Ugrim dies

Posted by
Balris [legacy]
20 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Contract kill. Saw his contract, got a find, saw where he was and hoped I'd find him low.


  • Author
    Ugrim [legacy]
    23 April 2004 10:37:52

    Hey, idling at stupid places = playing from school and the teacher comes bugging you! Oh well, who cares? And! To my own protection, i did'nt know i had a contract, so if i did, i would'nt have idled at the stupid elf camp! !!!! !! !

  • Author
    Eznima [legacy]
    23 April 2004 07:14:44

    Awesome, spectacular, incredibly stylish log! This is what the log site is all about!

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    23 April 2004 07:14:33

    I think about you Rhoads!

    ...'when i'm cleaning my shotgun'...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 April 2004 22:36:09

    You people are idiots.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    22 April 2004 08:51:50

    Know what, Balris, it puts shame on THEIR name! ;P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 April 2004 08:36:52

    How you could rate this a 6 is beyond me.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    22 April 2004 02:38:28


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 April 2004 02:23:52

    Caber thinks about me :))

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    21 April 2004 17:36:46

    *thinks maybe caber is a little stressed out*


  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    21 April 2004 16:38:05

    and sarys.. once you been cou you can never go back huh... i don't care if you label me a corsair, it puts no shame to my name :P

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    21 April 2004 16:26:17

    jesus corpus, where the hell did i say it was a great kill etc.. like your saying i did? i didn't, so stfu (for you alkath)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 April 2004 16:03:51

    Zelindo: You were right about my not having seen the comments section of this log. *shrug* Before you start throwing my name around, please look at what the fuck you're talking about. On the log of Grimdor dying, I wasn't like 'OMGWTF YOU IDLE KILLED HIM!' The only reason I really wanted to post was to second what Naith said about Grimdor not being a member of my guild, because you know what? He isn't. And while I'm writing the comment, I might as well also point out that I don't understand why someone would post an idle kill. And I still don't. It doesn't matter if it's Daimen or Balris, but like, I don't go out of my way on every idle kill log to say 'Wtf OMG!' I mean, sometimes I go out of my way to do it just to mock Reeth, but otherwise, I generally keep to myself. But, as was the case with the Daimen log, someone (you) has given me reason to comment. So, while I'm commenting, here: 'Gee, I still don't understand why people post idle kills!'

    And if you wonder why I'm being hostile, it's because your stupid fucking 'You don't care because it's a moral who died!' attitude reminds me way too much of Rhoads' generalizing bullshit.


  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    21 April 2004 15:20:43

    stfu alkath

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 April 2004 15:18:27

    Why is 'stfu' so popular? I think it looks ugly!

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    21 April 2004 14:49:35

    I dunno

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    21 April 2004 14:36:03

    I think people are bitching at you because you posted the log and thinking it was a good kill and that you rock etc.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    21 April 2004 14:16:28

    Once you've been CoU, you can never go back.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    21 April 2004 11:03:41

    oh, missed your pissy comment, espera... get your facts straight before you make threats, i am not CoU *shrug*

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    21 April 2004 11:00:15

    shit, i dont even bother reading all your whiney comments... i never legend ugrim.. i never knew he was idle until after i attacked. someone gave me a find where he was, and i thought he would prolly be low, so i went and got his C and checked it out, shaped straight away, he was dlsg, so i attacked. only then i saw he was idle, but why would i leave? he has a contract, and i am an assassin, in which my goal is to complete the contract. if people idle outside of a safe place, which ugrim admitted to, so nothing against him, you wouldn't have the chance of being killed. on top of that, he was idling at dlsg, which enhances the chances of you being killed, especially with a contract.

    trempk has to have the biggest damn mouth around, you always make assumptions as to what 'i did' and 'thought'.. you stupid bastard. you say that i legended him and saw he was idle, which then made him a target?? sorry to tell you, but not, i just explained what happen.

    i just cant believe how many of you bitch about idle kills, me for one, i dont go looking for idle people like trempk says... moral of the fucking story, DON'T IDLE IN THE OPEN.

    now stfu.

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    21 April 2004 09:48:43

    I think Drakon and Magneto are very dumb people if they think this log is worth a 6. oh well...

  • Author
    Corpus [legacy]
    21 April 2004 09:47:31

    Posting idle kills ain't cool, just lame.

    I think Balris is a fucking sad man...

    'SO stfu up Trempk' <-- Hahaha

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    21 April 2004 09:03:49


  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    21 April 2004 07:34:02

    Idle killing aint cool. Posting it is even worse.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    21 April 2004 03:03:11


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    21 April 2004 03:03:00


  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    21 April 2004 01:24:28

    Shut the fuck up up?

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    21 April 2004 01:18:24

    Eric Johnson rocks. SO stfu up Trempk you friggin douchebag :D

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 April 2004 01:16:11

    What is this shit? Read the thread delvar. And cathal's got the corner on shock value

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    21 April 2004 00:57:56

    Zelindo, I really don't give a fuck about the alignment of anyone when I say a log sucks, and I already said this log sucked, cause it's an idlekill, and in general, it wasn't a very cool log.

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    21 April 2004 00:55:38

    Bleh, hes had his moments, but they're thinning out. Rather then going for wit, hes using shock value and it gets old.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    21 April 2004 00:55:09

    Trempk, I don't think you have room to speak, at this point you are the biggest flamer who comments on this site, stfu, thanks.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    20 April 2004 23:16:48

    Woot; am a flamar.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    20 April 2004 23:15:13

    No matter what perspective you see him from, Trempk is one funny motherfucker.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 23:03:00

    If it were up to you people, they would have never shown elvis on TV and you would all still be listening to The White Cliffs of Dover. 4 baby, woo!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 23:01:01

    Oh, nevermind, I didn't see the last line in that comment. My apologies.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 23:00:19

    Why'd you have to go and bring your dad into this Delvar, what did he ever do to anybody?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:59:04

    Flame: To make insulting criticisms or remarks to incite anger.

    Shit, people have flamed in the mere act of posting logs before.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:58:55

    What ever happened to keeping comments on a log, TO THAT LOG? and not about whose a flamer and whose not and whose gh3y and whose sleeping with who and whose a gay fag fucker lamer douche bag becuase they idle kill someone?

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:58:30

    What ever happened to keeping comments on a log, TO THAT LOG?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:55:11

    Dwain: 'bunch of lying *bad curse word*' Fuck yeah he did, so did you. :p

    I personally would have probably said 'bunch of lying douche nozzles, or lying bunch of cocksuckers, or fuckwits, maybe assmonkeys, you get the idea.

  • Author
    Gloar [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:49:02

    Cool! An idle kill. Very stylish indeed.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:35:44

    Dwain didnt flame, did he? :/

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 22:32:49

    Here's a quick list of 'flamers' from the last 10 logs comments. If we inserted 'curse' words into what they said, maybe they would be as noticable as mine.



















    This only took me a minute or two skimming over the comments. And I didn't even put people up here based on the //meanings// of what they were posting or those that used sarcasm. Such as darkbeats indirectly calling me a moron.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 21:42:31

    Flaming rules do apply to me, but just because i like to say words such as fuck, douchebag, cocksucker, asshole, etc. shouldn't make me more prone to being punished. Usually, I'm simply saying 'You suck' or 'You're stupid' but with different words. And if you think thats too harsh blade, then i don't think you should subject yourself to reading any of the comments here.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    20 April 2004 21:26:13

    Now I'm rereading my comment and laughting at the names in it.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    20 April 2004 21:25:52

    Well. Ugrim is such a bastard, Trempk. And you're too. I'd idle kill you both, if I had the chance.

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    20 April 2004 21:13:23

    Trempk, how come flaming rules don't seem to apply to you? Apparently if he is allowed to flame, I'll do the same. Trempk, you're a...hmm, what was that phrase? Oh yeah...DOUCHE BAG.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 20:44:37

    cockbeat, hehe

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    20 April 2004 20:42:41

    Not really Darkbeat. But you know what is hilarious? Seeing someone like Flare comment on MP. Especially considering his track record when it comes to character seperation. I mean, more people know his alts than know the fucking ESS quest. It's like someone throwing boulders when they live in a glass house.

  • Author
    Darkbeat [legacy]
    20 April 2004 19:43:35

    Trempk calling someone a moron is fucking hilarious.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 19:42:47

    Yeah, I don't know, he's a fucking moron.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:43:59

    Mp where?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:35:53

    Idle kills are lame, if you look for idle kills, you're a pussy. The only time I would idle kill is if i had no respect whatsoever for the target. Meaning that he is a lame bastard and would probably idle kill anybody he could without thinking about it, as well as report me even if I showed him mercy.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:33:14

    Some mp here and there Trempk?:}

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:27:21


  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:25:14

    Caber was kinda defending me, which i didn't except *wipes a tear*

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:23:27

    Alkath, there's nothing wrong with an idle kill, because people will soon start fake being idle-killed just so they can bitch at you at the log page, and we don't want that, do we? :))) Let's start a new trend here: idle-kill is ok (hahaha, you caught him with his mud-pants down!)

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:23:03

    So, why aren't Aron, Caber, and Namarik bitching about -this- idle kill? Oh, wait. A moral died, so obviously it was okay?

    (I'll excuse if you just haven't seen it yet or've been to busy. But then you better get to bitching. Especially you, Aron, you wouldn't stfu on the Daimen log. Make me proud!)

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:21:36

    Wasn't Balris the guy I solo'd with one of my warrior alts?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:16:44

    Hahahaha, now give me a break, like you would attack someone with a guildhall 15rooms from Thrands signpost there? You were after him, legended him, saw he was idle, and went for it. Sure, his fault, but don't think you are a someone for this.

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    20 April 2004 18:11:46

    Should have used headbutt instead of backstab...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    20 April 2004 17:51:24

    Balris has to post this, its probably the only time he will ever be able to post a log of him killing somebody that any of us have heard of. :p

    When people post idle kills, usually someone tells them that they suck and that 'this is the only way that you can kill people.' But its different this time, because its true. This guy really sucks, I mean he really fucking sucks. Let him have his fun :p

  • Author
    Aron [legacy]
    20 April 2004 17:50:26

    Wow. What an amazing display of skill this log was.

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    20 April 2004 17:03:12

    Whatever. I still think that this log should never be posted or to use your words from coment on Tingol's log: 'woh, stylish! why bother posting you gimp? creative arent you. you must really be lacking some attention to post this crap, tough guy.'

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    20 April 2004 17:02:08

    Corsairs gonna die...

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    20 April 2004 16:43:33

    well if you look in the log, i shaped him before i attacked... so if he was perfect shape, i doubt i would've attacked.

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    20 April 2004 16:39:54

    Yeah I had to count the rounds once I saw all those 'You miss' lines... I wonder what would have happened if he was in perfect shape when you attacked him since you were 'too full to even drink anything'. *shrug*

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    20 April 2004 16:07:29

    HaHa ... Idle bkd :)

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    20 April 2004 15:47:51

    just cause he's dlsg, doesnt make his stats or skills any lower.. and you went and counted the rounds just so you could come up with a figure? heh

  • Author
    Deda [legacy]
    20 April 2004 15:15:58

    28 rounds to kill idle target from dlsg? We all do idle kills but imo it's not something you should post on Logomania.