RoI selective "RP" against only evil guilded

Posted by
Kolbjoern [legacy]
06 April 2004 00:00:00

Story goes Zargon lost mels in water, word gets around i log on to help. I end up with claim, only people around are Flare and Rami, Rami claims he protects there. sorry for the messed up wordwrap.


  • Author
    Yamabushi [legacy]
    09 April 2004 18:19:15

    Oh well. If the Watcher or Shelob, or any other evil but not servent of sauron NPC were hand of eru, they would still die just the same. The moral characters would just justify it as they aren't on our kill restrictions.

    So it's not that big of a deal. Have fun, kill everything and everyone.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    09 April 2004 03:51:53

    Evils only kill certain evil npc's... watcher --> not servant of sauron --> killable and a few other ones as well

    If you think the advantages are pro-evil then just join an evil guild and soon you will see how wrong you are.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    08 April 2004 18:32:18


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    08 April 2004 06:12:23

    I think you all need to drink a tall glass of shut the fuck up!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    08 April 2004 04:45:37

    Squibb, you're missing my point.

    A lot of good stuff can be gotten by morals on evilly aligned npcs, but what the fuck does that matter when evils won't think twice about killing them anyways?

    Hence the advantage.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    08 April 2004 02:56:01

    Dunno, I think the RP of Udungul is good. Hell when you are an evil guild who has a theme to help defend/protect an area where every moral and neutral player in the game wants to loot, making a ton of enemies is inevitable.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    08 April 2004 00:52:33

    Udungul has shitty RP :P

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    08 April 2004 00:32:15

    Friendly announcement: Do not insult Udungul's current RP, its not good for your health. It is medically proven.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 April 2004 22:08:06

    I was told by Big D when Meglivornth was the first to be removed one reason was that neutral guilds were being removed. Go ask him as I have all our conversation logs saved on the computer at my family's house.

    OK, aside from Uniques, how many good items can be gotten by evils as compared to morals?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 April 2004 21:27:52

    I don't believe for a second the ainu removed impartial guilds for rp reasons (despite what is said). It's gotta have been for playability reasons, and if i'm right, then Evils have a massive advantage over morals with your line of reasoning.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 April 2004 21:19:10

    Evils killing another evil not RP? Since when is the unstructured and chaotic environment of evils not thematic? Yes there is a loose structure to evils and no im not giving a hallpass for killing anything we wish, but when the orc in gundabad is preventing me from passing and I need to get past when the Ainur have failed to code another way, then I simply kill him.

    If you think it is more thematic for me to beg a moral to kill it for me so I don't mess up 'RP'(the most subjective term in the game) am I hurting RP more by asking a moral to do it? You tell me.

    Or when I kill Atraiu for the Dark Sword 'Morimacil' then is that going against RP because last I checked he was not a servant of Sauron although he is of evil alignment? Shit needs to be clarified so that people don't keep bringing this shit up over and over.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    07 April 2004 15:55:42

    Oh I mix posts in this site, well, let's do a nice cut&paste ;-)

    You all have to hibernate for a long... long... long... time.

    It gives you 'perspective', guaranteed.

    Beyaz, you're right, Towers is a RP MUD, but it's almost impossible to RP there and you cannot 'enforce' RP, so better not try to do it (or at least not put TOO MUCH effort on it or you will go insane ;-).

    Thanks bye! (oh yes, I'm hibernated!!)

    P.D. DH, go to RP with others, how did you still do not notice it's not the same way of KoDA tries to RP? The only reason KoDA don't ignore you completely is because you manage again and again to harrass (killing mainly) them...

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 April 2004 15:34:28

    I've never claimed to attack you for RP or non RP reasons, or claimed that I don't RP. In fact, when I've killed you, I've never even spoken to you about it.

    Live with the fact that the concept of The Daen Hecil attacking KoDA is perfectly thematically sound. Also live with the fact that of course I'm less inclined to read your posts when half of them exist only to pretentiously correct other people's typos, like some kind of beta version organic dictionary.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 15:01:28

    You prove my point well though Naith...

    I'm talking about RP, and you obviously dont want to listen.

    I will remember that next time you claim to be attacking me for RP reasons.


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    07 April 2004 13:34:46

    Thank you Naith :)

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 13:19:38


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 13:19:31

    is true

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 13:19:22


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    07 April 2004 13:10:31

    Beyaz - The word dyslexia is making unavailable to Delgaur is most likely 'rogue', not the 'french for red'.

    And the reason why the afore mentioned comment has been ignored is possibly for the same reason most of yours are: because there are some people, of which you are one, who have nothing to say, yet conversely voice the fact as frequently as possible.

    One post is just as good as three consecutive ones.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 12:25:36

    The simple fact is, Trempk, is that some people join a guild to roleplay, others join to pretend to roleplay, but actually powerplay.

    Very few guilds are 100% RP. And yes, i am biased towards KoDA, but why shouldnt i be?

    The Knights kill evil and only evil, and do only good. I mean, we wont even eat tarky, because it comes from dead dunadan's.

    And....let me quote the towers homepage...

    The Two Towers - a free Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game set within Tolkien's world.'

    Yes people, ROLEPLAYING.


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 12:18:00

    And they probably ignored it because it hits too close to the mark, and they dont want to acknowledge the fact.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    07 April 2004 12:16:22

    Rouge = French :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 April 2004 12:06:15

    And why did all the immorals guildies ignore my comment about them killing immorals?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 April 2004 12:05:23

    ok, so what exactly is rouge? :p

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    07 April 2004 10:18:45

    I talk to Drego on that Caber, My law is no killing in public places in south gondor, as this is not rouge, but evil. Slaying the odd innocent in his home becuase he has somthing you want, is rouge. We will have coded restriction in the next few weeks for all of gondor so members who kill can not get away with it anymore.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 April 2004 07:24:18

    Okay, so I can't be bothered to really catch up on all of these comments, but someone said Beornings don't/can't/something kill in Linhir. Since when? Drego was knocking down Linhir guards left and right a couple of weeks ago. Either your guild is working 24/7 to pay for pissed off employees now, or something just isn't right...

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    07 April 2004 07:16:28

    Woh. I didn't look at this thread for a while, and suddenly there are over 100 comments? AND IT ISN'T CLOSED YET? Rhoads, where are you?!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 April 2004 04:41:10


    101 w00t!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 April 2004 04:19:34

    I just wanted to be the moron who said '100 comments'



  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    07 April 2004 04:07:25

    In the past I would have bothered to refute opinions here, but I've learned the pointlessness of it. Propaganda logs aren't as lame as propaganda auction tags, but they're pretty damn close.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    07 April 2004 03:44:57

    Squibb, I would agree that it'd be nice to hear various opinions on this stuff, but you and I both know all it usually degrades to is personal insults and people throwing around various 'facts' they never bother to back up. If these arguments could be somewhat civilized, fine, but as it is they're a waste of everyone's time. I still think arguing about it's dumb, but I'd be fine with people discussing this stuff if they could do it like adults rather than children.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    07 April 2004 02:44:04

    I've got advice for you, too, Gyro. It's in Irish.

    Pog mo thoin.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 April 2004 02:39:34

    I don't see any problem with it. It is a way in which everyone can see the real garbage going on out here or at least hear everyone's point of views.

    Otherwise you get the totally biased side from only one party.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    07 April 2004 01:06:43

    'You see, now, RL is much funner because I am not fucking fussing over this game.'

    Why fuss over it at all in the first place? It's a GAME people. The comments on logs like this are always exactly the same: people slinging mud at eachother for no real reason other than to argue, as far as I can see. Nobody's ever going to prove any point, nobody's ever going to agree, so why don't you just drop it and move on for Christ's sake? Let people play however the hell they want, whether they're breaking their theme or not. After all, once they've already broken their theme/rp/restrictions, it's not like you can go back and change it. Get on with life, stop wasting your time arguing over idiotic issues like this, and just try to have some fun.

    -Fofe: Voice of reason once again.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    07 April 2004 00:43:41


  • Author
    Gyro [legacy]
    06 April 2004 22:43:45

    I got advice for all of you, It's in german:


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 22:35:56

    Durad, for once, in my mind, is kinda cool.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    06 April 2004 22:30:11

    Ok, everyone, shut up. Devinius wanted me to comment and therefore I shall. There are too many fucking long comments for me to read, so I skipped a shitload (mostly after Devinius')

    Ok, I think that you fuckers should just have a all moral guild vs all evil guild war. It would be interesting.

    The reason I no longer play is this bullshit. I hate having to put up with it. Its like hell inside a world of which is used by many to escape the dreary forces of reality.

    You see, now, RL is much funner because I am not fucking fussing over this game. Sure, I still keep in contact with it, through the log page and such, but that is it. I think you all should take a step back. This is a community where players around the world should enjoy because their interests are the same.

    Perhaps you guys will one day realize this.

    Jerf, hi.

    Caber, hi.

    Naith, hi.

    Direkein, hi.

    All you other fuckers who were my friends at some point, hi.

    All my enemies, hi.

    Good luck :P


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 21:42:11

    Saritalr, get back to your homework and leave the humor for those a bit more apt.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 21:41:12

    Skyman, that comment was made a year ago when I was a Shadowspawn of Mordor Silvan Elf living in northern Rhovanion. Not a Hand of Eru dunedain Ranger of Ithilien. A modicum of respect for context, please.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    06 April 2004 21:38:44

    your mother's face is evil! *metaphorical stone lob*

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 April 2004 21:03:53

    Alkath - Trempk only owns himself by his comments, nobody else.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 April 2004 21:02:55

    Otoron: 'Ah well. I think us being considered a 'neutral' guild is kinda hilarious, considering CoU, Udungul, Sons, and Beornings kill a crapload of NPCs of both sides due to playability, and we maybe kill one-five moral NPCs per uptime, if that.'

    Tell me what servants of Sauron Udungul kills? Please enlighten me. Its typical of these MUD arguements: repeat bullshit over and over hoping people will believe it. Morals = Apples & Evils = Oranges thus dont compare us the same way.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 April 2004 20:59:21

    Hahahahahahahaha, Trempk owned you all. You could all shut up, no meaning to comment :P hahahaha

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    06 April 2004 20:49:03

    Beyaz Rajje whoever else commented about where mels would have gone if a evil got it. I have no doubt that it would be handed to me by any of them. Then i would have talked with Flare about it and made a plan. As udungul had the most people able to help i was thinking of them to store it or something for me. Flare was kind of yanked out of the place for a long while. He came back in time for the fight though.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:45:07

    lots of comments i see, since i have been sleeping. Get over it people *shrug* in a couple days it will be a new uptime and some other guild can fuck up, or some noob can die and try to be avenged by his other noob friends. or something

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:31:46

    *Rolls on the floor laughing*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:21:49

    You guys are going to be sitting on the side of the road getting teabagged by a bunch of shemen lounging it out while the moral turtles of arda pass you up and end up winning the war. Comeon now

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:20:32

    Why don't the immorals just have higher standards for themselves and actually consider themselves Sauron's elites? Instead of acting like a bunch of stupid ass cock sucking orcs and trolls who are only useful to sauron because they're stupid assmonkeys who can kill stuff. Maybe you might want to not undermine Sauron's plans or work against him by killing shit that serves a positive purpose to him? Amruin could kill anything we want to except for eorlings under our kill restrictions, but instead we decide that we aren't going to kill any moral NPCs because they are most likely on our side.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:17:18

    Lol, this is some funny fuckin shit right here. There's so many fingers being pointed, you'd mistaken it for the buffet table on all you can eat tuesday at fat boys. Why can't you all just agree that you're all full of shit and move on to the ribs?

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:08:13

    sorry, i guess i dont keep updating this page as fast as some of you. ')

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:07:32

    According to the interactive guide to Arda:

    The Watcher in the water:

    Dates: First recorded in III 2994, but apparently much older than this.

    Location: The pool outside the Doors of Durin, at least in the later Third Age.

    Race: Unknown

    -A mysterious and horrific beast that lurked in the swollen waters of the Sirannon, beneath the western walls of Moria


    1 The Watcher is a unique being, nowhere else alluded to, and in fact we cannot even say for certain that it was a single creature. It's generally depicted as a many-tentacled squid-like monster, but in fact Tolkien never states this certainly. Indeed, when Frodo asks Gandalf 'What was the thing, or were there many of them?', Gandalf's only answer is 'I do not know.' (The Fellowship of the Ring II 4 A Journey in the Dark

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    06 April 2004 17:02:04

    Beyaz, it was never intended that Udungul to have the MELS. It was appearently for Flare, and, I feel like I have been lied too. Since I thought it was for someone else. I'd help Flare though, ofcourse. BUT I thought It was for someone else. So to whomever I helped. I would not have used it since DH appearently would have taken it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:59:19

    I am not giving my opinion in this eternal discussion, these points have been brought over and over and no one here is judging you.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:53:12

    Theoden, for instance...

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:52:40

    I have nothing more to say on the matter Rhoads...

    Except...How would you feel, personally, about being asked to help a guild that is known to kill your guilds 'designated to protect' NPC's, stop another guild from doing the same, while the first said guild tries to kill said NPC anyway?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:49:46

    This discussion will never end :)

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:49:33


    We Knights do not kill moral' all.

    Unless by accident.

    I guess that makes us truely good. :))

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:46:07

    Well, Rajje...

    If one of those 'singular' members of Udungul had gotten MELS, would it have been theirs to hold, or would it have went in the armoury?

    I think we all know what the answer to that i will not say anymore.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:42:47

    Zargon asked me 'to help BkD and RoI defend the governor'.

    Like 30 minutes before all this happened, so it seemed to me like i was being set up, or they just wanted me to be their to slow Udungul down, while BkD or RoI got mels...and i wont do it.

    Code of Honour.

    A Knight will not conspire with the known enemies of Gondor.

    (Namely BkD, since they insist on killing the First Knight every chance they get)

    And...As we see in this log, BkD are actually attacking the Governor. So i was correct in what i thought.

    Thank you.


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:39:49

    A man in Arda, for example. Can be evil. He can be a totaly sick depraved bastard, but hold no alligence to Sauron or Melkor. Untimately he serves Melkors purpose and fullfills his desires through his actions, but he does not follow orders or answer to him

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:32:32

    Not so Devinius, they all ultimatly served Melkor yes, but not Sauron.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:27:37

    btw, Ofcourse, we represent Udungul. But what I meant was, we did not do it as a guild thing. ie 'Udungul, lets get MELS'.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:22:59

    Erm. Beyaz..

    'Zargon asked me to help bkd and roi 'defend' the governor against Udungul.'

    Udungul wasn't there to get the MELS for themselves. Udungul wasn't there as an guild either. I wanted to help out a friend, and called for some of my other guildmates on to help this guy. Now, we canme in AFTER all the parties were there. So how can you say that zargon needed 'defense' against Udungul?

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:18:17

    Last comment:

    Evil deeds were not always committed by evil things, yes I know that.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:16:34

    I have to disagree with you Hirgail. The comment 'evils have no morals' is quite correct, but I believe that over generalizes the way evil existed in Middle Earth when Tolkien wrote it. If you look at evil in his books, there are varying degrees of it - but always there is the one constant, all evil in the books served Melkor or Sauron, either through their direct or indirect influence. Therefore always, all things evil, served evil. (Creatures excluded).

    For the purposes of the MUD, there will never be true evil, because there are just too many cool things on evil NPC's. Playability outweighs RP/Alignment every time. Whether through alts, friends, or shops, evils end up with gear from evils - regardless of restriction. If I was inclined in such a way I'd probably go back to my Rimsilval days of being Hand of Eru through alignment quests, while I slay the Council, Erestor, Tombom, Maegon... etc etc you get my drift.

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:10:20

    Evils killed evils in the books, a few evil NPC's even kill each other on this mud - having said that I think someone (ME) should point out that the intention and fact, behind the orcs and trolls that fought and killed each other in the books, is simply that they were utterly stupid. Some hybrids of Orc later were smarter, more vicious, and could control lesser orcs, but if you read Letters you'll find that Tolkien stated clearly

    '...greed and stupidity is the motivating force that drives evil slaying evil, whereas the norm for higher orc races and evil men is to slay good...' it goes on and on but you get the basic idea.

    For anyone to suggest that members of evil guilds who kill evil creatures big or small, are trully evil, is ludicrous. They are not trully evil, they are simply greedy stupid evil things with no real purpose or focus of their own.

    In fact it's as close to 'selective roleplay' as one could probably get. If you want to talk true evil, show me evil that slays only good. If you want to talk true good, show me good that slays only good.

    Alignment does not determine morality on it's own. And that seems to me, one of the most misunderstood issues on this mud, and a constant source of guild whining.

    That is all.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    06 April 2004 16:10:19

    Otoron: If someone commits a crime, does that justify you to do so?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:56:12

    Then Kujo, that is a mistake on the part of the person who described him. I was assuming that it was in theme. Krakens were not creatures of Sauron..but creatures of the Underworld. More like Dragons and Balrogs. They may be allied at times, or have a common purpose but the Kraken would not have been subserviant to Sauron.

    Also, the Kraken is in the Misty Mountains..not Lothlorien.

    Besides, think about it. Once the ring got past the Kraken, would Sauron be glad to have it there to stop nobody going into Moria, which he already held. Or would he be happy that his Servants had shiny Dwarf armour to deflect Elven arrows with? As I said, evil has no morals. SoU is subserviant to Sauron, for so long as what it kills does not hamper Saurons war effort, I doubt he could give a flying fuck if they waste the odd orc here and there. Orcs are slaves and he has plenty of them. It is over simplifying to say SoU cannot kill anything with an <moral alignment.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:50:54


    Perhaps i was mistaken about killing RoI...I am not going to argue that, as I dont have proof. The point of that comment however, was not to bragg about my superior pkill skills, but to show how RoI are akin to servants of Sauron in some of their actions.

    And the Watcher is NOT a servant of Sauron. look it up sometime.

    and with that, I bid farewell.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:49:55

    4th comment in a row (and last one for a while, sorry :P).

    I don't like how kill-restrictions dictate what people can and can't do. Case in question, 'since the new kill restrictions came in'...

    Well, yeah, there's now punishments for doing something you shouldn't have done at all anyways, right?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:47:18

    Personally, i've never killed an impartial + npc I left Rimsilval.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:46:33

    But hey, whomever said worry about your own theme before poking holes in others is right on the money (now that the Durms are out of the game, anyways :D), so i'm not gonna get into a big argument about it. There's really no point, if the ainu have a problem with what goes on i'm sure they'll step in.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:44:46

    And Skyman, there are new kill restrictions in place. Notice the word 'new'.

  • Author
    Darkbeat [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:43:05

    Previous post was about Mordor killing restrictions for evils btw.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:42:58

    Hirgail got a point there. Evils kill evils in the book. Orcs slay each other.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:42:41

    Hirgail, next time you're going for a swim down in lothlorien, take the time to have a gander at the watcher's description.

    Sauron's power flows through it, how is it NOT a servant of Sauron? *boggle*

  • Author
    Darkbeat [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:42:36

    The complete non-kill restriction came in right after I lead a party through CU Mordor and a whole boot as CoU. :)

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:39:49

    Dont worry thought Otoron wont lob any stones, he's a pacifist. Oh wait, are these metaphorical stones? Does that still count? Damn.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:36:56

    IF SoU kill the watcher..that's totaly above board. I'd say the Kraken falls under the same catagory as Shelob..while being evil it is not a servant of Sauron per say. It could be argued that it's bad tactics to kill the enemies of your enemies, but for gameplay the hauberk does more for evil that the Kraken being there alive. The thing about evil is, it has no morals. It exists to cause harm and to gather power to itself. (Good also gathers power but it suppose to have some scruples about how it does so).

  • Author
    Yamabushi [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:30:22

    Aye, the evil guilds do have kill restrictions to keep them from killing sauron's servants. I'd just like to know what ones have been killed since these new restrictions came in.

    Just because you see an Udungul, SoU, or CoU with a OCP doesn't mean they didn't just loot it off the corpse of your buddy who tried to get it.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:22:48

    Hey hey, it's me. Just a few comments on Otoron's words. When I was a GM, long ago, I read a post of Otoron saying he'd gladly kill the governor if this governor refuses to give him mels. And another thing - Otoron said 'SoU, CoU, and Udungul -routinely- kill servants of Sauron.'. Well, I sure do dislike SoU and Udungul, for I've fought with them - died by them and killed them. But to say the kill evils, that is bullshit. They've like always had enough killing restrictions on sauron's servants. And CoU. Well, I've been impartial to CoU all my mudlife but I've heard they also have _full_ restrictions on killing sauron's servants. So half of what Otoron said is bullshit. Bye.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:16:41

    Devinius: Valinor attempted to interfere in guild-relations very, very recently.

    I also believe that Valinor stopped that KoDA/Glorglas (I think, a guild like these anyways) mini-kill-each-others-npcs somewhat recently :)

  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:16:33

    It's late and my grammar sucks, so sue me.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:09:47

    So just how bored is everyone with this game now? Valoc might have a good idea. I shouldn't say this, but perhaps people would appreciate their guilds more, if Arda lost them for a period of time. They are pretty pointless as it stands. Basically just little gangs who stick together for a common armoury/shop and who pay for it by not killing certain NPC's. Some guilds may defend an area when it suits them, or when they are bored..but don't do it fanatically.(SoU and KoDA as almost always being the exception). People don't really want to RP these days. It's viewed as a hassle and a burdon(or a good excuse to PK someone). No-one really cares I suppose. Maybe things will change when ERs are bought in ..but I doubt the change will be lasting. Everyone has played this game for too long, it seems to have lost it's charm I guess.


  • Author
    Devinius [legacy]
    06 April 2004 15:06:42


    Valinor do not enforce RP. Valinor enforce guild theme, to a degree, but generally don't involve themselves in guild vs guild conflicts unless there is a very good reason. And let's face it who knows what Valinor would consider a good reason right? When was the last time Valinor interceded in a guild vs guild dispute anyway? Let alone an RP matter.

    Zargon is not a lamer. If you want to call someone a lamer, call me a lamer. I am lame and here for your personal insulting pleasure.

    RP - when RP standards have been defined, then really all we have are individual opinions and no single group, or person, can with any certainty say when RP stops and RP begins. Did RoI break their RP? Maybe. Does it effect anyone really? No.

    Ultimately we can say WITH certainty that the world is round, it spins around the sun, the universe is constantly expanding, and RoI haven't done anything that individuals, and guilds, haven't been doing and continue to do, for years.


    I am Lame therefore I am.

    Durad say something this string is boring.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 14:17:09

    Hey Perry,

    Let me answer your question for you. You no doubt kill the watcher for his hauberk.

    Further, i've got a question for you.

    Which RoI have you ever killed?

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    06 April 2004 13:20:48

    I agree with Fofester. Its all about a stupid sword. But just look at that all arguing on the log page and on the mud. And all because of RoI giving MELS to a complete lamer who drops it in the lake. ROTFL I would say. :) Keep your uniques away from people who don`t know what to do with them.

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    06 April 2004 13:12:00

    Problem here is, Otoron is trying to move focus of this log away from his own guild, by pointing out the flaws he belives lay with other guilds. RoI are in the log, doing bad things, not SoU not CoU not the Beornings. Fact is, you are not a member of either of them guilds, so you should not worrie about them, all you need do is deal with thier GMs when you have run ins and problems, which i know you do for the best part.

    But this log is about RoI, and possibly BKD. They are in the log. Beornings are not allowed to kill in linhir, CoU, SoU i will assume its there theme. - so why point the finger at them i dont know.

    You should just hold your hands up, save face and deal with the guilty offenders. *shrug* - if you think CoU, SoU, Beorns are so bad - then dont follow the same trend.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    06 April 2004 12:28:16


    please enlighten me as to what servant of Sauron, aside from the occasional RoI, I kill, as an SoU?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    06 April 2004 12:00:39

    Hundreds of time i bet! thousands if you stay in arda long enough!:)

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    06 April 2004 11:21:44

    I wonder how many times I'm going to hear this argument :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 11:03:06

    No shit, Pounder.

    Off the top of my head, on the 'moral side' Amruin, BKD, Galadhrim and Glorglas have more lenient kill restrictions than we do.

    SoU, CoU, and Udungul -routinely- kill servants of Sauron.

    Don't even get me started on the Beornings kill restrictions ... you talk about setting examples, Kanovar.... there's a guild setting the example for the type of shit that was supposed to be removed during the last theme review; a theme that would logically mean friendliness towards Elves with a buncha members who slay the council more than anyone else in the game and kill pretty much any race or alignment they feel will best stock the armoury.

    But hey, I guess I should take it as a compliment that a log or two of questionable actions can cause this much fuss.

    Put your own houses in order before you start lobbing stones with such self-righteous glee.

  • Author
    Lithil [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:57:15

    A double negative becomes a positive, therefore two wrongs make a right.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:55:21

    a few more than that, (i just rechecked the log), but again, it was a typo.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:52:41

    Kanovar the shield on Barberi was a typo. It lasted for what, 1-2 rounds? i meant to shield Bradw.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:50:29

    Let's just disband guilds. People don't hold onto their theme anyway.

  • Author
    Kanovar [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:42:10

    Looks to me, from others comments, they are saying 'we dont care' i would like to think most guild would want to 'set the example' and not do as others do. And in this case Severaly punish people. Rami shielding BKD while they kill Governour he was there to protect? *smirks*

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:36:55

    Its clear Fofester has really the only good comment in this log. I can guess almost to a fact that every guild here has done something questionable. If you really want to look at a guild that can kill many things if I am not mistaken but it is actually bkd. There is nothing wrong with that though IMHO. I honestly think the ainur only try to enforce RP for balance reasons, at least that seemed to be the case in FRA, meg, rims and durm changes. Balance reason would be like they were too much more powerful over other guilds since they could kill almost anything. Anyways, like Fofester said, this is alot of stupid fuss over eq that lasts a whole 2-3days maybe?:) Thats also why I can't understand people jumping others for gear and stuff but oh well I guess its just me.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:34:14

    Lotraz, I didn't once defend the actions.

    I noted the hypocrisy of those throwing stones.

    And if you think the log page is a place for a GM to deal with problems, you're... well, we'll agree to disagree on that.

    And really... what does me acknowledging it have to do with the veracity of my comparisons with the evil guilds? If we were Udungul, DH, or CoU, this wouldn't have caused an eye to blink, because it would have been (at one point or another) nothing out of the norm. I just find it cute how the same people who pissed and moaned when targets of moral guilds refrain of 'you guys don't rp!' cast a stone without catching the irony.

    Ah well. I think us being considered a 'neutral' guild is kinda hilarious, considering CoU, Udungul, Sons, and Beornings kill a crapload of NPCs of both sides due to playability, and we maybe kill one-five moral NPCs per uptime, if that.

    But hey... we're a 'moral' guild, and as such, have to comply to your demands to roll over and shackle ourselves by our theme while 'evil' Arda laughs at such things?



  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 10:23:38

    At first I were about to argue against Kolbjoern, saying this log is excactly like the shit 'evil' have been doing when protecting Mordor for ages.

    Then I started reading RoI's comments and notice the members acknowledge they did wrong in this case - all except Otoron.

    So, due to that: Typical RoI behaviour. I have to agree with Squibb on this one, Otoron is trying to change RoI to be a new Meglivornth/Rimsilval. They will never get the Ainu's approval, but they might get their ignorance. Get a grip Otoron.

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    06 April 2004 09:45:21

    Its quite easy to understand...

    Udungul is like a dead fish in your sink

    and BKD ...

    And she bangs, she bangs

    Oh baby

    When she moves, she moves

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    06 April 2004 09:43:16

    Jewish American Princess

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    06 April 2004 08:45:58

    Dont make me come pull your ears off Otoron, I will! I forgot what a JAP was. Did you tell me already?

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    06 April 2004 08:40:40

    I'm all fine with people wanting to discuss theme of that and that. Just sad to see the reason behind it always is 'They killed me' or 'They took the the weapon i wanted' They suck at Rp!

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    06 April 2004 08:27:52

    Heh, the contents of this log sucks. It's certainly a prime example of greed :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 07:54:37

    Saritalr, just because you seem to be a JAP doesn't mean you need to be overly sensitive like one.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    06 April 2004 07:26:11

    try to mentally unpluralize that for me, thanks.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    06 April 2004 07:25:45

    hahahaha holocausts jokes are hillarious! *hugs otoron*

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    06 April 2004 07:18:03

    Squibb, you're my bro :) to all those other fucks arguing with RoI roleplay, {Gome Get Some} *licks lips* i need something to do with my time. spend to much time sleeping latley, and less time mudding. Anyways this log did kind of suck and was kind of bullshit, but i am sure every guild in the game has pulled this kind of stunt once before. including Globe and SoU and shit like that and ex.... *shrug*

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 06:07:18

    And though I don't think I was making shit up, I'd quit making shit up about the time you crawl back into the inactive hole from whence you came. :)

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 06:03:19

    Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Hypocrites are just funny.

    No, Squibb, you're not a Bulgarian, as I am aware. You misunderstood my post in more ways than one, apparently; I was obviously referring to what the guild became after its theme change.

    I swear to god. I wish I had a log to post everytime any other guild did something questionable. Get a life.


  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    06 April 2004 06:01:48

    A lot of unnecessary fuss over a sword that'll disappear in 2 days anyway, if you ask me.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:46:52

    And I am not Bulgarian either FYI

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:45:30

    Otoron, are you just making crap up? I don't ever remember 'protecting' Mordor as a Meglivornth. I remember killing players there because there was no penatly, but certainly never was it Meglivornth's RP to protect it.

    Quit making shit up to get yourself out of a jam.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:39:54

    Raugruth says in Westron: help

    Gangi says in Westron: No you suck


  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:22:33

    So you're defending yourself by saying two wrongs make a right?

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:18:44

    Apparently Kolbjoern isn't even from Bulgaria. Sorry, guilt by association on my part.

    My point stands on the hypocrisy of people like Squibb talking about selective RP, when his old guild had a penchant for 'defending' Mordor and then killing the same couriers they were defending.


  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:12:28

    And I find the best part of this log the description, 'I log on to help'. It should say 'all the mudders from my country change the char they are playing with to go get this wep'. Bulgarians lecturing people on RP is like Germans lecturing people on anti-semitism.

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 04:11:17

    Squibb lecturing someone on RP. Cute.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    06 April 2004 03:10:36

    I hate this propaganda bullshit.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    06 April 2004 02:41:15

    Of course, there is nothing wrong in RoI roleplaying, but yeah, selecting who to protect what from as Perry says sort of defeats the whole purpose of roleplaying. Also, seeing that the whole point was just for them to get mels out of it all... *sighs*

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    06 April 2004 02:24:45

    I agree with the premise, I dont see how anyone can be selective in roleplay. It sort of defeats the purpose of roleplay, doesnt it? This is like me asking amruin to help protect Balforth only to let them kill him. only difference is Balfy has a crappy knife. What I dont agree with is the log was very difficult to read. parts were cut made my impish brain hurt.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    06 April 2004 02:07:30


    I like a few RoI, but their leader is:

    A) Selective on his RP worse than any other moral guild

    B) Trying to position themselves as a 'neutral' guild even though the Ainur removed Rimsilval, Meglivornth for being 'neutral' forcing them to choose moral or evil.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 02:02:22

    I'm an idiot?

    I think they are all idiot's if they think i am going to risk getting booted from my guild, just to stop udungul from getting mels, and helping either roi, or bkd get it instead.

    I guess some people do stick to their RP, and some dont.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    06 April 2004 02:00:50

    Bkd were there early chasing off Flare several times. I was idle at the moment cause i knew they would be banging me so id lose the claim.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    06 April 2004 01:57:43

    Zargon asked me to help bkd and roi 'defend' the governor against Udungul.

    Which, at the time, i thought was a load of rubbish. BkD would kill the governor just as soon as look at him,if he had the with our first knight.

  • Author
    Kolbjoern [legacy]
    06 April 2004 01:57:20

    I later offer Otoron to return mels and i wouldent post this, guess what a figure backstabs me with.......MELS!

    Otoron declined, as he took my offer for a threat. Zargon was not even on at this time. IE a RoI assassin attempted me. Guess some moral guilds stick to there theme and some don't.