RoI attacks Wanted Shalligan.

Posted by
Rajje [legacy]
03 April 2004 00:00:00

Ok, the thing is Udungul has a treaty with RoI. Judge for your self. Who's wrong in this situation?


  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:32:11

    Etrius you've always been cool in my mind.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    04 April 2004 19:29:07

    Is it because I swore? ;)

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    04 April 2004 19:20:36

    Again, I state dungs suck, Etrius, for once, in my mind, is kinda cool :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 April 2004 08:58:32

    The only wrong was airing the dirty guild-politics involved... I mean, what does it achieve (other than the Gothwin thing, comedy gold)?

  • Author
    Faustus [legacy]
    04 April 2004 04:20:18

    Doesn't anyone else remember when Darkterror helped kill Bakal with Winnetou during the cease-fire?

    Shalligan was wanted as well. If Udungul had enough treaties, and they all applied to people in a state of wantedness, then 95% of the MUD would not be allowed to arrest him.

    I see no wrong in this log.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    04 April 2004 03:58:29

    Treaty is an incorrect term, the correct term is Ceasefire agreement.

    RoI and Udungul were already in a war, they agreed to end it after Udungul's GM asked for a ceasefire.

    They are not allies. They are not friends. It is a ceasefire agreement and not a treaty.

    That is all.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 April 2004 02:26:43

    And it wasn't me, Magneto :P (you one eye-browed faggot).

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 April 2004 02:23:43

    Yeah Nroeb, and you're any better. The only reason you give a shit about Beornings now is because your alt couldn't get into Daen Hecil.

    Otherwise you'd still be 'retired'.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    04 April 2004 02:08:08

    UD and RoI have a treaty? ROTFL!!!

    This game is getting so freaked out.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    03 April 2004 23:22:22

    Even if Rajje is right this still isn't the place to discuss it.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    03 April 2004 22:29:53

    Squibb, you're still around? Sheesh. :P

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 April 2004 21:59:34

    Comment page translations:

    Gangbang- if you get killed by people you don't like and there are more than one

    Whine- If you/your guild/friends were out of line and people point that out


    Please feel free to add more guys ;-)

    PS: I know my name is coming up now :-P

  • Author
    Apollo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 19:19:30

    Blah, I been a thief too long, GOTHWIN thief thingy....

  • Author
    Apollo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 19:18:38

    To sum this up: Gothwin is awesome and steals all the spotlight, RoI are shitheads, Grimscar was a dumbass, Udungul got the shit kicked out of them, Zelindo doesn't read everything he should, and Kujo is now happy that others think the Gothmog bitch thing was funny.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    03 April 2004 18:52:36

    lol jajaja, Rajje, that's cute ;)

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    03 April 2004 18:39:24

    Haha. Well, I'm surprised it doesn't have 100 comments yet.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    03 April 2004 16:18:45

    Please Gothwin, Only your name in a log will steal the spotlight. *bows humbly*

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    03 April 2004 15:58:48

    I almost feel guilty for stealing the spotlight

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 April 2004 14:34:17

    I liked the bitch part, I dont care about the rest :P

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    03 April 2004 14:29:20

    Nroeb: what the heck do you have against RoI other than the fact they stood up to your whiny alts?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    03 April 2004 14:07:00

    I love Gothwin.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 14:02:15

    Yeah, that Gothwin thing was funny as all hell. :)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    03 April 2004 12:37:45

    The Gothwin part was the best in the log imho.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    03 April 2004 12:25:14

    What the fuck is this, whine o' mania?

    If you have a problem with something like this then at least try to get it sorted yourself through the proper channels. Mail the relevant people, fight back or at least do something. Don't come complaining about it on the Logpage, it really won't solve anything. The same goes for VC, Glorglas or any other of the whiny fuckers who love to bitch about how terrible RoI is.

  • Author
    Nroeb [legacy]
    03 April 2004 12:22:20

    We all know RoI are not what they pretend to be, we know sometimes they lie, they talk shit. Like what Grimscar was. Some of us learn to live with it, *shrug*.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    03 April 2004 12:21:50

    Go cry somewhere else? Hmm, but on the other hand, please continue posting logs like this one, you kinda make me laugh.

  • Author
    Nroeb [legacy]
    03 April 2004 12:21:04

    Arresting someone should not be included in treaty, neither should be mordor killing or attacking a figure.

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    03 April 2004 11:48:32

    I can bet that the figure was Bakal or Kujo or Tiaren. Cant think of any other shits in RoI.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    03 April 2004 11:33:06

    that's some fucked up shit, bit of communication needed me thinks

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    03 April 2004 09:47:55

    I found the Gothwin thing very funny :P

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    03 April 2004 08:08:19

    The whole issue was ok at startes. but he _hunted_ me. That's the thing that made me burst into flames. He hunted, wich I think is lame. and I'd defend Shalligan, or who ever guildmate. Again and again. You arrested him. So I'm supposed to just watch? (refering to Cabers post) That's not gonna happend. Ok, I got beat up. But I tried to help. Though shield shallagan annoyed me. ;)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    03 April 2004 08:04:17

    Wait, so you have a treaty where you don't attack each other, but you expect Rajje to stand by and watch while you try to arrest his guildmate? Who in their right mind would do that? I'm not really familiar with RoI-Udungul politics, but in my opinion, arresting someone you won't pkill goes against the spirit of a treaty in the first place. Sheesh. :P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 08:02:55

    Btw, we also had merciful on, just in case something did happen that anyone might die. Like someone coming in to defend Shalligan. But I've heard that others have already died trying to arrest him, so I'm going to take a guess and say you didn't? :) Just wondering!

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 08:01:50

    Oh, I just read the log but refused to read the two pages of tells :P Sorry.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:56:16

    bit eccentric?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:50:27

    Lol nice Zelindo. You're durad?

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:47:47

    Oh btw. Later that day...

    You have 165 HP, and have taken Eznima (AVG) down a notch!

    (5726) HP:165 EP:222

    Eznima swings wildly at you and barely misses you with the blade.

    You miss Eznima.

    You feint with a sapphire sword, showing the dazzling skill of a Master,

    completely bewildering Eznima!

    You miss Eznima.

    (5727) HP:165 EP:187

    You are attacked by Kalor!

    You've been attacked by ---Kalor---!

    You are attacked by Monet!

    You've been attacked by ---Monet---!

    You are attacked by Rajje!

    You've been attacked by ---Rajje---!

    You start focusing on your dodge skill.

    This was after your GM had attacked me while I was running around looking for a healer. OMG U ALL ATTACKED ME AND WE HAF A TREETI OMG HELPZ ME PLZ


  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:46:05

    Stop whining. Pay your fines next time.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:45:43

    Hey, btw, Rajje. Your treaty says nothing about having wanted criminals. So when I go wanted, you're welcome to come after me! Oh, btw, what kind of an idiot goes into a room with four RoI and an anonymous figure who are subduing a criminal and attacks the figure? I mean, christ, it's not hard to figure out who the figure will be.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:43:43

    And wtf, was I the ONLY ONE who found the whole Gothwin bitch thing funny?!


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:42:06

    That's the most sensible thing you've ever said, Durad.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:28:28

    RoI/DUNG WAR! Dungs are shit! Go Rangers!

  • Author
    Psykosis [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:23:41

    Once a guy goes wanted, he's free game. Or atleast in my opinion.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    03 April 2004 07:02:23

    ^ Paraiko: Our extensive body hair is designed to protect the eyes of

    lesser beings from the radiance.


  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    03 April 2004 05:33:22

    Squibb, Zelindo knew it was a guildmate (zelindo was shielding him from questing earlier or something), and that's why he attacked Rajje once hte figure got attacked. He knew it was a guildmate, i didnt.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 April 2004 05:30:53

    You were shielding someone you didn't know? Can you shield a faded figure?

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    03 April 2004 04:23:31

    I still stand to what i said (even though i have no idea why im discussing this on the logpage). At the time i didnt realize it was a guildmate, only later did i learn who it was. He was faded saw us with handcuffs and said he'd help. Zelindo knew, i didnt. *shrug*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 April 2004 04:23:04

    Your GM is a liar too, just thought you'd like to know, even though probably 3/4 of the mud is too. :p

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    03 April 2004 04:05:31

    Wanted or not, shouldnt your guildmates jump in to protect you?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 April 2004 04:04:01

    You say in Westron: bitch

    Gothwin raises an eyebrow.

    You say in Westron: not you


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    03 April 2004 04:00:53

    You attacked me! Im goint to tell my MOM!

    blah blah,

    What happened to the good old days when a figure was an opertunity for a good time?

    geesh no one even died here!