Midvalley was contracted

Posted by
Leander [legacy]
12 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

posting it for contracter to see!


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    13 April 2004 21:45:08

    Nagash, on the other hand, is an automated bot.

    Cathal, Ethereal sucked at that stage :P, cool the log, but none the less...

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    13 April 2004 15:46:53

    The massive PK settings I have can be compared with having a ferrari with a 1,3l motor in it. Its just for the eye nothing more than a good 'alias v do drink mixed potion,light crystal1,light crystal2,wield sword from baldric,hunt $1,backstab $1,focus aim' would do

    and the antibreak aliases are just like trrhos <playername> (trigger for rhosgobel) :P as to room counting? my client doesn't count anything I don't have any return scripts or stuff like that, so am I lost only my knowledge og getting around can save me. And yes I have maps of some spots but doesn't use them anymore..I used a map to hunt in south gondor and got a character nuked for botting cause of that so no I don't use maps for that purpose either. But you are right about these kills not beeing anything special.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 April 2004 15:20:03

    Don't be so negative Cathal, I never said anything about no believing you :-p. Yeah, that's probably true I can see that it could be a problem. I'll look at the formatting rules... but hmm, can regular users even post URLs? I forgot, but I'll look at it :-p.

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    13 April 2004 09:08:40

    you'ld be suprised how few people train awareness, i've followed many people all the heck over and they haven't done anything to indicate they heard me

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    13 April 2004 07:46:40

    A URL can't be in the first line of your comment, try it yourself if you don't believe me.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 April 2004 04:33:14

    Eh.. how is the comment thing buggy? or was it just a joke? :-p.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    13 April 2004 01:53:39

    ...greatest logs ever. Comment thing is buggy. :P

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    13 April 2004 01:53:19


    15 more HP and that would've been one of the

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    13 April 2004 01:51:38

    Ohh, and reading where a player should be going is not that hard to do, I was doing the shit before some of these fuckers had room counters, client-echos and massive pk-settings.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    13 April 2004 01:50:22

    Leander and Raqtor are good solid players, but they're only fine in my book because no one around is even trying or any good. Basically, no one is good in my book until they kill someone that I think is good. (That is yet to happen)

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    13 April 2004 01:21:19

    lol's at Cathal.

    You guys miss the fact that organization is the main praise I gave to Leander in this log. The fact you are able to think of where your target is going to head to after you attack is the key behind your increased chances of success.

    This game constantly evolves. Back in the days, going 40 rooms while an assassin hunts you would drain the assassin's ep out, and not many have as much healing as people do now. Everything balances out eventually if the cards are played right. However, I completely agree with Cathal with the addition of travelto and travelto quickly. Catching targets on long aliases is the key to you killing them. Thats why back in the days, so many assassins would wait at north undeep. Now, no one does it anymore it seems. I STILL say though, give credit to where credit is due. Leander and Raqtor are one of the finest assassins around. Of course, Rendor (+his alts) is another level.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    12 April 2004 23:30:25


  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    12 April 2004 22:36:29

    Ok, only Rajje rated it a 6 but uhm, you get my point!

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    12 April 2004 22:31:15

    Well if he was on a alias that'd be another thing, going from place A to place B on a alias is not smart. But uhm, if he wasnt a newbie he could very easily have broken that attempt, but he was a newbie and died. That's why this log isnt a 6 like many of you have rated it.

    And Cathal, was: 'Corpus, anus, whatever your name is' supposed to be funny? I didnt find it funny, and I dont see any lols here..

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    12 April 2004 21:16:26

    Didn't see the pk;trriv. So thought you had some kind of mapper..nm

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    12 April 2004 20:16:58

    Oops, didn't read Balris comment. My point stands.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    12 April 2004 20:14:25

    Corpus, anus, whatever your name is. The only reason what you just said is some viable is because of travelto return. Remove that from the game and Leander would've more then likely been able to punch out a level 19. The target would've been on alias and low on health, however, a level 19 also would've heard his footsteps.

  • Author
    Drizzet [legacy]
    12 April 2004 17:40:11

    Atleast you gave the stuff back. Cool guy for that. ^-^

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    12 April 2004 15:58:41

    Huntbreaking is for wussies! Stand still and die like a man!

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 April 2004 15:03:57

    also a thought, if the target had any awareness and could see the footsteps from the beginning, they would fade.

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    12 April 2004 14:41:52

    Everyone that has a bit of knowledge about arda could break that attempt. He was like 10 rooms away from bree..

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    12 April 2004 13:23:09

    Ghulznor I would like to know what indicates anything here was done automaticly. I hoped he would go for rivendell and had it typed in like pk;trriv so it was just hitting enter after he has been on his way east for some time....That I then saw southWEST and thought he was heading back toward bree and set the bree trigger for what break I hoped he would use in bree, that was a mistake though cause he was still on his way towards riv. And yeah I do have a map over Arda inside my head.

    And Magneto please you would have been dead here also without propper healing as you call it. It is even impossible to solo a ready skilled level 10 with propper healing, and thats because, as Cathal says, there are so many escapes.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    12 April 2004 12:30:17

    Damn, this is cool. How did you get the antibreak trigger to automatic set trigger of a Rivendell break. When your last known location was in Bree? Then you must have a map over arda =) ?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    12 April 2004 10:32:44

    Cathal (and Magneto, surprisingly) is correct, this guy sucks.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    12 April 2004 07:23:26

    1) He attacked a lower level that sucked.

    2) Back before there was travelto quickly and travelto return (both hurt the game) the idea was to catch your target on long aliases, so a lot of the stalking you see in some older logs isn't shown. I.E. I figure out such and such likes heading a certain way from Minas Tirith to Edoras by alias, so I wait for him on his path and take him down in travel. That was the name of the game then, now player killing is all about the gangbang and thats what happens when people are giving too many opportunities to escape.

    This is evolution and the whole premise of the solo-kill is dead. Unless you do like this log indicates and take down a player whose contract should've probably been left to a lower level player to earn some PK experience.

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    12 April 2004 05:52:17

    Would probably not work though if the target had the proper healing and knowledge of Arda.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    12 April 2004 03:12:04

    You may acredit it to just patience, Leander, but that's what makes you good. You, Raqtor, and a few others wait for just the right time and attack when your target's hurting. That's how an assassin SHOULD be. Good job.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    12 April 2004 02:20:51

    I must say Im flattered about the nice words you guys give me here. I do not recon myself one of the best assassins playing this mud though. I am a fairly quick typist, have abit of knowledge but the key in my way is patience. =)

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    12 April 2004 01:30:06

    Indeed they are. and rendor actually. They're like the best pkillers. Old school pkillers, and you just gotta love em. They stalk their prey, and when they feel that it's the right moment, they strike!

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    12 April 2004 01:20:57

    Leander and Raqtor are the most organized PK'ers I have ever seen in my mud life. They are very consistant with their work. I really respect those two. Excellent kills.