Tell me your opinions about this

Posted by
Durad [legacy]
11 February 2004 00:00:00

I see that I did nothing wrong, but read and tell me what you think.

So it all starts with me being extremely bored and spamming the comm
to start a conversation with Fofester, the coolest Valacircan ever.

^ Durad: If you are a member of the Valacirca and your name isn't
     Fofester, you are lame.
^ Fofester cheers!
^ Durad: The following has been a public service announcement brought to
     you from Durad.
^ Ziggurat: lol
^ Someone: what if I am called fofester ?
^ Durad: You are called Someone, therefore you are lame.
^ Durad: Oh, Manni is the other exception.
^ Durad: But he isn't a smelly VC, now is he.
^ Durad: The rest are lame, especially Foe-raker
^ Someone: no he was a smelly meg ;p
^ Fofester: Manni wishes he were VC.
You tell Fofester: Haha, I have a new name for Foraker
You tell Fofester: Its +-+-censored-+-+
Fofester tells you: Pfft
^ Manni: Hehe
^ Manni: Do I now?
Fofester tells you: Such hatred of someone you don't even know ;)
^ Fofester: Yep!
You tell Fofester: I don't like him :P
^ Durad: So umm ya, Logan
^ Nyssa: nuh uh he wishes he were independently wealthy so he wouldn't
     have to work or do anything he didn't really want to do
^ Logan: what?
^ Scatha: durad, 'the following has been a public service announcement'?

 -Scatha makes fun of me-

^ Durad: scatha shut up

 -Me telling him to shut his fucking yap-

^ Eolip: WC>VC ;)
^ Manni: Thats you, Nyssa.
^ Fofester: WC?
^ Nyssa: we're not talking about me right now
^ Durad: Waste is going to kick your ass, by the way
^ Fofester: Nyssa!
^ Nyssa: we're talking about you
^ Nyssa: Fofester!
^ Paraiko: Paraiko!
^ Durad: Paraiko!
^ Eolip: but then you can't compare domains to guilds
^ Fofester: Ah
^ Someone: Manni isn't in WC
^ Eolip: that's his 2nd problem
^ Eolip )
^ Fofester: Isn't Dalamar the only one in WC nowadays?
^ Eolip: heh ;)
^ Someone: Castamir is the lord of the toilet
^ Logan: you said something like: uhm logan, whats on your mind kid?
^ Durad: oh ya
^ Durad: How come you declared war on Udungul but sit in your GH all damn
^ Benwa: hehe
^ Logan: im quite afk right now.. *Shrug
^ Manni: My problems, as ennumerated as they may be, do not include not
     being in WC.
^ Logan: back and forth that is..
^ Durad: Like I swear, find <bkd name here> -> Is at BkD GH
^ Fofester: All the cool people know that idling is the only thing worth
^ Nyssa: i've been obsessed with solitare lately
^ Logan: cuz im the only one on maby? dont come draggin to me about
     sitting in gh ideling, thats what you dungs do best
^ Durad: Like you are exceptionally lame. I think I am going to suicide.
^ Ziggurat sits on throne idly... "Those bastards will never know what hit
^ Benwa: you dudes know if its truuy that me and digai startid the clan
^ Durad: Dungs are lame
^ Pounder: go castamir!
^ Mortis: the original clan wars?
^ Logan: yeah, your right durad.
^ Durad: Scatha drives me nuts.

 -To be commented on by XxX-

^ Durad: Logan is lame.
^ Logan: no thats just wrong
^ Durad: Assmar is even lamer.
^ Someone: why don't you just suicide durad >#
XxX tells you: Man, when you say Scatha and nuts in the same
     sentence, you know someone's going to make a joke. :P
^ Logan: yeah, that would save us from one less mouthy brat
^ Someone: you'd get rid of us all...
Your ability to speak has been revoked for 10 minutes of age.

^And Barberi... I can't say nothing about Barberi cuz I'll get my ass banished to Mordor.

 -Me trying to make a statement about Barberi and remembering about Iago-


You fall down laughing.
You beg for your life.
You say in Westron: hahahahaha

Scatha tells you: a nice tip for you is to not piss me off
^ Zelindo: i actually met someone RL who acted like durad about a week
^ Benwa: after a player suicideds,when do they com back?
tell scatha Snort
You do not have the intellectual capacity to deserve to speak.
^ Logan: did you kill him?
^ Zelindo: I punched him.  it was doubly satisfying.

Scatha tells you: telling me to shut up, and insulting me, are very good
     ways of pissing me off

 -Tell me where I fucking insulted him. Is it because I said Waste is going
  to kick your ass? Or like what, cuz thats the only half offensive offensive
  thing I even said-

^ Logan: sweet
^ Logan: god knows i would have
^ Spansh: zelindo did you ask him to post the log of it afterwards, for
     comedy effect ?

Bottom line: How come Scatha is allowed to comment on what I fucking say but I 
cant say jack shit about him? Oh yea, its because he is an ass who most likely
has no life and takes pleasure in insulting others yet cannot be insulted (I 
didn't even insult him.) without taking a hissy fit and spazing. What do you 
guys think.