^ Rami: you guys watched the Formula Racing in Bahrain?!:P ^ Rami: bah you all suck! ^ Someone: What state is Bahrain in? ^ Rami: omg ^ Rami: it's a country on it's own. ^ Fofester: Racing is the stupidest sport ever invented ^ Morgar: yes it is ^ Fofester: Hey, let's watch a bunch of cars drive in circles for 3 hours ^ Otoron: You should know that, Someone. Bahrain is the Uncle Tom of the Arab world. ^ Fofester cheers wildly ^ Draugluin: Bahrain sucks. ^ Rami: shutup DRaug!:P ^ Rami: bahrain roxx0rz ^ Someone: I'm an American, aren't all other countries just like colonies of the USA? ^ Fofester: Heh ^ Draugluin: No it sucks. Bunch of lowlifes and cheaters and whatnot. I bet if you could just ban countries, we'd have banned Bahrain a long time ago :P ^ Draugluin: Someone, you're a crackhead, go back to your pipe. ^ Rami: Draugluin i've been mudding for 6 years, never cheated once. so you can overgeneralize all you want. ^ Someone: I never liked crack much anyway. It tastes terrible ^ Gono: wrong America is a colony of the 'old europe', as has been for 500 years :) ^ Draugluin: Thank you and I shall! ^ Rami even has a clean warnings log :P ^ Meilikki: draug you saying americas are the cheaters? ^ Draugluin: No, Bahrainians. ^ Draugluin: In explaining to Rami why Bahrain isn't the "roxx0rz"! ^ Rami: It's just like Banning the whole of Iowa, or sweden ^ Rami shrugs ^ Draugluin: Yeah, it'd be fabulous and easy. ^ Draugluin: But alas, the best things in life are never easy. :) ^ Rami: hmm ^ Rami really feels welcome here. ^ Meilikki: some of those europing groups, didn't they have to ban a lab? ^ Draugluin: I'm not sure. I know Rauko and Melkor used to ban large portions of countries. ^ Rami: i;m sorry that's how you feel Draugluin ^ Draugluin: I banned an ip in south america once, and unknowingly nailed half of a country, but that's it. ^ Otoron: Ban AOL! obvious exit is northwest. HP:166 EP:80> ^ Draugluin: Yeah, and we had a ban on AOL for a long time. ^ Gono: south america has only 2 IPs? ^ Draugluin: Just a no-new-character ban, though. ^ Rami: that's the BAn bahrain had :P ^ Rami: or has ^ Rami: i donno ^ Meilikki: yeah, about 5 years ago or so when the durms were around, i think it was sweden... but there was a lab of 10 guys playing from school and home, if i remember right that lab was banned and unbanned like 6 times ^ Draugluin: Poor Rami. ^ Rami is in Atlanta, GA now. HP:169 EP:58> ^ so i wouldnt know ^ Rami: so i wouldnt know HP:169 EP:53> ^ Scat is too! Meilikki tells you: what contient? ^ Fofester: Really Rami? ^ Fofester: Me too ^ Draugluin: Yes, Meilikki. ^ Draugluin: You two should get together. ^ Scat: 3. ^ Fofester: 3! ^ Rami: Draugluin you had a bad night? ^ what's up with the pissiness? ^ Rami: what's up with the pissiness? ^ Draugluin: I'm not "pissy", screw off. ^ Meilikki: heh ^ Rami: hahaha whatever ^ Meilikki: atleast he knows he's in denial ^ Draugluin: Well, sure, NOW I'm pissed. But just at Rami. ^ Dull: if i get arrested and all that, will there be any reimbursements to the victims of my crimes? ^ Draugluin: Yeah. ^ Meilikki: but he's an America, we americans never cheat, we're just better players :) ^ Tami: time to log hmm party time i guess ;) if you need eq look at alexa in a few ill toss up some goodies before i hit town ^ Dull: so basically they get what's whipped out of me? ^ Draugluin yawns at Meilikki. ^ Draugluin: Yeah, Dull. ^ Draugluin: But nothing is fabricated. ^ Draugluin: So what is a Bahrainian doing in Georgia, anyway? ^ Rami: trying to be cool like you americans ^ Rami: and learn the art of no-cheating. ^ Draugluin: Well, you can't change yourself like that just from moving. ^ Draugluin: You might as well go back. ^ Rami used to like Draugluin. ^ Meilikki: but you can ban bahrain but you can't ban atlanta georgia :) ^ Draugluin: I never liked you! ^ Rami: well, thanks. ^ Draugluin: Atlanta is a good place. ^ Draugluin: Even if it's currently being raided by Rami. ^ Meilikki: don't worry Rami, just find out who pissed in his oatmeal this morning, he might light you again :P ^ Draugluin: Meilikki, I can't like him "again", I never liked him to begin with! ^ Rami did, obviously ;p ^ Rami: may i ask why Draug? ^ Meilikki: prove it Draug ^ Meilikki: you love us all, i know you do, deep down you just want to be loved too ^ Rami: which state you from Draugluin? HP:230 EP:219> ^ Tami: Gets a sensation that Draugs wife might be holding back on somethin Draugluin craves for ^ Rami grins at Tami ^ Rami: he'll hate you too now! ^ Tami: LOL gotto love those 666 bids on fang of Sauron ^ Someone: Hey, knock off the disrespect you clowns ^ Rami: disrespect? talk to him about disrespect ^ Draugluin: I'm not married, being intelligent ^ Draugluin: I'm from Maryland originally. ^ Tami: snappy comeback draug ;) ^ Tami: although a little slow ;) *poke* ^ Gerrard: What about unoriginally? ^ Draugluin: I'm busy. ^ Meilikki: everyone's busy ^ Draugluin: If you want to feel disrespected because I hate you, and just you, out of the currently 10 thousand registered players: Okay. ;) ^ Rami: i feel special ^ Rami: actually ^ Draugluin: Okay good. ^ Tami: gasp rami is a man ? ^ Rami looks under his skirt and nods. ^ Tami: Now i know why draug doesnt like you ;) ^ Tami: dang crossdresser ;) You tell Draugluin: why do you feel that way? You tell Draugluin: like i wanna know Draugluin tells you: Which way? You tell Draugluin: heh You tell Draugluin: never mind. Draugluin tells you: K. You tell Draugluin: did i kill your alt once or something? Draugluin tells you: Not that I know of. Why? You tell Draugluin: just trying to think why you hate me. Draugluin tells you: Fun? You tell Draugluin: oh? i like that