You say in westron: hey you motherfucker why u kill me Anonymous figure says: ahahahaha You say in Westron: fag Do: commands started plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains ugly orc You say: OK! You say: DIE NOW FAG ORC You attack Orc! Orc miss you you hit orc orc hit you you hit orc Orc has died. get all from corpse short sword: OK orc2shop Do: begin command plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains plains shop A shopkeeper sell sword Shopkeeper say: Hi Welcome. You get 55 gold. Do: command start plains plains plains plains plains plains Trainer is here cost I can train you in: attack 234 aim 141 doge 51 train 5 dodge You train dodge. study You level up congratulations and welcome! Trainer says: Welcome to ur level. Anonymous figure attack you from behind! Anonymous figure PWNS J00 WITH MASSACAR $ OMG PLZ WTF You are not member plz stop use of $. Anonymous figure KILLS YOU. You die. You say: wtf fag Anonymous figure says: ahahahahahaha You say: fuck u i kill u with alt Anonymous figure says: ahahaha wtf????? is good log tho