
Posted by
Juggalo [legacy]
15 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 23:17:58

    Oh, okay then. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 23:15:04

    I just like to make them look bad

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 23:11:45

    Trempk, you're really long-winded. Why not take some stfu pills and relax. Arguing with people on here is pretty pointless, unless you naturally believe that through the course of your idle meanderings someones way of life or style of gameplay might actually change, but I don't think you're that dense to think that.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:38:59

    This comment section so far:

    1.Some evils complained about a guy from one evil guild killing an 'ally' from another.

    2.I pointed out the double standards that you guys seem to have, PC vs NPC, etc.

    3.Eznima tried to point out that evils can kill whatever they want (but didnt mention killing PCs in other immoral guilds, which was my arguement.)

    4.Eznima snuffed out my two examples, but didn't deny my overall argument of immorals killing their supposed allies.

    5.Then he tried to say that i shouldnt be allowed to talk because people from my guild killed glorfindel years ago(which he still hasn't named and until he does, i'm considering him as being he's full of shit as usual) then tried to make up shit to back himself up, which didn't work.

    6.I said bring it out in the open when any amruin kills any moral npc, cause i, and our high council want to know about it, so we can deal with it.

    7.Eznima said that i was denying it, when i only wanted their names. Let them deny it if they want to deny it whoever they are, i dont care. And how can they deny it if we dont even know who it was.

    8.Eznima said they kill things because they want what those things have. Which no one even mentioned, or argued because thats the obvious reason you kill immoral NPCs, because you want their eq.

    Squibb said that I was uptight or something, which had nothing to do with the arguement at all.

    9.I mentioned the double standard again, because no one wanted to respond to it before.

    10.Squibb said that I was doing the same thing that they were doing.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:21:14

    whats the valid point? tell me the valid point then

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:18:21


    If we make a valid point you ignore it then write a 2 page reply totally avoiding any of it and bringing up the same stupid points which we talked about 100 times over.

    Arguing with you is a futile effort.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 21:55:20

    And why can't you just say either 'You're right trempk, we're wrong for killing immoral NPCs and then refraining from killing immoral PC 'allies' because they can actually fight back. We should kill them both' or 'You're right trempk, we're wrong for killing immoral NPCs and then refraining from killing immoral PC 'allies' because they can actually fight back. We shouldn't kill either of them.' Or 'You're right trempk, but we don't care. We aren't looking at this thematically. We're afraid the PC ones will hurt us, or that we will need their help sometime and will remember this. The NPC ones cant even talk to us or move really, so why should we care about them.'

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 21:48:47

    Its not my fault you read my comments like im upset, probably because you're upset, or you live somewhere where my language is only used while people are upset. Not everyone is like you and your grandmother, you know.

    I just really think that there is something inferior about people who don't think its possible to argue with someone without getting upset.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 April 2004 21:30:11

    Trempk, man, sit back, take a deep breath and relax.

    Repeat after me 'its just a game' 20 times

    I can picture your eyes watering and your face turning red while reading your comments

  • Author
    Finarf [legacy]
    16 April 2004 04:52:07

    I liked Trempk's first comment. It was funny.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:56:19

    Amruin kill restrictions are to kill no moral npc. If it happened like you say, name the names. And why isnt it ok for CoU to kill udungul if they have something they want, by your evil logic?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:19:22

    No one is denying right?

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:12:20

    Oh my god, you guys are hardcore idiots. Either that, or you have only been here for a year or two. Aron and Trempk, I did not say: Amruin do not RP, and I did not say Amruin only follow their kill restrictions. All I said that you guys are sneaky about stuff in the past. Maybe not you personally, but a couple of the good old amruins used to kill glorfindel for flasks in the past. If you wanna deny something you were not even here to witness, then its upto you. I wont beg you to believe anything. Additionally, we kill watchers who protect the hauberk, not because we want to kill the watcher, but because we want to get to the hauberk. He is not fighting on my side in anyway, so I do not give two-shits about him. If anything he is being an obstecle between me and a very highly rated piece of armour.

    Before you say anything, I will say it, this logic is evil. I am being an abuser or whatever you wanna call me. But thats an immoral type of logic. If you wanna use it yourself, be my guest, but thats not going to make you moral anymore. That will make you greedy, like you should being a man and all:p

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:45:35

    Yeah no shit. By killing immoral npcs who are fighting for your cause, you guys are just admitting that you're fucking morons. And if anyone sees any Amruin killing ANY moral NPC whatsoever, mail our gm pronto and it will be handled. And adding to your huge pile of bullshit, eznima, the only things on amruin's restriction list are eorlings. So stfu and quit pussyfooting around the subject. I just typed in a kickass flame, but removed it. Hot damn it was a good one too.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:15:50

    Hmm, and btw, you didn't answer Trempk's question either.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:12:37

    And then how can it be they made the restrictions because Amruin killed him so often, yet let them continue doing it?

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:11:57

    As far as I know, glorfindel isn't on amruin's restriction list?

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:07:40

    Eznima, if you mean back when Amruin killed in Edoras, too, yeah, I guess so!

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    15 April 2004 22:58:22

    Trempk, you seem to be slow, so I will try to explain stuff to you as slowly and as clearly as it is possible, however, with you, it might be a waste of time, but lemme give it a shot:

    Being evil does not equal being moral. Being evil does not imply that you have to only kill moral. Being evils emphasizes that you RP as an evil character. And being evil has never implied to be 'nice' to all other evils. Servents of Sauron fight each other for food and armoury. So you cannot compare us to your kind of RP and demand us to be following your RP in everyway you find fit.

    That being said, lets look back at your argument of us killing Couriers. I doubt you will ever say that we have been killing couriers since our employees has been installed. We have not touched a single one since then, and even though we might have been abusive in the past, we do not do it anymore.

    Moreover Trempk, your guild members used to kill Glorfindel in the past all the time. Thats before the employees system was installed. They used to be sneaky about it, and I know for a fact that a couple of your people used to do it. Now, does that mean you guys still do it? No, you stopped after the employee system has been installed. Therefore, Trempk, before you bring your guns at other people doing stuff, please look at your ownself and see the things you do wrong first.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 April 2004 22:34:32

    I also want someone to respond to this comment i made weeks ago:

    'Why don't the immorals just have higher standards for themselves and actually consider themselves Sauron's elites? Instead of acting like a bunch of stupid ass cock sucking orcs and trolls who are only useful to sauron because they're stupid assmonkeys who can kill stuff. Maybe you might want to not undermine Sauron's plans or work against him by killing shit that serves a positive purpose to him?'

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 April 2004 22:27:35

    I want somebody to respond to my previous comments.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    15 April 2004 22:16:55

    Yeah Rajje, azmodan attacked corsair b4, and Udungul talking about dont kill allies?


  • Author
    Gloar [legacy]
    15 April 2004 22:08:58

    Plz, kill more dungs, they really suck.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:49:44

    or wait.. you have to be lvl 12 and try to solo me well i have whip and a friend with me. and am near 3-4 great hbs. *smirk*

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:48:25

    and caber i'd say i do a fine job of keeping myself alive.. hence people like devinius have to gangbang me to get me dead. or should i post the dozens and dozens of attempts i break. i used to get jumped 3-4 times a day. if you care to try to solo me go for it.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:28:38

    I think what Kujo is trying to say, Rajje, is that AZMODAN attacked CORSAIRS before this log. He's not talking about Azmodan killing the figurein this log, he means BEFORE.

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:11:31

    lol kujo!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:10:04

    You can't keep mixing and matching your rp or whatever it would be considered.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    15 April 2004 21:09:30

    So its ok to kill the watcher, couriers, etc. and other generic followers(allies) of sauron, but not to kill each other? :P

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    15 April 2004 20:07:26

    This guy sucks.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 15:07:27

    *bangs head against table*

    I'd have more luck talking to a brick wall.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    15 April 2004 15:00:34

    It's pretty relevant, How would you expect him to know that a Corsair attacked her?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 14:48:36

    That is irrelevent. Does it change the fact that Azmodan has attacked corsairs?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    15 April 2004 14:10:10

    he kujo, Juggalo was faded.

    He shoulden't have killed Azmodan.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    15 April 2004 10:23:36

    Dude, Namarik, don't give people lectures on how to stay alive. :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 09:22:41

    Hey Magneto,

    Azmodan has attacked Corsairs.

    Hey Juggalo,

    Real nice kill.

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    15 April 2004 09:19:28

    Why the fuck did you kill an ally ? Like there is not enough scum around the mud.

  • Author
    Namarik [legacy]
    15 April 2004 08:49:43

    bahahaha brilliant :P and... why would azmodan's guild let him use whip for christ's sake...

    what were you saying about not being dumb? what the 4-5 breaks in linhir weren't neato enough for you?

    solo against 2 including whip and you owned juggalo.. impressive