At the Event...

Posted by
Durad [legacy]
16 March 2004 00:00:00

There was a scavenger hunt, and most of the results were pretty low, so I was wonderin if anyone can beat my score:

You see a scroll made of thin, translucent paper.
Durad participated in The 6th Event's Scavenger Hunt.
He found the following 26 items:
___a dun colored pair of pants       _X_a sharp spike of metal            
___a pair of muck-covered shoes      _X_a leather loincloth               
___a pair of black chausses          ___a prickly pinecone                
___some meatballs                    ___a packet of flower seeds          
___a teddy bear                      ___a battered hoe                    
_X_a bunch of lettuce leaves         _X_a golden nose ring                
_X_a brown fedora                    _X_a cute little dinner roll         
_X_a whittling stick                 _X_a tomato                          
___a glowing silver bracelet         ___a blood plum                      
_X_a green robe                      ___a bouquet of tulips               
___a candy apple                     ___a pair of town shoes              
_X_a shining lightweight codpiece    ___a hollow iron rod                 
_X_a small runed key                 ___a large piece of broken glass     
___a package of steak                ___a cupcake, smelling of honey      
_X_a picnic basket                   _X_a nice piece of coriel            
_X_a blood-stained leather jerkin    ___a black mushroom                  
_X_a deck of cards                   ___a package of mutton               
_X_a wax candle                      ___a lovely fur cap                  
_X_a black wig                       ___spiked shin guards                
_X_a furry thing on a stick          ___a nifty pin                       
_X_a worker's shovel                 ___a rich dark chocolate torte       
_X_a brass spyglass                  _X_a horseshoe charm                 
_X_a tacky bauble necklace           _X_a quill pen                       
___freshly cooked shrimp             _X_a large spoon                     
_X_a piece of chalk                  _X_a strip of meat                   

Anyone get higher then that? :)))))))))))))))))))