Fun new area....

Posted by
Calacirya [legacy]
12 March 2004 00:00:00
NPC Battle

this is not so cool when your rushing to the stairs and find this....


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    15 March 2004 12:48:01

    Hell no. That's as cheesy a theme as they come. I just like arguing with you over Tolkien-related shit :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    15 March 2004 09:27:25

    Your whole argument being, then Sarys, 'there are other minor rings of power, which might have been made by sauron, and might have caused people to become wraiths, and as such we should allow a guild of ringwraiths'?

    Sorry dude. You lose.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    15 March 2004 09:16:53

    1) Gandalf was referring to the greatest rings of power 2) He also told Bilbo there are 'many rings of power in this world, none of which should be used lightly'.

    The Elves didn't turn into wraiths because their rings had never been touched by Sauron, and the Dwarves didn't because the rings had different effects (increased greed) on them.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    15 March 2004 05:44:07

    When Frodo made his comment about being 'turned into a wraith' he did not at -all- mean the effects of the ring. And no, the ring wasn't turning him into a wraith, the wound from the Morgul blade was. Seriously. Go re-read Book One.

    Anyhow, as for their being 'other rings'. All the rings of power were accounted for except the one ring. Gandalf said so himself. And the Seven didn't turn dwarves into wraiths, nor the three turned Elves into wraiths. The nine made the men ringwraiths. That is the only basis we have for a ring making a person a wraith. As such, a theme based on a buncha ringwraiths is stupid.

    These are just wraiths. Generic term. God, they can change them to 'shades' and it would exactly the same damned thing.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 March 2004 09:02:52

    Bad example, Otoron, since it actually was the One ring that was turning Frodo into a wraith; that would've made him a ringwraith.

    Not all rings of powers are accounted for, either. Yeah, the (9+7+3+1=) 20 most powerful of them are, but the Mirdain made many more. Eru knows how many ringwraiths there are out there... and perhaps Tolkien did too. He even wanted to throw in Elf-wraiths into LotR.

    Exit lecture.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    14 March 2004 07:25:41

    There are no other RINGwraiths because all the RINGS are accounted for.

    A 'wraith' is just something without physical substance.

    Like when Frodo uses the expression 'If this continues much longer [not much food] I shall turn into a wraith!'

    Much like a wight, a wraith is just an evil spirit of some sort or another.

    These aren't RINGwraiths. They are just evil spirits, shadows of some malice or another.

    Quit your bitching on every thread possible because some lameass unthematic theme you wanted got shot down.


  • Author
    Deathlord [legacy]
    14 March 2004 02:56:07

    Well I find it rather amusing that this new area contains a nice little flock of ringwraiths when Thingol distinctly pointed out that there were no other mentions of ringwraiths in the game. :p Way to stick with it big guy.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    13 March 2004 19:37:02

    I just rememberd how much Barberi MPs. Nevermind.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    13 March 2004 19:35:31

    Barberi, at least post with the alt its regarding and you'll make yourself look less stupid and full of shit.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    13 March 2004 19:16:21

    No, if you're evil you don't get any warning whatsoever. So e,w,e is enough.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 March 2004 18:31:30

    And Aravor, I think all you have to do if you're evil and being hunted by a moral is e, e, w, e. I think.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 March 2004 18:28:47

    And, about Calacirya, do you think she could have been hitting 'east' over and over to get to Shelob and then start climbing, but found out too late that the lair is one extra north now? :P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 March 2004 18:26:29

    Stop talking.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    13 March 2004 12:08:18

    Stop talking out of your ass.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    13 March 2004 11:47:39

    im talking out my ass, there are 10 wraiths on screen and only nine nazgul, so whose the tenght dude

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    13 March 2004 10:54:49

    Personally, I don't think getting attacked by 10 wraiths is so terrible, but you should be able to run away. It's not like you're knocking on the gate, walking in, having it shut behind you and then going 'Oh shit!' And really, even if it does make sense for a player to be surrounded by them and unable to leave, playability should be considered too. :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    13 March 2004 05:00:37

    Sorry for the lack of coherency.

    *And the four empty rooms that are behind it into the game.

    I mean, honestly. No warning on either side... like maybe we'd think twice about crossing over into the place of more intense evil by far than the Mordor gates?


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    13 March 2004 04:58:59

    No shit, Aravor, totally. Brilliant on the part of the people who RUSHED to put this and the other four empty rooms that are behind it. *clapclap*


  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    13 March 2004 02:44:20

    >> But theres only 10 Nazgul, whos the third :P

    Treyz.. There are Nine Nazgul, not 10. In fact I cant even understand what you are trying to say here. Third ??

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    13 March 2004 00:30:16

    So now all you have to do if you're evil and hunted by a moral is do e,w,e or do w,e,w,e?

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    13 March 2004 00:08:07

    I think Ehtyar is aware that it was a standard emote color and not some crazy coloring of your own. The point was that it's ironic that the weapon (or barehand) emote emphasizes the one word that isn't spelled right.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    13 March 2004 00:07:20

    and to clarify, I was wrong about the news post, it was posted on the gossiper. I'm just so used to Glaurung posting news that I forgot that I saw it on the gossiper. bad me.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    13 March 2004 00:06:01

    You do get a warning message right before you enter the bridge.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    12 March 2004 23:58:33

    I don't think those were Nazgul, just random less important wraiths.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    12 March 2004 23:57:30

    But theres only 10 Nazgul, whos the third :P

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    12 March 2004 23:26:40

    a lot of you don't seem to understand the fact that, this was the boot, no news post was up, he announced it on the gossiper, I didn't even know what I was walking into before I noticed 10 wraiths beating my soul. And Ethyar I didn't place a color on it, its an automatic color that the mud gave me

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    12 March 2004 23:22:42

    To make lightnings even more spammy, Treyz.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    12 March 2004 23:19:49

    call me thick, but why are there 10?

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    12 March 2004 21:37:12

    Not even a warning? It's the Morgul pass for crying out loud, dark home of the evil Ringwraiths. What were you expecting, a red carpet?

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    12 March 2004 21:10:14

    I love how Oracle tries to play it off as courage and not an 'oops we attacked a man that is in a five man party!'

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    12 March 2004 16:43:03


  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    12 March 2004 16:42:39

    Date: 12. Mar, 2004, 6:45:39 By: Estraven

    Let me disagree DW,

    Going to Mordor means going to death! ask Oracle :P

    Meant Calahan I assume? Everyone dies sometime, its a matter of courage attacking a 5man party if you're only 2man. Next time luck might be on our side and we'll pull off a beutiful stunt :))

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    12 March 2004 16:14:57

    i got that text too, and i read it :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 March 2004 15:34:50

    Ya, i am tired, but i think its very thematic and those who die shoud try to avenge their souls.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 March 2004 15:33:50

    Except you all should know that you are warned by a half a screen of text message saying you feel very bad about going forward. And your near the land of mordor so why shoud you be safe? Sure its irritating to die from a new place because you didn't know, sure its annoying to have to remap or realias a few things, but this rendition is much more realistic than the last one. I can't wait until it gets bigger;P

  • Author
    Aslak [legacy]
    12 March 2004 15:18:26

    SoB would have owned!

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    12 March 2004 14:21:15

    Wraith seers through your soul.

    It must be kind of embarrassing to accidentally place a colour emphasis on a typo. :)

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    12 March 2004 14:18:21

    I saw a news post on this about 4 hours ago, but now it's gone...

  • Author
    Usul [legacy]
    12 March 2004 11:30:28 much for lightning the gates....that ep drain is nasty!

  • Author
    Feris [legacy]
    12 March 2004 10:58:21

    Reminds me of trying to bash the gates solo... basically that's what that is! Another gate! :P Cept this is a bridge and has snazzy little wraiths.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    12 March 2004 09:29:14

    Cool... more silly things to kill or get killed by! Whee!

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    12 March 2004 08:50:01

    Wow, Zelindo, you can really take the ball and run with it, eh?

    Too bad you're running in the wrong direction :)

  • Author
    Deragor [legacy]
    12 March 2004 08:29:14

    That looks like fun!

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    12 March 2004 07:21:18

    Boy! descing is so fun!

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    12 March 2004 07:21:05

    And while we're at it, let's remove the description of the Green Dragon and make it a strip club. And we can put techno music in the Prancing Pony, and make the Watcher a robot that shoots missles, and give the ability to grow extra hands, and turn into demons...

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    12 March 2004 07:08:40

    Yeah, I agree with Zoso. This is a Tolkien MUD! Why should the areas even VAGUELY resemble the places Tolkien described, much less use phrases and/or descriptions of things he thought up! Those heartless, bastard ainu!

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    12 March 2004 06:45:39

    Let me disagree DW,

    Going to Mordor means going to death! ask Oracle :P

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    12 March 2004 06:28:42

    Err...look at that desc. I don't have a copy of LoTR on hand, but I believe half those words are Tolkien's own. Someone doesn't like to desc?

  • Author
    Razzor [legacy]
    12 March 2004 06:16:13

    oh it has so many more even funner properties.. but i guess i'll leave you to work em out from future logs. i reckon some serious whining will be heard in the next week

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    12 March 2004 05:44:26

    exactly what I thought of it DW

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    12 March 2004 05:38:30

    Wow. Another Ainur Great Talant showing. To code a new area that dangerous and not even a warning or few lines in news for it. Incredibly stupid. Thanx for caring for players. We owe you.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    12 March 2004 05:01:06

    Your dodge skill has increased due to use. Heh

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    12 March 2004 05:00:03

    Cool! Do it a few more times!

  • Author
    Metrop [legacy]
    12 March 2004 03:52:44

    Wow... There must be a way to get out or maybe you can get my faded... or not.

  • Author
    Emerick [legacy]
    12 March 2004 03:49:13

    Rock on. A new area. but looks damn tough. A new way into mordor maybe? *hmms*

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    12 March 2004 03:43:58

    You could have looked at one of them, at least! Maybe they have cool weapons.