Tell me your opinions about this

Posted by
Durad [legacy]
11 February 2004 00:00:00

I see that I did nothing wrong, but read and tell me what you think.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    20 February 2004 14:00:23

    5 best commenters ever:






  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    16 February 2004 12:06:33

    No actually...I, ah, I have to save the world.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    15 February 2004 21:44:01

    Every morning I plan to take over the world and then I postpon it.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    15 February 2004 17:39:35

    HAHAHAHA i was just joking anyway, you weirdo. Anyone who is serious about who will go to hell and who will go to heaven is a loser. Just like anyone who would want to be president of the USA is a loser. Unfotunately if you dont want to be president you wont have big corporations bankrolling your shit. I have no self estime so if you dont try you will never know how bad you really suck.



    plz love me

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    14 February 2004 06:46:11

    Oh sorry...not trying to censor you...go ahead and talk about it if you want.

    *winks at all of the censorship wackos* And yes I can say they are wackos!!! Don't censor me!

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    14 February 2004 06:44:56

    Yes I am from America, North America to be more specific.

    I bet one or two of those Europeans pray too and lets not talk about who is going to hell that is for God to decide.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    14 February 2004 05:40:11

    Barberi you must be from America. Europeans dont pray because they dont believe in god and they are all going to hell for just that REASON!


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 February 2004 23:04:23

    Dear Mithgil:

    A-You'd be surprised. if you can cut it off easily the contrary is also correct.

    B- I fail to see the link between a noble blade such as a katana and a vulgar strap.

    C- I'm your man, die bitch! ;)

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    13 February 2004 21:25:22

    Dear Necsipaal,

    A, no, a penis doesn't just pop out overnight.

    B, that was fairly obvious.

    C, I couldn't think of anything more exciting.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 February 2004 21:06:56


    1) I'm not a chick, I'm a male

    2) It was not a strap, idiot, it was a katana, you know what it is, right?

    3)have you ever watched kill bill? I'm not sure you'd pretty much enjoy the fact to be bloodily crippled under the belly, would you?

    Unless you'd also enjoy the fact to be an enuch?

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    13 February 2004 10:28:19

    Just relax and play, and play it fair. And do not overrate a game so that it can put hate it you, it's one stupid thing to do.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 February 2004 09:55:06

    My opinions are, you are stupid, Durad!

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    13 February 2004 01:57:15

    I'm not quite gay, but having a chick fuck me with a strap on is a fantasy of mine.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 February 2004 00:45:29

    I always knew you were gay, Mithgil, I know a couple of friends who would be pleased to have you for lunch if you're interested....

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 February 2004 21:44:56

    'Now how does it feel that I penetrated you, bitch?'

    Do it again, baby. Do it all night long.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    12 February 2004 19:27:42

    Shit, Necsipaal pulled a Gogo Yubari on Mithgil!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 18:44:02

    got some straw in your eyes? let me get a pichwork to pull it out

  • Author
    Gyro [legacy]
    12 February 2004 18:36:20

    Necsipaal - I honestly tried to get through your posts but my eyes blurred.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 16:55:36

    Damnit, yet again a long post, I swear it was not my attention to make you sleep, people!

    Got insomnia?

    Read a Necsipaal post, works better than prozac, yay!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 16:52:40

    Amakusa, I also think it's very dificult to separate real life from roleplay, don't get me wrong on that point, because there is icq, because you got to know people and sometimes make real life friends or even more, but most of the time I think it's important to know the border line, while playing and to not overpass it, though a tool as the comm is not helping, imo.

    This said, what I was just pointing out is that it's also natural to keep real hate feelings toward people who use real life information to get you intentionnally low, and know what? Iago's skills on this subject are pretty high (not that he has any other skills as a player).

    Now as far as in game enemies are concerned, my char may hate them but certainly not the typist behind, because there are just no reasons to.

    Sime, you're probably right concerning censorship, everyone know united states has become a playground for puritan fascists, that don't mind fucking over the other countries ^^, but that don't allow little girls to say 'hell' at school.

    Devinius, huh oh, I'm sorry poor baby, maybe you want some pills to get your brain to work out better?

    I just dislike it when peole are like 'your post it too long, it gave me a headache trying to read it' what's the point _saying-that_ tell me? Make a fool of yourself and show that you can't read a post longer than ten lines? *shrugs*

    I sortof agree with you porphyria, but then again T2T is a word based game, I suppose a certain level of intelligence/culture/maturity is expected to not turn the comm into a profanity battle field which would sound pretty stupid. Though yeah it should be allowed to say fuck once in a while.

    Imo, the thing about profanity is not that it is so shocking, but it has become so vulgar (according to the second meaning of the term)that it has just loose the impact it may produce and people who swear a lot are generally not considerd seriously . while people who behave coldly using civil words to harm the others are obviously way more dangerous and most of the time respected.

    So it's natural for parents to want their teens to behave like the second type and not like the first. *shrugs* not that it matter so much at the end, does it?

    For the bitch/slut/whore part, it's probably because I'm a stranger, but I definitly lack to see the difference.

    Special dedicace for Mithgil:

    *draws his katana with deadly samoura? skills and plunge it mercilessly through your intimacy under the belt (what a poetic way to say it, isn't it?) massacring it with decimating force*

    'Now how does it feel that I penetrated you, bitch?'

    *adds Mithgil to the punchable list*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 16:13:47

    I like Rendor, i think we're very similar people in a lot of ways. That doesn't mean he's not an ass a lot of the time, maybe most of the time. Sure he's killed random people, double tapped, idle killed, corpselooted and all that before. But he sees things differently and i can see his reasons, even if i don't support them sometimes. I don't really see how any of that is relevant to what ive been saying though.

  • Author
    Amakusa [legacy]
    12 February 2004 15:50:10

    And yes it does seem like you are using your legendinfo as a memorial of sorts. You yourself even said that when you legend yourself you think about it in a good way. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I was just pointing out how it looks like you are the one who is lacking the degree of seperation from mud and real life.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    12 February 2004 15:47:53

    first part of the last comment was taken from what Necsipaal commented. No its not me contracdicting myself

  • Author
    Amakusa [legacy]
    12 February 2004 15:45:48

    I don't know whats with you people. I haven't met a single person who hasn't seperated real life from the mud. And it seems pretty ignorant to say that Iago can't do that when he made a comment to someone who couldn't seperate a real life event from the mud. If Barberi never said it on the mud and brought his problem or whatever you want to call it to the mud, then would Iago have ever said anything about it? I highly doubt it. Barberi, I'm not hiding behind anything, Amakusa has been my most active char for a long while. Necsipaal just has a lot of issues.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    12 February 2004 15:39:09

    Now it's a bit hypocrite to bannish words such as slut while you can still comm bitch or whore (I know it, I tested it), thee is sortof no difference for me and the term remains offensive (of course it depends of the context).

    Is it just me that has always thought the profanitiy was a punishment cause the Server is in USA, and if some smartass parent sees her son mudding and all the profanity. they might think up some way to Sue the mud owner....Why do you think swearing is not allowed on other internet games. they dont care about the kids learning words. its all about money.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    12 February 2004 15:35:02

    By: Necsipaal

    OMD, did Trempk get a new player or what? I don't remember him beeing so rude, always thought he was some polite boring aumruin :P

    Nah Necsipaal he became friends with Rendor.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    12 February 2004 13:50:19

    Cool thread! Scatha rocks. Durad you never fail to make me laugh. Barberi prayers to you man, and Necsipaal - I honestly tried to get through your posts but my eyes blurred.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    12 February 2004 11:17:45

    Date: 12. Feb, 2004, 4:37:52 By: Durad

    What inspired such hatred? Its all your fault, and logan's fault and assmar's fault

    Muawahahahahaha. tough luck kid.. What the fuck do you want? a pat on the head?

  • Author
    Giro [legacy]
    12 February 2004 11:04:37

    who here would happily silence Scatha if you had the power to do it? I think most people who dislike him would do that, but would it be fair? I don't think so. It would be so much easier for us to just ignore him, just as it would be easy for him to ignore someone who dislikes him. But what the hell, I would silence him aswell.

  • Author
    Porphyria [legacy]
    12 February 2004 10:43:52

    I don't think Durad deserved to be silenced based on what he said about disliking Scatha, but Scatha is in a position of power - of authority in the mud, and he can silence you at the slightest whim. Because he _can_. But, he too has superiors, and if they don't like him abusing his power, he will be punished for it. Wherever there is power, there will be someone abusing it, that's just the way it is.

    As for comm censorship, I'd say slut is censored because it, really, has only one context: a disrespectful term aimed at a girl. Bitch is a bit different because you can 'bitch' at someone, like 'Quit your bitching!' and as for whore, it is not a swear word, it is an insult, and as a word, is not offensive like slut.

    BUT, I abhore the censorship on the comm with _passion_. Why? Because it's pointless. People are going to say stupid, offensive, immature things on the comm regardless of what words are censored. If there are people out there who don't want to read them (and I'm sure most people have the maturity to handle it, so these people would be a minority) then that's fine. But why do THEY get preferential treatment over people who aren't offended? It's like this:

    I want to swear on the comm! = Tough!

    I am offended by swear words! = Oh, so sorry! Let me get you a cup of tea! Think you'll be ok? Can I do anything for you? Please don't hate me!

    That's an exaggerated version of the double standard applied here. Why are we always cowtowing to the moral minority? It sickens me, really. Is it about maturity? That mature people shouldn't swear? Well consider this: a mature person is someone who acts like an adult. An adult should be treated like an adult. This means, if an adult swears (which adults are wont to do) they shouldn't be censored or given a slap on the wrists. Because that's what you do to immature people, ie: children. So, my point is: we are expected to act like adults, but in this respect, are treated like children. I don't like that. So a lot of the people who play the mud are children? And children should be protected from swear words? Look at some weapon emotes, my god, they're brutal. They could warp a kid's mind, give them nightmares! Stupid.

    I would suggest that if people don't want to see swear words, instead of having them filtered to everyone, a voluntary filter should be introduced. If you activate it, the letters in the censored words are replaced by *'s, or that particular comm will simply not appear on the person's screen. This is fair, because everyone is being considered here, the just over-sensitive. I am an ainur now, and would code this in myself, but I probably won't be allowed to. And I don't like that.


    I hope you bothered reading this all the way through, sorry it was so long, but I feel strongly about... this.


  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 February 2004 10:04:55

    And I don't mean sock.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 February 2004 10:04:39

    Hey Necsipaal, put a cock in it.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    12 February 2004 09:45:58

    <quote>Ever since I stopped giving a shit about this mud, my RL has gone up and personally, I think its good.</quote> Durad dixit.

    MUD has to be an 'addition' to RL, not an 'addiction'.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 07:25:04

    As far as I'm concerned, I'd probably punch a few of the mudders if I had to met them irl (the couple Iago/intulor, for instance), but only because they brought up real life stuff, which is pretty dirty, add to ir maybe Zoso (though I ended up finding it funny, so it would be a small punch, and Scatha, oh and yeah prolly Morpheus too :P)

    But that's because they outlined real life line. Either way I never hated a in game enemy, on the contrary I usually esteem a lot my best enemies such as Khralek or Draimon or Summem.

    I have to agree with you Trempk, it's a bit hypocrit to mask the insults while you can put the same feelings by a very civil way (which is even sometimes more offending) it's like the example I pointed out with slut (forbidden) whore and bitch (not forbidden) or you worm who sells your body for gold (not forbidden either).

    In another hand, if the comm was only a rush of bad words, as it would extend to be if there was no censorship considering the age average of commers, I don't think it would be particulary pleasant to read, not that it is pleasant to read anyway ;)

    But something like


    ^yo asss

    ^go suck a dick man

    ^your motherfucking son of a bitch, I'm going to pkill your arse

    well I dunno, would sound a bit boring, wouldn' it.

    This said, the new trend of the chat way of typing such as roxxor, l33t, or what else, is also slightly annoying to me.

    And I'd obviously prefer to read a comm in shakespeare's language, considering that the insults used in shakespeare are pretty cool (just have a look at the beginning of the storm, got to love that :P)

    To each their own standard, I guess.

    Maybe an anrchy in the Uk, erm T2T comm would be a good try?

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:56:59

    Yeah, but thats part of the territory. If you play here, you should realize that people are probably going to eventually try to kill you, and probably are going to try to steal from you. And yeah, while that is robbing the time that you put into getting your stats, or your gold or whatever, it is something that is inherent in the game and that you should accept as the way it is. To get angry at someone because they killed you, when you voluntarily played a game in which there is a high probability of being killed is just dumb.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:54:50

    Of course maybe they are, and just don't act that way irl because of their rl laws.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:53:01

    This doesn't really mean they're bad people though. If you take a look at the mud, you can steal from someone, or pk them. And if you take it into perspective, you're really stealing their time IRL. You can try to justify it by saying that they're playing a game and are consciously making themself subject to that by playing, but that depends on the person really.

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:52:36

    Heh 'Assness', thats a fine word. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:50:40

    Its my opinion that if people are asses on the mud, they are probably asses IRL. In a total anarchy sort of system, irl, i think they would act a lot more like they do on the mud than they do irl. Only difference is that irl, they can't really express their assness as well or as freely as they can on t2t. There are more direct repercussions for being an asshole irl than there are on t2t. T2T, you can be a real dickhead and then just go hide in your innroom and just keep up the deal. IRL, if you run to your innroom, the door is made of wood and not some invisible barrier of code.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:44:01

    But that still doesn't justify certain words being censored, imo. Especially when the same things can be said with the same meaning/feeling without those specific words.

  • Author
    Oren [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:43:23

    This is becoming very interesting to me. I'm curious to know if anyone's in game hate actually extends to real life. If someone pissed you off so bad in the game that you 'hated' them, would this mean that if you met at a mud party or something that you would want to fight that person or something? I guess I really can't fathom letting anything in this GAME (G.A.M.E)get to me so much that I would actually hate someone for real. Now if your hate is your RP, all fine and good, but if you actually hate someone IRL because of actions one guild took towards another, or because you got gangbanged somewhere between Edoras and Lothlorien, then perhaps mudding isn't the healthiest of endeavors for you.

    This is not targeted at anyone in particular, just wondering out loud.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:43:08

    You're right Necsipaal, I suppose its true with people that you are close with and care about. But again, in those situations, its not as much the words that they choose, but the feeling/meaning behind them.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:25:13

    I want to say something about it, but last time i did that i got nuked and hardbanned. So i'm just going to confirm my support for Durad, and insult Scatha by saying 'Hi'.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 06:00:38

    'I have nothing against you except the fact I hate you.'

    I pretty like the irony in this comment, would almost sound like a love affair :P

    More seriously, I have no clue about what Iago said, but everyone knows he is a moron, so better is to not give a damn about his little attempt to hurt you because he cannot separate roleplay and real life anyway.

    This said, Barberi, I understand what you feel, I put my father's too in my legend, and to remember it, but the fact to put real life in the mud also means we can be attacked on these points of life we assumed to reveal publically, I'm not ashamed of it either and I'd have the balls to endure any harsh comments coming from little jerks (like Iago) with a shrug or a headbutt. I see you can do it too, the problem in this mud is that sometimes reveal things about themselves and can't handle it after that when the same little jerks come to make fun of it. But yeah, mud for some of us has taken such a big place in your lives that, I think it's natural to express real life feeling s in it too.

    Well trempk, as far as words as concerned, I pretty think that they can be sometimes more cruel than any actions, depending of the person who says it, and if it's a friend who is beeing rude or just some random guy during some bad times, well people can loose their nerves easily (I know I do sometimes).

    Like hmm two days ago, I was in this bar with a couple of friends, one of them had just lost his mom and dad (seems like its the year) and another guy was talking on the cell and he had let the door open in order to not hear too much the noise of the crowded bar. ANyway this guy who lost his family asked him to close the door beacuse it was pretty cold outside and the other guy told him now and go fuck off son of a bitch or something like that (he didn't know for the mother), and suddendly the other guy push him (they both were a bit drunk, of course) and blam they began to beat the hell out of each others and one of them may have died, no kidding, had I not bravely engage the fight to and try to separate those two trolls (100kg each).

    Both of them already had blood split on the face and, one broken nose and so on, (I got nothing broken myself but I've seen worst).

    And it kindof remind me of what happend here.

    My point beeing that words are maybe just words but they can hurt cruelly and create a very agressive behavior.

    I totally agree on the fact that you have to learn both sides of the story to judge it wisely, but fact is that things can degenerate extremely quickly (I swear this fight began in a couple of seconds), so that's why there is civilness or at least respect to prevent such things.

    Even if, as I pointed it out earlier civil words may be hypocritically even more rude than insults.

    Now about what said Durad I really don't think there was enough to break five legs to a bear, as we say in french.

    Oh and yeah none answerd, but why can't you comm slut and can you comm bitch and whore, still wondering? :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    12 February 2004 04:50:10

    BAHAHAHHAHA did you actually say farfenuigen?!?!? ROCK ON BARBERI I HEART YOU!

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    12 February 2004 04:37:52

    What inspired such hatred? Its all your fault, and logan's fault and assmar's fault.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    12 February 2004 03:53:18

    Well Durad, just so you know I have nothing against you except for in character we are enemies. I actually feel a very close personal tie to everyone here on T2T. We are the few in the world who come together in a coded world called Two Towers and we are different in that respect from the rest of the world and the same in that respect to everyone else who plays T2T.

    Trust me, what Iago said did not bring me down and has not brought me down in real life. I assure you that. If anything what he said has made my real life better because every night since he said it I have been praying for him. I hope his life is better as well.

    There are actually quite a few dungs that I have respect for. But this is a game and I realize that. I don't mind killing them and they don't mind killing me. Just like if my real life brother and I sat down to play some Quake and he killed me. I wouldn't say 'you suxxors you son of a clown and you can go farfenuigen your great grandma too lamer!' It is a game and I enjoy it, pk and all.

    *loves all of you*

    And I really don't have any clue what inspired such hatred in you Durad. What I do on T2T is just RP, nothing more. Our characters are at war let the typists have fun with it.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    12 February 2004 03:41:31

    Oh my god, did I just apologize to Barberi? And I'm not drunk? Oh god, I am going to shoot myself or something.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    12 February 2004 03:41:08


    I have nothing against you of the loss of your son. Hell, I'll even show you some compassion. I'm sorry about your loss. Now, here is what I have to say. Barberi, I hate you with a fucking passion, and I have since before you lost your son (which is a bad thing). And hell, I don't even like this mud anymore. I used to mud hardcore, but now I just log on, say hi, piss off some people and log off :P

    But Barbie, just so you know, I have nothing against you except the fact I hate you. Sure I feel sorry for your loss, but I still hate you. But ya, about that loss, I really didn't know it happened until I read Iago's comment, yet here is a word of advice. Don't let what ever the fuck happens here bring your RL down.

    Ever since I stopped giving a shit about this mud, my RL has gone up and personally, I think its good.

    So ya, my apologies to my comments against you. I just realized how serious it was when I had a in depth comment with a close friend about the matter.

    None the less, I still hate you.


  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    12 February 2004 03:20:46

    Well, not to try and change subject off the 'curse word cat fight'

    But I did not put my son's name in my legend info because of what Iago said. My legend info has been changed once in the past 2 or 3 months now and that was only to put the contact Logan infomation.

    And Amakusa, how do you assume that you know something about me when you have never talked to me?

    *thinks that maybe your an alt of someone who probably doesn't want to show his face around here any more*

    Just because my son died doesn't mean that he isn't my son. He is in my legend info cause this game means something to me and I spend a great deal of time here. Every time I legend myself I think of my son if I read that part. I am very much at peace with having lost my son, although at the time it was very painful. I, and especially the people that care about me, don't appreciate it what was said. I am taking no actions in regard to it but that doesn't mean that the

    people who care for me are not.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 02:55:41

    Lets take this log for example (so the comment doesn't get closed, maybe). Durad and Scatha....

    There was a misunderstanding(as there usually is). And instead of sortying it out in a civil type conversation(I admit, as with the people i mentioned in my previous post, some people are incapable of this type of problem solving. Maybe one or both Scatha and Durad are this type of people) Instead of sorting it out in a civil type conversation, they got defensive and well, we know how it ended.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2004 02:49:36

    Wow, so many things to say, so few words to put in before a comment looks way too long. Anyway, I want to make it clear that i dont think anyone inferior to me. I just consider them to have or have had certain disadvantages in life that have made them the way they are. I'm not rude, as necsipaal said, to people unless i have reason to be rude(usually them being rude to me first). That doesn't include a person merely having a different opinion than me. I don't blame you for having the views and opinions that have been given to you, and the same that everyone else has, for the mere reason that thats what you've been told. I mean, who really has a completely original opinion about something? For that you have to do research in depth, and few people even try. What I blame you for is not having the balls to actually look at both sides of those opinions and make decisions for yourself, having the option to admit that you were wrong because you didnt have all the info or perspectives. Nobody seems to even care about what the other guy thinks.

    Its kind of like when christians first came to the new world and told the natives the story of christ and christianity. And then when the natives tried to tell them the story of their culture, they didnt even listen, they just said it was a lie and myth/fiction. The natives listened to their story, why couldnt the christians at least listen to theirs?

    And its very easy to generalize when it comes to children and society corrupting them. But who really is society if its not the parents of those children as a single entity? They support directly or indirectly those who they blame for that corruption. If parents actually had the commitment to teach, actually put in a real effort and teach children, and learning effective ways to do so. Maybe then they could trust those children to say 'So what?' to everything and question true motives and consequences. And about offended, I'm not personally easily offended by anything that people can say to me. Because of that i don't think anyone could really bring me to violence with just words, words are just words.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 00:53:43

    yeah pathetic, best place for an ainu ---> Invisible! (except those who have to deal with mortals that is, and mature people like Pharazon were pretty good at it!)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    12 February 2004 00:49:32

    Heh, it's funny when Ainu engage in shit-throwing on the log page. It puts them into a strange light I think. Oh well, pathetic?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 February 2004 00:35:45

    OMD, did Trempk get a new player or what? I don't remember him beeing so rude, always thought he was some polite boring aumruin :P

    Anyway, I think there is a difference between beeing vulgar (Crudely indecent.) and coarse (Of low, common, or inferior quality.)

    I mean, I don't think it's really a biggie to say fuck you, ass, shit (I say it every day :P)

    or what else because it has become so much common and used, and people who get shocked for that are certainly way too sensitive.

    Now beeing vulgar is another thing, and well to get an idea of it, you just have to listen to the latest rap trash.

    This indeed is vulgar and obcene and does not fit the comm, where shall I remind you, young players are also listening. Even if at twelve or eleven years old, kids now know a lot deal of insults, probably more than us, old bastards, I don't think it's showing a good exemple for the next generation which is already perverted by the commercial craps around (see above) but old bastards always say kids are perverted, that's a cycle, I guess.

    Now it's a bit hypocrite to bannish words such as slut while you can still comm bitch or whore (I know it, I tested it), thee is sortof no difference for me and the term remains offensive (of course it depends of the context).

    An the context is everything as far as personnal sensibility is concerned, for exemple you may very well offend someone more by telling him with gentle and civil words -that he is a worm, that the way he speaks is so ridiculously sensless that no one ever take him in consideration and that he'd better have to put an end to his miserable life,- than by telling him go suck a goat's dick you little fucker. (which is vulgar but certainly less offending, and at least less hypocrit).

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty sensitive on some points, like everyone, and like everyone I may react violently toward them, got caught in fights several times for those reasons, but since I seldom losse, that's fine. My bassist, who is like the nicer guy you'd find in the world, always jumping and frollic, has done ten years of Tai-chi box and it's better not to reach his sensitive point.

    But in a way that's a good way to teach respect to people and that you cannot just insult people randomly, either that or some cold cruel vengeance, that's the same.

    Now what Durad said was not particulary rude (and I mean, 'assmar', who hasn't done it by tells, huh?), and it's pretty funny Scatha get so pissed at it considering the fact he was pretty more vulgar as a mortal, aaah hypocrisy still!

    I guess it's a good thing that the comm is a bit censored, either way we'd be in the middle of a trash rap live. But one or two fuck thrown here and there is not that bad and sometimes it really helps out to scream it :P

    woh it's a damn long time I hadn't done such a big comment, I must be sick!

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    12 February 2004 00:19:17

    hahahhaah lotraz said goat :)))

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    11 February 2004 23:45:59

    'First of all, fuck being mature, its overrated.'

    and he'd know!

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    11 February 2004 23:20:19

    Omg I agree with Trempk for once

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 23:09:34

    What Ash said! :)

    And Scatha: 'I've never even pretended to want to get along with mortals.'

    When you can seriously declare you not even have the ambition to get along with mortals - why on earth do you then participate in mortal discussions? Is that not just a willing attempt to goat mortals into giving you a reason to warn them? Perhaps that is a way for you to get back on those mortals you so badly failed to gain respect from as a mortal yourself?

    Oh well, what do I care - I don't even play the game for real. Just noticed you as the next possible Mathias or Culfinglin.

    And, FYI: I know you have been productive in your domain. Congratulations for that. What does that have to do with your deepfelt desire to goat mortals?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2004 23:09:13

    And I agree with Aron, if you actively try to piss people off, There's a good chance that bad things are going to happen to you, whether you deserve them or not, in cases where you're not considered equal and have as equal rights, or 'connections,' privileges, etc. as the person you're pissing off. Its kind of common sense, unfair as it is.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2004 23:04:55

    First of all, fuck being mature, its overrated.

    Second, not everyone makes a conscious effort to swear, it just comes out that way. When i'm typing something, i don't think 'oh, im going to use shit here' or 'oh, this would be a good place for a fuck to sit.' It just flows from my mind to receptors and all the biological stuff to my hands and my fingers and into the keyboard. All in a very short amount of time. Thats why its common to see me mistype what im trying to say, because my mind is working so much faster and my hands have trouble keeping up.

    And tell me some words that have the flexibility as a lot of swear words do and maybe if i like them better, ill start using them. It doesn't make a difference to me, its just that the ones i use are more universally known, and more common to my life and what i hear myself.

    And by describing cursing as 'resorting to something' already implies that you don't really feel the same way i do about it. Sure I could say crap, or poop, when i mean shit, which i do every once in a while. But why actively try to find words to replace something with, when its just easier to type what you think?

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    11 February 2004 21:50:28

    If someone just goes to Valinor to code and nothing else. They would be invis all the time. :)

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    11 February 2004 20:14:39

    Well, instead of joining in on and going on with the profanity discussion, I will say that I read the log, and now I will tell Durad what I think. I think that if he didn't spend all his time on this mud acting rude and pissing off ainur, or other players, or whater, he wouldn't get into this sort of thing at all.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    11 February 2004 19:46:14

    oh please, do you really think anybody besides KoDA give a damn what he's representing? on here it's just a name, it's not propaganda to get impressionable people to be like, 'wow, he's so civil on the logpage, i'm gonna go apply to their guild!'

  • Author
    Switch [legacy]
    11 February 2004 19:37:05

    I stand in the middle on profanity. I agree it hurts no-one and can emphasise points, I also think that it's used be people who can't make their point without resorting to it.

    It's emphasis, hence, not every other word. If I wanted to say that I think swearing is fucking stupid then fine, it's showing the way I feel, but simply swearing for the sake of it, or to sound cool is just sad. I feel sorry for people who have to resort to it on such a regular basis.

    And note, I'm actually arguing with a guildmate other that Rhoads here. Trempk, you DO swear too much. It may not hurt people but is it really necessary. If you want to make a point do you really have to refer to illegitimate children, sexual acts and organs or less than appealing bodily processes? It hardly helps you make a serious point.

    So while you might hear me curse once in a while, you'll not see me stood around shouting out obscenity like a little kid trying to be bad and cool.

    Some people have to realise it's not 'shocking behaviour' anymore, and some have to realise that when they swear so much, they only look like immature idiots.

    Durad: Yes, it was a little harsh but if you really did mention Barberi's personal issues I have no sympathy with you (not sure if you did, just what I heard). Otherwise yea, Scatha is harsh but he's uniformly harsh. And he doesn't reply to mud mails.... :(

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    11 February 2004 19:16:10

    if he is representing his character and, moreso, his guild on the logpage, maybe it's a good idea for his guild to have him be civil while doing it? ass.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    11 February 2004 18:46:29

    nothing at all.

    //I try to be civil here Trempk, as ordered by my superior officers in koda//

    There's just something wrong with following 'orders' from the mud on the log page.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    11 February 2004 18:43:27

    What's wrong with being civil, Hobson?

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    11 February 2004 18:31:24

    i think that's taking it just a bit too far, what you say or how you act on this website should have no impact on how you RP on the mud. so how about instead of acting like a pansy knight on the log page just act like you would around your best friend, eh?

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    11 February 2004 18:29:20

    You're ordered by your superior officers on the mud to be civil on an ooc logpage? jesus christ...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 17:13:30

    I agree that they are just words...but we are not all that open minded.

  • Author
    Minister [legacy]
    11 February 2004 17:07:29

    I also agree that they are just words and no big deal, but the way he worded it made him look an like an idiot.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    11 February 2004 16:37:44

    I never thought it would happen, but for once I agree with Trempk

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 16:14:28


    ' My son heard him say it and it turned him a demon.'

    Should be...

    ' My son heard him say it and it turned him into a demon.'


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 16:13:16

    I try to be civil here Trempk, as ordered by my superior officers in koda...and my comments on your grammar were a joke(ask Betus if you dont believe me) for the profanity, i am not offended, but i know some people would be.


    I never once swore to you here, nor called you any names, nor flamed you in any way sue me if i take offence to you calling me. I was being civil each time i commented, or having a bit of humour....but you obviously dont see that.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2004 16:05:54

    shit fuck ass cunt motherfucker cocksucker

    Read em and weep you douchebags.

    I swear a lot of you guys just need to get smart and quit being mindless idiots. THERE JUST FUCKING WORDS! Quit being afraid of WORDS! If you're afraid of WORDS, then why the hell aren't you afraid of driving a car, or sitting too close to the tv, or taking a shit on a public toilet. Fuck it i dont give a shit, I'll say it. Beyaz, you're a dumbass, Osse, you're a dumbass, everyone else who thinks like that, well, you're a dumbass too. Why? Because you're afraid of little fucking words. People tell you what to think, and you think it. If you're offended by this, fuck off, cause its your fault that you're easily offended and too fucking sensitive for the real world. 'Oh GOD, he said 'fuck.' My son heard him say it and it turned him a demon.'

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:54:28

    That's str8 from help profanity, m8.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:53:18

    And if not...what was the point in Osse making this News note?

    Shit is quite obviously a swear word, and if the ainur are going to allow some, and not others...It is a bit silly to even comment on obscenity on the comms.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:51:47

    Hmm, that is just your opinion Sarys...I would consider 'shit' and 'ass' as obscene words. Or the english term for 'ass', since that is a dirty American word that has been bastardized, 'arse'.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:42:55

    So no, Beyaz.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:42:41


    ^ Joe: Shit! Bob just killed me!

    ^ Bob: Dont be such an an ass. Live with it.

    ^ Joe: Bob is such a bastard!!

    ^ Bob notes that he doesnt give a damn.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:37:46

    I refer to the News....

    Note 55 Osse (Mon Jan 19 2004) Standards of Behavior

    Blah blah blah...

    Ass would constitute obcenity...Hence the 'Assmar' comment would be construed as an obscene comment, punishable by hmmm....Whatever a specific Ainur wants to do to you.

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:23:07

    Lotraz, you're pathetic.

    Just for everyone's information. I'm not here to be 'cool' with mortals. I've never even pretended to want to get along with mortals (sorry to knock that little theory out of the water Deboraha). I'm not here to be 'cool on the comm'. I'm not here to 'look cool'. I'm here to code. And guess what, that's what I do.

    Maybe Lotraz should ask around and try to find a guild who has a project outstanding (shit the bed, Lotraz doesn't know what he's talking about... again)

    Don't include me in your little struggle wars for some ounce of respectibility on a text game.

    So do follow Deboraha's advice, stay away from me if you can't treat me with an ounce of decency. It really is -no skin off my nose-.

    Thank you.

    This really is getting tiresome, so you people carry on your little pointless ramblings.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 February 2004 14:05:58

    If saying Assmar was wrong then I would have been silenced for always saying Whinnetou ;) I hope that never happens.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 13:17:22

    'You have a strong arguement Scatha's reason for silencing you does not involve the 'Assmar' comment.'

    ... which just supports the majorities impresssion that Scatha is abusive.

    The best thing he could do is just to go invisible and not tune into the comm. Obviously he cannot handle the interaction with fellow players. That way, he can even focus on what he ainu'red for: To Code.

    Ofcourse, that would mean he couldn't be a smartass on the comm, trying (failing would most say) to look cool on the comm as a *gasp* ... Ainu!

    But, I am sure that wasn't why he did ainu in the first place. Right? Riight? Stop laughing at me!

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 12:43:19

    Deboraha is correct....

    But...The Assmar comment was enough to get you a short silence...

    So, in one sense you were hard done by, on the other hand, you were correctly silenced.

    There is one point where you can feel aggrieved, but you cannot feel aggrieved because of the fact that you blatantly used someones name to imply some kind of inunendo.

    You have a strong arguement Scatha's reason for silencing you does not involve the 'Assmar' comment.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    11 February 2004 12:31:03

    ya i learned fast that scatha's an idiot and just ignore him.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    11 February 2004 12:30:35

    Word, Sarys.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    11 February 2004 12:29:27

    It's so annoying when people have to broadcast The Great Injustice Bad People Have Done To Them. I once got silenced by Manni because we were both doing trivia at the same time. Do you care? No, you don't. I don't either.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 February 2004 10:52:41

    Ok, it should be 'ironic', thank you master Kujo.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 February 2004 10:39:37

    Rhoads, the word 'ironical' really bothers me (don't even get me started on comming!)



  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 February 2004 10:10:53

    Well to me the best of this log was Durad whining about others sitting in their GHs, how ironical! Specially comming from him :)

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    11 February 2004 10:08:38

    If Scatha is being abusive, complain to the administration about it. If there's enough evidence of abuse, the admin will give 'put the smackdown' on him. Complaining to the logs page gets nothing done.

    Scatha, if you want to act like a 'buddy' with mortals, expect that they'll treat you like a peer and mouth off at you like one. You can't try to play Mr. Cooljustlikeyouainurguy and then punish people when they treat you the same as a player. Even if it was a 10 minute silence, it was abusive because you set the bar for acceptable behavior where it was and Durad gave it back to you.

    Regardless of whether Barberi puts personal information in a legend or not, there is a point where mudders should develop and use a sense of decency. This is a game. Game-level conflicts, no matter how vicious the guildwar, do no excuse some remarks and actions. Barberi likely *did* make a mistake in sharing anything about his personal life on T2T, not because it was inappropriate but because too many here cannot behave decently with that kind of information.

    Like Lotraz said, ignore Scatha and you'll do better in the long run.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    11 February 2004 08:34:05

    Scatha must be on the rag. Even those few tells wouldn't usually send him into such a pissy fit.

    Also, Spansh is shaping up to be the next Scatha. Scatha, of course, was the next Teak.

  • Author
    Amakusa [legacy]
    11 February 2004 08:24:54

    If you didn't want it repeated or known why did you, Barberi, memorialize it in your legendinfo?

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 February 2004 07:07:34

    Oh, but the log is a 6 in my book. Now now, before you all jump down my throat about 'you only rate 6 cause Durad, your enemy, got in trouble' just stop, and think about it.

    ****Here is you (reader) thinking****

    Now if Barberi would have rated the log a 1 then I would have complained about how he only rated a one because he is Durad's enemy and wants his logs rated low.

    If he rates it a 6 I can complain about how he rated it a 6 only because Durad (Barberi's enemy) only rated it a 6 because Durad got in trouble.

    If he rates it anything else he just sucks anyways!

    Hah I got him no matter what he rates it!

    ****Here ends your thinking...don't think so much you crazy person***

    Bah reboot coming, enough said.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    11 February 2004 07:00:29

    What Iago said about my RL family should not be repeated or talked about. I'd appreciated it if everyone kept it that way.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    11 February 2004 04:31:31

    Logical that Scatha can demand to be treated like a precious artifact? No. Will anything get done by complaining about it? I think not.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:38:17

    Rude as it may be, I didn't fucking insult you

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:32:18

    Actually you get warned if you put him on ignore (apparently).

    But really, what is the point of this log? Is it to garnish sympathy? Everyone knows what Scatha is like already.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:31:47

    Yeah, be glad it was just 10 minutes. I've been silenced for less, for longer. :p

  • Author
    Scatha [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:31:47

    ^ Scatha: durad, 'the following has been a public service announcement'?

    (that was me confused, wondering what happened to the public service announcement. i.e. a question, not an insult.)

    ^ Durad: scatha shut up

    (how rude)

    ^ Durad: Scatha drives me nuts.

    (how rude again. totally uncalled for)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:29:20

    Hey Durad, you know, ... its Scatha. Everyone knows what kind of person he is. Culfinglin and Mathias are both gone good riddance. But, there is this new boy in town .. :)

    Best advice is to just put him on ignore and stay clear of that power tripper. :)

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    11 February 2004 02:22:22

    i think the conversation between myself, logan, and spansh - as for the timing of the outside-events, is awesome. especially that last comm by spansh :P