SoU and DH

Posted by
Cyber [legacy]
21 February 2004 00:00:00

Another attempt, it seems to be that they wont stop attacking us.


  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    24 February 2004 01:57:37

    Will die? Did die? As far as I remember Grimscar never killed me. Barren did, and so did Anselmo and Dae in mordor...otherwise I don't recall dying during the war so far....I could have missed a few I guess. As I said in an earlier post somewhere I don't have the best long term memory. Scared of Grimscar? Why would I be? All he can do is kill me, and he hasn't managed that yet, though he got close a time or two. I acknowledge him as a threat. He -is- the best you have, and very skilled as far as I can tell(not that I would know). But I am not scared of him. And to be truthful, Barren actually got me twice, once with Rami. Fortunetely for me Rami had merciful on. Ergo: What I said applied me to because Grimscar never killed me, he killed guildmates I think. I don't remember(long term memory and all) but I can probably look on the log page and find some *shrug*. But I suppose I did say us, so thanks for correcting me Ergo. Cyber: To show we failed? Grimscar failed me, shall I post it? No, because there is no point. Yeah, we failed you there, and the one before because my assassin didn't have enough stalking *roll*. We failed Lalo once too for the same reason. But then we had our assassin train stalking and got him! And guess are next..if you ever log on and leave your gh long enough for me to catch you! Also if you really want to be technical -I- didn't fail in THIS log, though I did in the other attempt. I was busy somewhere and a guildmate decided to help attempt you. And if my inactivity at the time shows I fear Grimscar...Then you must fear us alot too.

  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    24 February 2004 00:54:24

    About my triggers, i think my little lag made that about my HP and EP, cause it was the HP and EP when before i got attacked, thats our lag.

    I knew that all you evil ppls wont stop attacking me if i change my legendinfo anyway, actually it was my old legendinfo, and i kept it cause it was funny. i know you will keep attacking me with any legendinfo.

    Athin, my point is not to look good in this log, my point is to show every body that you falied, just that.

    I know you will hide again when Grimscar get back, you are scared of him, all your comments show that. For now keep trying to pkill me, enjoy now, you will get bored when he come back.

    As Ergo will die like flies.

  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    24 February 2004 00:52:44

    About my triggers, i think my little lag made that about my HP and EP, cause it was the HP and EP when before i got attacked, thats our lag.

    I knew that all you evil ppls wont stop attacking me if i change my legendinfo anyway, actually it was my old legendinfo, and i kept it cause it was funny. i know you will keep attacking me with any legendinfo.

    Athin, my point is not to look good in this log, my point is to show every body that you falied, just that.

    I know you will hide again when Grimscar get back, you are scared of him, all your comments show that. For now keep trying to pkill me, enjoy now, you will get bored when he come back.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    23 February 2004 22:56:30

    grimscar tried to pk you?, you shitting me? you died like flies..

  • Author
    Vhailor [legacy]
    23 February 2004 18:16:49

    *hands Durad some Vicodin*

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    23 February 2004 04:14:17

    Udungul shoulda kept killing you too, but meh, I left Udungul cuz Eznima is a mother fucker, but I might as well start killing you fucks again. You deserve it. You can lick Grimscar's balls all you want but when he blows, you all are done! Muhahahahaha

    I had a lil too much to drink? :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    22 February 2004 04:48:06

    you'd think some GV (Raqtor) would have known grim's only purpose was to pkill and wouldn't let him start a bunch of shit :(

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    22 February 2004 03:06:49

    Must have been nice to hide behind Grimscar, Cyber...while he was on a roll, cheering him on, thinking highly of yourself being in the same guild with him, highly enough to taunt your enemy...

    ...until you have their full attention.

    Payback is a bitch, isn't it. Don't feel bad though, you've become popular in the process.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 February 2004 01:57:05

    How many assassins are GV allowed to have again?

  • Author
    Athin [legacy]
    22 February 2004 00:50:07

    Do you think you can escape forevery Cyber? I am always waiting....sooner or later you will Lalo did. With little effort. As for posting attempts..whats the point? To look 'good'? If you really need to feel like you look good to others then you obviously aren't that good. And your legendinfo made me laugh before you changed it. Since Grimscar is/was about the only one who really tried to pk us. I didn't see you do anything. And if you did...I still didn't see it.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 February 2004 20:42:03

    'It seems they won't stop attacking us?' Why the hell should we? Because I kept telling you guys that Grimscar was going to disappear soon when he got bored, and you'd just be left with a whole bunch of enemies and no hope of ever hurting them? Wow, funny how that came true! It's not like we have any plans of leaving you alone because of it. Especially you, Cyber, whose legendinfo was directed at CoU, DH, and SoU up until just a couple of days ago. Heh.

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    21 February 2004 19:29:12

    they must be pretty desperate to attack you at thranduils...

  • Author
    Viktor [legacy]
    21 February 2004 14:53:38

    I think comming the whole hp thing is stupid anyway, if it's a big attack, you're just gonna break and not focus on what you're life is or making sure your guild knows it, if it's a stupid attempt you'll just tell your guild what your hp is... oh and cyber is cuban, give him a break :)

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    21 February 2004 13:18:49

    haha spiders ring :P

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    21 February 2004 12:56:09

    cyb3r d03$ n0+ h@v3 3133+ c1i3N+ +rigg3r $/<i1z!

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    21 February 2004 12:52:38

    erm ya.. wtf is this? sloppy on both sides. i wish i could get attacked at or this near thranduils :)

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    21 February 2004 12:51:07

    yep, you should really work on your client triggers..

  • Author
    Bared [legacy]
    21 February 2004 12:11:27

    erm... Your triggers sucks, you know ? ;)

    HP:91 EP:182> 4

    You are attacked by Anonymous figure!

    do wimpy off,look Anonymous figure!,shape Anonymous figure!,$:has been Attacked by Anonymous figure! with HP:210 and EP:103,glance

    'look Anonymous figure!' 'shape Anonymous figure!' and your HP/EP thingy aint good either. You had 94 hp but still you tell the guild its 210? bah