo looked so innocent, marvin stopped at nothing You say in Westron: oslo looked so innocent, marvin stopped at nothing << HP:230 EP:230 >> Alexa tells you: sturdy armour is now on sale as lot 88, minimum bid 150 gold Exc unall Yamabushi hmms. tell oslo fdl :D You tell Oslo: fdl :D << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: i pleaded i did Yamabushi says in Westron: he quit the guild? 'no, the bastard is still hree You say in Westron: no, the bastard is still hree << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: he thinks he owns the place 'me thinks marvin needs some spanking You say in Westron: me thinks marvin needs some spanking << HP:230 EP:230 >> 'the look in his eye, so cold.. so moral.. You say in Westron: the look in his eye, so cold.. so moral.. << HP:230 EP:230 >> Yamabushi nods. Yamabushi says in Westron: we could just bang him in the gh << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo nods with a quick up and down motion. Oslo says in Westron: i like that Friend tells you: hebbe? << HP:230 EP:230 >> Yamabushi says in Westron: some good old mordor justice << HP:230 EP:230 >> [ Udungul ] Ferule: what wep leaves a charred remain? [ Udungul ] Ferule: globe? mmm You mmm. Oslo says in Westron: but seriously i wouldn't mind merciful banging  him tell friend hebbe like hell :P You tell Friend: hebbe like hell :P Yamabushi says in Westron: a strike and a few headbutts... 'ene eye for an eye, and oslo for a marvin You say in Westron: ene eye for an eye, and oslo for a marvin << HP:230 EP:230 >> Yamabushi says in Westron: would be better if it was in mordor Oslo says in Westron: ok jokes over 'fdl You say in Westron: fdl << HP:230 EP:230 >> Oslo says in Westron: joke IS over Yamabushi says in Westron: what joke? Oslo says in Westron: marvin killed me but by accident Yamabushi gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of  comprehension. Oslo says in Westron: besides oracle put me outta my misery Yamabushi says in Westron: should post it ;)