Dwain twice

Posted by
Magneto [legacy]
26 April 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

They killed Azmodan earlier today.


  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:50:22

    No I shouldn't.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:49:14

    The name calling and cursing is because this game is played by people who are often times immature and angry. Their way of expressing their anger may not be the nicest, but the point is still that they are dissatisfied with you, and seeking justification in the way they choose to convey that (namecallling, swearing), while ignoring the actual point that they're upset with you, is silly.

    And as for immunity on the log site...there's a difference between 'being allowed to do and say whatever they want' and being allowed to call someone a fucker. Aside from the fact that it's generally considered poor form ('flaming'), it's still free speech. You're not Emperor Tilion, and instead of wanting to punish everyone who calls you a mean name, maybe you should sit back and reflect on why they're angry.

  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:35:18

    No he didn't. Caber, are you hereby saying that what people should be allowed to do and say whatever they want here just because the logsite is not co-operating with the mud in any way? If so, that's just not gonna happen. In fact, I trust the moderators on teh log site wont let it happen.

    '...so the more people who are upset, the more justified you feel? That's really no way to handle responsibility. Please never be:'

    The more namecalling, cursing, the more justified I feel, yes.

    I asked Mithgil twice to stop pasting the interview or whatever it was, he ignored it, so I silenced him for 30 minutes or so. He then began to mail me so I upped it to infinitely.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:18:33

    Hey, you actually made some sense there Caber! :P

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:17:29

    Oops, a little more from me.

    'In fact, what makes you think you have the right to rant, bitch, and whine? The more you do, the more I think I did the right thing.'

    ...so the more people who are upset, the more justified you feel? That's really no way to handle responsibility. Please never be:

    (a) PoL

    (b) A politician

    (c) A manager of any sort

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:07:31

    'Facing the consequences,' Tilion? So let me just get this straight...while a lot of people are up in arms about you being a little too eager to flex0r your might over the main comm, you go out of your way to come here and remind them that there's a precedent where you can start punishing them for what they say here, too? Hahahaha.

    That's so fucking sad.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:03:30

    Ainu like Tilion may do whatever they like, contribute something to this mud, then talk.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 April 2004 15:01:05


    Like...XXX doesnt like/agree with what you say....

    XXX warns you!

    You persist with your statement...

    XXX silences you for something that they dont like...whether it is breaking any rules or not.

  • Author
    Tilion [legacy]
    27 April 2004 14:22:08

    Hello men of assumptions. Feel free to rant all you want. Freedom of speech does apply here, I believe. However, you must be ready to face the consequences.

    Now I would like to make some assumptions.

    A lot of you think this is a place where you can do what you please, without facing the consequences. Wrong, take Iago for example. Why is it I have deserved to be called a wanker, cock, and, fucker? Have you (Gloar, Kozlodoev, and Mithgil in this case) ever contributed with anything useful at all? Why shouldn't I silence infinitely? In fact, what makes you think you have the right to rant, bitch, and whine? The more you do, the more I think I did the right thing.

  • Author
    Amearn [legacy]
    27 April 2004 12:57:56

    Instead of wasting your political beliefs here, go bitch irl.

    Ainurs who silence people we know they are anywhere from 15-30 years old and we cant expect much than them acting the same as a mortal. Im guessing Tilion is 19 or something. Have you not all learned that it is pointless to argue or dispute a god???? Serious now come on so shut the fuck up and let the pricks do what they do.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    27 April 2004 12:25:10

    it's a text game that i use, and i know others too, to get away from rl issues etc... don't bitch cause you can't bring rl into a game.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    27 April 2004 12:10:09

    Jesus Christ, you people are verbose. Whatever happened to good ol' 'stfu'?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 April 2004 12:05:41

    pleez logs ? and Tilion owns

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 April 2004 11:16:59

    The main comm is for general discussion and debate...whether it be about RL issues, or MUD issues.

    The ainur have no right to silence someone, unless they are specifically breaking some profanity/zen rules.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 April 2004 11:15:35

    Freedom of speech doesnt apply here?

    Or are we living in a dictatorship?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 April 2004 08:51:52

    Anyways trempk,

    That got a little too personal on my part. Sorry about that. I just get irritated really fast when people who don't know half of what they need to know talk about something. (not saying this about anyone) If it was rendor, kharash, or a female like gothwin or monet, I really doubt a comm like that would have got them silenced. And besides, I dislike talking about unrelated stuff on a log comment area so I am done. Peace.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 April 2004 08:01:29

    I know I don't do enough in real life, i don't think most people do. But not because they don't want to. Because they either don't know what is going on, or because they don't have time or resources to. But just because they don't do enough doesn't mean that they shouldn't do what they can. Just because I don't have the stability or time in my life right now doesn't mean that I/we can't try to bring certain things to light for other people who might have the chance to do something about it. And for one reason or another, that conversation came up on the comm, through entertainment or not. And if it comes up, then it comes up, and if someone has something to say about it, why should they keep quiet just because someone wants to stay ignorant because he wants to have fun on a game and not hear of such things?

    And if Tilion didn't silence him because of the specifics of what he said, then I apologize for assuming so. But it doesn't change what has been said about ainur in general, or that if it has happened the way mithgil says, it is wrong.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 April 2004 07:43:26

    Notice I didn't justify Tilions action, I am saying you sound like a stuck up person who knows he doesn't do enough in real life so he tries to do something online instead. Its a game, sure its great that people share their opinions, but if you lose fact that it is still an entertainment venue maybe you should take a look at your real life? Furthermore, I really doubt Tilion silenced Mithgil for his opinions but instead his constant rantings on the comm. So quit being so stupid.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 April 2004 07:32:55

    The things that Mithgil was talking about are infinitely more important than what people code on an internet based game, Pounder. If you don't see that, then.. well, whatever. And I can assume that I would be better than a lot of them in that aspect, magnanimousness should be a trait of all those in powerful positions. Also, how can you say that speaking your mind against something is as bad as shutting someone up from speaking their own?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 April 2004 05:47:46

    Yeah for the rest of the crap that doesn't belong, what gloar, blade and kharash said.:)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 April 2004 05:47:17

    Trempk, your acting just as bad as Tilion now. Bad mouthing ainur who usually work hard to make things for ER and stuff that will be released soon? Assuming your better than all them because you think they are heavily judgemental? This doesn't even belong here. As I have already mentioned to one of the people in this log, what they did was completely lame. Ok a bang I can stomache, but double tapping bang with this many people and the weaopns they had? Man, I am disappointed and dazzled as to why someone would put this crap up. Sure dwain deserved a kill because of what he did but not something like this. Not even Mithgil with his endless uselses hoarding and ranting on the main comm with junk that anyone could read in a book deserves treatment like that.

  • Author
    Gloar [legacy]
    27 April 2004 02:46:35

    Tilion is a fucker. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 April 2004 01:47:56

    Ok, I'll sum it up right here so that we don't have to talk about it again on this thread(maybe).

    Ainur basing punishment/silencing people because they don't agree with what they're saying (or are completely ignorant of what they are saying and wish to remain that way) is completely stupid. It can't be helped because the ainur in general are incapable of believing that they aren't better than every mortal and are also incapable of acknowledging that they are wrong and taking action to reverse and/or make amends for their own decisions.

    That being said, this is why there is so much bullshit in the world today. Because people like tilion keep the truth under lock and key and most of those with any kind of power or comfort would rather stay ignorant than care about whats happening to those who are worse off than them.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    27 April 2004 00:29:59

    That's why!

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    27 April 2004 00:26:31

    Nobody reads the discussion forum.

  • Author
    Kharash [legacy]
    26 April 2004 23:56:06

    Blade is right, go whine in the discussion forum instead. Thanks.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    26 April 2004 23:42:02

    Alkath, never being killed for my words here, being killed for killing Tenzek, for reporting steals, for protecting NPC's, for putting Namarik on ignore, and the MORE; simply for being KoDA, friend of Korath, friend of Cliffton, friend of Kashmirny, etc...

    But hey! I told you, I don't care, I've been told uncontable times I will be killed for my words here (or my ratings *pokes Rajje*).

    So, I will never shut up, why? cos I HATE people spreading lies about me or about my friends, I have a clear conception of what/who my chars are or who I am, I don't need your 'respect', or your 'approval' or whatever, I simply play this silly game, clear now?

    About Mithgil, Zelindo, Aranuir... IMHO it's simply fascism and censure, do whatever you want in your country but the ideals of Internet as a community aren't what I see in this MUD, as the only thing I can do is post here and in towers forums I'm sorry but you will have to read this (or simply skip it) and for those who don't want to listen to 'endless psycho-babble' just a word, I had to listen to enless insults in tells/says from those of you with dirty mouths (there're a lot here!) and I didn't whine about it...

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    26 April 2004 23:24:30

    *yawn* Next!

  • Author
    Blade [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:59:19

    So I guess what really needs to be asked is this: Instead of listening to endless psycho-babble on the main comm, do we have to spend eternity reading Mithgil Log o'Mania comments instead?

    Has my world somehow improved?

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:44:21

    And what irks me is that he felt it was necessary to silence me even though I had made it clear that I was *finishing up* my rant. He's one of the ones who wait for any excuse to silence me. If you let someone like Tilion or Smaug silence people, you might as well let every random Solon mudder silence too... they're going to be about as unbiased.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:41:04


  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:40:47

    You see, I play with Rajje. Rajje is all that I know of. period ;) Cappesh?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:40:09

    Alkath, I have never been nuked. and I told you that. And no, why would I get mad even if I got nuked?

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    26 April 2004 22:33:47

    I was told to stop, and I didn't care that I was silenced for 30 minutes. I *do* care that it was changed to an indefinite silence and left for Draugluin to deal with, which Tilion knew full well would silence me for a long period of time, AND which wastes Draugluin's time as well.

  • Author
    Chap [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:53:36

    booooo... double taps don't show skill (unless banging someone who just revived makes you feel special)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:45:19

    And Beyaz is making it harder and harder for me to like/respect him.

    Oh, Rajje, I will only respect those who deserve it, and some people does not. Are you mad because I pointed out that you have been nuked once?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:40:42

    But don't worry, Aravor, I like you :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:40:19

    meh, well, you appear in logs and you talk on mania, which irritates people so they try to pk you :P and I guess the same goes for Betus. And Beyaz, I didn't not call you a quitter here, I just defended myself when you bitched me, and said that I called you a quitter because it looked like that to me. Oh, and Aravor, you pk'd Rajje and Magneto.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:29:42

    Aranuir the dunedain Apprentice Assassin (Immoral)

    On for: 25m 20s Gender: male

    Age: 2d 1h 23m 10s

    Can be mailed: Aranuir@Druwaur Aranuir has recorded a life story.

    Info: MITHGIL ROCKS, RACIST AINUR SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :P Go him! He'll prolly get nuked though...

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:29:02

    Aranuir the dunedain Apprentice Assassin (Immoral)

    On for: 25m 20s Gender: male

    Age: 2d 1h 23m 10s

    Can be mailed: Aranuir@Druwaur Aranuir has recorded a life story.

    Info: MITHGIL ROCKS, RACIST AINUR SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :P Go him!

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:23:22

    Aranuir just got Silenced :P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:21:53

    I was silenced for not heeding a verbal warning telling me to stop whining. Although I did stop whining, I asked one last question, which was if Mithgil was given a verbal warning before he was silenced for the half hour. That's what I was silenced for, not for the whining that I was doing before the verbal warning.

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:17:32

    From Beyaz's note about not laughing at allies.

    You laugh at me...Im your brother Beyaz :P

  • Author
    Treyz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:15:52

    FInaly your seeing what hes like.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    26 April 2004 21:04:51

    And now Zelindo is also blocked for speaking freely... this sucks!

    *ponders hack MUD server to place a free copy somewhere...*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 20:37:14

    Well, as i already said...i only ever killed 1 person deliberatly.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    26 April 2004 20:30:35

    Congratulations, Mithgil. You have become your martyr.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    26 April 2004 20:29:47

    I'd assume someone joins the PK-world by participating in player-killing.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    26 April 2004 20:02:58

    Hahahaha. Up until this comment of mine, 18/38 (just under 50%!) of the comments here were posted by Alkath or Beyaz. :P

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    26 April 2004 19:39:19

    I don't die, people only think I do, but really, I don't.

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    26 April 2004 18:28:32

    Hey, how exactly did I join the PK world?

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    26 April 2004 18:22:03

    This was going to be the final comm, which Tilion apparently couldn't hold back his cock-flopping long enough for me to make... When the Bush Administration now admits they looked at Iraq before anything else, they claim it was because they have a history of hostility towards us. What does it boil down to? A, shooting at our planes in the no-fly zone, and B, trying to kill George Bush. Now the no-fly zone wasn't UN authorized, so they had every legal right to shoot at them. That leaves them trying to kill George Bush, who was a civilian at the time. Going to war over a civilian? Wtf?

    Ok so that was more than one comm, but I would have trimmed it down.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    26 April 2004 17:51:31

    I hereby confirm my previous claim on Tilion being a wanker.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    26 April 2004 17:40:45

    *pks betus*

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 17:37:50

    Apparently, we do not have freedom of speech on main comm

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    26 April 2004 17:36:43

    Ahh Mithgil, I'm with you also, nobody has to be silence to share his political opinions in main comm (there's NOT an specific rule against it, I think)

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:31:52

    Wow! I'm in the PK-World?? I have died because contracts (mainly), because RP (more mainly! ;-) I have died a lot more times learning/exploring/fighting in quests (yeah! I'm a noob ;-)

    Since I'm not KoDA I've died twice, once doing hauberk (drowned) and once doing carapace (drowned), conclusion : I'm not in the pk-world, and it's better not being in a guild ;-)

    About comments here, I don't care, about dying I don't care, about silly vendettas, I don't care... just play and let play, it's easy! xD

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:30:55

    Anyone who kills azmodan should be given some kind of medal or something.

    We should just all recomm those same things that mithgil said all the time forever until he gets unsilenced and an apology!(ok, thats pushing it, ainur apologize? comeon now), or we all get silenced (probably the latter) :p

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:06:35

    And, as i said already...he regularly makes comments deriding koda, when they get pk'd.

    I mean, i wouldnt dream of making such comments on a log of Elarien dieing, or Reeth, or Irun, or Zicex...or any other ally for that matter.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 16:03:01

    My point Rajje, was that he made a comment about me being a quitter...because i left koda.

    I explained to him why i left, maybe i quit because i died alot...but not the main reason.

    Yet he still insists on calling me a quitter.

    I have not turned evil, and i still hold friends in VC, GV, KoDA, Amruin, and other guilds.

    But, if i ever see him on fire, be sure that i wont be pissing on him in a hurry.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    26 April 2004 15:50:20

    Alkath, it's hard to enjoy Aravor dieing, since he just doesn't really die (in PK's, that is).

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    26 April 2004 15:43:39

    And by the way, Magneto is my hero.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    26 April 2004 15:42:22

    I completely agree with you beayz about Alkath. I've heard stories about how he does thing. 1: he can't have respect because he don't know the meaning of it. Two he talks more bulshit then he looks. What can I say.

  • Author
    Saritalr [legacy]
    26 April 2004 13:12:10

    Mithgil! I am right there with you sweetheart! After the immediate overthrow of saddam many of the bodies in the mass graves being dug up were people that were executed after the uprising (the one we called for and refused to back up with our military because of political reasons). if youre silenced, i'll be silenced too.

    and dwain! much respect for relevelling. you keep at it!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 12:43:36

    By those standars, I could bitch at any ally I want.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 April 2004 12:22:05

    Ainur, please keep Mithgil comm-banned...

    Also, tell him to quit getting his history from Hollywood movies like 'Three Kings'

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:57:24

    And i bitch because it is my god-given right to do so....


  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:56:49

    Lockups, yes...when others are trying to kill me first.

    I have only deliberately killed one person....ever.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:54:57

    And I do remember how you were going to lock a couple of CoU's outside Mordor together with me.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:54:34

    You bitch at everybody, making them pking you?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:54:02


    Explain please?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:49:05

    And noone will bother trying to find one of those, but I am sure on some Garik death, I have commented about it.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:45:57

    And it's you with your attitude problem who gets me going!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:44:49

    But no, I don't enjoy seeing Aravor, Dwain, Betus and Beyaz die either.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:43:12

    *laughs* Ok, Beyaz. Why would I have to suck up to every ally and try to comfort them when they die? It's not like Dwain cares much, and he has died a lot in CU, and I have commented about it, but I have never comments: omg you suck Or something like that, I have been taunting them as a friend. And as to you, if I think that somebody quit a guild because they die a bit, I will call them a quitter. And I will not respect him.

    I admire those really cool KoDA's (Bjurdur, Exarkun, Radaster, etc, etc etc, I could coun them for ages), and I don't like seeing them die. But people like Dwain, Beyaz, Betus and Aravor (not saying they're not cool), who keep on joining in the pk-world, well, you brought it onto yourself, as I bring shit onto myself.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:36:55

    Silenced indefinitely, Mithgil? I may just have to start tuning into the main comm again.

    As for the log here, which is what the comments are for...

    Doubletaps are stinky and I hope that the admin code a delay in the ability for attacking recently revived players. I can't see any justification for not doing it.

    Dwain will make out fairly well in fine reimbursements.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:31:35

    Hey, i have personal experience with Alkath being less than hospitable to allies/former allies.

    And yes, i am serious...he is always making sly comments about koda dieing, like he gets some kind of pleasure out of it.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:18:42

    Dear lord, you are serious are you?

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:12:52

    Find me a comment made by Alkath, where he is not slating, or otherwise snickering at the death of a KoDA.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:07:12

    Silenced indefinitely now. I wonder if Tilion's a member of the John Birch society.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:04:34

    But don't get me wrong, nothing compares to a bit of nice sweet flaming.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    26 April 2004 11:03:37

    Alkath obviously tried to make a funny, Beyaz. You don't need to tell the bad boys to eat shit and die on every single log of an ally dying. We all need to get us a laugh once in a while, in the middle of all the usual flaming.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    26 April 2004 10:51:39

    ^ Mithgil: Now, we told the Iraqis to rise up and revolt, and we'd help them out. But as soon as the southerners did it, we left. And they went and started attacking Saddam, and of course they got killed. And now we're blaming Saddam for that, when we told them to attack and expect our help.

    HP:160 EP:119 :D>-< :DE-< :D/-< <:D-< HP:160 EP:119>

    ^And finally

    ^ Mithgil: And finally

    HP:160 EP:116 :D>-< :DE-< :D/-< <:D-< HP:160 EP:116>

    Your ability to speak has been revoked for 30 minutes of age.

    Tilion is obviously a conservative boor who enjoys cracking down on dissent.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 10:33:22

    You have no respect for your allies Alkath?

    Always with the snide remarks when a log of KoDA dieing...Get some loyalties man.

  • Author
    Beater [legacy]
    26 April 2004 10:31:06

    Dwain must have the biggest death score Arda has ever seen, Beyaz is doing a pretty good job too.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    26 April 2004 10:19:56


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 April 2004 08:55:10

    What a waste of fines :P You can get him in CU later ;)