Sorry, you have idled too long. Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers. Your name? zoso <--------------------------------------------------------------I come back and see 'aaaaaaaaaa' typed into my zmud Password: News in Arda! 1 message, type "news" to read. Last logon: Fri Nov 14 17:30:36 2003 from Conference Chamber(e, chamber and s) Crusaderr the dunedain Archrangermasterlord (Hand of Eru) [disconnected] An empty bottle Valacirca's Board [24 notes, 11 new] ^ Khranim: Man that's an exercise in keeping your ass from falling asleep. comm list Tuned to the comm line are: Bajih, Caber, Charis, Dei, Drogian, Durad, Edlenn, Etrius, Everkill, Fireshadow, Hazelrah, Huvintude, Iago, Inquisitor, Jabba, Khranim, Kikio, Larek, Lionxv, Luinmal, Mithgil, Nyssa, Otoron, Paazin, Paraiko, Parmenion, Rami, Scatha, Sifco, Speedy, Stark, Tiberius, Tindra, Trap, Undertow, Wyrm, Zana, Zoso ^ mudders, listen up ^ Zoso: mudders, listen up ^ Khranim: What about all 6 Star Wars? ^ while i was showering a squirrel ran into my apartment somehow, knocked over shit, and pressed 'aaaaaaaaa' on my keyboard ^ Zoso: while i was showering a squirrel ran into my apartment somehow, knocked over shit, and pressed 'aaaaaaaaa' on my keyboard ^ it's now under the couch ^ Zoso: it's now under the couch ^ Parmenion: 6 star wars? your ahead of me! ^ i know a lot of you are rednecks ^ Zoso: i know a lot of you are rednecks ^ Undertow: lol ^ tell me how to catch this bloody thing :) ^ Zoso: tell me how to catch this bloody thing :) ^ Khranim: no when episode three comes out, they'll show them all as a maraton ^ Trap: tastes good fried with butter! ^ Undertow: death to the squirrels ^ Caber: Hahahaha, it typed 'aaaaaaaa' on your keyboard? ^ Trap: oh, thought you wanted to know how to eat it :P sorry.... ^ Caber: Ahahahahahaha ^ i swear, yes ^ Zoso: i swear, yes ^ Undertow: zoso, do you have any guns or long sharp objects? ^ i don't want to kill it ^ Zoso: i don't want to kill it ^ Trap: was going to say a 9mm would do the trick ^ Undertow: and why the hell not? ^ Khranim: Just open the front door, throw the couch over and run around screaming. ^ Khranim: It will find it's way out. ^ Trap: and get it on web cam! ^ Parmenion: okay, try this. mentally type kill squirrel then make stabbing movements. ^ ok i'll try to take a pic ^ Zoso: ok i'll try to take a pic <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The squirrel runs around looking for a place to hide: <------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Paazin: It'll probably pee on your carpet though ^ Undertow: yes. definatly have to film this ^ Stark: is it a squirrel or a chipmunk? ^ Trap: make some popcorn, leave a trail from the couch to the door ^ Undertow: zoso, why do you want to catch it? ^ ok now it's up IN my couch ^ Zoso: ok now it's up IN my couch ^ it's a squirrel :) ^ Zoso: it's a squirrel :) ^ Undertow: no...why do you want to catch it? ^ Nyssa: call animal control? ^ Undertow: just kill it Crusaderr slowly fades into the mist, out of view. Crusaderr left the game. ^ Undertow: its a freaken rodent. its a giant rat with a furry tail ^ Khranim: Go buy a cat. ^ Paazin: kill it and skin the corpse. then sell the pelt. <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is evicted from my sofa and starts reading a book: <------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Trap is thinking about national lampoons christmas vacation... :P ^ Parmenion: and eat the corpse, but it's worth more hp/ep if you cook it. ^ Trap: thats it, you need a BIG dog to get rid of it! ^ DAMN IT ^ Zoso: DAMN IT ^ Khranim: then you need a horse to get rid of the dog ^ i knocked over my ashtray ^ Zoso: i knocked over my ashtray ^ Dei: don't kill it :( ^ Stark: just take the couch outside ^ now it's in the heat duct i think ^ Zoso: now it's in the heat duct i think ^ Azzan: make it yer pet! ^ or behind my comp ^ Zoso: or behind my comp ^ Stark: well, i guess you cant take that outside ^ Undertow: oh you're screwed now ^ Azzan: call him monkey ^ Trap rolls on the floor laughing ^ Undertow: once it is inside your walls or the're just screwed. ^ Khranim: It's wondering wth you're chasing it for 30 seconds, then sitting back at your computer again ^ Undertow: all you'll be able to hear now is its scratching on the walls. you can tap the walls to make it shut up...but it'll just start up again in spite of you as soon as you turn around ^ Trap: just hope it dont chew on your computer, then you cant keep us updated ^ Undertow: its laughing at you zoso ^ Trap: what color is it? ^ Khranim: It's going to drive Zoso SANE! ^ guess what it's doing ^ Zoso: guess what it's doing ^ i just got some great pics ^ Zoso: i just got some great pics ^ Undertow: staring at you? ^ it's shoving its head in the wall like an ostrich ^ Zoso: it's shoving its head in the wall like an ostrich ^ Undertow: i wanna see this pic ^ so it makes me go away ^ Zoso: so it makes me go away <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------It buries its head in the sand: <------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Trap: just wait till you leave your guildhall, get bs'd by a figure, and the damn thing starts chewing on your toes ^ Fireshadow: i think i love paris hilton ^ Khranim: Why not grab the fooker while it's hiding it's head? Undertow tells you: heh. i wanna see the pic ^ ok i'm going to throw a cd at it ^ Zoso: ok i'm going to throw a cd at it ^ Undertow: get the axe and just chop it up ^ Trap: thats going to hurt :P ^ Stark: squirrels are nasty, they can be mean if you try to florpunt with them ^ Dei: Make sure it's a CD with something bad on it ^ Undertow: i swear zoso, if i was your neighbor, it would be dead by now. if stryker was your'd be skinned and cooking ^ Stark: chipmunks are even meaner ^ Trap: chipmunks have a bad sense of humor ^ Parmenion: if I was your neighbour I'd be laughing my ass off at you and it chasing around the room :P ^ Trap: charge admission and make a profit from it! ^ Stark: its too bad chipmunks cant just kill humans whenever they enter the forest ^ Stark: now that would be fun Woden tells you: Can you check my hear for repairs and such? Woden enters. Woden pokes you. Woden leaves south. ^ Trap: seriously, share a 6 pack with it, it'll think your trying to be friends, then when it pass's out, toss it out the door ^ Dei: Oh yeah, sword if fresh ^ Traytok: anyone wanna buy some fresh spiked armour for 170? ^ Traytok: hands are full ^ Traytok: LOL ^ Trap: so, basicly, its just laying there, free for the taking? ^ Traytok: um for you no ^ Sunflash: Hi I like Eggs. kthxbye! Autosave. Woden enters. Woden leaves south. ^ ok ^ Zoso: ok ^ i got rid of it ^ Zoso: i got rid of it ^ Caber: How? ^ it ran into my amp ^ Zoso: it ran into my amp ^ and would not leave ^ Zoso: and would not leave ^ so i took my whole damn amp outside ^ Zoso: so i took my whole damn amp outside ^ and DUMPED it out the back ^ Zoso: and DUMPED it out the back <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------It hides in my amp: <------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Jerf: i dont get why someone would waste there gold putting a 5k C on Mithgil when he never leaves his GH :P ^ Sunflash: Heh ^ Yggdrasil: ketan did that i believe :P ^ Larek Surefoot: legend gmoney ^ Sunflash: Ketan's a meanie. ^ Sunflash: Gmoney's still around? Cool ^ Larek Surefoot: explains the perpetual mithgil contract ^ Yggdrasil: it was one of those things "^ Ketan: next person to say (insert whatever the hell it was here) gets a 5k c ^ Yggdrasil: ^ Mithgil: (whatever ketan said not to say) :P [ Valacirca ] Galenkemen is arround [ Valacirca ] Woden has just be prison shived in the shower! Find me! ^ Undertow smirks Falin appears from the shadows. Falin enters the game. ^ Undertow: thats mithgil for you ^ Trap: so zoso, hows that squirrel doing? ^ Yggdrasil: zoso's doing squirrels now? ^ it's gone now. i'm going to log this, put it up on the logpage with a link to pics ^ Zoso: it's gone now. i'm going to log this, put it up on the logpage with a link to pics ^ Dei: No, one entered and typed aaaaaaa on his keyboard. [ Valacirca ] Falin: hola ^ Trap: sweet ^ Yggdrasil: heh Falin says in Westron: hey z Falin looks at Valacirca's Board [24 notes, 14 new]. [ Valacirca ] Galenkemen: hi falling u speak spanish ? ^ Trap: and thin it tried to make itself at home in his couch ^ it also knocked my glasses into the sink and ate into my bread ^ Zoso: it also knocked my glasses into the sink and ate into my bread ' hi You say in Westron: hi ^ Undertow: and for that, it should have died ^ Dei: I think this sounds like an experienced burglar squirrel. ^ Undertow: you know, the only reason it let you put it outside is so he can go tell all his squirrel friends