A few Event happenings...

Posted by
Gyro [legacy]
17 March 2004 00:00:00

Here are a few funny things and some other not-so-funny-but-important things. Enjoy!

Attention:  Your user bodies are BUGGED!
^ Gyro: We knew that
This can only mean one thing...
Ariadne cackles: The end of the world is nigh. Prepare to meet thy DOOM!
Mandos chants: The world will end in 15 minutes...
^ Kilth: pwipe!!!


Rolf says in Westron: Aye, I dabble in art. You can 'request drawing'
     if you'd like.
You request a drawing.
You get your drawing.
You see a pencil and ink drawing on a piece of paper.

    This is a comical rendering of a strange, male silvan's head,
sitting on a skinny neck.

    You notice his dark red, unkempt, braided with a topknot hair
first.  Staring at you are red, shifty eyes.  He sports a bulbous
prominant nose and a crooked mouth.  He has rosy cheeks and a double
chin.  Surprisingly,  he has bushy eyebrows.  He is penciled-in with
pointy ears.  He has a wrinkled forehead.

As you look closer at the drawing you realize it looks an awful lot
like Gyro.



^ Galuf: whoever coded the clones is going to die :)


^ Caber: So help me god, as soon as I can, I'm getting a lasso from the
     Arena, and I'm teleporting Mini-Hectan into the fighting pit.


    This large tent, when an Ainu is here, is quite active, as often
the player will take a seat above the large tank near the west end of the
tent, and wait to be dunked.  If you want to 'request' that an Ainur come
and sit, you may, but if you abuse this feature, it will be removed.
    The only obvious exit is north.
Mini-Gyro cuddles up with Dalamar.
Mini-Tiek goes WAZZZZZZZAAAAA at Dalamar.
You smell alcohol...  Dalamar must be near.
Udine looks at a small, heavy ball.
Dalamar climbs up and sits on the chair.
After a few minutes, a large crowd begins to form.
    This is Bob, the one who will sell you balls to throw
and hit people - or the target at 'Dunk the Ainu!' with.
You can 'buy' them, they're only 10 gold a peice.
It is empty handed.
From the seat: Dalamar says in Westron: Ha!
From the seat: Dalamar says in Westron: bring it on!
buy ball
Bob hands you a ball and says, "Treat it well, young one, for it is your ball."
Drandul throws the ball at the target but misses!
From the seat: Dalamar says in Westron: maybe you should ask yer
     momma for help!
Drandul throws the ball at the target but misses!
You throw the ball at the target and miss!
From the seat: Dalamar says in Westron: My old Granny throws
     better'n y'all
From the seat: Dalamar says in Westron: Bring it!
Bob hands you a ball and says, "Treat it well, young one, for it is your ball."
You throw the ball at the target and it's a hit!
The crowd breaks out in laughter as Dalamar is dunked into the tank!
Bubbled from the tank: Dalamar says in Westron: no, no, at the target!
Dalamar tackles you!
Melian dances in!
From the seat: Eolip dips his toe into the water.
You throw the ball at the target and it's a hit!
The crowd breaks out in laughter as Eolip is dunked into the tank!
You throw the ball at the target and it's a hit!
The crowd breaks out in laughter as Eolip is dunked into the tank!
Bubbled from the tank: Eolip is drowning!
Bubbled from the tank: Eolip says in Westron: blrgh blouble blibble
Drogian climbs up and sits on the chair.
After a few minutes, a large crowd begins to form.
From the seat: Drogian hugs the wall, trying to stay dry.
You throw the ball at the target and it's a hit!
The crowd breaks out in laughter as Drogian is dunked into the tank!
Bubbled from the tank: Drogian swims.
Caber enters.
Bob hands Caber a ball.
Caber looks at a small, heavy ball.
Caber throws a ball at you, hitting you right between the eyes!
Caber says in Westron: Haha. Sucker.


   You are standing at the entrance to what looks like a HUGE fair.
A wide, grassy road stretches east for what must be more than a thousand 
meters.  A large arched sign is suspended over the ground by two large 
poles so that you can walk under to go further east into the fair.  Two 
large torches are set in holders midway down each pole.  Some beggars and
peasants are standing here, asking for money they can use inside the fair.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exit is east.
 Amaril the sindar Archmage (Villainous)
 Mini-Fangorn, the clone of Fangorn
 Look for Fangorn at the Event, he'll be wasted.
 Mini-Deragor, the clone of Deragor
 Deragor the dunedain Hitman (Demonic)
 Sunlit Shadow the sindar Thug (Villainous)
 Mini-Caber, the clone of Caber
 Keavie Meloiale the silvan Gwilwileth
 Mini-Roikadark, the clone of Roikadark
 Mini-Gyro, the clone of Gyro
 Mini-Clintus, the clone of Clintus
 A grab bag
 A bone
 Mini-Bork, the clone of Bork
 Mini-Drandul, the clone of Drandul
 A flask of white council homebrew (empty)
 Mini-Armand, the clone of Armand
 Mini-Tiek, the clone of Tiek
 Tiek Shadowleaf the silvan Tracker (Heroic)
 A piece of parchment
 An empty glass
 An empty bowl
 A strange wagon
 A tired teen rests here
 A statue of a lion which is guarding a cake


You ask Elizabeth about riddle.
Elizabeth says in Westron: If it isn't about Riddles, I'm sure I don't


    This must be the the world's smallest jungle!  A dozen gigantic
trees border this plot of land, providing shade and shelter.  There
are quiet noises from some small animals running through light 
underbrush, and the trees appear well-populated with monkeys and
wild birds.
Cold, biting rain streaks across the landscape.
    The only obvious exit is north.
 Mini-Gyro, the clone of Gyro
 A bloody tomahawk (broken)
 A dirty loincloth
 A great mass of mucus and saliva
 A naturalist is hiding in a tree
 A blood-splattered barbarian
Barbarian stares away into space.

    This huge mass of mucus and saliva is delicately seasoned with
a light dusting of small white maggots and a few small green worms.
The concoction is topped off with a good-sized fly.  The lugie is a
feast for your eye and excites your palate.  It is served on a thin
layer of sawdust that lies between it and the ground.

    You bend down to the ground and prepare to enjoy a scrumptious
lugie.  Saliva drips from your mouth, moistening the mass of mucus
and saliva.  You delicately surround the lugie with your eager lips.
Although you can hardly resist the temptation to immediately down 
the lugie, you hold back.  Carefully stroking the lugie with your
moist tongue, you recognize its perfect texture - just slightly 
lumpy - and taste the luxurious remains of another being's nasal
cavity.  Obviously, whomever hacked this lugie was an expert.  You
continue feasting on the delicacy.  Using your tongue, you slowly
pull the lugie into your mouth.  Hardly able to restrain yourself,
you bite on the lugie once - twice - and, oh-so-wonderfully realize
the mucus has firmed just enough to provide a light bounce for your
teeth.  Simultaneously, you carefully crunch the maggots into the
lugie, adding their bodily fluids to enhance its delicate flavor.
Then you reach the prize; you take the fly between your incisors
and carefully bite its squirming body in half.  The wings lightly
flutter against your gums, then lie still.  You shiver in excitement!
But while shivering, you accidently swallowed the lugie.  You wildly
cough, attempting to bring the lugie back up into your mouth - but
alas, your chance has passed!  With a sob of anguish, you rise from
the ground.


Shannon Casully walks in through the door and heads straight for Chris.  After
a moment of quiet argument, their debate heats up.  They seem to be talking
about whomever Chris is looking for.

Words soon turn to fists, and before you know it, Chris and Shannon
are fighting it out pretty hard.  Even sooner after that, the whole
tavern ends up involved in one huge brawl!
Suddenly a brawl erupts!!

You can't seem to work yourself up to that brawlish feeling.
Suddenly a brawl erupts!!
You remove your weapon, and use your fists instead!
The flame sputters and ceases as the whip is removed.
Deragor removes a lotta-tailed whip.
Deragor misses Caber with a wild swing.
Caber barely hits Deragor with a glancing blow.
Anglobin slams Caber in the back with a well placed kick.
You miss Chris with a wild swing.
Chris punches you short and sharply.
Shannon misses you with a wild swing.
Winia leans over from behind her protective barrier of the bar
and BONKS Deragor on the head with a serving tray!
Deragor smirks in amusement.
Deragor misses Caber with a wild swing.
Caber swings wildly at Deragor barely connecting.
Anglobin barely hits Caber with a glancing blow.
You swing wildly at Chris barely connecting.
Chris misses you with a wild swing.
Shannon smashes you in the gut with a fist.
Winia leans over from behind her protective barrier of the bar
and BONKS Caber on the head with a serving tray!
Deragor misses Caber with a wild swing.
Caber misses Deragor with a wild swing.
Anglobin misses Caber with a wild swing.
You miss Chris with a wild swing.
Chris misses you with a wild swing.
Shannon does a huge drop kick, smashing into the face of you with great force.
During this battle, no crimes can be reported.
During this battle, this act is not a reportable crime!
Deragor misses Caber with a wild swing.
Caber misses Shannon with a wild swing.
Anglobin misses you with a wild swing.
You miss Deragor with a wild swing.
Chris grabs Shannon bringing a yelp of pain.
Shannon misses Chris with a wild swing.
Caber snickers insanely.
Deragor starts singing about a brown eyed dunedain girl.
Deragor misses Caber with a wild swing.
Caber misses Shannon with a wild swing.
Anglobin slams you in the back with a well placed kick.
You miss Deragor with a wild swing.
Chris hurts Shannon by giving a painful eye-gouge.
Shannon barely hits Chris with a glancing blow.
During this battle, no crimes can be reported.
Carcharoth chuckles in a wolfish way.
Deragor misses Chris with a wild swing.
Caber misses you with a wild swing.
Anglobin grabs Shannon bringing a yelp of pain.
You miss Caber with a wild swing.
Chris kicks Deragor drunkenly.
Shannon cracks Anglobin in the face, splattering blood everywhere!
Deragor grabs Chris bringing a yelp of pain.
Caber misses you with a wild swing.
Anglobin knees Shannon low, bringing a wince of pain.
You kick Caber drunkenly.
Chris punches Deragor short and sharply.
Shannon misses Anglobin with a wild swing.
You say in Westron: SHIT
Deragor misses Chris with a wild swing.
Caber misses you with a wild swing.
Anglobin misses Shannon with a wild swing.
You kick Caber drunkenly.
Chris elbows Deragor in the mouth, causing teeth to fly!
Shannon misses Anglobin with a wild swing.
Winia leans over from behind her protective barrier of the bar
and BONKS Caber on the head with a serving tray!
Deragor misses Chris with a wild swing.
Caber misses Anglobin with a wild swing.
Anglobin misses Shannon with a wild swing.
You miss Chris with a wild swing.
Caber misses you with a wild swing.
    Caber looks groggy as someone picks him up to unceremoniously
throw him through the front window!
Caber goes flying through a window.
Chris uppercuts Deragor in the face, breaking his nose!
Shannon trips Chris up, making him fall to the ground in a heap.
You cheer loudly as you win the brawl!!

The next brawl....

    You are suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown unceremoniously
through the front window of the tavern! Gratefully you pass from
    You are on a long, broad track which runs west to east.  This is
the primary artery for the event.  Flanking both sides, large tents
have been erected, all housing different attractions.  From inside and
beyond those tents many noises can be heard. The ground is beaten flat
and, while slightly muddy, there is sawdust scattered about.  There is
a celebratory air all about you.  It is obvious that people young and 
old are enjoying themselves here.
Cold, biting rain streaks across the landscape.
    The only obvious exits are south, west, north and east.
 Lithil Quinn the sindar Medicine Woman (Angelic)
 Shodan the hobbit Scout (Moral)
 Rohkilin the dunedain Deadly Shot (Demonic)
 Elendriel's tent [unpacked]
You fall to the ground.
You are unconscious and can do nothing!
    Caber comes flying through a window and hits the ground with
a loud *THUNK*.
Caber falls to the ground.


^ Lithil: Idiot box is bugged!:(
^ Kharash: hahaha
^ Caber: Hahahaha
^ Zelindo: fdl
^ Carcharoth giggles.
^ Gyro: FDL!
^ Otoron: I don't get it.


^ Magneto: someone make Mithgil Mail


^ Gano: Is anyone else getting aroused by these lollypops?


Lansing shouts: We now have Melkor in the kissing booth!
Lansing shouts: Come kiss him for just 10 gold!
Melkor walks to the booth
bkiss melkor
You pay 10 gold coins to kiss Melkor!
    This booth positively glows with promise and a layer of new
paint.  Phermones hang heavily in the air and a strange tingling
rushes up and down your body as if in anticipation of something
mysterious and forbidden.  Here is the chance to taste the exotic
and ride the wild fantastic.  Well perhaps not, as hands ARE NOT
ALLOWED without the express permission of the ainu providing the  

Use 'leave' if you want to escape from this tempest of LUST.
    The only obvious exit is out.
 Melkor the Dark Lord          [unholy eternal]
You give Melkor a big kiss!!!
You ooh excitedly.
Melkor says in Westron: be still my beating heart
Melkor blows chunks!
You kiss Melkor.
You are escorted out of the booth!
    This is the waiting room of LUUURVVE!  At the far
end of the room is a wooden kissing booth painted in 
multi-hued swirling patterns of glorious technicolour.
This is your chance to finally plant your big juicy 
kisser on the rosy lips of the ainu of your dreams!
Ainur - Enter the booth to be a kissee.
Use bkiss <name> to buy a kiss!
Melkor is in the booth.
    The only obvious exits are south and booth.
 Lansing the haradrim Shuckster


Melkor starts to say something: You realize that you should be quiet and
tune in to the comm...

^ Melkor: I'm not sure if all of you are aware of this, but this is the
     kick-off of our 10th year at T2T.
^ Melkor: and 10 years ago, when Aule, Manwe and Orome and I gathered
     together in our dormrooms in Florrida... we never, ever, ever thought
^ Melkor: so, from me, to all of you who have been a part of this
     community: Thank you, for a great 10 years.
^ Melkor: cheers.
^ Melkor: and in honor of 10 years, i will be performing the first mass
     player deletion in history, starting with everyone online now.
^ Melkor: just kidding.
^ Stubble: Damn. Can I have my character back?
^ Melkor: no, but you can stfu, stubble.
^ Melkor smiles benevolently.
^ Melkor: anywho, enjoy the Event. There are some great things coming
     this year, and im sure there will be many more great years to come.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Event programming.


GLAURUNG lets loose a noisome stench!
Fire shoots into the sky. A dark cloud spreads...
The cloud is poisonous!!!

              =( )=  +-------------------+
                U|   | That's all folks! |
      /\  /\   / |   +-------------------+
     ) /^\) ^\/ _)\     |
     )   /^\/   _) \    |
     )   _ /  / _)  \___|_
 /\  )/\/ ||  | )_)\___,|))
<  >      |(,,) )__)    |
 ||      /    \)___)\
 | \____(      )___) )____

Glaurung cackles: The end of the world is nigh. Prepare to meet thy DOOM!
The noise from the Event crowd settles to a dull roar.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 15 minutes...

A cry is heard from the Event fairgrounds.
The Event has run out of BEER!
Hordes of event partygoers rush to consume their final mugs.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 14 minutes...

Bolds of lasers bounce off the walls, the bots close in.
The power generators fail, and the bots fall lifeless. 
Drogian trips while trying to scalp the broken robots.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 13 minutes...

The Uruk-hai put down the idiot boxes, Sauron seems miffed.
Drunken olog-hai take up arms, having gotten the gist.
Sauron's servants are wasted - the Hangover begins.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 12 minutes...

The dungeon is chopped down to rubble by quite vicious weather,
Thingol-addicted-to-dice screams out above the noise;
Pretty Good and Somewhat Evil no longer rejoice together.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 11 minutes...

The last brawl ends as a soldier with an axe flies through the tavern window.
Winia appears in the doorway and lays down her dented serving tray.
Out of ale, as well as chairs, the Prancing Pony moves back to Bree.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 10 minutes...

Attack of the clones, we knew not the meaning,
We thought that the movie had been the worst example,
Until Mini-Mithgil, Mini-Caber, and others went about their spamming.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 9 minutes...

The Popstars, vials of coke in hand, prepare to leave for another year,
Legolas breaks down crying for love of Miss Britney,
The dwarves weep for at their loss, bothered not by Christina's beard.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 8 minutes...

Melian plays Toss the Hobbit(tm) and throws a hobbit at you!
Draugluin calmly rips the Hobbit's head off. End of Hobbit.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 7 minutes...

Scatha, Glaurung, Smaug, and EveryOtherDarnDragonInTheWorld flies west!
Orcs dressed in day-glo orange jumpsuits give chase!
The dragons fly back, wearing day-glo orange vests!
Mandos chants: The world will end in 6 minutes...

The Drunkards, quite drunk, do their drunkardly duty and pass out, 
The Rim-Ainacam come back to life and hand out the arrests,
Unable to avoid the cat-like Rim-Ainacam, the Drunkards merely pout.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 5 minutes...

Thunder fills the skies as lightning zaps the Sheriffs back into oblivion.
Gothmog cackles, watching the little corpses twist
Dalamar pushes the cliff, falls off the rubble, into the cliff, digs in and takes the Sacred Whipear.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 4 minutes...

Dalamar screams the warcry of the drunk: "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer"
Carcharoth eats an Event-goer that tries to wrangle him.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 3 minutes...

Beorn scorns his Beornings, the guild having blown his coffers at Blackjack.
The Ranhoth disappear back to the Shire, never to be seen again.
Galadriel scolds the Galadhrim, and takes away their goggles.
SoU and CoU are reprimanded by Melkor, having removed their I <3 Melkor tattoos.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 2 minutes...

The sound of a heavenly choir suddenly echoes from above!
Ankh logs in after 7y 327d 6h 44m 9s.
Many Ardans look downward. Some are smarter and look skyward.
Mandos chants:  The world will end in 1 minute...

A bright warm light shines from above as the voice of Eru sings:
"Behold the Event, and what you have wrought,
 For with every Party, there is a Hangover,
              and with every Hangover a Party!"
MudOS driver shouts: shutting down immediately.