"We asked 10+ ainur, it's not harassment"

Posted by
Zelindo [legacy]
11 May 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

A followup?

You inflict Morgul guard with unfathomable amounts of pain!
Morgul guard falls to the ground.
Morgul guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
Morgul guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
Morgul guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
Morgul guard is in critical condition, very close to death.
HP:200 EP:226
There is no corpse here.
HP:200 EP:226

        00000000          00000000      77777777777777777 
       00000   000       00000   000    77777777777777777 
      00000    0000     00000    0000  7777       777777 ===========    ##
     00000     0000    00000     0000 7777       777777 ###################
    00000      00000  00000      00000          777777 ##############
   00000       00000 00000       00000         777777  ##(   //
  00000       00000 00000       00000        7777777        //
  00000      000000 00000      000000       777777  --------/
 00000      000000 00000      000000      7777777
 00000     000000  00000     000000      7777777
  0000    00000     0000    00000       7777777
   000   00000       000   00000        777777
    00000000          00000000          777777
Jonah has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
Morgul guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
You decide to put Morgul guard out of his misery.
HP:200 EP:226
There is no corpse here.
HP:200 EP:226
The might of Aiglos dominates Morgul guard, before he gives in to the darkness.
You killed Morgul guard.
Morgul guard has died.
^ Massa: Didn't they sing that to General Sherman?
Jonah was nuked at 00:02 05/11/04
Jonah the silvan Soldier (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 10h 14m 4s                           
Info: Back from the whale baby!!! 
Nuke Reason: harassment, multiple user.rules violations
HP:200 EP:226
a black chainmail shirt : Ok.
a long, iron head spear : Ok.
HP:200 EP:226
^ Yonse: ooh, I like that one!!!!!!!!!!
^ Zelindo: One biblical figure down.  Tons to go.
HP:201 EP:222
^ Zelindo fists!
HP:201 EP:217
                  /|      __
                 / |   ,-~ /
                Y :|  //  /
                | jj /( .^
               /       Y
              jo  o    |
             ( ~T~     j
              >._-' _./
             /   "~"  |
            Y     _,  |
           /| ;-"~ _  l
          / l/ ,-"~    \
          \//\/      .- \
           Y        /    |
           l       I     !
           ]\      _\    /"\
          (" ~----( ~   Y.  )
Malachi has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ Massa: Haha!
^ Massa: That's two.
Malachi was nuked at 00:02 05/11/04
Malachi the edain Gladiator (Moral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 15h 47m 58s                          
Info: Listens. 
Nuke Reason: harassment, multiple user.rules violations
HP:202 EP:218
^ Kriel: fdl  Zelindo fists!
^ Zoso: that's two bibilical figures
^ Pounder: now... which main chars did they have:)
^ Undertow: third times the charm...
^ Zoso: there's still Whale. Nuke the whale :)
You can sense that the black clouds over the field are lessening slightly.
Whale the silvan Tree-hugger (Impartial) 
Last on: 11d 17h 45m 22s ago.             Gender: male
Age: 1d 10h 7m 22s                        
HP:204 EP:220
          | \        /|
          |  \____  / |
         /|__/AMMA\/  |
   \   |MVKMMM/ .\MMMMM\           Good
    \__/MMMMMM\  /MMMMMM---          Morning!
    |MMMM/. \MM.--MMMMMM\/
    /\MMM\  /MM\  |MMMMMM   ___
   /  |MMMMMMMMM\ |MMMMMM--/   \-.
  /___/MMMMMMMMMM\|MM--M/___/_|   \
       \VMM/\MMMMMMM\  |      /\ \/
        \V/  \MMMMMMM\ |     /_  /
          |  /MMMV'   \|    |/ _/
          | /              _/  /
          |/              /| \'
                         /_  /
                         /  /
Isaiah has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ Zelindo: Fdl.
HP:204 EP:215
^ Undertow: heh
^ Zoso: wow, he had a thing going
Isaiah was nuked at 00:03 05/11/04
Isaiah the silvan Squire (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 10h 9m 10s                           
Info: Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. 
Nuke Reason: harassment, multiple user.rules violations
HP:205 EP:216
^ Huvintude: lots of 10 hour level 4 chars
^ Drnnivel: I'm starting to see a pattern here...
^ Spartan: they are good
                            _-      _--______
                       __--( /     \ )XXXXXXXXXXXXX_
                     --XXX(   O   O  )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-
                    /XXX(       U     )        XXXXXXX\
                  /XXXXX(              )--_  XXXXXXXXXXX\
                 /XXXXX/ (      O     )   XXXXXX   \XXXXX\
                 XXXXX/   /            XXXXXX   \__ \XXXXX----
                 XXXXXX__/          XXXXXX         \__----  -
         ---___  XXX__/          XXXXXX      \__         ---
           --  --__/   ___/\  XXXXXX            /  ___---=
             -_    ___/    XXXXXX              '--- XXXXXX
               --\/XXX\ XXXXXX                      /XXXXX
                 \XXXXXXXXX                        /XXXXX/
                  \XXXXXX                        _/XXXXX/
                    \XXXXX--__/              __-- XXXX/
                     --XXXXXXX---------------  XXXXX--

                                YOU'RE BUSTED!!!
Tomasis has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
Tomasis was nuked at 00:04 05/11/04
Tomasis the sindar Archmage (Heroic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 16d 58m 22s                          
Info: May my honor smash you like a potato! 
Nuke Reason: harassment, multiple user.rules violations
HP:206 EP:217
^ Zelindo: YEAH!
HP:206 EP:212
^ Hobson: HAHAHAH
^ Hobson: WOO
^ Rajje: hahaha
^ Huvintude: there we go!
^ Rorry: cheer
^ Pounder: noooo:(
^ Pounder: i wanted to kill him first;(
Draugluin has been removed from your enemies list.
HP:207 EP:213
^ Zoso: never heard of him
^ Huvintude: and dighi too?
Draugluin has been added to your friends list.
HP:207 EP:213
^ Hobson: me too actually :(
   _am,    ,_am,  ,_g_oam,    _am,   _g_ag,   _am,   koewkovg   _mm_
 ,gF  @._-gF   @-"  jf   @  ,gF  @  ^ NX  #_,gF  @     jf      qK  "
 8Y      8Y    d   j#   jF .8Y  ,d   dY     8Y   d    jf       *b,
jK   ,  jK   ,N   jN   jF  :K  ,Z  ,jF     jK  ,Z"  ,jfk,       dN.
 NbpP    NbpP    dP   dFk_o8NbpP"V^dF       NbpY"V^"dF "dYo-"*h,W"
                        :8K  j8

        You're dead.
Dighi has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ Rajje: And you wanted to kill him Huvintude
^ Undertow: aww...messed up the....oooh!  more
^ Psykosis: WoOT
^ Zelindo: Draugluin has been removed from your enemies list. > Draugluin
     has been added to your friends list.

> Later

HP:161 EP:211
             $$**********************$$L. \\\\\\\\\/
    $**$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$****$******$
     ~~ $$$    %%$$$$$$$%%    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$****$
         $$$   %%  $$$  %%   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#$$*$
         $$$       $$$      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$*#****$
         $$$$$    $$$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$$$*#*****$
      $&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#########$  ---< Where's the KA-BOOM!
     $&&&&&&&&&&% ~T$$$$$$$$$$$$$$T~********$        There was supposed to
     $&&&&&&&&T'       OOOOOOOOOOOO********$        be an earth-shattering  
                     OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO                     KA-BOOM!!!
Spiderman has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!