
Posted by
Lalo [legacy]
31 March 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

He want a party and we give him that


  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    08 April 2004 04:22:19

    Hey Rushi dont tell me more 'take my ass' clean it first pig

  • Author
    Cyber [legacy]
    04 April 2004 19:19:55


    And a HIGH FIVE to Lalo.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:47:16

    And believe it or not, i'm not really Gary Coleman (that's Martha)...

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:46:35

    The only thing you've got going for you is the porno moustache, you ugly cunt :).

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:46:03

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 05:45:50

    Hey rushi your mother know that you are playing this dangerous game.

    Be carefull when you use your keyboard you can break your nails

    Love you ever BadHead

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    03 April 2004 00:34:51

    rush dose ur daddey let you comment on this log page BOY?

    rush daddy say go to bed BOY!

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 April 2004 13:17:15

    Ah Cubans, I miss your crazy antics!

    I also miss commissioning your deaths with such monotoneous regularity.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    02 April 2004 12:12:02

    Wait a second. So there were 4 people? Lalo, Blade, Aiden-faded, Devinius-faded, and ANOTHER figure? Christ...

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    01 April 2004 15:36:13

    The outpost courtyard(e, enter, s and w)

    An anonymous figure [3]

    Blade the dunlending Deathmaster (Demonic)

    A huge orc guard [2]

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    01 April 2004 09:14:27

    devinius backstabbed, lalo backstabbed, and aiden headbutted. that's 3.

  • Author
    Faustus [legacy]
    01 April 2004 04:41:28

    Pounder - One of those figures is Blade, one is the sneaky locker-upper.

    Just look at the emotes - only weapons are SS, Morimacil, and BRL.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    01 April 2004 04:09:04

    Rhoads made some good points, although he was trying to be sarcastic. And Trempk made me laugh out loud IRL again :P IGNORANCE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? I HAVE FOUND YOU A FRIEND!!

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    01 April 2004 00:10:08

    Hey Harper, i will take you like another alt more, so i wont care about you, by CUBAN honor is important so i will explain what happend in moria.

    When your skills permit you to know where your enemys are you can make a nice strategy, my party was ready to fight, but we were too heavy and with Caber in Blade party waiting for us out of moria, i cant count with my phial, and too heavy for take flask from cloak so we decided to leave faded to a save place.

    Camillus he tried me all the night, so i decided to lock him with some friends, i make some finds and he was making phial, so i got him there.

    Mr BadHead for the bad guys, Lalo for the friends

    Durad the suicide man dont talk here :P *grins

  • Author
    Alpizar [legacy]
    31 March 2004 23:54:44

    3 YAHOO for Lalo :P , and one for Blade *lol*

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    31 March 2004 23:44:57

    w00t!! GO CABER!!!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    31 March 2004 23:43:34

    For gods sakes Faustus at least read the log before you make comments like that;P

    Its from lalo's perspective and ... An anonymous figure [2]

    I wonder.


  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    31 March 2004 23:03:31

    Yes congrulations to Faustus the FIRST person to notice that there were only two attackers. Make that three. No wait 4.

    Okay forget I talked.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    31 March 2004 22:54:51

    Oh. Hey Trempk! I also just remembered how Amruin used to drag assassins to Andune and then run in and out of the hall, knocking 10HP off of the hunter every time he tried to follow them in, until the assassin died. And then that got changed too. Man, that's crazy! And here I thought _WE_ were the only ones who ever used our guildhall to our advantage!

  • Author
    Faustus [legacy]
    31 March 2004 22:48:40

    Uhh, unless i'm mistaken, only 1 figure attacks Blade. Not sure why everyone said 3.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    31 March 2004 22:25:50

    thats alot of whining over a simple kill.. get over it.. and kill him back..

    cant really see why the lack of new good logs should provoke people to hammer brainless on their keyboards

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    31 March 2004 21:45:53

    Actually not to put words directly into blade's mouth, but he did indirectly give congrats to Lalo in the log. I hate when friends kill friends too just like Durad but oh well it happens.:P It was a good lockup but my guess is it could have easily been carried out by two people. It was a wise idea for blade to unfade because he just got fines from at least one person instead of being a figure and dying without any fines.

    Oh well, he did have SS so I guess thats pretty good loot.:)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    31 March 2004 20:47:35

    I guess I just don't understand why people like Harper are making excuses and complaining about this incident when good ol' Blade hasn't said a thing.

    I wonder if Lalo knew that the figure was Blade and not any old figure.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 20:32:29

    Actually Caber, I wasan't talking about Blade pulling out excuses, everyone dies, even he. What I am doing, on the other hand, is making fun of how you always say that same stuff everytime one of your friends die, nothing biggie :)

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    31 March 2004 20:31:19

    w00t!! GO CABER!!!!

  • Author
    Chap [legacy]
    31 March 2004 19:30:04

    w00t! GO CUBANS!!!

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    31 March 2004 18:03:32

    We've done that like one time ever, Trempk. And we can't do it anymore anyway. So, in the words of some funny people, 'Good one, Trempk!'

    And Rhoads, I really can't come up with a better way to phrase this, so: Fuck you. Blade's never made up an excuse for anything, and you're really not that funny anyway.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    31 March 2004 17:52:32

    Yeah, too bad they didnt just try blade out in the open, or he could have taken lalo to the bear pit and easily killed him.

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    31 March 2004 17:42:19

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    31 March 2004 17:22:30


  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    31 March 2004 16:41:41

    Not at all Rhoads. I do think it says a lot, though, that Lalo had 2 people backing him up, in a place as locker-friendly as STS, to take out a single DH. That kind of excessive force reeks of fear to me, if not on the surface then at the root.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 16:25:32

    Well, I guess any log that a DH dies is full of flaws and sucks anyway :P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    31 March 2004 16:19:00

    jajajaa! go Cubans!

    I'm amazed how they can play through their http tunnels...

    *salutes from Spain without lag* ;-)

  • Author
    Darkbeat [legacy]
    31 March 2004 16:17:09

    Very much so Ehtyar. STS is for locking people solo even if they are more than you, also depending on what eq you got of course.

    Blade knows I love him but its a nice log anyway =)

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:20:47

    Nice job, Rhoads. Perhaps you'd like to be our spokesman?

    STS has received a lot of publicity lately - almost a de facto, accidental 'Lockups for Dummies' manual. Not Lalo's fault, but what the hell, 3 people? That's not what STS is good for. :P

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:19:33

    it only took gv, galadhrim and koda to do that lock up :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:16:39

    I guess I am just cooler. ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:15:08

    No, you are not loosing your mind :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:14:49

    Sorry Harper I removed the comment to fix some stuff, but I didn't noticed you where still poting. Anyway I will just repeat then: 'Still, Blade died anyway'.

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:14:45

    woh, am i losing my mind or does rhoads get to remove his comments :P

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:14:01

    Yes, you're right. the people who make up the log and what they do has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    31 March 2004 15:07:27

    please, lalo is the guy who kills moria orcs faded and doesn't fade off until he's back in his gh

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    31 March 2004 14:53:17

    Hey, this is actually pretty good. I think?

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    31 March 2004 14:46:22

    I don't get any of this at all. But like Polk says, I'm stupid.


  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    31 March 2004 14:36:10

    My Cuban friend, you killed my American friend!

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    31 March 2004 14:08:44

    Most likely Lalo was ready for most things, else he wouldn't have attacked the figure (I think). Blade probably only wanted a free kill, or else we wouldn't have hunted. But alas! He got locked for underrating Lalo.

    Go cubans!

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    31 March 2004 14:03:33

    hmm, am i missing something or were you the one that 'want a party', lalo, by attacking the figure? i could be wrong though?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    31 March 2004 13:47:52

    Hmm, since Caber nor any other old DH or FRA didn't said anything yet, I will do it for then:

    'I just want to kindly point out that Lalo has been killed about 1000 times by Daen Hecil before and after this kill, and the figure simply stopped logging on after that so I guess it is our victory right? And besides, there is nothing that Blade could have done in this particular situation, afterall, who could see that one comming?'

    I just couldn't resist :)

    About the log, well, good stuff Lalo I guess ;P

  • Author
    Deragor [legacy]
    31 March 2004 13:17:20

    I like your laugh!

    Smart thunking.

  • Author
    Drego [legacy]
    31 March 2004 13:08:08


  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    31 March 2004 12:50:55

    Sorry for the color, but i dont know what the hell was thye problem with my client now, I WANT MY KBTIN BACK :(

    Mr BadHead