Balris twice, Zennie once.

Posted by
Alkath [legacy]
12 May 2004 00:00:00
Player Kill

Balris attempted Armath when he was afk in Rolan's party, Armath unafk'd at 65hp :P Locked them up with a couple of nice people (in short, non-AotWU's). AotWU sucks, come get me, you failed your last bang :) ::RotWU::


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    20 May 2004 16:51:52

    Does daddy let you drink, BOY?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 May 2004 14:53:37

    Yeah Calen, I actually remember that. Let's revive that.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    14 May 2004 06:39:59

    Sarys, the scary thing is that there was once an in character hottest male/female contest ;P

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    13 May 2004 20:06:50

    We already have Rhoads pic, isn't he cute? xD

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    13 May 2004 19:45:21

    Hmm. I think we should have some kind of T2T hotornot, then vote Mr and Miss Best RL Looks of T2T, and it'll be geeky as hell, and it'll suck.

    God yes.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    13 May 2004 19:33:49

    Alkath... well BOY, maybe you're ugly I'm not ;-)

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 May 2004 19:28:00

    And, btw,

    'Alkath.. You know you //talk// alot. when it's //writing// eh?'


  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 May 2004 19:27:32

    Aww, Caberkins! I was only kidding! Hence the 'meh, sorry.' Because if you'll note, I never commented on the log myself. See, I was being hypocritical in my comment! :(

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 18:32:26

    stfu betus ur lookin ugleyr then me in rl LOL

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    13 May 2004 15:49:13

    No, it's not necessary bad... in fact it's pretty funny!

    Betus, the liberal ;-)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    13 May 2004 15:46:50

    I think we should just... send Polk to a NY nightclub and let him find out for himself :P

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    13 May 2004 15:42:41

    Wait, so dragqueen is something bad?

    *grrs at Alkath*

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    13 May 2004 15:32:51

    I'll tell Polk by MSN tonight what a drag-queen is (if Aravor allows me ;-)

    Aravor & Caber, great comments! keep them coming!

    Rajje & Alkath, all discussions about RL here have gone insane (remember Iago), better keep them in ICQ, MSN or by phone (it's just a suggestion)

    For all bad-calling, bad mouthers, bad spellers, bad, bad, BAD! boys / girls / gays / drag-queens / hermaphrodites / asexuals here... I love you all }:-D

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    13 May 2004 14:16:57

    Alkath=drag queen. There 'nuff said!

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    13 May 2004 14:05:56

    In all the flaming here, did anyone bother to tell Polk what a Drag Queen is?

  • Author
    Aravor [legacy]
    13 May 2004 14:05:12

    Caber: Nice comment. Slightly above average. Some cool things here and there.

    I'm sure you can do better.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    13 May 2004 13:32:27

    I'm sorry, Zelindo, I wasn't aware that we had to comment on all aspects of a log these days. Is it cool if I submit my report to you by Monday, sir? *salute* But here you go:

    Lockup. Cool. Balris, ouch! Died twice! That hurts!

    Is that better? If I just throw in a comment with something everyone else has already said?


  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:59:49

    Except me.

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:43:24

    anyone and everyone!

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:42:58

    Who me? ;)

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:37:07

    bitch :P

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:36:59

    if i didn't like you i'd call you a bitch irl :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:02:45

    Now, I'm going to shut up about this crap, because it's bullshit we should just ignore and put behind us. Bye.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 11:01:59

    My point is, I didn't not call you a 'turk', sure, my friend did, read through your log again. Sorry, I've never seen you in real life. And if you call me or my friends like that, what, you want me to say like, 'fuck you moron' and shit like that? I DO NOT KNOW YOU. I tried to be nice with you, since I try to keep RL from the mud, but if you call me for what a friend of mine did on the mud, well, what can I say? Hypocrite?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:56:39

    Talk alot of bullshit Alkath? Why because you and some swedish guy was racistly harrassing me? Well hell. Be lucky I just called you.

    You dare todo alot of shit here. But when you see me in rl you don't even dare to look at me, as well as all the guys living in your town. They dare alot here, but no one dares in the face. They call you names here, but not in rl? And then people tells me dont bring this into rl. Well screw you. When they call me 'turk' refering to it as 'nigger' etc etc. They are not calling rajje that, they are calling me that. So take your best shot at it. Call me it face to face.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:49:30

    You know you talk a lot of bullshit in the phone, Rajje? I guess you're going to call me soon again and show how grown up you are.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:48:56

    Alkath.. You know you talk alot. when it's writing eh?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:40:14

    Well, I sure hope it wasn't sexual gay reasons! Let's pray it wasn't! :P

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:26:26

    Gay like stupid gay reasons, or gay like sexual gay reasons?

    Because if it's gay like, you know, sexual gay reasons, you should post a log.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:22:26

    Then why do you lie about it? Why do you call me (for gay reasons) and say that?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:13:43

    Alkath I am Patrick. You have any problem with that?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 10:10:37

    Hey, Rajje, there's a guy Patrick, he said you're a female in real life.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 09:54:45

    Yeah, I'm such a pussy, I know. I should consider suiciding after hear such bad words from Harper and Rajje, you hit a weak spot...

    bye arda.... have fun without me....

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 09:26:50

    hahaha ;) there is a reason for that Harper ;)

    rotfl lmao ;) nice one though

  • Author
    Harper [legacy]
    13 May 2004 09:24:50

    alkath, just because you take it like a woman doesn't mean you know how a man acts :P

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 09:06:28

    heh. nice someone sticks to be a man, good balris

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    13 May 2004 08:29:51

    By the way, Balris, you acted very cool, you weren't like, 'FUCK YOU MORON' or some lame shit like that when I locked you again, you were all cool. Props for not being a moron and taking it like a man :)

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    13 May 2004 07:05:47

    Nice log. Prolly didn't drink cause he was full or something. Or forgot he had it...Double taps are still silly.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 May 2004 06:08:35

    Wow, why the hell didn't he drink it?

  • Author
    Gloar [legacy]
    13 May 2004 04:49:34

    Should have drank ulmo

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:13:21

    Hey, nice job!

  • Author
    Ellsabiea [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:08:05

    For Once i agree with Pounder, quit the name calling and ego stroking and grow up. Good hit guys on them, and yes Balris made a dumb mistake, but thats how you learn.

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:04:48

    Meh, sorry. :P

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:04:40

    What about the rest of the log, Caber? :P I see you can comment on a five word statement, what about the whole log?

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:03:57

    Nice words, I think I heard them from Magneto not too long ago on one of the log..

  • Author
    Daimen [legacy]
    13 May 2004 01:00:50

    If you don't die, you suck. Every decent player has to die from time to time, which means he's willing to take risks. Nice log!

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    13 May 2004 00:10:16

    oh and i cant spell from that one two posts ago *off

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    13 May 2004 00:09:02

    yeh ansaril, your right... was silly :(

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 May 2004 23:59:47

    fuck of gnork, i am not a newbie, fool

  • Author
    Kelesh [legacy]
    12 May 2004 23:17:51

    *covers Alkath's huge mouth with a medal*:P

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    12 May 2004 23:05:10

    I dont really get why people just have to spit in eachothers faces. Though it was quite stupid by Balris to go back into a lockable room to get his gear. Should have thought twice on that one.

  • Author
    Deornoth [legacy]
    12 May 2004 22:21:17

    Amruin = Own. Yes sir.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 May 2004 22:16:33

    I think alot of people posting in this thread seem to have an Ego. Magneto put it best, people die, you can't just become a super pk'er without killing at all and then expect to be good. If you learn from it then thats what makes you a better player. I learned (see log above) that I really need to make a system for basic target following when I have hunter. Again, if I were to ignore the fact I should have followed through at least one of the breaks I missed, then I am a shitty player because I dont' adjust. And no offense, but I would rather see logs like hmm... i can't remember names but one like the log of the two assassins (grimscar and someone else?) trying to kill each other in mordor and both nearly dying or something. Logs where people push the envelopes and not just lock door, <kill target with 4 people> or, player 1-4 attack one person, or 4 people attack me i break wow. Woopie, no risk.:) Anyways, for shits sakes please stop the name calling? Its a skill modifier, namecalling = -15 charisma.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    12 May 2004 21:46:49

    *reads log description* Wait, Alkath dodged a gangbang? Someone get this kid a fucking medal, please.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 May 2004 21:38:44

    Dude, I bet that looks really really stupid, lol

  • Author
    Kelesh [legacy]
    12 May 2004 21:18:54

    *grinz AotWUishly*:)

  • Author
    Zelindo [legacy]
    12 May 2004 20:42:49

    He said cunt :)))))

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    12 May 2004 20:36:27

    Haha, god damn Flare, you're one to talk about inflating self-confidence. Aren't you the fucking clown that posts logs of you killing newbies and of you getting attempted by two-mans? 'HAHA OMG LOOK! I BROKE A TWO MAN PARTY! READ MY LOGS! HAHAHAHA! OMG! I KILLED SOME VC NOOBIE! PRAISE AotWU! WE'RE REALLY GOOD!' Fucking cunts.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    12 May 2004 20:29:28

    Good job, but be careful with the lady, attacking the ladies of Rohan isnt something nice :(

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 May 2004 19:06:12

    What, nobody knows to make yourself busy when you're hitting that woman? Good thing you didn't kill her, I hope one of those rangers came to heal her afterwards at least. :P

    And may I just say that we all can't learn like Magneto cause we all don't have friends to give us all their settings.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    12 May 2004 18:23:16

    and Udungul has the sexiest member.


  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    12 May 2004 18:16:05

    You can all say what you want about Amruin, but it's a fact that we have the sexiest AGM in all of Arda. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    12 May 2004 18:07:29

    I wont read everything, but Zennie, really, comparing my guild to clan while being in one of the shittiest clans in Arda is offensive! Hah, what a joke :P

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:32:55

    Flare, I am no one? I am as much as you and everybody else. Where is it written that you cannot speak if you're nobody? Flare, you are in fact no one since you create new chars when you please in an attempt to hide your feeble and weak identity. Please don't tell me I don't have room to speak again.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:26:14

    mmm... with strong sauce

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:19:03

    Kbeba is really good, specially when it comes from human flesh

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:15:35

    Hahaha, Yes you are so gay Alkath. Now let's go out and eat some kebab.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:14:01

    Gnork, you're a noone. Shut up.

  • Author
    Rajje [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:10:07

    Well said Magneto, couldn't have said it better. Or you make a female char and go flex your muscles so people say 'Good job'

  • Author
    Magneto [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:09:11

    Erm Alkath grow up, kid. AotWU sux ... we are RotWU and bullshit after bullshit. Childish stuff. They died cause they tried. Thats how people learn. Thats how I learned earlier. You get killed and you kill and you gain experience. And afterthat you either become a good player or you become an Alkath.

  • Author
    Rolan [legacy]
    12 May 2004 17:01:07

    Yes Reeth only Flare?s log 0wns r0xx0r l33t here, we all suck. so be it.

  • Author
    Reeth [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:56:28

    Flare, surely every log you and everyone else has posted on here is in some way you 'spitting when you have done something good'

    This whole site is about trying to show that your enemies suck (well, for like almost all the logs, except treyzs of course :P)

  • Author
    Rolan [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:47:22

    oh damn , Flare is here and he now sucks too for talking so much, oh damn and he just came to say, they kill Kenny! You bastards!

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:42:45

    I think it's clear to everyone who has a bloated ego here, and more so he is having troubles handling the truth. Obviously you are trying to deny the fact that basically every auqtwoe (I can never get it right) is an inexperience player which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Okay, that might not be the fact, but it's a fact that Alkath & Co just killed two newbies.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:30:18

    flare has hit the nail on the head

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:29:26

    What you did is pump your already way too high self-confidence only with words. Like a little kid shouting 'HAHA, I DID IT, IM THE BEST THEY SUCK'. And the worst thing is that you believe yourself.;)

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:25:15

    People die, shit happens. When they die this does not necessarily mean that they 'suck'. Neither does it mean that their clan 'sucks'. They don't even need to be newbies to die. When you learn not to spit when you've done something good you'll maybe stop sucking. Maybe.

  • Author
    Naith [legacy]
    12 May 2004 16:05:29

    I wonder who Very Sexy could be... It's an almost unsolveable riddle.

    Or at least it would be, if it weren't for the 'Spot the Deliberate Mistake' clue.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:56:21

    What's a dragqueen?

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:54:22

    of course i have to rate this 1 :P

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:45:28

    omg lol, well, u died I diddent so fu.

  • Author
    Zennie [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:42:34

    Cause it sounds like something that comes out of someones nose

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:41:23

    Why is my name fucked up? :(

  • Author
    Rolan [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:40:13

    Oh yeah my clan sucks so what

  • Author
    Zennie [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:40:05

    I call it a clan, cause it isnt worthy of the guild status

  • Author
    Zennie [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:39:27

    Hmm.. Rolan i wouldnt be calling anyone newbies when your clan has to be the shittiest thing iv'e ever seen

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:32:57

    but yeh, i should've seen the lockup coming.. *mutter*

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:32:01

    that is gnork.. make up shitty replacement names from AotWU when you have one of the most fucked up names on this mud.

  • Author
    Rolan [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:29:28

    Oh damn Alkath why you didnt tell me that they were newbie. now i feel bad.

  • Author
    Lithil [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:29:26

    You involved me!:D

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:23:10

    The other newbies weren't on!

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    12 May 2004 15:21:59

    Can't believe you killed two newbies from Autoqwe.