Otoron dies.

Posted by
Magneto [legacy]
15 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    20 April 2004 17:19:30

    The 'FRA' are still here, but no one does anything to incite us anymore, so we all just sit in our guild and cuss each other over brandies.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    20 April 2004 00:18:06

    Aside from Grimscar that is, hes was rockin when last he left and seems like most of the old timers aren't really playing nor pk'ing much anymore

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    19 April 2004 22:06:54

    And btw Averry, wish granted. I'll be back now. I ordered cable modem installation. Will be interesting to try and move my Rapscallion aliases to zmud. Plus it will be interesting to finally play with all those fruity colors and client triggers that sure do help you keep track of whats going on.

    And btw, yea i will suck right now, but I think I should be back into normal form within a month.

    As far as 'hanging with the big boys' of today, ask any of my old opponents from back during the FRA war, they far outmatched most of what I see today so I am far from intimidated. Sure I will die, but if I don't then I won't be having fun.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    19 April 2004 05:42:37

    Draugluin, I would be happy to but from what I see he usually ends up flaming himself so there is really no need.

    BTW, I was just trying to piss off the RoI and mission accomplished with my comment :-))

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    18 April 2004 03:50:04

    Wouldn't you have to unignore me to be able to flame me?

    Just curious!

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    17 April 2004 22:49:46

    If someone wanted to flame Zelindo for me in response, that'd be great. I'm not so great at it.


  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    17 April 2004 07:06:59

    I still can't get over the fact that a maxed Ranger feinted. Man.

    It's crazy! CrAzY, I tell you!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 April 2004 06:23:35

    Magneto, you weren't even fucking playing when Squibb was active, you have no idea what he could and could not do, so shut your hole.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    17 April 2004 05:57:05

    Hey Aron. Imagine that. A maxed Ranger not only feinted, but it was a 'master feint'. It must be a world fucking record. And Squibb, your guild has no room to talk when it comes to whining. So shut the fuck up, bitch, and save your tears for someone who cares. Magneto, preach to someone who cares. Rajje, go whine about us arresting your guildmate some more, I'm sure that someday someone might care.

    Or not.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    17 April 2004 03:25:38

    I just love Magneto, damn, I really do! Now listen to him!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    17 April 2004 01:35:17

    And what have you done to be able to tell avery what he can think, magneto? How many newbs does he have to kill to be able to open his trap? 20? 25? 25 and a few gangbangs on a couple decent players maybe?

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    17 April 2004 00:23:55

    Avery who the fuck are you to say such things about Squibb ? You are NOBODY. What I hate is when people just speak. Do something and then speak from the position of a person who knows what its all about. You might have some alt. You can be everyone but the Avery is a nobody. This gives you no right to abuse people who have done times more than you even if they are inactive nowadays. Yes times have changed. Good players from the past find it hard to play with the new things in the game and when a lot has been changed/balanced/removed but we must respect them cause they are our past. We are their future.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 23:16:14

    He would still have the dumb name though

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 23:07:54

    Dunno, Avery, he was pretty damned badass. If he isn't as good anymore it'd either be from changes in the game or from time away. Like, I wouldn't expect to run the show if they'd unban me.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:57:23

    Mordor should be safe for moral rangers as long as gondor is safe for immoral ones :p

  • Author
    Avery [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:56:41

    Once upon a time Squibb was good. Now he's just a piece of shit who can't run with the big boys of today. Triste no?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:32:59

    Oddly enough, I don't see any RoI whining here.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 April 2004 22:25:04


    WAH WHINE WAH WAH CRY WHINE MOAN GANGBANG! MOAN CRY WAH WAH. 4 on 2 when one party has Aiglos WAH CRY WAH WAH mordor should be safe for moral rangers, its thematic WAH CRY WAH WAH

    There, that should about sum it up!

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    16 April 2004 21:37:34

    I'll feminazi your ASS Cathal!

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 21:00:59

    The thing is it was Balder doing it, lamer, and like a master!

  • Author
    Avery [legacy]
    16 April 2004 20:12:31

    Omg, did you guys see that shit? A gangbang... in Mordor... and he died!? Shoe contracts all around! HOW IS THIS LOG NOT THE NUMBER 1 GREATEST LOG OF ALL TIME! Fucktards. All of you. Fucking retards. Fucktards. Fuck you.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 19:10:34

    Because, Aron, -I've- personally never seen a feint before. I mean, omg. He feinted Otoron. Omg omg. I have to go change my underwear now.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    16 April 2004 18:39:29

    Damn, feint is cool.


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 April 2004 14:29:35

    You people are idiots.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 14:01:44

    Btw, whats up with bitches calling at like 3 in the morning while you're trashed and at a party only to tell you that you're an asshole and you need to get a life? Oh my God, I'm posting about 'bitches' with Saritalr the feminazi floating around.

  • Author
    Ghulznor [legacy]
    16 April 2004 14:01:37

    What did you do to Aiglos?

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 13:57:28

    What's funner then watching idiots argue? Watching idiots with bad English argue. There should be a rating system for particular comments on logs.

    I had a point, I lost it (stupid alcohol), in closing; put a cock in it is just a funny fucking thing to hear. :P

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    16 April 2004 11:32:13

    I think the log was pretty average, but the description cracked me up :)

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    16 April 2004 10:11:48

    Some people here should grew up.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:44:10

    must be caus I have so may alts, I get confused myself :(

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:39:20

    Is anyone else as confused as I am, trying to keep up with which of Necsipaal's personalities is ranting in which post?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:27:39

    Now I have to say, I've fallen as low as Zoso, I've become a brat doing retarded comments, harassing girls and pissing people off. God forgive me! Gosh, god is dead.. I'm toasted!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:22:04

    and why would you do such a stupid brat-lik thing Trempk, don't you worth better than Zoso? :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:21:03

    Hey now, I was just reminiscing about the time Zoso and my brother were saying that to her on the comm.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:17:39

    How could he possibly be misogyn since everyone knows I got a sex change and am now an happily machist male

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:16:42

    Hey Trempk, happy carebear, why didn't you get chocked while swallowing it?

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    16 April 2004 03:03:24

    'So you quit playing so you could sit on the logpage all the time waiting for logs of Otoron dying? Cause for someone who quit playing, you were awfully fast, only took you twenty minutes, in fact, at finding out Otoron had been killed, and then to run on here and comment.'

    So what if thats what i want to do~!!?!?!? I also put dog shit in bags in front of Otoron's door, light them on fire, ring the doorbell and wait for Otoron to find it.... NIGHTLY! (muhuhahah damn right it was me!)

    and trempk, take your misogyny and EAT IT!

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 02:53:33


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 April 2004 02:00:18

    put a cock in it, hahahahaha

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:38:34

    Funny, I added the 'stfu and leave me alone' after I put one of your alts on ignore for bitching at me about the first post that you had some limpdick moderator remove... so yes. Leave me the hell alone and go back to doing whatever it is you do.

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:35:09

    And yes Beyaz, it's sworn not sword. sorry!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:29:32

    it get removed because it was out of point and rlish

  • Author
    Rami [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:26:05

    hey i coulda sword there was a message posted by otoron right before this last one.. how'd it get removed?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:24:40

    Hey Otoron, I'm not even talking to you, therefore I fail to see how I could leave you alone. Besides, how could I depart my character while, it's still gone. Is it this sudden death that makes you loose your nerves and talks non sense? ;)

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 01:11:21

    Hey Necsipaal, why don't you depart your character in a fit of crazy rage after being ABUSED CHEATED AND BETRAYED, stfu, and leave me alone.


  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:35:10

    Well, the log really isn't super, I guess I should be commenting on it and all. It's a pretty standard bang in Mordor. Has a few nifty things here and there, though, which makes it an ok read. For instance:

    Balder feints with a Dol Amroth knight's sword, showing the dazzling skill of a Master, completely bewildering Otoron!

    I think that pretty much speaks for itself. Kthxbye.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:28:53

    and btw Kujo, this log is good! :P

  • Author
    Otoron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:28:38

    I'm still waiting for a log like this from one of these guys that doens't involve three to five friends.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:28:10

    well, Aron, Balder sent me a message on icq to tell me about his exploits so I thought I'd just comment and tell him I wuve him, hehe! and yeah it's like two months I haven't played, I'm writing a novel, hopefully I'd be published, so the mud is sorta down for me.

    Besides, I don't think I know you Aron :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:27:06

    Oh yeah, Kabutops, you're right man, i've just got me hackles up!

    Sorry Aron, comment still stands though.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:26:06

    What the hell, this is not 'Get Kujo to explain his real/mud life to people he doesn't know', it's 'This log is not very good, despite what the introverted, foaming at the mouth moron Magneto thinks'.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:25:38

    I think that comment was directed at Necs, Kujo.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:18:00

    Heh Aron, I was actually at Maccas when Otoron got killed... My character was logged on at the time... As we speak, i've been online for an hour and 24 minutes, and that's because I woke up real early this morning and can't get back to sleep :P.

    And quitting the game? I haven't quit the game, i just don't get a lot of time to play anymore. However, right now i've got Uni holidays, hence why I have access to the internet, so I guess I can play for the next 2 weeks.... Then it's back to inactivity.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:17:09

    For Tuoni's sake it's only a stupid rating, who the hell cares about why people rate it 1 or 6? I rated it 6 because Balder is damn cool and Otoron died, which is a reason enough. I can't believe people always try to argue on stupidities. Ah well that what makes mud be such a charming place I guess!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:15:07


    I don't like Zargon, never have. He's never been a RoI member either. Caber's log was gold, and anything the Cuban's post is guarenteed to make me crack up, so it's pure 5 or 6 material.

    Now, i've already said that specific Whinnetou log was good, it wasn't brilliant though. There's been plenty better posted, hence it getting a 4.

    Logs that are funny, logs that are out of the ordinary or logs that are good will get a 4,5 or 6 from me.

    You, on the other hand, rate anything you/your brother/your kindred/whichever guild you're trying to suck up to with a 6, no matter how common it is. You even rate your own logs with different characters.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:13:10

    So you quit playing so you could sit on the logpage all the time waiting for logs of Otoron dying? Cause for someone who quit playing, you were awfully fast, only took you twenty minutes, in fact, at finding out Otoron had been killed, and then to run on here and comment.

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:08:42

    Kujo first it is Winnetou. Second if a log of soloing 2 RoI members with a guild weapon is worth a 4 then what could be worth a 6 ? The stupid log of the cubans fighting each other ? That you apperantly voted with a 6. Or maybe

    07. Apr, 2004 By: Caber Type: Misc Title: Alexa: For all your divorce needs ... do I have to find other logs ? Bullshit you vote a log because of it. Atleast say the truth like I do.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:08:30

    Besides, like Magneto should even _talk_ about ratings. Want me to go back and post some links from logs where he's tried to falsely skew the overall rating by rating them with every character he's ever had?

    I ain't got a lot to do for the next hour or so.

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:05:31

    Damn, 16 comments already? I wanted to make a stupid ass comment like i always do. Guess its blown up now, THANK YOU PEOPLE!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:03:31


    Those are the kind of logs that make you want to play again.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    16 April 2004 00:02:14

    Aron: No doubt, Otoron is my friend... That said, it doesn't make the log any better. Don't think i'm rating this low because it's Otty.

    Julius is an old friend of mine (not sure where we stand anymore though), I still rated that kill Whinnetou made on him with a 6.

    Bakal is also a friend, and that kill Whinnetou made on him and Zargon was rated with a 4, what it deserved.

    I don't rate logs on who's involved, I rate them on how good they are..... This one isn't good, it's the same shit Magneto always posts, and it's the same shit that's gone on here forever.

    Why the hell would I want to see that?

  • Author
    Balder [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:59:14

    Nighty night anyways, Was damn fun to be attempted by bakal and otoron and turn the tables with a hunter with a partymember or four ;)in 3 mins ;)

    Work in 7 hours gotta go catch you laters !

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:56:37

    Didn't say I was invincible, I know i'm killable. I Simply said i've killed you, you haven't killed me.

    Haha, and should I be impressed that you waste 3/4ths of your spare time on the mud?

  • Author
    Hirgon [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:55:58

    I guess this is what happens to people who attack me...

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:54:00

    There's a number of people I would rather have seen dead than Otoron in this log, but hey, Otoron and Bakal attacked Balder, and Otoron died. Tough luck, Kujo.

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:52:47

    Lol if you played 1/10000 of the time I do you can speak to me. You go out of guildhall just to bang with your mates. Go out play a bit and then tell me you are invincible. Everybody dies sooner or later.

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:52:38

    Balder feints with a Dol Amroth knight's sword, showing the dazzling skill of a Master, completely bewildering Otoron!

    woo ;)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:51:39

    And Magneto, don't forget...

    I've killed you, you haven't killed me, so keep your mouth shut.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:51:16

    I hope you tossed that ugly stick down Mt. Doom, too.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:51:13

    Because it wasn't worth a 6?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:51:04

    Because it was a gangbang?

  • Author
    Balder [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:50:25

    Kujo what do you think was wrong with this log ?

    That I take revenge on Otoron and bakal for attempting me 3 minutes before?

    Or just because a friend of you died ? ;)

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:48:44

    Kujo rates again as a master of the game :)

  • Author
    Balder [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:47:24

    *dancing is more like it*

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:45:22

    Dead man walking

  • Author
    Balder [legacy]
    15 April 2004 23:42:21

    Now quit attackin a grumpy old man ;)