Amusing Tidbits. The 20th Edition.

Posted by
Fimbu [legacy]
26 February 2004 00:00:00

Sit in your most comfortable chair, get yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy the 20th edition: "The best of Tidbits." Contains nothing new, just 55 oldies. Complete with commentary and ratings.

-- Greetings everyone, and welcome to the 20th edition of Tidbits. I thought I do something a little different this time.
What we have here is no new tidbits, but a 'best of' collection for your consideration. It is arranged in the style of
an awards ceremony: I have ranked each different "type" of Tidbit in accordance with funniness. I was able to narrow
the best Tidbits down to about 17 categories. At the end, one tidbit will be declared king of them all. And so, without further


*************NUMBER 17 GOES TO: Funny things coded into the game.*******************
--Sometimes even the ainur can have a sense of humour!--

|HP:198 EP:220> afk fuck
You disable your idle tag.
The Hand of Eru comes from the above to slap you.

************NUMBER 16 GOES TO: NPC Questions.***************************************
--Some people love them, some people hate them. Oh well. It's a good idea. Little did the ainur know
what sick interpretations we mortals could come up with for the most seemingly harmless pieces of code!--

You ask Weary traveller about a woman's bed.
Weary traveller says: Nope never been there.

You ask Rohirrim guard about sex with animals.
Rohirrim guard says: Don't you see I am busy thinking how to mount this devil animal
Rohirrim guard says: Damn horse! It was so peaceful when this man led it...
The guard looks at his armour with disgust and says: Oh my, I will have to mend it!

**************NUMBER 15 GOES TO: Tidbits that make me look like a badass.******************************************
-- I like these logs because they get me chicks. 
Not that I need any help in that department... See log with Chastity below.--

 Agarvain tells you: But still, you haven't slained me..
Do: Commands completed.
-HP:222 EP:129- Fimbu the dunlending Kingpin (Demonic) 
Last on: 2h 12m 5s ago.                   Gender: male
Age: 57d 5h 20m 44s                       
Can be mailed: Fimbu@Bree                 Fimbu has recorded a life story.
Fimbu is the Bree Mortal Council Representative.
Info: ~(FRA)~ Even if you beat me I'm still the best. -FoD- 
-HP:230 EP:163- 
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Fimbu: legend agarvain
-HP:230 EP:163- Agarvain tells you: i take that back

Korlath tells you: lets make a murder DH clan :-P
^ Sneaky: what is a fancy looking key for
^ Narehgemin: something fancy i bet ...
^ Gyro: A fancy looking door?
^ Rondo: This comm sucks when Chrono and me aren't here...
^ Sneaky: it is for somewhere in minastirith
^ Gyro: Ok, Its a fancy door in MT
^ Sneaky: well it say something about the head of the guards in mt or
     something to that effect
^ Rean: what does raiment and verily mean?
^ Gorestel: Raiment is clothing
^ Fofester: Verily means 'truly'
^ Rean: thanks your two
^ Rondo listens to the Cowboy Bebop theme song
"korlath actually I think DHs  need challengers
Korlath does not have a stone to receive your message.
<<HP:230 EP:230>> legend korlath
The ghost of Korlath
On for:  20m 18s                          
Age: 0s                                   
Korlath has recorded a life story.
<<HP:230 EP:230>> ^ Fimbu: Never report in Rp combat.
^ Fimbu: legend korlath. That's what you get

************NUMBER 14 GOES TO: One liners!*****************************************

-- Short and sweet. Hoo baby. --

^ Zelindo: gothwin is a porn star, durad
^ Zelindo: you've never seen the 'Back Door Girls of Goldur XII'

Artus says: Stop or I'll shield!
*** That one was in the first ever Tidbits. ***

@Bree Fimbu Biggles, Cardinal and High Ruling Mortal Councilor of Bree: 
     Greetings, slaves.
*** Because I rule. Boo yah. ***

^ Ignorance is bliss.
^ Jasumin: MP INFO!
*** Hey! Jasumin said something witty, for once!***

Theodrek says: Necsipaal's append crashed my comp
HP:230 EP:230| Theodrek says: Devil-woman
Theodrek shakes his fist at the heavens.

^ Osse: I did not mail you a buttplug  
^ Osse: but... does it fit?


                            The Two Towers
Wasach the dunedain BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerWasachBeerBeerBeerBe        (lvl 20)  
Konj the dwarf BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerKonjBeerBeerBeerBeerB        (lvl 20)  
Leander the dunedain BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBee        (lvl 20)  
Helio the hobbit BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerHelioBeerBeerBeerBeerBe        (lvl 20)  
Guilherme the silvan BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerGuilhermeBeerBe        (lvl 20)  
Fimbu the dunlending BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerFimbuBeerBeerBeerBe        (lvl 20)  
Borkaz the sindar BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBorkazBeerBeerBeerBeer        (lvl 20)  
Jonny the dunlending BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBee        (lvl 20)  
Pestilence the sindar BeerBeerBeerBeerPestilenceBeerBeerBeer        (lvl 20)  
Alkath the silvan BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerAlkathBeerBeerBeer        (lvl 20)  
Skyman the sindar BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerSkymanBeerBeerBeer        (lvl 20)  
Mog the dwarf BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerMogBeerBeerBeerBeerBee        (lvl 20)  
Sarys the silvan BeerBeerBeerBeerBeerBeerSarysBeerBeerBeerBe        (lvl 20)  
Deadlok the dwarf WeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWeedWe   (guildmaster)  
Total 20s: 14
Total users: 105
HP:230 EP:94| Guilherme tells you: Terlinath says: jees Terlinath says: Why do you guys have
     to all be so gay Terlinath looks at you. Terlinath drops a piece of
     cloth. Terlinath left the game.
*** I remember my TITLE CLUB with fondness***

*************NUMBER 13 GOES TO: Stark raving WARRAX**************************************
-- Mentally unstable: Possibly. Extremly profane: Definitely. Funny as hell? You betcha. --

Warrax told you: it's as if there are two people in my head?
Warrax told you: FUCK ASS FUCK FUCK
Warrax told you: I will carry two conversations with you
Warrax told you: one in capital letters and one in normal scripts
Warrax told you: It seems that the most recent evolution in human beings
     has been the part of the brain associated with speech
Newcomer told you: Mine is fucked up, I can't load saved game.
Warrax told you: some researchers point to female infanticide as having had
     a part in the evolution of testosterone
HP:230 EP:230 Hrafn says: nah, we were discussing new guild, if we had any name yet
Warrax tells you: arabs did female infanticide, they buries their baby girls
HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: I NEED FOOD.. FUCK.. NOTHING IN THE FRIDGE
tell warrax maybe there's some babies
You tell Warrax: maybe there's some babies
HP:230 EP:230 Hrafn leaves out.
Warrax tells you: T caused some changes in the evolutionary path. The final
     outcome seems to suggest that females choose their mate according to
     their speech ability. However, it seems as if before that evolutionary
     step, i.e before speech, mating was based on testosterone development and
     physical strength
Warrax tells you: PUT THE FUCKING MIKE ON, YO
Warrax tells you: ASS IS FAT FRAME IS LITTLE
Warrax tells you: I think that females do not appreciate random bursts of
     incoherent speech
Alexa tells you: a sailor's cutlass is now on sale as lot 95, minimum bid 200
     gold Exc... same cutlass.... only used to get a fresh one
Warrax tells you: AHAHAHAHA

HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: osama bin laden will bomb iowa
Warrax tells you: I told him last night on the phone
Warrax tells you: I said
Warrax tells you: osama..
Warrax tells you: please bomb iowa
tell warrax lol
You tell Warrax: lol
HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: and he said.. ya ayuhallazina amanu amelossalehate
Alexa tells you: Blackfang, a long black knife is now on sale as lot 97, minimum
     bid 180 gold FRESH-disamed
Warrax tells you: I talked to him on the phone
Warrax tells you: I said..
Warrax tells you: I said osama.. kill klouse
Warrax tells you: he said.. who is klouse?
Warrax tells you: I said.. some guy from the mud
Warrax tells you: he said, what's the mud?
Warrax tells you: I said, just KILL HIM YOU MOTHERFUCKING ARAB
Warrax tells you: then he prayed to allah and sent an email
Warrax tells you: but his hotmail wasn't working
Warrax tells you: it said, your mailbox is full.. so I said..
Warrax tells you: I said Osama.. you have too much porn in your mailbox
Warrax tells you: and he prayed to allah and deleted all the porn
Warrax tells you: then he said ok I will bomb Iowa for you, you can tell
     Fairfax cause he's mexican but don't tell Klouse
Warrax tells you: then I said.. Osama.. how do you know Fairfax? you just
     said you didn't know what mud was..
Warrax tells you: then he winked at me.. and whispered.. "I had a ranger
     char back in 98"

*****************NUMBER 12 GOES TO: Funny Legends.**********************************************
-- A popular way of releasing countless different emotions, creating a good throwaway character is a work of art.
Countless different funny legends and legendinfo's have been created, using techniques such as:
 *The funny title
 *The funny surname/name combo
 *The vaguely innapropriate name
 *Humorous nuke reasons
 *And my personal favorite, "The ghost of (insert funny thing here)"

Tulips on an Organ the eorling Orc-target (Impartial) 
Last on: 7d 6h 5m 59s ago.                Gender: female
Age: 2m 10s                               
Info: What's better than Roses on a Piano? 

The ghost of Xmaspast
Last on: 62d 3h 50m 21s ago.              
Age: 1m 56s  
***Whoever made this character, please contact me. You are brilliant. Take my body.***

^ Clintus: Flamer enters. This is a shady character...
legend flamer
Flamer the silvan Illusionist (Moral) 
On for:  10m 38s                          Gender: male
Age: 6d 4h 43m 54s                        
Can be mailed: Flamer@Bree
Info: I am just looking for a warm place to sheath my "Great Sword"

********NUMBER 11 GOES TO: Miscellanious.***********************************************

-- Sometimes, from the people you wouldn't necessarily expect it, comes something so brilliant that I...
just have to include it in this log :P --

^ Marquez: I don't much care for the color pink, I've been looking at colors all my life, and I can tell you, pink isn't a great color.
^ Marquez: See, thats stupid.

^ Moo: moo
^ Tevildo: Ah, jesus christ. You again?
^ Pestilence: lol
^ Kitsune: Heh.
^ Pestilence: Please, call her Moo
^ Marquez: tell moo Hey, its me the milkman. Show me your tits.
^ Pestilence: fdl
^ Zelindo: fdl
^ Kitsune: rotfl

[ Rimbor-Anim ] Direkein: knock it off
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Jaren: what? :P
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Direkein: i get the feeling you guys are doing something that
     would piss me off.
****Probably nobody but me finds this funny. This is possibly the greatest moment in the history of my MUD life. 

HP:190 EP:147> Morguldur enters.
Morguldur has an 'I've been to The 2nd Two Towers EVENT!' badge on him!
 He is carrying:
  A finely crafted axe (wielded).
  A message stone.
  An 'I've been to The 2nd Two Towers EVENT!!' badge.
  A spellbook.
Morguldur looks at Vanderskye.
Morguldur leaves west.
HP:190 EP:151> Vanderskye says: new, improved Guldur. . .mor guldur for your dollar!

^ Akheron: Wow, they updated the Loth bridge!
^ Ruiniel: what does it do?
^ Akheron: Well, it says "The Lothlorien Bridge" instead of 'The Bridge'
^ Akheron: And it has a hitching post!
^ Yffern: Welcome ARDAV2

Dandalf says: I dont have my exp enough to be my proper level
Dandalf says: and I dont know if your disguised as a lower one
Vanderskye says: Your words are wise indeed, O Drey Dilgrim.
Vanderskye humbly kneels before Dandalf.
Vanderskye says: perhaps among the elves he is called. . .Dithrandir.
HP:190 EP:161> Dandalf says: Your a discrace to elves everywhere, and you dont deserve that title
You say: What title, o mighty Dolorin?

Armada tells you: You do realize, that I'm big and buff,
     and one day,there's a good chance I'll also be rich. And when that day
     arrives, there's a good chance that I'll fly over to Denmark, and when
     that  happens, you'll be in serious trouble, right?

You tell Armada: no, not really, I live in Norway
*** I'd just like to say that Armada is not buff. I could take him any day. Bring it on, jew boy. ***
********NUMBER 10 GOES TO: Funny things that Grady has said.***********************************************

-- In tribute to our dear departed friend. May you continue to offend people 
with your hilarious comments no matter what you do in life. Besides fuck girls and then boast about it to me. --

^ Grady: Risan, remember that one time we did that thing at that place
     with that person who said what she said?

^ Grady: Pounder, you haven't been here as long as Quickfire. :P
^ Grady: That dude is old school.
^ Grady: In the tier system of nerdocity, he's pulling rank. :P

^ Grady: I used to have a sticker that said. "I got kicked out of Boy scouts for eating Brownies."
^ Sneaky: lol
^ Grady: Boy, parents hated me :(

******************NUMBER 9 GOES TO: Drunkards, Retards, and Cubans***************
-- Incoherent people are funny. --

Mizrahi told you: i canwant?
Mizrahi told you: errh why?
Mizrahi told you: aha yo uin mrgc iner guild hehehala
Mizrahi told you: bogles i waonder wht killed twocute warrior price nes
Mizrahi told you: just agbir to mcuh vodka and sprit today rgha
Mizrahi told you: ahah ewhART a BASAARD
Mizrahi told you: woops i wa s weiringb in caps lock
Jete told you: hmm
Ketan told you: Heheh. :)
Mizrahi told you: what hapenfs?
Mizrahi told you: what wasseo close?
Mizrahi told you: ahahhfj thats funy
You tell Mizrahi: You need to sober up.
Mizrahi told you: i lmpw be[rajs[ tp,,prpw
Mizrahi told you: i lmpw be[rajs[ tp,,prpw
Mizrahi told you: oops osorty
*** You didn't think you'd get through this without seeing a Mizrahi drunk log!***

Lalo is the silvan Shadow of the Forest 
Last on: 18h 30m 51s ago.                 Gender: male
Age: 26d 8h 48m 30s                       
Can be mailed: Lalo@Thranduil
Info: The true is out there!!!

*********NUMBER 8 GOES TO: Mortal Council Cases.***********************************************

-- For some reason, the MC has always attracted a healthy crowd of morons and newbies, whether as councilors
or alleged victims. I am sad to see that soon they will be gone forever. Viva la Mortal Council! --

^ Shadowhand: Less reported [Fri May  3 22:44:11 2002]:      People spreekilling..Makalevi, others.      Help pleaes.     MC only hope.
*** Hahahahaha. I love this one ***

Finger reported Sun Aug 17 01:07:48 2003:
     He scold vulgar word to me
Erwin closed the case Sun Aug 17 08:47:11 2003.
Erwin threw the case in the bin Sun Aug 17 08:47:14 2003.
Erwin took the case out of the bin.
Erwin reopened the case.
Erwin flagged the case as pending Valinor action.
Erwin closed the case Fri Aug 22 17:22:40 2003.
Erwin threw the case in the bin Fri Aug 22 17:22:58 2003.
*** Many people butcher the English language. 
Few do it in such a manner that makes Fimbu fall out of his chair when he reads it.***

Oky reported [Sun Dec  3 23:38:40 2000]:
     oky isnt multyplaying cant you understand it ok once i did but not
     more...cant you you think i am stupid to delete my 5d old
     character for multyplaying!please... think once more...have a nice day.

Dagobert closed the case [Mon Dec  4 01:12:37 2000].
Shuma threw the case in the bin [Wed Dec 13 02:29:35 2000].

Guldmann [Sun Feb 24 03:45:29 2002]: 
     <default event reaction>I see the resoning for lifting the minimum
     contract price of a
     contract. Contracting high levels with low value contracts
     <default event reaction>just to keep the fines down.. is in my eyes
     missuse of the
     contract system
     But .. i would surgest that the contract placed was ranged..
     like this..
     <default event reaction>         contract price=(victime level x 150g) +
     (contract order level x 150)
     <default event reaction>     and contract price min 1000

Guldmann [Sun Feb 24 03:48:18 2002]: 
     <default event reaction>what is it about my client.. damn...
     the <default event reaction> is some kind a trigger firred.. damn again
     <default event reaction>and the contract order level .. is ofcourse the
     person ordering the contract

Gumbu reported [Mon Mar 19 09:44:54 2001]:
     aron is a real cock !!!
Ansel closed the case [Mon Mar 19 09:59:17 2001].
Ansel threw the case in the bin [Mon Mar 19 09:59:24 2001].

Gumbu reported [Mon Mar 19 09:47:05 2001]:
     he laughed of me
Ansel closed the case [Mon Mar 19 09:59:37 2001].
Ansel threw the case in the bin [Mon Mar 19 09:59:43 2001].

Case #  1269 New Case!
Terrorcore reported [Tue Feb 27 19:17:14 2001]:
     at brand's store said to buy knife 17 was listed as vicious blade cost
     22. took 6 gold and gave me a dull butter knife.
     tried to return knife and gave back only half of money ".".

Herualda closed the case [Tue Feb 27 19:51:37 2001].
Herualda threw the case in the bin [Tue Feb 27 19:51:41 2001].

*** Some people might suppose that Terrorcore just held enter down here when he put in all his 'end's. I like,
for the sake of humour, to think that he scratched his head after each failed attempt, and typed them
progressively more carefully. It's a shame that he found the secret when he did. I would have liked to see
some "LEAVE MORTAL COUNCIL REPORT"s going on there, 80 lines down.***

*************NUMBER 7 GOES TO: Miscomms and Mistells****************************************

-- Over the years stupid people (AND VERY SMART INTELLIGENT PEOPLE) have commed and told embarassing things.
Here are a few of my favorites from past Tidbits. --

[ Rimbor-Anim ] Ailin: I'm naked and wearing a cock ring.
 tell cliffton I'll have to kill you naked.
HP:230 EP:230| tell cliffton I'll have to kill you naked. 
You tell Cliffton: I'll have to kill you naked.
Cliffton tells you: heh
HP:230 EP:230| $ FDL
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Fimbu: FDL
tell cliffton LATER! Dammit, I MEANT to say Later. Freudian slip.
HP:230 EP:230| tell cliffton LATER! Dammit, I MEANT to say Later. Freudian slip.
You tell Cliffton: LATER! Dammit, I MEANT to say Later. Freudian slip.
HP:230 EP:230| $ You won't BELIEVE the tell I just sent Cliffton. Damn you, Ailin.
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Fimbu: You won't BELIEVE the tell I just sent Cliffton. Damn you, Ailin.

*** Never laughed so hard while mudding as when this happened. 
In fact, I regret to say, I giggled. A lot. In a feminine manner. It was late at night. So nyah.***

[ Rimbor-Anim ] Jonny: a problem? a fuck*** computer. I'll get a job and
     buy a new one
[ Rimbor-Anim ] Fimbu: fuck***. Gotta love that.

[ SoU ] Gothwin: I got 69 breaks figured out
[ SoU ] Namarik: hum that's it?
^ Gothwin: 69 commonly used and effective anyway
^ Gothwin: oops
^ Zelindo: Fdl
[ SoU ] Namarik: ROTFL that was such a bad misscom :P
^ Fimbu: Whee, thanks Gothwin.
^ Gothwin: erm, it's not what it sounds like!
^ Mildain begins suspecting it is actually much worse.

*************NUMBER 6 GOES TO: ME!!! FIMBU!!!*************************************************
-- Of course, we all know that I'm the funniest. And the bestest. But I have to be modest,
so I guess I'll just stick myself here at number 6. --

****And so my struggle with Chastity begins****

Chastity says in Westron: anyone feel like giving a newbie some gold?
Roikadark looks at you.
^ Saritalr: ch
Roikadark says in Westron: go earn some
^ Saritalr: damnit.
' Nah. I would if she would give me sex, but judging by your name....
You say in Westron: Nah. I would if she would give me sex, but judging by
     your name....
|HP:230 EP:63> Lantar falls down laughing.
Erendor enters.
Chastity says in Westron: knnow of any good ways?
Roikadark falls down laughing.
Mazrim enters.
Steak enters.
Steak leaves south.
Mazrim leaves east.
Grymlar enters.
Erendor leaves east.
Lantar falls down laughing.
Kimahri enters.
Chastity tells you: you'd be suprised
Kimahri leaves northwest.
Enjoi enters.
Grymlar leaves east.
Chastity winks at you.
Lantar says in Westron: Oh Chastity
^ Omfg
^ Fimbu: Omfg

****Now, on to my innroom. With some encouragement from friends
and a good idea from Mithgil, I prepare myself for the battle to come***

|HP:230 EP:40> tell caber She says she's coming in 10. What should I do, really? Claim to be gay? Or impotent? Or do the Yun thing?
You tell Caber: She says she's coming in 10. What should I do, really?
     Claim to be gay? Or impotent? Or do the Yun thing?
|HP:230 EP:42> yun
|HP:230 EP:43> Caber tells you: Hmmmmmmm
Caber tells you: Yun's wasn't really that amusing in practice
tell caber Yeah. Or I could try doing really kinky, weird emotes.
You tell Caber: Yeah. Or I could try doing really kinky, weird emotes.
|HP:230 EP:45> Caber tells you: Hmm. I say you either go for impotency, or pretend
     that you thought sex meant something entirely different.
tell caber Hmm. that second one is tempting.
You tell Caber: Hmm. that second one is tempting.
|HP:230 EP:47> tell chastity I'm getting pretty hot now ;)
You tell Chastity: I'm getting pretty hot now ;)
|HP:230 EP:48> Chastity visits your inn room in Bree.
Chastity appears from the shadows.
Chastity looks at you.
tell caber Chastity appears from the shadows
You tell Caber: Chastity appears from the shadows
|HP:230 EP:49> ' Heya
You say in Westron: Heya
|HP:230 EP:49> Caber tells you: GAME TIME
tell caber I think I'll go for Impotency
You tell Caber: I think I'll go for Impotency
|HP:230 EP:49> Chastity says in Westron: heya darlin
Caber tells you: *nod*
l chastity
 She is carrying:
A group of black feathers.
A broad sword.
A cat-hide pack (worn).
A wooden shield (worn).
A fighting knife.
A message stone.
The Newbie Handbook.
|HP:230 EP:50> mmm
You mmm.
|HP:230 EP:50> ' feathers.
You say in Westron: feathers.
|HP:230 EP:50> Chastity says in Westron: I can't imagine why'd you'd have to pick up
     women by offering them money
Chastity winks.
emote looks uncomfortable.
You emote: Fimbu looks uncomfortable.
|HP:230 EP:51> Chastity says in Westron: I'm a fan of feathers.
^ Nab: Nurse Malakan
' Me too, baby.
You say in Westron: Me too, baby.
|HP:230 EP:52> Chastity says in Westron: don't worry darlin...i don't judge.
^ Nab: robe and wizard hat, stat
tell caber hahahahahaha. This is funny so far.
You tell Caber: hahahahahaha. This is funny so far.
|HP:230 EP:53> ' Shall we begin?
You say in Westron: Shall we begin?
|HP:230 EP:53> l
    This is a private room at the Prancing Pony.  It feels relatively 
ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood 
floor.  Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable.  
A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn.  It wouldn't be too 
difficult to fall asleep in here.
    The only obvious exit is down.
 Chastity the dunedain Hiker (Impartial)
 A trash can
|HP:230 EP:53> l bed
It's a nice big comfortable bed; just right for sleeping in!
|HP:230 EP:53> Chastity tickles you incessantly.
Chastity winks at you.
semote <-------Checking for creative ideas!
  ;)          curtsey     hop         pet         stifle    
  ?           dance       hotfoot     pillow      stomp     
  achoo       daze        howdy       pinch       stretch   
  ack         disagree    howl        ping        strip     
  admire      dismiss     hrm         point       strut     
  adore       distract    hug         poke        stumble   
  afk         dive        huggle      ponder      sulk      
  afk2gab     doh         huh         pong        swat      
  afk2p       doubt       hum         pounce      sway      
  afk2p&gab   drool       hush        pout        swear     
  afk2smoke   dtango      hustle      praise      sweat     
  afm         duck        huzzah      prance      sweet     
  afw         duh         ick         preen       swoon     
  agree       eek         idle        prod        tackle    
  ah          eep         iknow       psha        tango     
  ahh         egiggle     imho        ptip        tap       
  ahoy        egrin       imo         puke        taunt     
  ak          eh          jab         pummel      tease     
  akiss       embrace     jig         punch       teehee    
  apologize   er          jk          purr        tellhell  
  applaud     ergh        jump        quack       tender    
  arc         erm         kick        raise       thank     
  arg         eww         kiss        rbow        think     
  avert       faint       knee        rcurtsey    thnkain   
  aww         fall        kneel       refuse      thnkval   
--More--(27%  line 25 of 90)--
  aye         fan         konk        relax       throttle  
  babble      fart        kowtow      rhand       thumb     
  back        fclap       lag         rhug        thump     
  bah         fdl         lambada     rkiss       thwack    
  bang        fhug        laugh       rlick       thwap     
  bap         fidget      laughw      roar        tickle    
  barf        fish        lean        roll        tilt      
  bark        fist        leer        rotfl       tip       
  bat         fkiss       lick        rshake      tja       
  battlecry   flail       listen      rub         tongue    
  bbar        flex        lkiss       ruffle      toot      
  bbiab       flip        lol         rule        toss      
  bd          flirt       lolly       salute      tremble   
  beam        flog        love        sayto       trip      
  bear        flop        mark        scoff       tsk       
  beat        footsie     massage     scold       ttyl      
  beckon      frin        melt        scowl       tug       
  beep        frolic      meow        scratch     twiddle   
  beg         froth       mercy       scream      twitch    
  belch       frown       mface       sdance      ugh       
  bite        funky       mgiggle     shake       uh        
  blah        furrow      mglint      sheep       uhoh      
  blame       gag         mgrin       shh         vshake    
  blech       gasp        miss        shiver      wag       
  blink       gd          missed      shoo        waggle    
--More--(55%  line 50 of 90)--
  blush       gesture     mmm         shove       wait      
  boggle      ghug        moan        shriek      warm      
  bonk        giggle      mock        shrink      wave      
  boo         girn        moo         shrug       wazza     
  boogie      glare       mope        shudder     wb        
  boot        gnash       mosh        sidle       wedgie    
  bounce      gnaw        moving      sigh        weep      
  bow         gobble      mumble      silly       wet       
  brag        goose       nag         sing        whatever  
  brb         greet       nah         singto      whee      
  buddha      grimace     narrow      skip        whew      
  bugger      grin        ni          slap        whimper   
  burble      gringrin    nibble      slobber     whine     
  burp        grni        nkiss       slug        whistle   
  cackle      groan       nlick       slump       whoops    
  caress      grok        nm          smack       wiggle    
  chant       groove      nod         smiel       wince     
  cheer       groovy      noise       smile       wink      
  chew        grovel      nolag       smirk       wipe      
  chortle     growl       np          smooch      wobble    
  chuckle     grr         nudge       snap        woh       
  clap        grumble     nuzzle      snarl       womble    
  clasp       grump       oh          sneer       woo       
  clench      grunt       ohmy        sneeze      woohoo    
  cluck       gulp        oif         snicker     woot      
--More--(83%  line 75 of 90)--
  comfort     gwave       oink        sniff       worry     
  cookie      hah         ok          sniffle     worship   
  cool        hand        ooh         snore       wrap      
  cough       hang        oops        snort       wrestle   
  cover       heehee      ouch        snuggle     wrinkle   
  cower       heh         pace        sob         wtg       
  crack       heya        page        spank       wuv       
  cream       hiccup      panic       spin        yawn      
  cringe      high        pant        spit        yo        
  croon       hiss        pass        squeal      yuckgrim  
  cross       hkiss       passout     squeeze     yum       
  cry         hmm         pat         squirm      zip       
  cuddle      hmph        peep        stagger   
  cul8r       hold        peer        stamp     
  curse       hoom        pester      stare     
|HP:230 EP:54> mmm
-> Chastity takes out a feather and rubs it under your chin, making you sneeze.
You mmm.
|HP:230 EP:54> Alexa tells you: a large harvester's pack (open) is now on sale as lot 270,
     minimum bid 130 gold 
^ Caber: Hahaha.
You giggle.
|HP:230 EP:56> comm hist
Last 20 comms are:
^ Caber: No way, man. Longer tidbit = taking her up on it.
^ Fimbu: Would you mind, Sarah?
^ Caber: You should do what Yun always did.
^ Saritalr: Hmm.... no! go ahead, but thanks for asking, thats really sexy.
^ Caber: Invite her to your inn room, then scream at her, leave, and put her on ignore.
^ Fimbu: You invite Chastity to your room. You tell Chastity: I've got 200 gold on me right now, and 9k in the bank.
^ Josi: evil
^ Synch: What a pimp. We know you have more!
^ Saritalr: Wow i feel cheap... i only gave Mith 50
^ Fimbu: I'm offering 400 for 5 minutes.
^ Iceking: ok
^ Fimbu: Not you, Iceking.
^ Saritalr: thats not so bad...
^ Iceking: damn
^ Malakan: I'll give you 10minutes for 400.
^ Malakan: 10minutes of idling!
^ Iceking: oh thought id get paid for doing it
^ Nab: Nurse Malakan
^ Nab: robe and wizard hat, stat
^ Caber: Hahaha.
|HP:230 EP:56> ^ Lantar tips his glass.
tell caber Chastity takes out a feather and rubs it under your chin, making you sneeze.
You tell Caber: Chastity takes out a feather and rubs it under your chin,
     making you sneeze.
|HP:230 EP:57> ^ Caber: Nab is so hip when it comes to internet trends.
Caber tells you: Ooh, she's a playful one.
tell caber She brought a group of black feathers :P
You tell Caber: She brought a group of black feathers :P
|HP:230 EP:57> Chastity takes a look at you, starting from the tip of your nose, glancing down gradually all the way to your toes. She lets out a low whistle.
Caber tells you: Resourceful, too!
You smile with a slight smirk.
|HP:230 EP:58> emote looks you up and down and grins wolfishly.
You emote: Fimbu looks you up and down and grins wolfishly. <--- Hmm. Perhaps I took this a little bit too far.
|HP:230 EP:59> Chastity says in Westron: what do you like baby?
' Anything you want.
You say in Westron: Anything you want.
|HP:230 EP:60> ^ Adaron: Check it out: Maia, Lord, Advisor, Overlord, and Power.  It's
     like the Ainur Sampler Plate.
^ Caber: Haha.
^ Mithgil: What's advisor, retired OL?
^ Saritalr: thats so ruby tuesdays! rock on.
-> Chastity suddenly strips all her clothes off and lays down on the bed, beckoning you towards her.
Chastity whispers to you: See...i told you names weren't everything.
You say in Westron: OH MY GOD
|HP:230 EP:63> ' I CAN'T DO THIS
You say in Westron: I CAN'T DO THIS
|HP:230 EP:64> ^ Adaron: Don't eat the Osse.  Bad fish.
' I"M
You say in Westron: I"M
|HP:230 EP:64> ' I"m
You say in Westron: I"m
|HP:230 EP:64> ' I"M IMPOTENT
You say in Westron: I"M IMPOTENT
|HP:230 EP:64> Chastity has a questioning look on her face.
You cry.
|HP:230 EP:64> d
Prancing Pony Inn(u, n, e and sw)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it!
|HP:230 EP:64> sw
Prancing Pony Common Room(s, ne, e and d)
 Valderas White DRagON the sindar Enchanter (Heroic)
 Roikadark Hypothesis the silvan Tracker (Moral)
 Shivvy the dwarf Scrapper (Impartial) [disconnected]
 A trash can
 A drunken sailor
 Butterbur is here, gossiping and serving ale [43 rumours, 14 new]
|HP:230 EP:64> s
East main street of Bree(s, w, n and e)
 Roikadark's white stallion [packed]
 Carris' white stallion
|HP:230 EP:64> s
Bree Playground(n and sandbox)
 A message stone
 A sign is posted here for new characters.
 Bree Newbie Board [17 notes, 5 new]
|HP:230 EP:64> w
You can't go that way!
|HP:230 EP:64> w
You can't go that way!
|HP:230 EP:64> n
East main street of Bree(s, w, n and e)
 Roikadark's white stallion [packed]
 Carris' white stallion
|HP:230 EP:64> w
East of main street(s, w, n and e)
|HP:230 EP:64> w
West main street of Bree(s, w, n, se and e)
 Ratty the goat
|HP:230 EP:64> w
Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, n and e)
 Freebeer the silvan Bad Apple (Impartial)
 A wealthy looking chubby man
|HP:230 EP:64> West Gate of Bree(s, w, n, nw and e)
 Bagre the dunedain Tree-hugger (Impartial)
 Shoeman the dunedain Trapper (Impartial) [disconnected]
 Sckul Keijo the dunedain Warlock (Villainous)
 A big sign
|HP:230 EP:64> Freebeer enters.
Freebeer leaves west.
Alexa tells you: a strange grey sword is now on sale as lot 271, minimum bid
     200 gold Fresh
Randill enters.
tell chastity AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
You tell Chastity: AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

|HP:213 EP:61> s
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
 Alecto the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Demonic)
 A Beorning leader
|HP:213 EP:61> Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
    You are on rolling hills, covered with long grass.
The sun shines brightly in the western sky.
A crystal clear sky hovers over the world, dotted with a few small clouds.
    The only obvious exits are east, south, west and north.
 Alecto the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Demonic)
 A Beorning leader
|HP:213 EP:61> Alecto misses Beorning leader.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
You say in Westron: AHA
|HP:213 EP:61> Alecto hits Beorning leader in the side, mutilating the flesh.
Beorning leader hits Alecto.
Frosty enters.
Frosty leaves south.
Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
Alecto arcs a curious eyebrow.
Alecto slices Beorning leader across the chest, causing massive bleeding.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
|HP:214 EP:62> Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
^ Otoron: Not silly. Just backward!
Alecto hits Beorning leader in the side, mutilating the flesh.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
Alecto gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of comprehension.
Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
Alecto says in Westron: ok
Alecto hits Beorning leader in the side, mutilating the flesh.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
|HP:214 EP:62> l
    You are on rolling hills, covered with long grass.
The sun shines brightly in the western sky.
A crystal clear sky hovers over the world, dotted with a few small clouds.
    The only obvious exits are east, south, west and north.
 Alecto the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Demonic)
 A Beorning leader
|HP:214 EP:62> w
Alecto stabs Beorning leader leaving a large gash.
Beorning leader misses Alecto.
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> n
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> w
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> w
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> w
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> w
The Plains(e, w and n)
|HP:214 EP:62> w
The Plains(e, s, w and n)
|HP:215 EP:63> The Plains(e and n)
|HP:215 EP:63> n
The Plains(e, s, path and n)
|HP:215 EP:63>
tell alecto You have been warned!!!
You tell Alecto: You have been warned!!!

^ Grimscar: Oop.
^ s.
^ Fimbu: s.
|HP:220 EP:210> ^ Grimscar: hit
^ me baby one more time
^ Fimbu: me baby one more time
|HP:220 EP:206> Grimscar tells you: giggle
tell grimscar Was I right?
You tell Grimscar: Was I right?
|HP:220 EP:207> Grimscar tells you: yeah

^ Caber: That was one of my favorites.
^ Marquez: Be more vague.
^ Fimbu: That was some of my favorites.

^ Fimbu: Lmno, does your name stand for "Laughing my nuts off" on purpose,
     or was that just a perk?

**********NUMBER 5 GOES TO: Daen Hecil Board Posts.******************************************

-- I love these. All I'll say is that I feel sorry for other guilds that think they are funny (like Valacirca, for instance.)--

 28 > Gleam        (Fri Feb  6)  WAR
 29   Fimbu        (Fri Feb  6)  WAR
|HP:145 EP:27> read 28
Note  28  Gleam        (Fri Feb  6 2004)  WAR

I screwed up, sorry guys but we're done for.
I killed Malhavoc, and we now have EV and LDOA after us.
Again. Sorry :(

|HP:146 EP:28> Gleam says in Westron: hahahahhahahahahahah
legend malhavoc
Malhavoc Ertador the silvan Trailblazer (Angelic) 
Malhavoc is sleeping peacefully.
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 6d 21h 15m 34s                       
Can be mailed: Malhavoc@Bree              Malhavoc has recorded a life story.
Info: The Last Defenders of Arnor ACM- Leader of Elendil's Vengeance 
|HP:146 EP:28> read 29
Note  29  Fimbu        (Fri Feb  6 2004)  WAR

Ok. So now that we're back at war with EV and LDOA, it's time to make a
BE ON YOUR GUARD. They are good, and they will attack when you least
expect it. EV tends to set up big gangbangs, and they have a bunch of
newrangers helping them. LDOA is a lesser threat, but Malhavoc is always
tough. HE LIKES TO DROP HIS STONE!!! So for god's sake, GET A FIND!!!!!
DRINK YOU FLASK if you get attacked man because it's REALLY GOOD HEALING
They can be found at Glorfindel
Key to winning the war: PHIALS.
Fimbu, with his warpaint on.

Note   6  Caber        (Sun May  4 2003)  knives
While we're discussing the armoury, I'd also like to mention
that I will kill anyone I see taking fired knives out of the
armoury. They're small, they take up very little space, and
they're very helpful for correcting our racial vision
problems. And for an archer like myself, I also need to
carry a knife with me for fletching. It's not worth
putting them in the board room so they can reset.
HP:223 EP:91| %% read 7
Note   7  Jonny        (Sun May  4 2003)  crystals
While we're discussing the armoury, I'd also like to mention
that I will kill anyone I see taking crystals out of the
armoury. They're small, they take up very little space, and
they're very helpful for correcting our racial vision
problems. And for an assassin like myself, I also need to
carry a crystal with me for light. It's not worth
putting them in the board room so they can reset.
HP:223 EP:91| %% read 11
Note  11  Mizrahi      (Mon May  5 2003)  Flasd's reproductive organs
While we're discussing the armoury, I'd also like to mention
that I will kill anyone I see taking Flasd's genitalia out of the
armoury. They're small, they take up very little space, and
they're very helpful for correcting our racial vision
problems. And for a dentist like myself, I also need to
carry a toothpick with me for teeth fixing. It's not worth
putting them in the board room so they can reset.
***********NUMBER 4 GOES TO: Funny comm conversations.********************************************

-- Even with the obligatory unfunny people who interject comments and ruin good jokes, the comm is
the mainstay for humour in Arda. Thank god they gave it back to us. --

^ Beornen: OK...................anyone like christin SCREAMO?
^ Praetextus: YES
%% ^ Remember Beornen. We are not laughing at you. We're laughing WITH you.
^ Fimbu: Remember Beornen. We are not laughing at you. We're laughing WITH
HP:230 EP:111| ^ Alsander: Is screamo the name of the band? Or is it another subset of shite,
     a la Nu-Metal?
^ Redival: I just find it intrinsically annoying to catagorize music by
     religion and try to package it that way
^ Beornen: its emo mixed with HARD-CORE
^ Deirdre: You crazy kids and your racket!
^ Alsander: Do you really have to capitalise hard-core all the time? Or are
     you trying to prove you are yourself?
^ Praetextus: yeah, what's the deal with that?
^ Beornen: LOLOLOLOLOLOL           yes i do
^ Varazon: HARD-CORE should be typed this way man
^ Arthlor bought Silmarilion and Unfinished Tales tonight. I have read them
     both, but decided I needed a copy of each for reference, and rereading.
^ Varazon: fdl
^ Redival: He's enthusiastic about hardcore guys, give him a break :P
^ Mithgil: In other words it's music for people who think rock and roll is
     cool but don't want to hang out with the 'bad crowd'
^ Redival agrees with Arthlor wholeheartedly
%% ^ That's a good idea Arthlor.
^ Fimbu: That's a good idea Arthlor.
HP:230 EP:113| ^ Redival: I have two of the Silm for some reason
%% tell caber This guy is a moron :P
You tell Caber: This guy is a moron :P
HP:230 EP:113| ^ Beornen: can i have the unfinished tales? i lost mine
%% tell caber rotfl
You tell Caber: rotfl
HP:230 EP:114| ^ Beornen: ME!
^ Thessaly tells Arthlor about the boxed set of History of Middle Earth she
     saw in Bordors today.
Caber tells you: hehehehe
^ Arthlor: You can buy it at Barnes and Noble in soft cover for $7
%% tell caber hahahahah
You tell Caber: hahahahah
HP:230 EP:115| ^ Redival: OOH! Borders is my new favorite place
^ Alsander: not HARD-COVER!?
^ Someone LAUGHS
^ Fimbu: BAHAHA
Afterwards, I convinced this guy that I was a big fan of a band called "JESUS DEATH JAM". I am, of course.

^ Fimbu: I did the level 19 quest as a level 20.
^ Fimbu: But that was because I abused an unlimited levels bug.
^ Fimbu: (not true)
^ Fimbu: (comm is dead now)
^ Fimbu: My apologies.
|HP:230 EP:178> ^ Otana skins the comm and takes a nice pelt
^ Mithgil eats the corpse of comm.
|HP:230 EP:179> ^ Adaron coughs.
^ Belshazzar: Would that be called 'corpse lewding'?
^ Fimbu gets a comm pelt into a leather backpack.
|HP:230 EP:175> ^ Mithgil eats Adaron.
^ Otana sells a comm pelt
^ Adaron is digested slowly.
^ Otana: recieves -3 credits
^ Mithgil buys a comm pelt.
^ Mithgil has a comm hide pack made.
^ Mithgil wears a comm hide pack (open).
^ Qwazex: is there ever anything that you dont beat into the ground
^ Finarf: gets 0 from the corpse of comm
|HP:230 EP:180> ^ Otana looks at Mithgil's comm hide pack (open)
^ Adaron skins Mithgil.
^ Lantar puts a message stone into a comm hide pack (open)
^ Mithgil gets a Qwazex from a comm hide pack (open)
^ Mithgil sells a Qwazex.
^ Finarf: legend comm
^ Mithgil: Damn, only 1 gold.
^ Fimbu buys a Qwazex.
^ Fimbu wields his Qwazex.
|HP:230 EP:172> ^ Qwazex: oh no, fimbu's going to molest me
^ Fimbu attacks Qwazex.
|HP:230 EP:168> ^ Dogar: Run for your virginity!
^ Fimbu's Qwazex hits Qwazex dead on, injuring his chest.
^ Fimbu's Qwazex insults Qwazex in his usual tasteless manner, making him
|HP:230 EP:160> Qwazex tells you: :P
^ Fimbu puts Qwazex out of his misery.
^ Fimbu Qwazex has died.
|HP:230 EP:152> Qwazex tells you: shut up already
^ Otana skins Qwazex
^ Fimbu skins the corpse and gets a nice clean pelt.
^ Fimbu gets a Qwazex pelt.
|HP:230 EP:143> ^ Chasm: don't comm stuff that sets triggers off please
^ Fimbu: SHUT UP, I'M BUSY.
|HP:230 EP:139> ^ Otana: oops!
^ Mithgil steals a Qwazex pelt from Fimbu.
^ Qwazex: he's busy trying to annoy me
^ Mithgil puts a Qwazex pelt into a comm hide pack (open)
^ Mithgil closes a comm hide pack
^ Fimbu attacks Mithgil.
^ Fimbu hits Mithgil very hard.
|HP:230 EP:131> ^ Mithgil has died.
^ Taorah: ... and the masses rejoiced.
^ Fimbu gets a comm hide pack from the corpse of Mithgil.
^ Fimbu wears a comm hide pack.
^ Fimbu takes a Qwazex from a comm hide pack.
^ Fimbu wears a Qwazex.
^ Fimbu struts his stuff(tm)!
|HP:230 EP:109> ^ Qwazex: you're turning into shulk, shaddup already
^ Mithgil drifts west.
^ Mithgil enters.
^ Fimbu falls to the ground.
^ Fimbu is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
|HP:230 EP:101> ^ Mithgil puts Fimbu out of his misery.
^ Fimbu has died.
|HP:230 EP:97> ^ Mithgil takes a comm hide pack from the corpse of Fimbu.
^ Fimbu drifts east.
|HP:230 EP:93> ^ Taorah steals a comm hide pack from Mithgil.
^ Thorak bites you!
^ Fimbu enters.
|HP:230 EP:88> ^ Taorah wears a comm hide pack.
^ Fimbu attacks Taorah.
|HP:230 EP:83> ^ Taorah leaves.
^ Fimbu leaves.
^ Adonai puts himself out of his misery and comms off
^ Taorah comes back.
^ Fimbu comes back.
^ Chasm: stop comming "has died"
^ Otana gaps as comm hide pack burts back into life and begins making
     wierd noises
^ Taorah feeds the pack to Ratty and laughs as it falls to Trash World.
^ Fimbu falls to the ground.
|HP:230 EP:71> ^ Bakal bandages fimbu.
^ Mithgil falls to the ground.
^ Bakal bandages Fimbu.
^ Thorak: you can feed a little boy to ratty
^ Fimbu regains consciousness.
|HP:230 EP:67> ^ Bakal bandages Mithgil.
^ Fimbu hugs Bakal.
|HP:230 EP:62> ^ Bakal screams
^ Fimbu says in Westron: Thanks man.
|HP:230 EP:58> ^ Mithgil regains consciousness.
^ Mithgil attacks Bakal.
^ Fimbu attacks Mithgil.
|HP:230 EP:54> ^ Bakal says in westron: What the hell Mithgil?
^ Fimbu misses Mithgil.
^ Mithgil hits Fimbu.
|HP:230 EP:50> ^ Taorah laughs.
^ Fimbu falls to the ground.
|HP:230 EP:45> ^ Taorah puts Fimbu out of his misery.
^ Fimbu has died.
^ Fimbu drifts north.
|HP:230 EP:37> ^ Taorah loots Fimbu's stinky corpse.
|HP:230 EP:37> ^ Mithgil misses Bakal.
^ Fimbu enters.
^ Taorah attacks Fimbu!
^ Mithgil tries to slap the cuffs on Fimbu. A fight begins!
^ Fimbu misses Mithgil.
^ Fimbu says in Westron: I thought we were friends
^ Thorak disarms you and sends your weapon flying!
|HP:230 EP:25> ^ Taorah tries to slap the cuffs on Fimbu (for attempted murder). A
     fight begins!
|HP:230 EP:26> ^ Mithgil says in Westron: I'm sorry it came down to this.
^ Taorah: Erm, Mithgil that is
^ Fimbu fades into the shadows.
|HP:230 EP:63> ^ Taorah dies twenty five times in a row.
|HP:230 EP:64> ^ Mithgil leaves west.
^ Mithgil tells Bakal: stop
|HP:230 EP:65> ^ Taorah's 25 ghosts leave north.
^ Calenril: god you people must be bored
^ Fimbu: Why does Taorah keep breaking the rules!!
|HP:230 EP:60> ^ Bakal tells Mithgil: Stopped.
^ Mithgil tells Bakal: plz :(((
|HP:230 EP:41> ^ Mithgil enters.
|HP:230 EP:41> ^ Mithgil misses Bakal.
^ Mithgil leaves west.
^ Mithgil tells Bakal: YOU LYING SOB
^ Qwazex: haha
*** I include this because it is oh so epic. ***

HP:220 EP:187| ^ Mystic: Some things never change. The comm is the same as it has
     always been. A tool to advance one self.
HP:220 EP:187| ^ Caber: You're a tool. Tool.
^ Caber: Haha.
^ Drandul: Sorry mature mystic
^ Caber: I called you a tool.
^ Some things never change. Natmir is the same as he has always been. A complete tool.
^ Akheron: Some things never change. Natmir is the same as he has always
     been. A complete tool.
HP:220 EP:183| ^ Caber: TOOLED
^ Mystic: Thank you all for proving my point.
HP:220 EP:165| ^ Caber: I call hammer.
^ Akheron: Crowbar.
^ Jasumin: nail
^ Mithgil: I call screwdriver.
^ Jasumin: damn
^ That's not a tool.
^ Akheron: That's not a tool.
HP:220 EP:156| ^ Caber: Dude no way
^ Kaoru: what is the point you're making Mystic?
^ Caber: I didn't know crowbars were tools
^ Natmir: Haha.
^ Mithgil: YES IT IS
^ Caber: I call that instead
^ Caber: I call crowbar!
^ Akheron: Nope.
^ Akheron: I called crowbar, first.
HP:220 EP:147| ^ Mithgil: I still want screwdriver.
^ Akheron: Electric or manual?
HP:220 EP:143| ^ Caber: Whatever, bitch. You're just proving Mystic's point.
^ Jasumin: Drill
^ Caber: I don't want your stupid crowbar anyway. I re-call hammer.
^ Akheron: You're the one who's proving Mystic's point.
^ Natmir: I'll send you tells!
^ Akheron: You dumb point prover.
HP:220 EP:136| ^ Natmir: Buy me a drink?
^ Akheron: Here's my imitation of Caber: Oh, gee I think i'll go on the
    comm and prove Mystic's point!
^ Mystic: And darkness continues to grow in these lands...the shadow
     grows near.
^ Caber: Whatever man.
^ Natmir: More false propaganda.
^ Epinock: anyone know anything about the Tirno Imladriso
^ Jasumin: and all that stuff
^ Natmir: Own it up, holla.
^ Akheron: And all that jazz!
HP:220 EP:128| Caber tells you: I prove it to your mom on a nightly basis by giving
     her all the point she can handle.
^ Mystic: Repent to the Dark Priest, for the hour of darkness will fall
     heavy upon your heart.
tell caber I prove it to your dad on a nightly basis while I make him watch me giving your mom my point.
You tell Caber: I prove it to your dad on a nightly basis while I make him
     watch me giving your mom my point.
HP:220 EP:130| ^ Caber: That's okay. I probably won't be logged in for that hour
Caber tells you: YOU SICK FUCK
Caber tells you: OMG
comm hist
Last 20 comms are:
^ Caber: Whatever, bitch. You're just proving Mystic's point.
^ Jasumin: Drill
^ Drandul: I will no longer advance myself.  Anyone who wishes to talk to me outside of this comm may reach me at Drandul@Osgiliath, or send me a tell.
^ Caber: I don't want your stupid crowbar anyway. I re-call hammer.
^ Akheron: You're the one who's proving Mystic's point.
^ Drandul: Jk, Drandul@Lothlorien
^ Natmir: I'll send you tells!
^ Akheron: You dumb point prover.
^ Natmir: Buy me a drink?
^ Akheron: Here's my imitation of Caber: Oh, gee I think i'll go on the comm and prove Mystic's point!
^ Mystic: And darkness continues to grow in these lands...the shadow grows near.
^ Caber: Whatever man.
^ Natmir: More false propaganda.
^ Epinock: anyone know anything about the Tirno Imladriso
^ Jasumin: and all that stuff
^ Natmir: Own it up, holla.
^ Akheron: And all that jazz!
^ Mystic: Repent to the Dark Priest, for the hour of darkness will fall heavy upon your heart.
^ Viktor: doubt that
^ Caber: That's okay. I probably won't be logged in for that hour anyway.
HP:220 EP:131| ^ Natmir: Is the Dark Priest also a dragon?
^ Ravena: Arda is not ready for evil players that role-play Mystic
^ Drandul: The light will draw near..
^ Mystic: Osgiliath has been taken, Minas Tirith will be next, and
     Gondor will be lost.
^ Natmir: Dark Dragon Priest of Oaoboaba.
^ Viktor: Next she's gonna say it's the 25th hour of a 24 hour day
^ Caber: I call crowbar.

**************NUMBER 3 GOES TO: CABER DABER************************************************

-- Aww, Carebear. Isn't he cute? Everybody's favorite Ardan personality... Well, fuck him. Right now he's studying
for a big history test. I hope he gets owned. Unfunny bastard. --

Caber says: Fuck, did I do that?
Grady says: You sound like Ghetto Irkel

****We were after Calenril in Mordor****
|HP:220 EP:89> [ Daen Hecil ] Caber: Er, he's in his guildhall, so I assume the hunt
     is over. :P
[ Daen Hecil ] Fimbu: Nope, we're trying to get in there
[ Daen Hecil ] Caber: Aaaaah. You guys are GOOD.
[ Daen Hecil ] Fimbu: Just can't figure out the syntax
[ Daen Hecil ] Caber: break into hall
[ Daen Hecil ] Fimbu: haahahaha

=HP:230 EP:230= Caber says in Westron: Okay. Well, if you're bored, and you think you can
     not end up spinning the wheel, join us on the DA towncomm. It's a hoot.
'A hoot?
You say in Westron: A hoot?
 =HP:230 EP:230= 'You're so fucking strange.
You say in Westron: You're so fucking strange.

HP:230 EP:183> Caber has gone net-dead.
Grady has gone net-dead.
' Woh
You say in Westron: Woh
|HP:230 EP:184> Caber has reconnected.
Grady has reconnected.
' Was that planned or something
You say in Westron: Was that planned or something
|HP:230 EP:186> Caber says in Westron: Well that sucks.
Caber says in Westron: Afk.
' You both went LD at exactly the same time!
You say in Westron: You both went LD at exactly the same time!
|HP:230 EP:187> Caber says in Westron: Yeah
Caber says in Westron: You didn't lag out?
Caber says in Westron: We did, as did a number of others.
                                                The Two Towers

Cookie the silvan Tree-hugger (Impartial)                                                                      (mortal)  
Goby the sindar Hiker (Immoral)                                                                                (mortal)  
Elyana the dunedain Naturalist (Impartial)                                                                     (mortal)  
Cian the dunedain Wanderer (Impartial)                                                                         (mortal)  
Paragon Paradrim's son the dunedain Bushwhacker (Heroic)                                                       (mortal)  
Wolfturtle Wicket the silvan Bushwhacker (Moral)                                                              (mortal)  
Timbia Fionwë-Úrion the silvan Apprentice Ranger (Immoral)                                                     (mortal)  
Delita Hyral the dunlending Apprentice Ranger (Shadowspawn of Mordor)                                          (mortal)  
Grady the Grenadey, the dunedain Crime Lord (Shadowspawn of Mordor)                                            (mortal)  
Fimbu MacGregor the dunlending Crime Lord (Demonic)                                                            (mortal)  
Jian Daedin the dwarf Warlord (Demonic)                                                                        (mortal)  
Caber the Cannon the dunlending Mastermind (Demonic)                                                      (guildmaster)  
Foraker the dwarf Panther Spirit (Sickle of the Valar)                                                    (guildmaster)  

Total friends and enemies and rangers and guildmates: 13
Total users: 90
|HP:230 EP:188> ' Huh.
You say in Westron: Huh.
|HP:230 EP:188> Caber says in Westron: And only just now managed to reconnect.
Caber says in Westron: I COULD NOT CONNECT, FIMBU
' Not even a spot of lag
You say in Westron: Not even a spot of lag
|HP:230 EP:188> Caber says in Westron: DO NOT HUH ME
Caber says in Westron: I AM NOT GOING AFK TO SHOWER
Caber says in Westron: I HOPE THAT IS OKAY WITH U
' sorry
You say in Westron: sorry
|HP:230 EP:189> Caber says in Westron: YOU

^ Caber: I hate brood war so much.
^ Rathmar: Just because you don't have the kind penis.
^ Caber: "The kind penis?"
^ Rathmar: Yes.
^ Caber: Like, a benevolent penis?
***Try to say 'benevolent penis' out loud 10 times and then not laugh.***


-- Now, let us take a short break. The final two sections will be single logs, awarded runner up and winner for
best tidbit ever. So, drumroll, please! --

************THE RUNNER UP IS:***************************
                          HOBBE'S STORY

 - Poor Hobbe. Never was the sharpest knife in the drawer. This incredibly popular tidbit shot ratings through the roof
because of our stupid little dwarf's horrendous spelling, punctuation, grammar, and general coherency. He even managed to
do a horrific job wrapping the lines. -

story hobbe
Hobbe's short version story...
You se a small and stumpy dwarf standing infront of you. Hes holding a
big mug filled up with ale.
When you look closer on the mug you se some carvings on it.. You look
even closer and see a great
dwarven axe carved into the mug, you allso se some carvings in the axe
that reads HOBBE...
He look at you with a glint in his eyes then ask you: You want to hear my
story? Then fill up my 
mug with fresh dwarven ale and sit down and i tell you. You take his
great ale mug and go fill it
up and then hand it over to him and take a seat next to him... The dwarf
smiles and take a swig 
from the mug and then starts telling you his story. I grew up inside the
deepest heart of 
mirkwood with booth my parents. I never really understod why they choose
to shut out the rest of
the civilisation but it dosent matter my childhood was great my father
teached me to slay orc's
nearly every day until one day the orcs found our cabin and burn it all
down and slained my booth
parents. Since that day i have been working hard to learn as much as
possebil and some day maby
revendge my parents. When i just started my journey for revendge i meet a
young boy named
Darkbeat. I teached him all i knew and soon he was as good as me and soon
he learned stuff i 
dident knew existed but still i knew stuff he probely dident know but he
was my brother and i was
his. To bad he left for Valinor i miss him greately he helped me alot in
my quest for revendge
and would probely not make it without him... Well in my quest to revendge
my parents i joined the
Beornings because i fellt i could learn some stuff from them and yes i
did but soon it came up 
problems and i left... Now i face the great mountains and i will join my
brother and sisters in
the quest to free all old dwarven land from the scume living there and if
i sucede i will finnaly
have gotten my revendge for my parents to... Suddenly he looks into his
empty mug smiles at you and
say: Sorry my friend have to get going i hope to see you around some time
soon... And with that 
he is gone

******************AND THE WINNER FOR BEST TIDBIT EVER IS....********************************
                              Yeah. You all knew it. The Batman one.
	- We all hate Mithgil, but I think with this single stroke of genious, he redeems himself from eternal damnation. -
	Hahahahahahahaha. What a great log. Kudos to Batman.

tell batman Do me a favour? :)
You tell Batman: Do me a favour? :)
HP:160 EP:160>
Batman tells you: what
tell batman When I tell you to do it, type ^:
You tell Batman: When I tell you to do it, type ^:
HP:160 EP:160>
tell batman erm
You tell Batman: erm
HP:160 EP:160>
tell batman ^:$0$
You tell Batman: ^:
HP:160 EP:160>
tell batman It will be funny, wanna try? :)
You tell Batman: It will be funny, wanna try? :)
HP:160 EP:160>
^ Batman: erm
tell batman Not that. When I tell you to, type: ^:$0$
You tell Batman: Not that. When I tell you to, type: ^:
HP:160 EP:160>
tell batman Ok? :)
You tell Batman: Ok? :)
HP:160 EP:160>
Batman tells you: ok
tell batman Ok, hold on a second
You tell Batman: Ok, hold on a second
HP:160 EP:160>
^Duh nu nu nu nu nu nu nu, duh nu nu nu nu nu nu nu...
^ Mithgil: Duh nu nu nu nu nu nu nu, duh nu nu nu nu nu nu nu...
HP:160 EP:155>
tell batman NOW
You tell Batman: NOW
HP:160 EP:155>
^ Batman 

-- Well, I hope you all enjoyed this. You damn well better have, because it took me the better part of 3 hours to arrange it.
Ah, it brings back memories. The first tidbits log. Started back when I was still Fimbu the Moron, recently having left
the Stonewall clan (which rocked, by the way). It was posted on the 15th of December, 2001. May there be many more. --

Hmm. That ended on all too serious a note. Here we go:

^ Sneaky: its funny how everyone has the maturity of a 8 yr old
^ Fimbu: hahaha... sex
^ Fimbu: hahaha
^ Smeg: lol
^ Smeg: fimbu said sex
^ Fimbu: rotfl
^ Smeg: fdl
^ Fofester: Smeg, come get your damn beer
^ Smeg: rotflmafao
^ Fimbu: Hey fofe
^ Fimbu: Say sex :P
^ Fofester: Sex