Taorah Covenant

Posted by
Taorah [legacy]
30 April 2004 00:00:00

Things are a little weird near reboot time, so I join in the fun, and go a little too far... *cackle*

   _____     _____
__|     |___|     |           ^^        .            .     .          
                  |         _/  \  .             .            ^   . | |_| |_| |
                  |        /     \           /\        .     ^^^     \       /
                 /       _/       \_  .     /^^|            /~~~\_    |     |  
                /       /           \_     /^^^^\__  .    /~ ^^^  \   | |_| | 
               /      _/              \  |~  _     \    _/         \_ |     | 
              /      /                 \/   /_\     \  /~            \|     |
             |    __/                 _/  _/   _-\   \/               |     | 
 __     __   |  _/                   /   /        \  /                |     | 
|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
|  |   |  |  |         Towers    _/                             /          
|  |   |  |  |                __/                             ==|              
|__|   |__|  |              _/                             ===__|            
             |            _/                          =====  /                 
             |           /            ======         =     _/                  
             |       ___/         ====      ==     ==     /                    
             |    __/                         =====      / 

The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

Last 20 comms are:
^ Douglas: Error!  Player has no link!
^ Noman: It was nice.
^ Melkor: its part of a p2p experiment i've been working on with some MIT friends.
^ Metrop: That's what they all say.
^ Arahon: so is it really ending?
^ Castamir: Yeah.
^ Scat: leave and never return.
^ Castamir: Let's say something got broken.
^ Melkor: we wanted to improve upon the distributed computing model and making it a more 'live' connection, rather than the standard 'check in/check out' model.
^ Drizzet: so where is all the rejoicing? this is the last day of arda...where is all the booze?
^ Melkor: this is a real boot.
^ Melkor: I had no idea that the program would cgo conscious.
^ Castamir: Uh oh.  Skynet?
^ Foldan: it was funny though, melkor
^ Foldan: i enjoyed it
^ Kharash: yeah, a great boot
^ Scat is sobering up.
^ Delvar: Newbs being stupid on comm: 15 minutes, Acess to this game: free, ^ Castamir: Let's say something got broken. - Priceless
^ Malakan: legend mithgil
^ Malakan: haha!
HP:200 EP:200> ^ Melkor: dood, wtf.
^ Noman: Im outta heeeere.
The Armies of Sauron raze Fangorn.
Arda weeps as the last Ent dies.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 9 minutes...
^ Drnnivel: Hah. Melkor has no link. :)
Error!  Player has no link!
Melkor, He who arises in might.
Mightiest of all the Valar, he fell from grace.
He is now known as Morgoth.
^ Foldan: that's good
Mithrandir sails to Valinor, seeking the aid of the Valar.
The Captain of the Nazgul lays siege to Rivendell.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 8 minutes...
Elrond is slain defending Rivendell, his ring taken.
Rivendell falls at last.
The Age of Darkness begins.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 7 minutes...
The Valar hear Mithrandir's Tale and are moved to action.
The sound of trumpets fills the sky!
The host of Valinor marches against Sauron.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 6 minutes...

^ Mandrill: If you log off and back on you get your legend back^ Drandul: the recently connected are able to be seenYou bow merrily.
^ Arahon: legend rick jamesYou can't go that way!

A ripping sound fills the sky!
Morgoth escapes the unguarded Void!
Aule tells you: my portals appear only in the wilderness...
Mandos chants: The world will end in 5 minutes...

Elrond's Personal Quarters(n)

<And here is where the fun begins!>

^ Melkor: oh, and to those who asked me earlier? No, im not a bot.
^ Taorah: Aww...
^ Dworkin: Does the legend thing put me outside lawsys?
^ Hamonk shudders
^ Fimbu: What do you say to allegations that you're a bot, Melkor?
^ Drnnivel calls for a nuke all the same.

As Mandos foretold, Morgoth reunites the Silmarils!
Morgoth descends upon Middle Earth, the Silmarils in his crown.
The Last Battle begins.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 4 minutes...

^ Someone: cause you know how we feel about people botting!
^ Melkor: I said 'Error. Bot not found.'
^ Taorah: Bots are notorious liars.
^ Kae: legend bot
^ Taorah: And have very low 6th sense, too. Can't find anything if their lives depended on it. I say we nuke him
Thunder fills the skies as Manwe leads the Valar against the Enemy.
Manwe calls out the Enemy, and calls him by name.
The Host circles around him, moved by his Goodness.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 3 minutes...

^ Melkor: Manwe is suuuch a punk.
^ Melkor slaps Manwe around arda. twice.
^ Drizzet: nuke him....?
^ Drizzet: :D
^ Metrop: Ainur can't nuke each other.
^ Drnnivel: All in favor of nuking Melkor?

Morgoth strides forth, in answer to the challenge.
The brothers battle in the midst of Chaos.
Mountains are overturned and deserts are flooded as Arda is Marred again.
Mandos chants: The world will end in 2 minutes...
^ Someone: not I!
^ Taorah: I

^ Melkor writes down the names.
^ Scat pulls Melkors finguer.
^ Scat: finger too,
^ Taorah notes that Anonymous votes don't count, SOMEONE
Drnnivel tells you: *cackle*
^ Taorah: So it's 1 for nuke 0 againstHP:200 EP:180> You are now saved.
^ Metrop: Not I
^ Taorah: Drat!
^ Fingolf: Not I
[ Playtester ] Drnnivel thinks he should echoall a fake nuking. :P
^ Drizzet: so whose in my revolution
^ Melkor earmarks a flaying for Taorah.

The sound of a heavenly choir suddenly echoes from above!
The Battle ceases, and all look skyward.
Mandos chants:  The world will end in 1 minute...

^ Taorah eeks!
^ Metrop: I'm going to get first comm.
^ Eliajhc: scary
^ Taorah: Last comm
^ Foldan: go metrop!
^ Melkor: hey, enjoy.
^ Drizzet: i see how it is
^ Drizzet pouts
^ Taorah: Can I take a raincheck on that flaying?
^ Drnnivel: Rain on flayed skin isn't so comfortable.
A bright warm light shines from above as the voice of Eru sings:
"Behold your music, and what you have wrought,
For with every End, there is a Beginning,
              and with every Beginning an End!"

MudOS driver shouts: shutting down immediately.
See you again soon!
** Disconnected ***
   _____     _____
__|     |___|     |           ^^        .            .     .          
                  |         _/  \  .             .            ^   . | |_| |_| |
                  |        /     \           /\        .     ^^^     \       /
                 /       _/       \_  .     /^^|            /~~~\_    |     |  
                /       /           \_     /^^^^\__  .    /~ ^^^  \   | |_| | 
               /      _/              \  |~  _     \    _/         \_ |     | 
              /      /                 \/   /_\     \  /~            \|     |
             |    __/                 _/  _/   _-\   \/               |     | 
 __     __   |  _/                   /   /        \  /                |     | 
|  |   |  |  | /   The              /   /          \/              __/       
|  |   |  |  |/      Two           /                             _/        
|  |   |  |  |         Towers    _/                             /          
|  |   |  |  |                __/                             ==|              
|__|   |__|  |              _/                             ===__|            
             |            _/                          =====  /                 
             |           /            ======         =     _/                  
             |       ___/         ====      ==     ==     /                    
             |    __/                         =====      / 

The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

<I hadn't even realized we had passed the one minute mark. Yeah, I'm an idiot>

Elrond's Personal Quarters(n)
^ Taorah: Whee
Last 20 comms are:
^ Taorah: Whee
^ Taorah cackles madly! Metrop is foiled!

Metrop Voronwie the silvan Deadly Shot (Hand of Eru) 
On for:  0s                               Gender: male
Age: 27d 20h 12m 34s                      
Can be mailed: Metrop@Thranduil
Info: The Army of the West wants you! (80 intuition)        (AotW) 

^ Metrop: COMM
^ Metrop: FIRST COMM
^ Taorah: IS LATE
^ Taorah: Haw haw!
^ Drizzet: hrm forget the revolution thing.....it never happened!
^ Eliajhc: ALRIGHTY
^ Metrop: NONONONO
^ Lithalae hahs.
Metrop tells you: I'll get you...
You tell Metrop: :D
Tuned to the comm line are:
Arahon, Athin, Celith, Chantry, Chord, Citadel, Delvar, Detriz, Douglas,
Drandul, Drcayngel, Drizzet, Drnnivel, Dworkin, Eliajhc, Fimbu, Fingolf,
Foldan, Hamonk, Kharash, Korbin, Leopold, Lithalae, Lordevil, Maelg,
Malakan, Mandrill, Mersover, Metrop, Monet, Nagash, Otoron, Scat, Shabba,
Sivion, Spartan, Stubble, Taorah, Tevildo, Titanicus, Udine, Vallejo,
<No Melkor on the list, even if he's online. So I tried anyway>

^ Taorah: So Morgoth. What about that flaying?
^ Melkor: yes, taorah, i will forgive that transgression.
^ Taorah: Whee!
^ Melkor: .. in favor of leprosy.
^ Taorah: w00t!

^ Melkor: nah.
Drnnivel tells you: Really?
Drnnivel tells you: Dang.
^ Melkor: have fun all, nite nite
^ Taorah punches Melkor in the FACE!
^ Someone gasps
^ Melkor: hrm. dont get too big for your britches
^ Monet: probably not the wisest move
^ Melkor can still throw lightning bolts with the best of em.
^ Taorah doesn't want lightning, just leprosy.
^ Melkor: as you wish
The shadows mysteriously swirl together, taking the form of Melkor.
	A large room stretches before you, elegantly but spartanly furnished.
A large bed leans against the east wall, covered with delicate pillows and
blankets. To the west, a large window overlooks the valley, bordered by
flowing curtains which billow in the breeze.  A small, but elegant rug lies
in the center of the room.
    The only obvious exit is north.
 Melkor the Dark Lord          [unholy eternal]
Melkor waves Aldagnir at you, and you suddenly feel your flesh begin to rot!
You grin at Melkor widely.
You eek !
Melkor says in Westron: enjoy
Melkor smiles.
You say: How long does it last? ;)

You tell Drnnivel: Got leprosy
Melkor says in Westron: forever
Melkor says in Westron: or until removed.
Drnnivel tells you: *roll*
You grin widely.
You hmm thoughtfully.
Melkor waves.
Melkor's eyes glow red as his form dissipates into shadow.

<look taorah>

 Cloaked in thick grey robes that look to be of some kind of fur, this
Noldo looks quite relaxed. Extremely relaxed, as if he hasn't done
anything worthwhile in hours, at least. He's probably been standing or
sitting around all day. The most strenuous thing he has done, likely, has
been strumming his harp idly. What a life he must have to be able to
 peacefully rest in Rivendell every day he lives, enjoying the sacred
light of the secret valley of Imladris, last haven for the Noldor. His
hair is a light grey, his face wrinkled, but his eyes still sparkle with
love for the world of Middle-Earth.
<GASP! A new part to my desc? I didn't put this here!>
His face and arms are covered with large open sores.  A moistness
seems to cover his skin, most likely due to the oozing of puss from
the leprosy.

You realize that the person before you is stricken with the worst case
of leprosy that you have ever seen.
You briefly feel pity
for the leper, but decide to put it out of its misery instead...

^ Taorah has leprosy!
^ Taorah = Thomas Covenant - angst

Lithalae tells you: Hahaha.
^ Drnnivel: Very sad.
^ Someone: congrats there taorah, now we all have a reason to stay away