Beyaz dies

Posted by
Oracle [legacy]
24 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

I have very split thoughts about this log as well as Vermond and Taudrek.. We killed Beyaz in CU then he revives and starts killing our employee in front of us so we kill him again, then he either attempted to get us harass logged or become a lvl 1 in Mordor.. Either way we tried to get him out alive but he wouldn't take out help..


  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    27 April 2004 13:44:06


    I like Alkath more and more.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 April 2004 12:15:46

    Beyaz, you are a freaking moron.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 April 2004 11:07:47

    I wont appologise to Alkath, cos he knows full well that he called me a quitter....He is the onei have the problem with.

    And i wont appologise to anyone else who has killed me, cos they have certainly called me all the fucking assholes under the sun, at one time.

    But hey, if they cant take what they dish out...which is what this is all about...then fuck them all.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    27 April 2004 06:41:10

    I'm sorry. I thought it was you saying 'Why is everyone killing me, now that I even left Knights?', or at least complaining about that fact. So hey, don't accept my help. But maybe if you want people to treat you differently, apologize or something, and try and start a clean slate. Instead of distancing yourself from your allies in what is, outside looking in, an act of cowardice, and making even more enemies.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 19:40:27

    You are stating the obvious Zelindo...tell me something i dont already know.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    26 April 2004 19:33:30

    Beyaz...people are acting to you like you are acting to them. And to quote you, //'i wouldve been tempted to NUKE ALL YOU ASSHOLES'//, then there's a reason that everyone's an asshole to you. Just to point this out, without making it a flame.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:24:38

    Yes, i am aware....and it was said with just a hint of sarcasm

  • Author
    Silmaril [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:18:14

    I hope you are aware that only high-enough ranked Ainur can nuke people, Beyaz !

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:07:26


    Ok Phu

  • Author
    Phu [legacy]
    26 April 2004 15:58:35

    Beyaz, you are just a other dude that can't handle death. Go play something else.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 14:59:25

    Good thing i dont hold grudges....

    Or maybe, if my application to immort is successful, i wouldve been tempted to NUKE ALL YOU ASSHOLES, if the opportunity presented itself.


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 14:56:22 point seems to be Caber...

    KoDA hunt Caber and kill...1 time.

    Caber/DH hunt and kill KoDA...50+ times? or more?

    Maybe Caber is the one who needs the shrink?

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    26 April 2004 09:13:30

    To Beyaz:

    hey fella, you know, if you're tired and fed up with the game.. or with some people.. what's you're doing ain't the best way out of the situation. Better take a break and have fun with something else than t2t. it's not worth to go too deep in MUD-problems and take em too seriously. You need to put back the smile on your face rather than torture yourself. I know it sometimes gets overwhelming.

    So Cheer UP!


    Naith, your shrink comment to Beyaz and his 'fuck you' comments sound equally dull to me. In one way or another it's just flaming. You too need a bottle of good wine and a dog to take for walks.

    to Amearn: Duncan - a nice guy and good player.

    Sure, unfortunately he's not available anymore ;)

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    25 April 2004 23:06:39

    Contracts, Mordor invasions... thats two reasons at least...

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    25 April 2004 22:16:17

    Personally, I developed a grudge against KoDA when y'all hunted and killed me about a year ago ( You were just guys who couldn't defend themselves before that, but then you became guys who couldn't defend themselves that really pissed me off.

    That's just me, though. Anybody else want to post why they kill KoDA?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 April 2004 20:03:41

    I think its because people think that you're easy targets and dont have to worry about any retaliation.

  • Author
    Bjurdur [legacy]
    25 April 2004 14:29:14

    I'm curious, someone said to me that Beyaz was killed alot because he was Koda. And that was a good enough reason. Now is this how you all feel? And if so why?

    Why this grudge against the Knights?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    25 April 2004 14:23:44

    Ain't that the truth Silmaril. :)

  • Author
    Silmaril [legacy]
    25 April 2004 13:48:42

    British *had* royalty. Now they are reduced to being the *loyal* hounds of the American empire...

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    25 April 2004 11:44:40

    Fuckin' A, I am! It's my British given right. We have royalty, damnit. Do you hear me? Royalty!

    PS: I quite like the fact of being called pompous by someone naming himself after the Silmarils. Because if I'm gonna be pompous, I want to be recognised by the best!

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    25 April 2004 11:40:15

    I didn't read the log. But supposedly Beyaz died alot in it, so it must be a cool log - must read it some day. :)

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    25 April 2004 08:53:24

    Reading the comments bayaz made makes me wonder.. why would anyone

    kill this kind lad :)

    Have you concidered making a reality check, asking yourself does bitching really help me ? Should I lower my profile untill I got some skills ?

    I guess you dont listen anyways so keep dying...

    Notes to others.. dont you think its time to start killing someone else ? I mean killing Beyaz cant be for the challange...

  • Author
    Silmaril [legacy]
    25 April 2004 07:30:27

    Naith you are so goddamn pompous :D

    Beyaz .. Have a nice drink, watch a couple of movies, meditate etc.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 April 2004 05:46:15

    Should have just killed him as many times as he wanted I think. :p

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    25 April 2004 05:22:50

    Looks like Beyaz is up to his old tricks...when he gets killed too much try and get people nuked and then suicide...Oracle, Vermond and Taudrek did well not to fall for this losers game. Oh and i almost forgot, fuck you Beyaz :)

  • Author
    Gloar [legacy]
    25 April 2004 01:30:09

    Fine, I'll be the only one to say it. Fuck you Naith :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2004 00:37:44

    Vermond says in Westron: Leave my land and I'll have no problem with you

    Oh, Vermond is so Macho when he is ina party in Mordor!

    And Beyaz... frankly I won't even bother to say anything about that.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    25 April 2004 00:30:13

    Amearn!:) Your back!:) Good to hear from you:)

  • Author
    Amearn [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:51:55

    Caber, as I said. Pitty in mordor doesn't exist, and back when you were being pk'd in mordor by Marsellus. From rhos wasnt rare :)

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:39:21

    Marsellus used to pk me in Mordor all the time when I was learning the place, btw. Well, okay, when I say 'all the time,' I don't really mean on a Dwain-like scale. Mordor wasn't 'morals and evils' back then, though, it was 'go there and expect to be rocked by FRA, Thieves, Durms, or Swedes (who usually fit the previous 3 descriptions).' But like, hey. We all got owned by people in Mordor who came before us. Learn from your mistakes. Like, if you're not willing to even leave the room when you get attacked, maybe you should just rethink your perspective on Mordor. Although I respect Dwain for dying in Mordor all the time and still releveling, you'd think he would be a lot better at not-dying these days.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:32:30

    Yeah, I sort of got the 'Hey, let me get a handful of people nuked for levelbashing! I've heard of it happening recently, maybe I can do it too!' vibe from it. Way to play it smart, Oracle and company.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:26:05

    what, no symbols? psha

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:25:17



  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:22:44


  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:05:22

    And I've never been pked over and over again. Yea, I've levelbashed myself , but that doesn't count:)

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    24 April 2004 23:02:34

    Keep me out of this, I was so damn cool all of my mudlife.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 22:23:15

    So as soon as I get back, Im gunna get Pked again?

  • Author
    Amearn [legacy]
    24 April 2004 22:12:20

    Skyman = ass, Duncan = good player and nice guy.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    24 April 2004 22:10:08

    You should have listend to the man bebbe :P

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    24 April 2004 22:08:15

    I like what Grimscar once said to beyaz.

    ' I mean, really man. Toughen up there, kick some ass. Learn some new moves...everyone else has gone through your stage before, where they just get pk'd over and over. Even Duncan and Skyman have gone through it. From what i hear they used to be absolutely miserable players....and now look, they're the bane of every level 14 in Arda.'

  • Author
    Amearn [legacy]
    24 April 2004 22:05:27

    Pitty in mordor is lame, Its a dangerous place in what you have a choice to visit.

    Naith's words remind me quite alot of about 8-9 years ago.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    24 April 2004 21:53:11

    They're only killing him because you never play, Treyz :P

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 21:46:57

    Dude guys, you used to kill him for being a Knight and now your killing him because he

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    24 April 2004 21:44:04

    it was a joke, okay. was trying to do what she said not to do. just forget it :P

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    24 April 2004 21:35:19

    actually i think he hit the nail on the head =\

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    24 April 2004 21:28:51

    god damnit naith that was so fucking retarded. i think everyone who read it became more stupid after hearing it.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    24 April 2004 20:49:19


    You have hypocritical tendencies that I think you need to see a doctor about. One with a couch in his office, who charges by the hour, and who asks 'And how does that make you feel?'

    In a lot of your comments on the log page (and God knows there are a lot of them), and also in this log, you exude a constant persona of foul mouthedness, general abuse, and ill-conceived condescension time and time again, despite having neither the skill nor reputation to justify any such condescension at all. You spend a lot of time berating 'evil' players for being scum and general assholes, and yet in you seem to revel in portraying yourself as an asshole over and over again. Looks to me like you're becoming the beast that you've spent all your time preaching against.

    I don't really think that I'm the type of rounded enough person or player to offer advice, but if I was; it would probably go that you should spend a lot less time spitting at people, using expletives, cussing people out, and generally being hyper-aggressive, and more time actually trying to learn the game, build some social skills, and trying not to self implode.

    Try it. You might like it.

    If you feel the need to respond to this post, try to think of something more imaginative than 'Fuck you Naith!' or some other expletive deletive gem. Instead, try to use your intelligence for something more practical than correcting other people's typoes.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    24 April 2004 20:46:31

    I had a lot more respect for Beyaz when he took his thrashings like a Knight. It's always sad to see someone stoop to a lower level.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    24 April 2004 20:28:26

    You know, I don't care much about what happens in Mordor. Nobody needs a reason to do anything in there just because it's lawless. So to see someone acting basically like a young whiny bitch just because they got killed in there KNOWING what would happen just burns my hide. Beyaz, if you were wanting to 'better' yourself, as you put it, then you should have either A) Been more prepared for an attack, such as being es'ed, or, B)Been faded the whole time so that they couldn't possibly kill you if you didn't pull a Devinius. Honestly, how the fuck can you whine about dying in Mordor? And how can you not say you weren't trying to get someone nuked? You did it once, and I'm sure you thought you could pull it again. Oracle and co. If it were me, I would have killed you a third time when you attacked me.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    24 April 2004 20:14:48

    As said before, Taudrek = winnar. He'll soon be famous. Right?

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    24 April 2004 20:12:00


  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:47:20

    I wasn't lecturing him. I was giving him a warning and some simple advice. I wasn't under the impression you needed to be famous in order to do that.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:42:56

    fucking right i got an agression problem...ask anyone from koda and they'll tell you

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:42:30

    I was trying to learn something new...but no, people just dont want others to better themselves in the game.

    Pretty lame, but hey...its 'your' mordor

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:42:18

    If not I seriously see an agression problem with you.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:40:43

    And i wasnt trying to get anyone nuked, you're all pricks if you even think that

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:39:54

    Seeing someone with such a reckless disregard for their character is worrying. But I did what I could by bandaging and warning. He made his own choices from there.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:38:49

    Tried to give him some of his stuff back but: Beyaz says in Westron: i dont want yourt fucking pity man

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:38:20

    fuck you fimbu

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:36:41

    i mean who's he to give lectures to beyaz. beyaz's like 10times more famous than he is

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:35:14

    and who the fuck is taudrek?!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:35:09

    Wow, what a prick :P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:34:43

    thats a stupid log.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:31:22


    Vermond tells you: Being a moral person, mordor is no place for you, still if you didn't touch any of the orcs there, we would have let you explore


    Is that why you guys were already triggered to hunt/bs/pepper/whatever the fuck else you could think of?

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:30:44

    Leave through well as a ghost?

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:28:52

    If you would have cooled down while you were there instead we could have helped you out. Espera we had 3 crystals and 2 knives, prolly the others had some more light too.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:27:21

    i couldnt ep...and i couldnt pass the ep to disguise of fade

    explain how i get out alive?

  • Author
    Espera [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:26:38

    Heh, wow, watchers are WAY easier to dominate when you are evil....

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    24 April 2004 19:21:33

    I know Beyaz will probably badmouth or whine at me for this log, but I think this shows some stuff about why some evils don't like him.. I know its lame to tap him after he died but I'm not gonna ignore my employees just because he thinks we won't kill him after he just died..