GLAURUNG lets loose a noisome stench! Fire shoots into the sky. A dark cloud spreads... The cloud is poisonous!!! Caber falls to the ground. Estraven falls to the ground. Caddman falls to the ground. Thorak falls to the ground. Bakal falls to the ground. Ehtyar falls to the ground. Erendor falls to the ground. Shodan falls to the ground. You fall to the ground. Drizzet falls to the ground. Zelindo falls to the ground. Kaoru falls to the ground. You are still unconscious. You are still unconscious. Drizzet regains consciousness. Ehtyar regains consciousness. Erendor regains consciousness. Caber regains consciousness. Zelindo regains consciousness. Caddman regains consciousness. Kaoru regains consciousness. You regain consciousness. Estraven regains consciousness. Bakal regains consciousness. Shodan regains consciousness. Thorak regains consciousness. __.-/|  \`o_O'  =( )= +-------------------+ U| | That's all folks! |  /\ /\ / | +-------------------+  ) /^\) ^\/ _)\ |  ) /^\/ _) \ |  ) _ / / _) \___|_  /\ )/\/ || | )_)\___,|)) < > |(,,) )__)  |  || / \)___)\  | \____( )___) )____  \______(_______;;;)__;;;) Glaurung cackles: The end of the world is nigh. Prepare to meet thy DOOM! The noise from the Event crowd settles to a dull roar. Mandos chants: The world will end in 15 minutes... A cry is heard from the Event fairgrounds. The Event has run out of BEER! Hordes of event partygoers rush to consume their final mugs. Mandos chants: The world will end in 14 minutes... Bolds of lasers bounce off the walls, the bots close in. The power generators fail, and the bots fall lifeless. Drogian trips while trying to scalp the broken robots. Mandos chants: The world will end in 13 minutes... The Uruk-hai put down the idiot boxes, Sauron seems miffed. Drunken olog-hai take up arms, having gotten the gist. Sauron's servants are wasted - the Hangover begins. Mandos chants: The world will end in 12 minutes... The dungeon is chopped down to rubble by quite vicious weather, Thingol-addicted-to-dice screams out above the noise; Pretty Good and Somewhat Evil no longer rejoice together. Mandos chants: The world will end in 11 minutes... The last brawl ends as a soldier with an axe flies through the tavern window. Winia appears in the doorway and lays down her dented serving tray. Out of ale, as well as chairs, the Prancing Pony moves back to Bree. Aule tells you: my portals appear only in the wilderness... Mandos chants: The world will end in 10 minutes... Attack of the clones, we knew not the meaning, We thought that the movie had been the worst example, Until Mini-Mithgil, Mini-Caber, and others went about their spamming. Mandos chants: The world will end in 9 minutes... Iivellios takes a palantir rubics sphere from a backpack. The Popstars, vials of coke in hand, prepare to leave for another year, Legolas breaks down crying for love of Miss Britney, The dwarves weep for at their loss, bothered not by Christina's beard. Mandos chants: The world will end in 8 minutes... Melian plays Toss the Hobbit(tm) and throws a hobbit at you! Draugluin calmly rips the Hobbit's head off. End of Hobbit. Mandos chants: The world will end in 7 minutes... Scatha, Glaurung, Smaug, and EveryOtherDarnDragonInTheWorld flies west! Orcs dressed in day-glo orange jumpsuits give chase! The dragons fly back, wearing day-glo orange vests! Mandos chants: The world will end in 6 minutes... The Drunkards, quite drunk, do their drunkardly duty and pass out, The Rim-Ainacam come back to life and hand out the arrests, Unable to avoid the cat-like Rim-Ainacam, the Drunkards merely pout. Aule sends forth a portal to aid you! Mandos chants: The world will end in 5 minutes... Glaurung tosses Tevildo into the abyss. Thunder fills the skies as lightning zaps the Sheriffs back into oblivion. Gothmog cackles, watching the little corpses twist Dalamar pushes the cliff, falls off the rubble, into the cliff, digs in and takes the Sacred Whipear. Mandos chants: The world will end in 4 minutes... Dalamar screams the warcry of the drunk: "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer" Carcharoth eats an Event-goer that tries to wrangle him. Mandos chants: The world will end in 3 minutes... Beorn scorns his Beornings, the guild having blown his coffers at Blackjack. The Ranhoth disappear back to the Shire, never to be seen again. Galadriel scolds the Galadhrim, and takes away their goggles. SoU and CoU are reprimanded by Melkor, having removed their I <3 Melkor tattoos. Mandos chants: The world will end in 2 minutes... The sound of a heavenly choir suddenly echoes from above! Ankh logs in after 7y 327d 6h 44m 9s. Many Ardans look downward. Some are smarter and look skyward. Mandos chants: The world will end in 1 minute... A bright warm light shines from above as the voice of Eru sings: "Behold the Event, and what you have wrought, For with every Party, there is a Hangover, and with every Hangover a Party!" MudOS driver shouts: shutting down immediately.